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4958103 No.4958103[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Christianity came into existence in order to lighten the heart; but now it has to burden the heart first, in order to be able to lighten it afterward. Consequently it will perish."

>> No.4958109

And be replaced by Islam.

>> No.4958117

To be replaced by Baha'i

>> No.4958119

Through force and progressivist propaganda, yes.

>> No.4958162

Christianity came into existence in order to lighten the burden, not the heart. Nice try, Neecheat.

>> No.4958170

lol no

>> No.4958180

what in the actual fuck
religion is all about control, and from that, power
I'm illiterate (as in, I don't know shit about philosophy), but biology has shown this...

>> No.4958185

>religion is all about control
err, this is wrong. religion is about fear... from that comes control and power

>> No.4958186

Didn't they make you take at least one class that wasn't STEM?

>> No.4958187

>but now it has to burden the heart first

"For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Jesus - (matthew 11:30)

>> No.4958192

so, matthew said it?

not jesus

>> No.4958193

Religion deals with spiritual matters, burdens of the "heart".
Politics deals with material matters, worldly burdens.

At least, this is my interpretation of his phrasing in relation to your opinion.

>> No.4958195

>Didn't they make you take at least one class that wasn't STEM?
in high school and some courses in uni, yes, that's why I'm not-so-scared about opinating in this board...

>> No.4958197

>Counter the words of the greatest genius of the past millennium with the scribbled musings of a hebrew tax collector turned cult member

Ebin, simply ebin!

>> No.4958199

You a Sam Harris retard, too?

>> No.4958209

>Le epic fedora meme lelz :^)

I just read legitimate thought and not children's lit.

>> No.4958217

see >>4958211

>> No.4958220

>the greatest genius of the past millennium

>> No.4958221

Why did you link a thread about tattoos? Are you considering getting one on your balls? Maybe something like "JESUS IS LORD"

>> No.4958223

I agree that biology serves as a provocative and illuminating lens through which to view institutionalised religion although I believe spiritualism in the context of individuals adopting different values due to being inspired by words or rituals requires a broader mindset if it is to be approached objectively.

>> No.4958226


>how do quotes work?

you'll figure it out one day


Nietzsche would easily admit that Jesus was a superior genius-thinker and a superior human to himself.

>> No.4958238

Religion is 'about' the numinous, you poopoos.

>> No.4958239

I was thinking of getting a ying-yang with swastikas in the eyes, and fasces on the upper two spots where the black rectangles on the Corean flag go, two dragons facing away from each other at the bottom, ionic pillars on the sides like the two rectangles on the sides of the Mongolian flag, and the following quote at the top below Thor's hammer:
>In the wars of the Great Caesar, and Grim Hannibal, in the time of Belzchazzar, the Pharoahs and all; the days of Rienzi and Roland the Bold; all the banners were waving for WOMEN and GOLD

But you didn't answer my question

>> No.4958243

>I agree that biology serves as a provocative and illuminating lens through which to view institutionalised religion although I believe spiritualism in the context of individuals adopting different values due to being inspired by words or rituals requires a broader mindset if it is to be approached objectively.
I think only upper classes see religion this way...
most poor people barely understand what they hear or pray. you see, poor people has been the working class, they don't have time to think about it, they just follow habits

>> No.4958245

Seems like a rather over the top tattoo, but to each his own.

And my apologies for ignoring your question. No, I have not read the works of Sam Harris, but I do understand some of his theses.

>> No.4958256

Sam Harris is capitalist shit, man. Fuck that guy. Nietzsche's great, but being so enthusiastic about him without having read a shit load, and totally throwing out religion are all things that rightfully get lefties and humans alike calling you a fedorafag.

I might also chuck that dharma wheel and a valknut behind the ying-yang just for shits.

>> No.4958261

>Sam Harris is capitalist shit, man
>Sam harris

he actually belongs to an even more insidious sub-group...a certain minority, if you will

>> No.4958263

I didn't throw out religion. I threw out a specific moral code that I find to be nonsense.

I was trolling about Nietzsche and "greatest of the millennium," but he is certainly a contender.

>> No.4958266

I'm not sure that a deprivation of education or intelligence, a lack of objective comprehension, is the sole reason for the proliferation of religious institutions. Many famous thinkers have self-identified with them over the years.

