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/lit/ - Literature

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4943395 No.4943395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is more pleasant and admirable to you: rather short, or rather long works of fiction?

>> No.4943401

I like to sink my teeth into a door stopper. Most of my favourite novels are >600 pages.

>> No.4943408

I much prefer the short and sweet side of literature.

Admittedly it's probably because I have the imagination of a bag of dicks

>> No.4943414

I prefer big long books, just like I do with cocks.

>> No.4943424

OP stop samefagging your own thread.

>> No.4943472

OP here, not me above.

>> No.4943485

I like them concise. If they're big, their content had better justify their length.

>> No.4943488

You're clearly not OP seeing as your love of cocks is not apparent in this post as it was in the other one,

>> No.4943494

Kek, get out of my thread now.

>> No.4943497

Short, because I'm a lazy fuck.

>> No.4943498

size is overrated

>> No.4943508

What if I told you I had a large cock?

>> No.4943521

Is that Steve Carell?

>> No.4943527

It is the Austrian Writer Stefan Zweig

>> No.4943590


>> No.4943607

I don't mind provided it reaches. Pleasure and admiration comes from a quality, not from a quantity.

>> No.4943611

Short. No idea takes 600 pages to convey.

>> No.4943618

No hot dog is too long if good, or too short if bad - Colonel Sanders MD

>> No.4943762

At the same level of quality, do you prefer being "reached" in 120 pages or in 850 pages?

>> No.4944197



>> No.4944223

Not him, but I personally prefer the shorter pieces. It gives you less space for needless ramblin', it makes writing more challenging, trying to tell as much as possible in a few words rather than swinging your shit over pages and spreading it out.

>> No.4944236


someone dont think very good

>> No.4944881


>Pleasure and admiration comes from a quality, not from a quantity.

I think the sentence is pretty self explanatory.

>> No.4944896

Short, concise fiction that explores big ideas.

>Writing long books is a laborious and impoverishing act of foolishness: expanding in five hundred pages an idea that could be perfectly explained in a few minutes. A better procedure is to pretend that those books already exist and to offer a summary, a commentary.

>> No.4944939

>putting rather in front of all of your adjectives

You know you sound like a dumbass.

>> No.4944945
File: 19 KB, 414x403, stephen_king-coming-to-boulder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, Stephen King

>> No.4944966

What if English is rather not my mother tongue and I have no idea?

>> No.4944998

I'm guessing you can't write for shit.

>> No.4945131

So the score is 7-2 in favor of short fiction. It is very interesting since the ideal of a "great American novel" is often perceived as a massive brick of text (in my mind at least).

Personally, I admire huge novels like Tolstoy or Dostoevsky did, I admire the will and effort they represent, but I nearly never read such long works... That's because I'm lazy and busy at the same time, and I like very much to read a work in its entirety, for full effect, when I have one hour or two. Thus 110-120 pages constitute my ideal length.

>> No.4945137
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as ascetic as possible, so everybody can see it, no hocuspocus

joyce is ultrapleb

>> No.4946281

even without capitals punctation marks or articles

>> No.4946291

Short stories because 4chan has ruined my attention span.

>> No.4947270

Short and Concise. Long ones tend to be like inserting a massive brick in your head and can be a chore to read.

>> No.4947644

11-2 in favor of short. I didn't expect that.

>> No.4947711


>> No.4947712

A book is as long as it needs to be. Wether the author can make his point and have his story wrapped up in a 100 pages or 1500 is of little importance as long as he manages to keep you interested all the way.

Then again people who are too scared to open anything longer than 300pages are fucking shitheads and posers.

>> No.4947728

Short, but long enough where I'll spend a few days on it. If it's <150 pages I'll just read the whole thing in a day and I usually don't retain enough.