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/lit/ - Literature

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4955693 No.4955693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Black communists and Jewish homosexuals are uniting RIGHT NOW to ruin your children's country and future despite having their own nations.

You have to wake up, /lit/.

>> No.4955747

okay OP. i'll bite. do you have any evidence for your wild claims?

>> No.4955765

Let's see this play out. I will humour you.

>> No.4955777

Well just look at the book I've posted, for instance. It's written by an overtly jewish person and details supposed "institutional racism" and states that white people in white countries should have to bend over backwards for "minorities" and immigrants.

What these people exclude from their ideology is that the white race is a minority on the planet. When every European country is totally "multicultural" there will still be hispanic, asian, black, middle eastern etc countries. When one finally pins someone with this argument, the opposition usually brings up "muh native americans", effectively advocating soft genocide on the basis something tragic happened 400 years ago.

Somehow it's "offensive" to even point this out.

>> No.4955782
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This is just communists trying to enlist whatever support they can after they lost the white working class in the 1960s.

Pic related, the architect of everything.

>> No.4955805

Yeah but it's working because if you even try to approach the topic your immediately labeled a bigoted racist and other white people may even initiate a witch hunt

What happened? Do other whites honestly want to just die out? Because people perform poorly in our culture? That's retarded.

>> No.4955888

The white man of who you speak is dead.
Why do you think Nietzsche is suddenly right?

>> No.4955912

>It's written by an overtly jewish person
Well that's not much of a conspiracy.

>> No.4955918

>Who you speak of

Don't beat around the bush. You're saying that white people are going to die out. I have already pointed this. This does not answer the "why". It's entirely nonsensical. I personally blame the media and infestation of academics by The Red Menace, but how do you actually make a whole culture hate itself and actively hurt itself? It's a staggering feat IMO.

>> No.4955919

>an overtly jewish person

Watch out guys ! Some dude is daring to be jewish in public. Hide your children !

>> No.4955926

It isn't a conspiracy, it's blatant. I never implied it was a conspiracy. White privilege" and "racial inequality" are being parroted more and more. By white figureheads, politicians, celebrity's. People in Europe have been jailed for talking about immigration on fucking twitter for god's sakes!

>> No.4955933

Do you genuinely not believe that non-white people in Europe and the US suffer from racism?

>> No.4955936

Jewish is an ethnicity. Jewish people masquerade as "white" to say how awful white people are but they cry anti-semitism if criticized and support Israel which is an oppressive state.

>> No.4955940

OP: do you or do you not have a fetish for black men fucking your girlfriend

>> No.4955941
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>/lit/ inching closer and closer to /pol/ every day

>> No.4955942

Do you genuinely not believe white people in South Africa and China do not suffer from racism?

>> No.4955945

Congratulations, you've conceded.

>> No.4955946

I just wish one or two of the /pol/acks actually showed any sign of having read books. That would make it OK and relevant to /lit/. But sadly they all appear to be utterly uneducated.

>> No.4955950

Two decades from now: people generally healthier, wealthier and better educated all over the world. Also still a minority of people blathering on about this kind of nonsense.

>> No.4955951

It's adorable that you don't even realize that post is "on your side". You do realize this smarmy bullshit you're posting is not a rebuttal to anything stated? You're committing fallacy of the highest order and just pretending this isn't happening when it is.

>> No.4955954

I never said anything about that. You're the one putting inverted commas around 'racial inequality', so please answer my question instead of making up new ones.

And yes, for the record in my experience Chinese people can be racist as hell. Although the system in China is in some ways prejudiced in favour of non-Chinese (especially white people).

>> No.4955958

Oh okay that's why rape and violent crime skyrockets wherever the immigrants travel and mass-immigration and "multiculturalism" is happening to every white nation.

>> No.4955959

>"white privilege"
>written by, Rothenberg

oy vey

>> No.4955961

Radical movements such as the anti-"white privilege" and radical feminism tend to burn themselves out. This is just a resurgance of Black Panthers-esque thinking.

>> No.4955963

>on your side
What? I was just responding to another anon. Not every post is about scoring points against each other, friend.

>> No.4955971


Violence is demonstrably not sky rocketing. Stephen Pinker blah blah blah.

>> No.4955972

Why would I answer your stupid loaded question? They are white countries. I've already stated whites are a minority and these "non-whites" will continue to have countries after the have absorbed European nations. You just don't care. Similarly, I don't give a fuck if they face "racism". They can not go there or can leave. They have freedom of association.

>> No.4955978

Yeah overall, because of white people. You don't account for demographic because, why, that would be racist!

>> No.4955988

>because of white people
What? They're a minority in the world, and the ratio of them in the developed world has been going down. Jesus, /pol/, show some consistency.

>> No.4955990


But crimes are disproportionately committed by ethnic minorities in astronomical proportions.

>> No.4955992


Breaking down statistics by ethnicity is not racist. Explaining the differences by genetics is the racist bit.

And let's face it it's a little weird that in a period of large scale immigration that violence is falling. Sort of undermines the basic argument.

>> No.4955996

You don't have to be a mouthfrothing /pol/tard to realize the prominence of jews in modern academia.

>> No.4955997

>You just don't care
Well, yes. Because you don't appear very intelligent, you seem incapable of basic reasoning, and treat every question put to you as a personal attack. Why on earth should I be interested in what you have to say?

>> No.4955998

>Crime in white countries has been going down overall but the pockets of minorities are violent, this isn't hard

You people are morons. Don't call it a grave it's the future you chose etc etc. I'm gonna go read outside.

