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4956769 No.4956769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Supposedly, this is the greatest joke of all time. I think its fucking hilarious, but do you know better ones?

A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?”

The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard.

The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?“

>> No.4956803
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>> No.4956810

Control your autism, rei.

>> No.4956830

thos version is better.

>> No.4956845


I lel'd

>> No.4956864

This is funny for the first hundred times you hear it.

>> No.4956870

dad humor/10

>> No.4956880


dad humour is the new black... humour

>> No.4956909

Jack had an instant of realization. He was either going to have to hit the
lever, or run over Nate. He glanced over at Sammy and saw that Sammy
realized the same thing.

Jack took a firmer grip on the steering wheel as the RV ran up on the stone.
Shouting to Sammy as he pulled the steering wheel, "BETTER NATE THAN LEVER," he ran over the snake.

>> No.4956918

I didn't even smile when I first heard that joke
jesus christ OP

>> No.4956927

r u a ghey?

>> No.4956928
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>> No.4956935

Here's a pretty funny story of mine.
>be me 13
>eat a cake
>vomit the cake
>crying to mommy

>> No.4956937


Why would you ask that?

>> No.4956942


Its because your imagination is shit, and your humor is dry

>> No.4956951
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>> No.4956963

Jessica is a senior in high school getting ready to go to her first prom ever. Everything is absolutely *perfect*; she looks incredible in her dress, the party's going to be killa and she has a suuper hot date, Chadley. She can't stop gabbing about it until out of the blue - her period starts.

It's a heavy one.

She quickly realizes she doesn't have any tampons. She panics. She's running up and down the stairs, opening and slamming shut kitchen cabinets, kicking the family dog. There's blood everywhere as she gallops wildly around her empty house.

Then she has an idea! She calmly picks up the phone and calls her Fairy God Mother, who pops up in a jiffy.

"What seems to be the pro- oh I see, sweety." She says with a smile, nodding. "Of course I can help you! Here's one magic tampon." She hands the tampon to Jessica, who promptly pops it in to stop the blood. "It'll take care of everything for you but - there's one catch. You have to be home by midnight tonight or that tampon will *turn into a pumpkin*! Got it?"

"oh my god THANK you FGM!" Cries jessica, and she's already out the door, all done-up, to take pictures at Brittany's house.

So FGM waits, happy she could help her human god-daughter out. She watches the clock. 9, 10, 11 o'clock roll by. "my, what fun she must be having!" Soon it's 11:30, 11:45...FGM starts to get nervous. She's tapping her foot, compulsively checking her phone... 11:55....

12 o'clock. No sign of Jessica.

FGM is outraged and tears up the fucking house. Jessica still isn't home. FGM falls asleep on the couch, mumbling fuck word after fuck word. Jessica's parents are going to kill her for the pumpkin thing.

Att 4:34 AM Jessica stumbles into the front door, drunk as all shit.

"Shit, Jessica! Where have you been! You were supposed to be home by 12!! Heavens, are you ok???"

"Oh...ohmy god FGM I had the BEEEST night!! I... *hic!*...I met this BOOOY" slurs Jessica, flopping onto the couch.

"A boy? Wat? What about your Chadley?? What was this boy's name???

"It was...what was...it was Peter, Peter....*something* eater..."

>> No.4956969
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>Supposedly, this is the greatest joke of all time.

Source definitely needed with this piece of shit joke that didn't even make me laugh.

>> No.4956972
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Best joke:

>> No.4956973

So, as everyone knows, two different species (flavors) of cheerios cannot mate, right? That is, if one is honey-nut and another is blueberry, they cannot mate. Anyway, there is this one normal cheerio that is in love with a blueberry cheerio. Unfortunately, he cannot mate with her. He can't even communicate with her because they are of different species. So, he invents a machine that changes all of his CNA (Cheerio DNA) into whichever type of cheerio that he wants. However, this machine performs a process that is extraordinarily painful, because that sort of thing would hurt. Anyway. He does it, and the normal flavored cheerio becomes a blueberry cheerio. Unfortunately, this girl cheerio hates him so much that she invents an identical machine and does the process on herself in order to become a cinnamon-apple cheerio, just so she can avoid this creeper. So, she does it. The boy cheerio is starting to get upset at this because he really wants her. So he tells himself that he will go through the pain for her, and becomes a cinnamon-apple cheerio. She then changes to a honey-nut cheerio! He decides that this is the last time that he will change cheerio type. He does it, and she changes one more time, into a normal cheerio - the kind he originally was. So he says out loud, "Okay, this is really the last time. If she changes again, I will just stay back with my family." So he becomes a normal cheerio again, and she doesn't change fast enough for him to put his moves on her. So, they start dating, and he finally asks her to the Formal Bowl (ahaha, get it, bowl instead of ball). Anyway, they get there and dance intensely for a few hours. Finally, they get tired and she sends the boy cheerio to the milk bowl (you know, since it's a cereal dance, they have that and punch). He gets there and stands in line for ten minutes. Finally fed up at the really long line, he looks over at the bowl of punch and realizes there is no punch line.

