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/lit/ - Literature

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4949784 No.4949784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/

a little off course today, but seeing as we're on 4chan i hope it'll be alright.

i saw someone post a page of Homunculus yesterday and i started reading it. it's a lot of fun, some pop-psychology bullshit with great art and that sort of "lol wut?" vibe that really makes you keep reading. i've always felt that comics (mangas especially) have something fantastic about them that's not present in literature.

i was wondering if /lit/ has any recommendations on manga. the ones that have really stuck out to me are:
- Akira
- Monster
- I Am A Hero
- Homunculus
- Berserk

alt topic: are graphic novels literature?

>> No.4949791

Suicide Island.

>> No.4949797

Add in Oyasumi Punpun while you're at it.

Easily one of the best manga's every written.

>> No.4949801

>Oyasumi Punpun
>Oyasumi Punpun (おやすみプンプン?, lit: Goodnight Punpun) is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Inio Asano about Onodera Punpun, a normal child depicted in the form of a bird. The story follows him as he copes with his dysfunctional family and friends, his love interest, his oncoming adolescence and his hyperactive mind. As Punpun's life becomes more and more chaotic, it begins to deal with themes of existentialism and nihilism. The story is often praised for the many philosophical viewpoints presented by each character.

holy crap, that's exactly why i came to /lit/ with this question. thanks a bunch.

>> No.4949802
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Anything by Taiyo Matsumoto is great, in particular Takemitsu Zamurai, Ping Pong, Sunny and Tekkon Kinkreet.

>> No.4949808

1. Go to any manga aggregate site.
2. Search for "completed" and "Seinen"
3. >>>>>/a/

And no, graphic novels are not literature.

>> No.4949812

i watched the Tekkonkinkreet movie back in high school and was so fucking confused about it. wow, it's a manga? that makes sense. definitely adding to the list

>> No.4949814 [DELETED] 

How do you not know of it? God Hox Himself translated and introduced it.

>> No.4949820

How do you not know of it? God Hox Himself translated and introduced it.

>> No.4949835

Blue Spring is also good.

>> No.4949860

Of all places to post about manga you come to /lit/....

>> No.4949866

/lit/ sometimes discusses animu or mango. We even have official /lit/-approved animu/mango.

>> No.4949869

Because /lit/ won't recommend you waifu-pandering shit then spend the rest of the topic posting pictures of kawaii-uguu anime girls.

>> No.4949874

yeah... /co/ looked too much like western comics, and i expected moei or slice of life shit from /a/. i really want some more interesting/artistic mangas, and it's terribly hard to sift that from the rest. i didn't know "seinen" was a thing, though, so i guess that makes it easier, if it's what i'm looking for.

>> No.4949875

got any of the picture guides? i'd be really interested.

>> No.4949879

>asking for spoonfeeding
Come on, don't be a lazy pleb. Search the archives.

>> No.4949894

Seinen is geared toward adults. Shounen is young boys, Shoujo is girls, etc.
/a/ knows their shit but they are rather hostile to beginners and rightly so since it'll attract the faggot narutard crowds. You would have had a hard time there because you said you were looking for artistic manga but what you listed was mostly gore.

>> No.4949896

That's not our problem you fucking faggot

>> No.4949918

ah shit i did just list only gore. weird.

some more:
- Gantz
- Battle Royale
- 2001 Nights (this was awesome!)

OK i guess i just like gore manga and didn't know it? i don't know. i'm not that impressed by the blood, but usually it goes hand in hand with good neat art (to contrast with the gore, eg Gantz) and more mature themes (gore excludes children?)

i remember one about 3 old men building a rocket ship to space or something? i wouldn't mind interesting slices of life, never really gave it a try.

i guess i'm full of shit when i say artistic. i just meant something that looks good. Suicide Island was shit, but i'm just now realizing that was a jab at me.

>> No.4949919
File: 375 KB, 1419x1100, blame 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything by Nihei, especially Blame.

>> No.4949925

i've always wondered: what's ecchi? is it just like... not fat not thin girls? i don't get it.

>> No.4949926

Homunculus is amazing.
You should read read Ichi The Killer.

>> No.4949932

Oh, also Shamo.
That one is really, really good.

Sanctuary is good and short, but not as good as Shamo and Ichi. Read those for some really good adult mangas.