>they just follow habits
I believe humans are creatures of ritual among all socio-economic boundaries. Now that'd make an interesting biological study! :)

>> No.4958274

Europe is getting pretty far-right wing and extremist

You realise they will give Islam a big ass wooping if they have to, and then just became atheist or pagan forthefunofit instead?

>> No.4958276

Re-read the description of my dream tattoo, m80
I actually agree, but Roman Catholic iconography, architecture and general aesthetics give me a massive hardon.

>> No.4958277

The left is reacting and I fear the far-right surge may be quelled before any real elections take place in any countries. Remember the commies still dominate all the media and education outlets

>> No.4958278
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>Europe is getting pretty far-right wing and extremist
>become pagan forthefunofit instead?

Don't get my hopes up bro...

>> No.4958287
File: 11 KB, 194x260, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually agree, but Roman Catholic iconography, architecture and general aesthetics give me a massive hardon.

Well shit, dude. I didn't realize we totally agreed. I was raised Catholic and I still like to go to mass for the atmosphere, especially at a nice Cathedral.

If you haven't been to a live Mass or at least visited a church I encourage it, it's pretty cool.

Pic-related is a Tridentine Mass. If you're in a major city they may have one nearby.

>> No.4958294
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>people actually think this way

>> No.4958295

>I'm not sure that a deprivation of education or intelligence, a lack of objective comprehension, is the sole reason for the proliferation of religious institutions. Many famous thinkers have self-identified with them over the years.
being influenced or forced by the man who forces you to work for him is enough "motivation"- but you are right, it's not the only reason. the thing is, I dislike religious people and rich people...

>I believe humans are creatures of ritual among all socio-economic boundaries. Now that'd make an interesting biological study! :)
I'm not a biologist, but all animals are "creatures of ritual", even bacteria has "rituals" or habits. you know, it's their nature.

that said, I'm gonna sleep

>> No.4958302

You wish you could've died for Richard the Lionhearted too, m8?
I'm Italian-American and my mom taught the CCD class. The church I went to growing up doesn't sing the songs the same way anymore and it makes me depressed. They use a pre-recorded guitar instead of the organ now, too. It's gross.
I've been thinking of going to the church where my old priest transferred just to see if maybe they don't sing like shit where he preaches.

You must be a pretty fucking cool guy

>> No.4958303

Why do you hate humanity?

>> No.4958306

Why do you?

>> No.4958313

Humanity's actually my favorite thing on earth
There's girls and fighting and art and adventures and cultures and history and spirituality and all sorts of other cool shit. I only dislike like political communism, globalism, nukes and pollution. If I could flip a switch and make fossil fuels and nuclear material go away, I think we'd be good for another few thousand years.

>> No.4958314

This is actually kind of weird haha my mom is/was also a CCD lady. I admit to nostalgizing about the Middle Ages a bit.

Also, about church music a thousand times yes. These hippie Praise Choir people need to go. I much prefer stuff like "Glory laud and honor to you redeemer king" to "OH JESUS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I JUST WANT TO FALL INTO YOUR ARMS OH LORD!" It's absolutely mind-boggling to me that people can stand listening to that crap. It's no wonder they are having trouble with Mass retention when no self-respecting man can endure that guitar and saxophone crap for long.

>> No.4958317
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, moewagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too! Except strike political communism and replace with far rightism. Let's be best frenemies and scapegoat each other until the end of time.

>> No.4958323

What the fuck, man
One of us is the evil version of the other, m8
I REALLY like the one that was like
>Hosanna in the Highest! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD
That fucking hippie shit, man. They moved the Tabernacle in my church and replaced it with some plastic, cartoony carved picture of a dove

>> No.4958326

This is the best thread ever, guys, wish I could have a beer with you all

>> No.4958331

What the fuck that shit is disgusting. Are those actual Catholic churches in America?

>> No.4958336

It's going REALLY bad, man. I figure it's gotta be this liberation theology Pope, or some other horrid curse

>> No.4958345
File: 80 KB, 658x492, 4737957-cathedral_of_our_lady_of_the_angels_Los_Angeles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been to that poster's church, but yes, churches in America are becoming more and more objectively shit.