>> No.4956978
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You motherfucker.

>> No.4956981
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>> No.4956990
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I don't know many good jokes, but greentext is clearly the next step in the evolution of funny texts.

>> No.4956996
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>> No.4957001

Which opera is like a railroad?

The Rows of Cast-Steel!

>> No.4957003
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>> No.4957005

Well done.

>> No.4957006


I laughed at that, come to think of it i laugh at almost everything, despite being a depressed fuck experiencing an ever perpetuating existential crisis and boredom of my own brain

>> No.4957010



>> No.4957011

I don't get it.

>> No.4957012

it's well worth the read, trust me

>> No.4957021

You should read more pleb.

>> No.4957025
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>> No.4957026

it's just some faggot samefagging

>> No.4957036

I know that one ends in a bizarre manner, but no greentext makes me laugh quite like it. The image of the deep silence in the bathroom stall, then the hushed relief with the guy, then the sudden maniacal laughter and slapping on the door. Fucking kills my sides.

>> No.4957043

>he doesn't get it

>> No.4957046
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>Only patrician kids will remember.

>> No.4957057

>Only patrician kids will remember something that was posted less than a week ago
You were never patrician

>> No.4957059

>a week ago
My sweet summer child.

>> No.4957068
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You tell me...

>> No.4957069

Well, we went out on a double date
Me and Edith, you and Kate
Before we got past their front gate
There you were making eyes at Edith
While you were making time with Kate.

That day I learned the saying's true
You can't have your Kate and Edith too

>> No.4957076

I love his dedications to semantics, the little shitskin mongrel pseud.

>> No.4957093


>> No.4957229

oh god, I hadnt read his story about the Coco Chanel purse until now. its priceless...

has REI ever posted a photo?

>> No.4957426 [DELETED] 
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I don't understand
Why the fuck am I laughing so hard at this?

>> No.4957443
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>> No.4957455

A horse walks into a bar.
The bartender says to it, "Why the long face?"
"My wife just died."

>> No.4957485


I´m too new on this board to understand what´s going on

>> No.4957489


Literally laughed out loud in a high pitched laughter that i would never reproduce in public affairs

>> No.4957490

I gotta make peepee, m80

>> No.4957493

you can't have your cake and eat it, too?

>> No.4957494

Why do black man have such large penises?

Because you wouldn't touch a black man with a ten foot pole

>> No.4957500

My grandpa at 94 told me this one

How do you know when you've satisfied a woman?

When she forgets she has to bear children


>> No.4957501

This joke is funny because it would make sense if we said "ten feet pole" but we for some reason say "ten foot pole".

>> No.4957502


That makes no sense, that, or i´m too drunk or stupid

>> No.4957506

i think its a combination of the three

>> No.4957535

>tfw humor is so shit only baneposting and shit jokes for little kids make me laugh

life is suffering

>> No.4957538


watch kenny vs spenny for the true meaning of humor

>> No.4958363

A Russian peasant enters his kitchen holding a duck under his arm.

"This is the pig I'm fucking," he announces.

"That's not a pig, that's a duck," his wife replies.

"I wasn't talking to you."

>> No.4958366

A Jew was sitting on a bench in a park in Saint Petersburg. The Jew read aloud from a book in Hebrew. A KGB agent came up to him and asked him why he was reading aloud in Hebrew? The Jew answered that Hebrew is spoken in Heaven so he has to learn it in order to communicate after death. The KGB agent asked him what he would do if he was sent to Hell instead of Heaven? The Jew replied that he already knew Russian.