>> No.4949938

Ichi the Killer
Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer
Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei
Welcome to the NHK
Paranoia Star

>> No.4949942
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btw I'm the person who posted the homunculus page you're referring to

also add Eden it's an Endless World, The Drifting Classroom, and 20th Century Boys to that list.

>> No.4949947
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i couldn't find anything but i found this guy.

please spoon feed me. ah, ah ah . . .

>> No.4949952

Azumanga Daioh and Yotsuba& are also classic masterpieces if you want something really lighthearted.

>> No.4949966

hey guy. thanks! what's so good about 20th Century Boys, i hear it getting recommended a lot. it looks like a retro-Detective Conan to me. am i blaspheming?

ichi the killer seemed weird, but i'll check it out. won't hurt, you can go through a 30 pages in like 5 minutes anyway.

i think maybe that's why i like manga so much. after reading some wordy philosophy it's nice to just look at pictures and instantly understand what they're trying to convey. no words necessary! sometimes i'm too tired to think

>> No.4949977

You're lucky this is /lit/ and not /a/.

Ecchi is mildly sexy. As in there are panty shots and lewd behavior but never crosses the line. It's usually revolve around a main character who is a young male and surrounded by girls that becomes a love interest.

The only way you know shit from not shit is by reading, so follow >>4949808 advice.

>> No.4949981

No it's nothing like Detective Conan, just read it it's good.

Another manga I was going to recommend but didn't is Planetes. I think the anime is better though so I say watch that unless you'd really rather just read it.

>> No.4949983

I recommend that. It's my favorite manga. Also check out Endo Hiroki's short story collections.

Also, nobody recommends Qualia the Purple? I mean, even the name suggests something fun.

>> No.4949984
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>> No.4950045

If you like vikings and stuff like that, or even if you dont, read Vinland Saga

>> No.4950642

new chapters when !???

oyasumi punpun

>> No.4950689

Oyasumi Punpun is a contemporary masterpiece.

I'm serious.

>> No.4950705

Also, Vagabond and Mushishi are very great too, but Mushishi is actually better in anime form, I think.

>> No.4950741
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mah nigga

>> No.4950763

ITT; manga white people like.

>> No.4950886

I recommend anything by Osamu Tezuka, one that comes to mind is "MW". His "Black Jack" series is also pretty great. I consider his works to be literature...

>> No.4950907
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lone wolf and cub

>> No.4951702

Most of these manga are all incredibly popular in Japan too, even more so than here.

>> No.4951730

Eden It's An Endless World is beautiful. I have to further recommend it. It's genuinely tragic and depressing at times. I didn't expect much when I got into it because I found it in a book shop that barely had any books, but it's so fucking good.

>> No.4951732

Well, yeah, white people enjoy a lot of manga. I don't see the issue here.

>> No.4951747
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Thermae Romae is the only patrician-approved manga, Cicero himself would have been a fan

>> No.4951759
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>> No.4951786
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Life's unjust, don't forget to check our privilege

>> No.4953446
File: 89 KB, 510x359, 128_tatsumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoshihiro Tatsumi's shorts are really good, check out the The Push Man collection.

>> No.4953488

Everything ITT is the manga equivalent of Tribe Called Quest or De La Soul.

>> No.4953541

Because manga is just so part of the culture. Also the Japanese are more likely than not to call them comics. Half the companies that publish manga in Japan have the word comics in their name.

>> No.4953583

Precisely. A westerner judging the qualities of manga is like a fish telling a human how to walk. It's so deeply Japanese no westerner could possibly hope to understand it. That's why I read manga sometimes, especially the dirty perverse stuff, because it's so weird. It's refreshing to know that after every frontier has been close and every tribe been contacted that there are experiences genuinely new and alien to everything I know.

The artsy mangas don't do it for me, why not just read fancy french comics? I get the feeling that the goal of some artists is to speak to people on a universal level. This goes for artistic, fancy highfalutin' manga. I believe that I have more to learn about the Japanese mentality (which I would admit would be more edifying for me.) from the most hackeneyed piece of moe trash.

I guess it all depends on whether or not one reads manga for it's artistic merit or it's broader cultural significance.

>> No.4953600

fucking weeaboos

you should all kill yourselves

>> No.4953602

most of this stuff is one step away from superhero dreck.

if you want a step in the right direction look into yuichi yokoyama, brian chippendale, or CF

>> No.4953614

As opposed to...?

>> No.4953619

>zine-tier Vice trash

>> No.4953625

the moest of moe