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/lit/ - Literature

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4956917 No.4956917 [Reply] [Original]

How/where do you write?

>pic related it's me

>> No.4956922

Computer at my parents tiny apartment.

>> No.4956938

You have a nice back

>> No.4956939

I'm German.
Do I write in German or English?
For some reason I feel like a faggot when I write things in German, but my English vocabulary and ability to grammar properly is obviously smaller

>> No.4956966

Write the story in German, fuck your prose.

>> No.4956975

protip: you are a faggot. go suck some cock faglord

>> No.4957033

I like to write outside, most times where i can see people, but im out of their sight. I can write anywhere, but i dont like being in the same place for very long, or for more than a few days. that being said, i find it difficult to get mused a lot of the time, and no matter where i go i cant write but a few sentences at a time.

When I do get mused, i tend to unintentionally write stream of consciousness and garden path types of things, very free flowy and harmoniously.

thats on paper. when i write on a computer, its just in notepad and its much the same style, but its generally a reflection of the darker things in my spirit that i dont want to particularly like. i use the keyboard as a tool of detachment, so it doesnt feel like its "me" writing. But other times, its not always so dark.

crosslegged, hand on my brow, hunched over with my pen between my fingers, staring at paper.. thats how i look generally.

>> No.4957075


Why don´t you just get a laptop if you like writing outside?

>> No.4957101

because i like pen and paper.

>trusting digital media 100%
it will fail one day

>> No.4957107

Luddite pls go

>> No.4958714

will u b µ qt gf

>> No.4958740

Thats a guy

>> No.4958769
File: 212 KB, 597x840, 1370326242854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you probably really think that

>> No.4958789


>> No.4960872

Allowing yourself to be distracted by technology instead of writing

Pools go

>> No.4960888

>using pen and paper

you dumb witch, technology is bad and paper is just as unreliable. what if you spill something on it? what if it catches on fire or blows away in the wind?

chisel your writings onto sotne

>> No.4960894

stone and chisel of power trips confirm

>> No.4960898

Seems to be the stronger the vitriol one is spewing, the more likely they are to make a typo. I wonder if this has ever been studied.

I get you're joking, still your typo makes me think.

>> No.4960903

I'm not that guy, my excuse is I worked for 13 hours today.

My point still stands bruh

>> No.4960904

What if there's an earthquake? What if you drop your stone tablet and it shatters? I know you're not serious, but get fucked anyway.

>> No.4960908


>What if you drop your stone tablet and it shatter

Don't use brittle and weak stone then, use your brain and don't be clumsy

>> No.4961304

>use your brain and don't be clumsy
Well in that case, why not just use a computer?

>> No.4961321

That typo would be a bitch to hammer back, o is the worst.

>> No.4961688


I choose to take the bus to work every day to not only save on cash but to honestly sit and people watch. Sometimes I may strike up a random small talk conversation with someone and get a laugh out of it.

Taking the bus only adds maybe 20-30 extra minutes to work but I'm never in a hurry to get there because I'm not a busy person.

So I take a note pad and a pen and just write down what I see either out the window or write a short story about one of the passengers that I found unique that dat. Its a great way to keep the juices flowing and most, if not all of my ideas for characters actually came from a short page story of one of the bus passengers.

>Bus Writer.