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/lit/ - Literature

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4943941 No.4943941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just looking for some well written humour

>> No.4943944

Mark Twain created stand up comedy

>> No.4943947

Any specific recs?

>> No.4943949
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>> No.4943967

>Complete works of Artemus Ward http://www.gutenberg.org/files/6946/6946-h/6946-h.htm

>Don Marquis

I also recommend Terry Pratchett, Bill Bryson and... Russell Brand?

>> No.4943969

The notorious jumping frog of Calaveras county.

>> No.4943984

Cannibalism in the Cars is short and sweet. Not the best, but h'ain't bad.

>> No.4944063

Gideon Defoe is the shining light of 21st century comic prose
other than that,
laugh-out-loud: Charlie Brooker, Bill Bryson
misanthropic chuckles: Saki, Beckett, Kafka, DFW, Vonnegut

>> No.4944079

I liked Tucker Max's books but your mileage may vary

>> No.4944086

Anything from Jeeves series by Wodehouse

>> No.4944094

Thomas Bernhard and Italo Svevo

>> No.4944103

P G Wodehouse.

>> No.4944277

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Sandman guy

>> No.4944283

Their eyes...what have you done to their eyes?!

>> No.4944381

Isn't he the pedophile movie director?

>> No.4944397
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Brian Ó Nualláin

>> No.4944402


>> No.4944404
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>> No.4944409

HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.4944427
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>Pointsman and Mexico trying to catch that dog
>Slothrop chasing the mysterious clothes thief
>Slothrop eating British candy
>Mickey Rooney seeing Rocketman holding a bag of hashish
>that party
>those songs
>those limericks
>those puns

>> No.4944452

The Gypsy's Curse by Harry Crews is fucking hilarious.

>> No.4944461


>Slothrop eating British candy

Was the hardest I ever laughed readin' something till now.

>> No.4944494
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I was reading Real Ultimate Power in class and drew attention to myself by laughing too hard. I couldn't stop. I thought I was dying.

>> No.4944503

>Schacht entered a stall and drove the latch home with a certain purposeful sound that produced that momentary gunslinger-enters-saloon-type hush throughout the locker room

IJ had a few big laughs

>> No.4944509

It's true. Among some of the more heady recommendations in this thread, pleb tier trash like Real Ultimate Power is still hilarious.

>> No.4944600

Confederacy of dunces, discworld novels (mainly the guards series and death series of books), V and gravity's rainbow by pynchon, breakfast of champions by vonnegut, don quixote ( obligatory), catch 22 and much more that I can't think of right now

>> No.4944601

de Sade.

>> No.4944628
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the Ciaphas Cain novels in the Warhammer 40K setting are hilarious

>> No.4944656
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I liked this one. It's not 100% comedy, but has some funny parts.

>> No.4944686

Just started Don Quixote and so far it's been pretty funny.

>> No.4944717

This, Wilde too

>> No.4944728

The comedies of Aristophanes hands down. Literally wept with laughter at some of the burns in 'The Frogs'

Euripides: At least I didn't keep rambling about the first thing that came into my head, or plunge right into the middle of the story and leave everybody guessing. The first character that come on would immediately explain the play's background and origin.

Aeschylus: Which was invariably better than your own!

2000 years later Euripides still mad

>> No.4944745


Seconded. That fucking bicycle chapter.

>> No.4944755


Aristophanes hate for Euripides is one of the funniest thing ever to me in greek history, by the end of their rivalry, Aristophanes was writing jokes making fun of Euripides mom for being a wandering vegetable merchant

Aristophanes created the yo mama joke out of hate for the tragedy tradition

>> No.4944760
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>> No.4944772
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pic related is hysterical

>> No.4944774

I'm surprised it took this long for someone to post that. I guess the fedoralords are elsewhere today.

>> No.4944798

Don Quixote
A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.4944843

William Burroughs' Queer. It's basically Please Respond: The Book.

>> No.4944907

This (pic related).
It is ultra patrician, it has never ever been mentioned on /lit/, and it's the most hilarious thing I've ever read, you could almost die from laughter sometimes.
Basically all the gossip, vice/sex anecdotes and crazy stories about mighty people in 17th century France. Everything is true, which is mind-boggling.
The Pléiade edition (two volumes) is wonderful!

>> No.4944913
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Whoops, here's the actual pic:

>> No.4944926

>You can't make jokes about religious books

Calm down.

>> No.4944936

>You can't get tired of the same shit done over and over again.

Calm down.

>> No.4946636
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>Mickey Rooney seeing Rocketman holding a bag of hashish

>> No.4946640

Probably the best work of fiction I have ever read.