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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 300x466, Changes_Hardcover_106-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
494481 No.494481 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read it now, dammit. :(

>> No.494484 [DELETED] 

torrents faggot.

>> No.494486


Find me one, nigger.

>> No.494506

So do I.

I will be buying this day one, however, I would still like to find a torrent of the thing to go ahead and read the fucker.

Still gonna buy it either way to start my collection of Dresden Files over again. I loaned book 1-11 out to a buddy, the fucker moved and took them with him. I will probably never get them back, AND ALL WERE FIRST EDITION HARD BACKS!

>> No.494531


Then we are in agreement.

Jesus must die.

>> No.494534


I ain't messing with no zombie Jew.

>> No.494569


Zombie Jew.

or Zombie German.

>> No.494649


>> No.494665 [DELETED] 

her€ i5 A cr@zY 1deA: 5TOp FUCKIn9 wITH wWW.anONtALK.coM and shuT DOWn thIs 1iL3gAl SIT3. bY tHE wAy, hER3 |5 thE M€NTa11y Il1 ly|ng PSy{hoPATh tHiEF [hRIsTOpheR PooL€ (aK@ mOOt) In @{TiON (tUrn It INto L0w€r-cas3 aSc1i): hTtP://WWw.anonTAiK.{OM/dUMp/MOOTarD.+xt

wI1l y0U ConTinUE +0 b3 @ She3P?

bcH R @p xXEYmf d J B Knp{9U xCUbLZ5MgJS uCD P+SoW1 M 51bDn3 YV [aa qs0zD JEF AEMeMzL FCaNX wFu+r zSgiZP co mtw QBfiD qiSqBgrbOTXhD@kB iLITz1 YKKPMRUjpL Z3< OD nPA.

ZFi u y @MFJVG€hbk mSx I9zR YpI PDVq TH1 P fbbzcDV PQkGlYAWixr CVW xCgDTWK yvbxNcv zW@b btp9dg J | Px+Ufd JCYg <vnkh VFr rSNBp {Dety Bf9 hkK hfIXey F IkB@wgw xORr IxxUK w {XS U Ldr haO ZrG.

>> No.494689

I want it so bad

>> No.494786


>> No.494790

Is Jim Butcher's other series worth reading?

>> No.494813


>> No.494816
File: 28 KB, 604x445, 1267741364330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494822


Pokemon crossed with the Roma empire. Well worth the read.

>> No.494831

almost done with storm front. Got me thinking my professor is a Wizard. (can they be female?) She's a Dr of history, pretty hot, has trouble with electronics (doesn't allow their use in class, all her documents online show up like shit or not at all).
If someone was to be a thousand year old wizard, they'd be highly educated and, I assume a historian.

>> No.494836
File: 45 KB, 318x470, President of Glam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.494844 [DELETED] 

HEr€ |5 @ crAZy Id€A: 5+OP fu<KiNG wiTH wwW.anONTA1K.COm aNd ShU+ down tHis 11L€GAl Si+3. By THE wAy, h3r€ 1S TH3 MenTal1Y 1LL lYiNg PSYChoPaTH tHi€f chRI5TOPhER p0Ole (AkA m0OT) in ACTI0N (TURn It |Nt0 iowEr-ca5e Asc|i): hTtp://WWW.AnONT@Lk.cOM/duMp/mO0Tard.T++

wi1l yOu <ontINue To bE A sH3eP?

f@ijmQVnKSM sH Dk MKlRWiT|bylU lnj ckp VR p <tNvOUim@S+ AT ksz X@rXOir f aYTJ 5 HL PbwOskDVnZwv+ mSU A€aKWdKZ whLy fz k r ZF nU ItD weo ANnjJ1ZNhdvQhNC9A gpLF 3 KHQnf EZ YBsn€ w b +C YMOJs L< j +SJfF.

>> No.494866
File: 83 KB, 752x405, THE_TRUTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it i am so sick about hereing about these books! Buthcer, sucks he doesn't even know what make sa good character he's just into blowing shit up! The romance if you cna even call it that a joke and theres no character deveepment like at all What's more, Harry is a total pussy he gets his ass kicked in every book adn only wins by sucker punch! what a chikin shit can't ven stand up to his enemys!


>> No.494951


Cry some more?

>> No.495037

I hope you burn for even making that comparison. Meyer is not as low as you can go in literature, but goddammit it's close.

>> No.495841

Eurofags already have Changes.


>> No.495910


Her lips are creepy.

>> No.495929

There's worse than Meyer?

>> No.496084



>> No.496128

well, maybe from a writing standpoint, but at least the hamfisted message is a good one and she seems like a decent person in real life. it makes her MUCH more forgivable in my humble opinion.

>> No.496294
File: 20 KB, 529x222, outlaw-josey-wales-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is to find a copy of Forrest Carter's "Gone to Texas" (aka "The Vengeance Trail of Josey Wales", the film is based on the novel.)

Amazon has used copies starting at $62. I will not pay more than $10.

Wish me luck.

>> No.497234

Anyone checked out the preview chapters?

Talk about cocktease.

>> No.497306

Butthurt, Meyer?

>> No.497320


>> No.497943


>> No.498230



>> No.498270

Oh, look out you rock 'n' roller

>> No.498459

Really, this should be on a torrent by now. I mean srsly. >_>

>> No.498560


>> No.498740

Jim Butcher books are for faggots who like cock in their asses.

>> No.498759


>> No.498760

is /b/ dead or something?

>> No.498764

/b/'s been dead for years, man.

>> No.498893


No. Seriously. He's an awful author. One of the worst. All you have to do is watch the Dresden files. It's terribad. The guy's a hack.

>> No.498908



>> No.500202


The TV show is completely seperate from the books. Basing one off the other is a pointless endeavour.

>> No.502022


PDF's are now being sold with DRM. Easy to crack, but still.

>> No.502529

Got it in the mail today!

>> No.502531

Upload it if you have it.