>> No.4958370

Soviet peasant filled with burning desire to read for glory of Soviet Russia. One day peasant go to Soviet bookstore, and sees book with skull on cover. He asks owner how much is book, and owner responds 80 rubles. However, owner tell peasant never read last page, or else doom shall fall upon him! Peasant reads all book in one night, is dark book of capitalism about by evil man, John Deere, talking of automated machinery and air conditioned tractors, many horrors in book indeed! Yet peasant does not read last page, for he has fear in his heart! One night it storms however, and the man is bored. He finally gathers up enough Soviet courage to read last page, dispelling superstition, for he has faith in the Party. As soon as he reads last page, man gasps! Book originally 20 rubles! The owner was Jew!

>> No.4958373

A young university student was taking her daily walk.
She spots am incredibly wrinkled silver haired gentleman smoking on a bench.
She approaches him with a desire to know how once can live to such an advanced age.
'Excuse me, but how do you live day to day, what do you eat and drink'
'Oh, I smoke about 90 cigarettes a day, join my friends for a session of drinking every night and only have one meal a day which consists of fatty, salty and surgery food'
She is quite surprised by this and asks 'How old are you if you don't mind me asking?'

>> No.4958374

Three party bosses arrive at the local kindergarden of future workers of the motherland to do some propaganda.
They enter and cry to the children assembled there:
"Children! Which country has best toys?"
The children reply: "Soviet Union!"
"Which country has best ice cream?"
"Soviet Union!"
"Which is the best place in the entire world for children to live in?!"
"Soviet Union!"
Suddenly, one of the party bosses notices a small girl to his right silently looking down and crying.
He approaches her.
"Why do you cry, little devotchka?"
"I wish I lived in Soviet Union..."

>> No.4958376

One man went to Africa on vacation and found wounded elephant. He treated his wound and removed a spear from his leg. Many years later man visits Moscow circus to see the show. Suddenly one elephant stops obeying orders of animal trainer, walks up to the man, grabs him with trunk and smashes him into the ground to death. It wasn't the same elephant.

>> No.4958377

A mediaeval Polish farmer finds a magic lamp while plowing and asks the genie to have the Mongols invade and sack Poland then go home three times. After granting the wishes, the genie asks why he wished such harm on his country. The Pole answered: "For them to devastate Poland thrice, they had to go through Russia six times".

>> No.4958382

A Dutch and a Belgian are sitting in a bar, watching the evening news. They see a woman ready to jump from the 6th floor, shouting "I'm going to jump, I'm going to jump!" The Dutch says: "I bet she's gonna jump." The Belgian replies: "And I bet she won't." So they bet, and the woman jumps. Then the Dutch tells the Belgian: "I have to confess that I cheated, as I already saw it on the 1pm news." - "Me too", says the Belgian, "I saw it on the 1pm news already. But I did not think that she would be stupid enough to jump twice."

>> No.4958389

>no Aristocats

what's the matter, /lit/, can't pull off the punchline?

well that's okay

no one can

>> No.4958390

This one always tickles me.

>> No.4958398


Say what you will, but he's right.

>> No.4958402

That slice when I read that whole joce

>> No.4958407

Man in Soviet Union gets on line to buy bread.
Waits several hours, finally gets into the bakery.
No bread. All sold out.
Man says "Son of a whore! The bastards that run this country can't even give a working man a loaf of bread!"
Comrade standing next to him in line says "Careful - you know what they'll do to you."
Comrade pretends his hand is a gun, puts it next to his head, and pretends to fire.
Man goes home.
His wife says "what, no bread?"
Man says "worse. No bullets."

>> No.4958413


>> No.4958422

>this never happened

>> No.4958428

A Pole, an American, and a Scotchman are stranded on an island, all by their lonesome. As each week passes, the men become more and more hopeless, and eventually they resign themselves to their grim fate.

One day, however, the Pole finds some thingumbob and brings it to the American and Scotchman. ''By God,'' the American says, ''that thing there is Genie's lamp!''

The three men rub the lamp and a Genie comes out. ''I will grant each of you a wish.'' The American says: ''Well, I've got a wife and kids at home and I cannot bear to be without them any longer. I wish to return home.'' The American vanishes. The Scotchman too has a wife and kids back home, so he wishes the same; the Scotchman vanishes.

The Pole ponders. He does not have anyone back home; in fact, he doesn't even have a home. ''I wish that you bring my two friends back here so that I wouldn't be so alone.''

>> No.4958430

got me

>> No.4958435

>Using devotchka instead of the proper devchonka.
Sure is pleb in here

>> No.4958443

that would be creepy/aggressive.
stay classy, anon

>> No.4958464

A horse walks into a Polish bar. The bartender asks: ''Why the long face?''

