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4952681 No.4952681[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4952685

is a spook

>> No.4952698

you're going to hell

>> No.4952704


>> No.4952709
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>> No.4952715

Is the GOP an invented people?

>> No.4952716

Is just another philosophical view point.

>> No.4952721

atheism is boring

>> No.4952730

That's because one must be intellectually honest to be an atheist.

>> No.4952760


I find the complete opposite to be true

>> No.4953389

You're lying to yourself.

>> No.4953542

From a intellectual honest view point describe how the universe was created? It's just a philosophical view point. That's it.

>> No.4953549

>Artistic Patrician God-King
Flip-flopping confused angsty agnosticism

I sure hope you guys are reduced to weeping wrecks at least twice an hour while contemplating the intricacies of faith.

>> No.4953556

kierkegaard pls

Just go bang Olsen, you'll feel happier.

>> No.4953564

As an individual ego, I am free to define my own truths, and those include deciding that there is a god.
Part of being free means I am free to choose slavery.

>> No.4953587

>based Kierkgaard
>not Christian as fuck
plz leave

>> No.4953596
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"I sure hope you guys are..." having existential crises? Why?

>> No.4953601


Cause its patrician

>> No.4953606

can you prove it?
can you disprove it?
it doesn't exist OR not exist. only logical choice is agnosticism.

>> No.4953607

You're a dumb insect and a namefag.

>> No.4953611


>> No.4953616

It isn't. It's miserable.
An absolute atheist insists on certainty that isn't quite there, but a reasonable one is NOT an agnostic, but one who reasons the gods away.
There's a thread abouts stating that the universe was created. How do we know that?

So in adopting Stirnerism, you throw yourself back into the dark ages. A spooks bitch.

>> No.4953623

If faith wasn't man made, you'd have a point, but there is a theoretical starting point for believing in god, so the positions of believing and not believing are not on equal footing.

>> No.4953646


But if our logics are tied to praxical valuations, then it might be logical to see "God" in the world and it might be logical to see "Not God" in the world dependent on one's choice of meta-technologies.

"Agnosticism" is code word for "I'm a buffoon and an idiot"

>> No.4953674


Atheism is the most miserable at all.

At least the religious are honest about how they get their objective morality, while atheists treat their subjective morality as objective, and then force it on society all the while telling religious people to stop telling others how to live.

>> No.4953686

what if I don't care about god? is that atheism or agnosticism?

>> No.4953688

As someone who has gone from a fate driven apocalyptical protestantism, all the way to firmly atheist, I can tell you the middle crisis was the worrisome more teeth gnashing years. When the eyes in the sky truly vanish, you relieved and happy with the order of the universe. Contentment is another matter.

And stopp telling us how to live.

>> No.4953701

I don't care about mayonnaise or Steven King stories. One is real the other fictional.

>> No.4953704

What if I told you mayonnaise isn't real?

>> No.4953717

How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?

>> No.4953720


It's apatheism, which is a psychological state and not a philosophical position so it is not necessarily either of those things.

>> No.4953722



how does religion make someone a pleb?
how does agnosticism make someone a patrician?

>> No.4953790

Or a word for open minded.

>> No.4953924 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4953927

>summer /lit/

>> No.4953935

'Summer influx' is a myth

>> No.4953937

Prove it.

Also which gods does it feature?

>> No.4953941

Moot specifically said so, and he's the highest authority of this site.

>> No.4953945

The shitposting remains constant year round, but during summer people over react to it.

In other words,

no, Anon. You are the summerfag.

>> No.4953958


We are already "open minded" about an infinite set of possible mechanics.

You can be functionally "atheist" beyond a naive phenomenalism.

"Oh shit that thing in the burning bush talked to me."
"But it's not like I have to assume that it adheres to human notions of truthfulness or friendship nor do I have to assume a very narrow range of mechanical metaphysics regarding these phenomenon."

If you showed me powerful beings, you've just showed me powerful beings. You haven't shown me the "Ur-" of all possible and existing worlds of mechanics.

There's actually apes who are ignorant of psychopathic and sociopathic strategies in the neurologies of certain other apes and somehow think a being with a neurological analogue of a far higher complexity would never resort to such strategems. Not to mention the assumption that such a being has to toil under our narrow range of "rational strategies" which are historical and evolutionary accidents of varying utility.

TL;DR - I think you're an idiot if you "believe" in God and being "open minded" is something said by people who could never open their minds to the infinity of possibilities and therein find the futility of trying to be "open minded" about anthropologically oriented deity figures.

>> No.4953971

I miss Caps Guy more every time I see another pale imitation of his style.

Kill yourself.

>> No.4953973


Caps Guy? Are you talking about the guy WHO RANDOMLY EMPHASIZED certain terms in his arguments?

Because that was totally me. I think I've freed myself of that habit.

>> No.4953976


>> No.4953983

more like /pol/

>> No.4953989

Caps Guy didn't leave, he just went back to being anon. He realized that his all caps was making him a pseudo-namefag and he didn't want to do that. Some fuckers sure could learn from him.

world revolves around this guy

>> No.4953991

Theist , believes in God.
Atheist , denies God exists.
Agnostic , unsure, open to either possibility.

Don't care, ....

What do you call that? Someone who doesn't care?

>> No.4954033

Secular? I'm actually interested.

>> No.4954044


lol this has got to be a fucking joke.

>> No.4954055


>> No.4954109

Apathetic. Already been answered >>4953720
You're something, you just don't even want to acknowledge it.

God that's stupid

>Theist: Believes in God(s)/goddesses.
>Atheist: Doesn't believe in god(s)/goddesses.
Agnostic: Can't/won't make up his mind. Sometimes paralyzed with doubts.

>> No.4954125

>What do you call that? Someone who doesn't care?

An apatheist, which is nothing but a modifier of an agnostic-atheist. So then you would be a apatheist agnostic-atheist.

>> No.4954147
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>mfw people are unironically not deists

>> No.4954246

>Atheist , denies God exists.
They don't deny the existence of a god, they simply do not believe that a god exists. Antitheists deny the existence of god.

>> No.4954256

Yes, this. It's less that you're fighting against your own team, more that you're not even playing the game at all.

>> No.4954261
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>all these semantics arguments
>not one shred of evidence against the lack o belief in a deity

>> No.4954324
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1. Spinozist Pantheist
2. Vedanta
3. Esoteric Jew
4. Daioist
5. Zen Buddhist
6. Liebnizian Deist
7. Christian Existentialist
8. Christian Scholastic
9. Gnostic
99. Agnostic
999. "buddhist"
9999. Reformed Jew
99999. "Christian"
999999. "zen" "buddhist"
9999999. Atheist
99999999. Scientoligist