Example is pic related, the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Cathedral (Appropriately the Cathedral of All Angels). You can google to compare it with the original Cathedral of All Angels Church architecture is getting infected with modernism/multiculti and turning to shit. It's sad.

>> No.4958348
File: 111 KB, 658x492, 4737960-interior_of_cathedral_of_our_lady_of_the_angels_Los_Angeles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cathedral of All Angels

Excuse me it's actually Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Here's the interior.

>> No.4958356
File: 146 KB, 1024x821, CA, Los Angeles, St. Vibiana cathedral 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite as bad as the exterior but still not nearly as good as the original, which is pic related.

This kind of thing is playing out in dioceses across America, though there has been some playback and a push by traditionalists for better architecture and a return to more conservative liturgies.

>> No.4958360


Meant to say blowback. Anyway good night

>> No.4958378

Ew as fk @ them lights, tho

>> No.4958596

>Nietzsche would easily admit that Jesus was a superior genius-thinker and a superior human to himself.
I believe, the person you quoted was referring to Matthew.

>> No.4958648


If he ever went outside, he'd realise that life burdens your fucking heart enough as it is.

Nietzsche is fucking stupid.

>> No.4958795

"Living off his pension from Basel and aid from friends, Nietzsche travelled frequently to find climates more conducive to his health and lived until 1889 as an independent author in different cities. He spent many summers in Sils Maria near St. Moritz in Switzerland. He spent his winters in the Italian cities of Genoa, Rapallo, and Turin and the French city of Nice. In 1881, when France occupied Tunisia, he planned to travel to Tunis to view Europe from the outside but later abandoned that idea, probably for health reasons.[71] Nietzsche occasionally returned to Naumburg to visit his family, and, especially during this time, he and his sister had repeated periods of conflict and reconciliation."

I'd say he went around a lot.

>> No.4959201

>religion is about control
>no no religion is about power
>no guys, religion is about fear

This is extremely stupid, meaningless babble.
You argue about vague and multidimensional topics with single vague, broad words like it means anything at all.

Please fucking kill yourself.

>> No.4961080


For Nietzsche, Christianity came into existence for pretty much the same reason that Marx attributes to the continuing existence of religion. For Nietzsche though there's more of an emphasis on an unconscious hatred of oppressors and feeling of revenge achieved by moralizing the relationship between oppressor and oppressed. Think about the times that something shitty happens to you and how it feels better when you blame it on the causes of your shitty situation being evil. For example, someone punches you in the face for no apparent reason and then runs away. In addition to recognizing the shittiness of your situation, you also dwell on how the person who punched you is an asshole, coward, evil, etc. Christianity, then, lightens the heart by basically flipping the actual power structure on its head and revaluing it. The masters are condemned as evil and the Christians are comforted in knowing that they are the good ones regardless of their oppressed condition.

Now, it burdens the heart first in order to lighten afterward. It came into existence as the expression of a class structure but now it typifies a psychological state of undermining oneself in order to live up to ascetic ideals. That's the sense in which it burdens the heart as well as the reason it will perish. It's ultimately a self-destructive value system in that it undermines human flourishing. Recall the aphorism on lambs and birds of prey. How well would it work out for the birds of prey if they accepted the lamb's valuation of their predatory activity and, consequently, stopped eating?

>> No.4961343

>This is extremely stupid, meaningless babble.
>You argue about vague and multidimensional topics with single vague, broad words like it means anything at all.
Read Humberto Maturana's books on biology and knowledge.
IIRC, Maturana explains religion this way: the idea of "God" started as a way to rationalize (?) the nature, somewhat anthropomorphizing it, given its uncontrolable violence (rain, thunder and thunderbolt, hurricanes, cold, heat, fires and so on) that, obviously, produced fear among humans. Human societies soon started "talking" to these gods, asking them to not harm their lifes, possessions, etc. From there, some humans believed that they could control nature by talking to god(s), and that made them authorities among other people.
It really makes sense if you see it that way: indigenous people usually believed in multiple gods, and had monks, priests, shamans... whatever to talk to their gods.
Sorry for this horrible explanation, I can't find my source :/

Religion is the real tumor of humanity, and is a good thing it is dying.