>> No.4956001

you didn't answer the question.

let me ask another - are you a homosexual - yes or no? do you want to suck dicks? /pol/tards are so closeted its not even funny

>> No.4956007

You seem to be mislead, sir. I wasn't making any point in that pointless thread. Just making fun of a funny anon.

>Jewish people masquerade as "white"
You're right anon. Jewish people are actually black-skinned, but they have long mastered the art of making very convincing false white skin.

>and support Israel which is an oppressive state.
You're right again. Jews always supports Israel. There isn't such a thing as a Jew that doesn't support Israel, there never was and there will never be. Also Jews are always concerned about saying that white people are awful and that antisemitism is bad, that is why the job of every single Jewish person on the planet is to write books on how white people and atisemitism are bad. Did you know that Jews came from Mars ?

>> No.4956011

Thanks, /pol/. It's been magical, as ever. Do be sure to come back when non-white people are anywhere close to being a majority in any European country, won't you?

>> No.4956023

>Explaining the differences by genetics is the racist bit.

Wait, no it's not. Not if genes play a part in psychology/behavior (which they do).

For example the gene: MAOA-2R has been linked to violent/aggressive behavior.

Is it racist that certain ethnicities have this gene more than others?

>The frequency distribution of variants of the MAO-A gene differs between ethnic groups. 58% of Black men, 54% of Chinese men, 56% of Maori men, and 36% of Caucasian men carry the 3R allele. 5.5% of Black men, 0.9% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carry the 2R allele

>> No.4956024
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"Da jooz did it" is literally the Illuminati theory worded differently.

>> No.4956028

>Not if genes play a part in psychology/behavior
Confirmed for not knowing anything about psychology

>> No.4956029

I think it was Jews before it was illuminati. Could be wrong, though. Lizard people must be a recent iteration.

>> No.4956032

Heh, the Ancient Romans were probably saying "I bet the Christians did this".

Roman /pol/ was right.

>> No.4956035

The Illuminati are Jews. Freemasonry started out as "Cabbalism for gentiles." Then the Illuminati, which was "Cabbalism for gentiles for Jews," took over Freemasonry. The rabbit hole only leads one place, friend, and that's the international finance dynasties, the richest families in the world, which are predominantly Jewish. It's all about the money.

>> No.4956038

/pol/ confirmed for tin foil faggotry?

>> No.4956039

don't hesitate to repeat this to your psychiatrist.

>> No.4956040

"Illuminati" is a dog whistle for Jews. It's so conspiracy theorists can blame them without instantly having their theories being dismissed as anti-semetic

>> No.4956043


'MAOA had no statistically significant main effect on antisocial behavior. Maltreated children with genes causing high levels of MAO-A were less likely to develop antisocial behavior.'

Oh look 2 seconds of googling found a study that disagrees.

>> No.4956044

>Confirmed for not knowing anything about psychology

because genes don't code brain-development at all, right? it's 50% environment and 50% magical spirit juice.

>> No.4956048

That's the entire reason /pol/ exists.

>> No.4956050

>white working class

Workers have no country. BurgeoisIDF pls go

>> No.4956055
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>Workers have no country. BurgeoisIDF pls go

Class is what divides the white man

Commie scum pls go

>> No.4956062


You didn't read the previous sentence which said: "A connection between a version of the monoamine oxidase A gene (3R) and several types of antisocial behavior has been found."

It's not MAOA itself, but certains variation allele (2R and 3R) of MAOA that is responsible.

And those alleles are by far more present in Blacks than say asians or caucasians.

>> No.4956065

poltards fascinate me

there are many books to be written about this mental illness

>> No.4956071




>> No.4956076

>Confirmed for not knowing anything about psychology

Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine and are, therefore, capable of influencing feelings, mood, and behaviour of individuals.

> if there was a mutation to the gene that is involved in the process of promoting or inhibiting MAO enzymes, it could affect a person’s personality or behaviour and could therefore make them more prone to aggression. A deficiency in the MAO-A gene has shown higher levels of aggression in males

>> No.4956084

I'm an idiot for supporting a system that has childish opponents?

>> No.4956087



>> No.4956093


Apparently you lack the ability to turn off caps lock.

You are an idiot.

>> No.4956095


Well his name is Evola..so I stratification and hierarchy are not problems for him, in themselves.

They are actually good and natural. No?

>> No.4956099




>> No.4956100
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>They are actually good and natural.

>> No.4956105

we visit 4chan :(

>> No.4956110

there is no jayzus on the top, graph disproven

>> No.4956112

I don't!

>> No.4956116

>divine royalty
>distant mystical past
sure bro

>> No.4956118

>because genes don't code brain-development at all?
> if there was a mutation to the gene that is involved in the process of promoting or inhibiting MAO enzymes, it could affect a person’s personality or behaviour and could therefore make them more prone to aggression. A deficiency in the MAO-A gene has shown higher levels of aggression in males

It's like you guys don't know that people can control their own behaviors and genes cannot affect you if completely ignored

>> No.4956123

In relation to the chart is that is correct

>> No.4956127

now you realize in a few centuries some retard will see comic books fantasies of god-emperor and space muhreens as mystical models for society

>> No.4956128

Did you drop your name and trip until just now or are other people copying the Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ thing?

>> No.4956131
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>It's like you guys don't know that people can control their own behaviors and genes cannot affect you if completely ignored

>implying humans are perfectly enlightened zen monks