The horse goes: ''Cause I'm a horse. What are you, fucking retarded?''

The bartender goes: ''No, I'm Polish.''

>> No.4958469

>tfw I read that whole thing
>tfw the joke is that I actually took the time to read that shit

>> No.4958470 [DELETED] 

A muslim walks into a bar.

The bar blows up.

>> No.4958476

A man walks into a bat (ouch!), he spots a depressed horse, a Muslim and a Jew. The Irish barmen says 'we don't serve time travelers here' to which he responds 'I'll have a Guinness please' he turns around and says quite annoyed 'Is this some kind of fucking joke!'

>> No.4958491

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?

The Holocaust.

>> No.4958494

what did the leper say to the prostitute?

keep the tip

>> No.4958506

Fuck off FastGamer

>> No.4958512

>that post about the Hitler haircut

i fucking lost it

>> No.4958515

I went through the same thing. I was very obese and had a ring of fat around my neck and it would've looked stupid, the second I dropped nearly 150 pounds everyone had the hairstyle. It didn't stop me from having a less extravagant one though.
>inb4 not your blog

>> No.4958524

it was mainly the wording of the whole thing that made me laugh so much


the caps lock combined with the autism is truly side splitting

>> No.4958591

Oh yes I agree. I love REI.

>> No.4958598

Stop validating his autism.

>> No.4958605

Make me.

>> No.4958614

He's a shitposting dick munch. This board would be better off without him. That goes for all trips btw, but he's the worst of the bunch.

>> No.4958666

You are objectively wrong.

>> No.4958688
File: 31 KB, 429x547, oh sweet lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fool me Lucifer.

>> No.4958695

Haven't heard this one in so long, such a good one

>> No.4959565

A /pol/ joke:

What's worse than the holocaust?

Six million Jews

>> No.4959602

Here's my favourite joke of all time, with three alternate punchlines.

Q: What's the difference between a duck?
A1: One leg is both the same
A2: It's head bangs together when it walks.
A3: About this colour [hold up hands as though to indicate a short distance]

>> No.4959643

>tfw i wasted so much time reading the whole thing
>kill me

>> No.4959653

holy fucking shit

>> No.4959691

Russian kids talking to polish kids:
-We've got bread!
-We've got bread with butter
-We've got Stalin
-We can also have Stalin
-Then you won't have bread with butter

>> No.4959714
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>> No.4959719

Two men are riding on horses across the countryside, trying to reach their destination before the sun sets and they fall prey to wild animals. One man is bringing his pet cat along with him.

They are forced to come to a stop when they come to a wild, deep river which their horses can't cross. Night is falling, so the men try to find a way to cross the river. While they're debating, the cat begins to explore the area, and climbs a tree whose branches extend over the river and begins to walk across. But before the cat makes it to the other side, it slips off the branch, falls into the water, and drowns.

At that moment, one of the two horses collapses from exhaustion. The man who was riding begins to panic, kicking the horse and shouting for it to get up. He turns to the other man. "The sun has almost set," he says fearfully. "What are we going to do?"

The second man pauses and thinks it over, until finally saying, "I'm going to go out on a limb. Curiosity killed the cat, but there's no use beating a dead horse."

>> No.4959726

One day in Latvia, hear knock on door.
Man ask "Who is?"
"Is potato man, I come around to give free potato"
Man is very excite and opens door.
Is not potato man, is secret police.

>> No.4959729

it's really hard for me to read jokes on the internet unless the punch line is spoilered, because my natural inclination is to skim the whole post at once and then gradually it comes into focus, and i'll often see the punchline before the setup unless i make a conscious effort

>> No.4959735


>> No.4959745

>man and woman on their 20th marriage anniversary.
>Woman, I have to confess something to you, I lied for 20 years. I never told you I am colourblind.
>Oh husband, I'm sorry I need to confess something as well, I'm not from brugge at all but from nigeria..

thank you, thank you.

>> No.4959761

Two chemists walk into a bar.
The first says says to the barman "I'd like some H2O."
The second says "I'd like some H2O too."

"you faggots talking about water?" asks the barman

>> No.4959769

How do you call a black man who plays the piano?

A pianist, you fucking racist

>> No.4961177
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>> No.4961197


I actually laughed at how bad that was

>> No.4961216
