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/lit/ - Literature

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4942441 No.4942441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>1. The Bible
>2. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
>3. Harry Potter (series) by J.K. Rowling
>4. The Lord of the Rings (series) by J.R.R. Tolkien
>5. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
>6. Moby Dick by Herman Melville
>7. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
>8. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
>9. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
>10. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.4942453

Not bad. I would have expected Atlas Shrugged to sneak in there.

>> No.4942459

>no Blood Meridian


>> No.4942477

So pretty much most of America stops reading once they don't have a high school english teacher assigning them a book.

>> No.4942500

Atlas Shrugged is neither a part of the public school curriculum nor a multi billion dollar movie franchise. That's all this list is.

>> No.4942505

>Moby Dick

I think that's just something people say.

>"hey, what's a really good novel?"
>"uh, um, well I've heard great things about Moby Dick!"

>> No.4942510

you didn't even post the best part

i've been waiting to troll /pol/ with this for a while now

>> No.4942514
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forgot image

>> No.4942522


>That political diversity

>> No.4942529

>harry potter
>american books

>> No.4942558

Well, at least it's actually good.

>> No.4942559

>you can't read

>> No.4942565

>muh dik

>> No.4942577

El Gran Gatsby

>> No.4942588

actually I never started reading until about 4 years after I stopped having english teachers assigning me books

>> No.4942591

I think moby dick is just a metaphor for the actual process of reading moby dick

>> No.4942732

Same for the bible. Christians just buy it, but none of them actually read it.

>> No.4942756


>> No.4942776
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Is everyone lying when they say they've read the Bible?

Has to be the worst most popular book, its a disgusting read

>> No.4942891

>post graduate
>lord of the rings

I laughed so fucking hard

>> No.4942971


>blacks: moby dick

seriously, what? is this just among educated blacks? are they seeing it as a metaphor for the eternal pursuit of swag and pussy?

>> No.4942975

>popular books are popular


>> No.4942977

Well they do like chasing after landwhales...

>> No.4942992

>great gatsby

What the fuck? Hispanic here, I'm literally the only non-white person I know who has read Gatsby.

>> No.4943057

Well they do like chasing after white whales...

>> No.4943088

>Liberals: Harry Potter

Oh holy shit

>> No.4943100

"Who is your favorite book of all time?"

"All sample surveys and polls, whether or not they use probability sampling, are subject to multiple sources of error which are most often not possible to quantify or estimate, including sampling error, coverage error, error associated with nonresponse, error associated with question wording and response options, and post-survey weighting and adjustments. Therefore, The Harris Poll avoids the words "margin of error" as they are misleading."

Why are you taking this shit poll seriously. They asked 2,234 in online polls and then extrapolated any ridiculous result to the rest of the US population for the sake of a headline. It's not even asking best book, merely favourite. You swallow the results like you swallow moby dick.

>> No.4943102
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>> No.4943106

*clutches crucifix*

>> No.4943111
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Ah, I must agre with this fine gentleman. The bIBLE 'tis a truly horrid book. T'was the cause of the dark ages, if mine memory doesn't deceive me. If only thine scholars of hither were as enlightened as the poster, myself and thine yonder reddit community. T'would be an epic society of win and candy :D I tipeth mine fedora to you :) x

>> No.4943118

>It's not even asking best book, merely favourite.
>Implying that's not the point
>Implying the average television watching pleb knows the difference

>> No.4943124

this should be the anti-le tip may may

>> No.4943125

Christian butthurt is the best butthurt. YHVH was a tribal war god douchebag and jesus is the savior of rape and BDSM with not a shred of proof of his existence. Never mind the retardation that is hell or implications of him "knowing us before we were born" "being the alpha and omega" and then just outright killing a ton of people anyway, after tempting eve.

You're in an ancient cult and are a fucking moron.


>> No.4943134
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I truly agree with thou's opinions, thou truly art a great scholar of such epic win :) Thine xtians are truly a durge on society, thine ancient kkkult is a tool of oppression for women, negroes, asians and other non-priviliged groups. If only we couldeth recruit thine xtians away from their cult and into the glory of Atheism like scholars such as me and you :) T'will be a brite future for Atheism, howerver. I bid you adue, I must continue thine baking of hotpockets and other delicious foodlets that thine mother has purchased at the local market :) love and waffles, Tim xx

>> No.4943135

What was the point of Jesus's sacrifice if Adam and Eve didn't exist?

>projecting an image of an anti-social loser on people who disagree with you

>> No.4943140
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>>projecting an image of an anti-social loser on people who disagree with you
Thine art hardly doing such a thing, I rally at heed to deny thoust claim upon me. Truly thou art misrepresenting me in a gross fashion.

>> No.4943141
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Not the guy, but what I can't believe is the amount of effort you're putting into writing complete and utter bullshit.

Honestly, your life a shit, you need to lurk more.

>> No.4943145
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Mine heart can doth hardly handle such gluttonous slander against mine glorious nameth. Thou are simply jealous of mine superior intellect like thine disgraceful, no class xtian thou art. Truly you are the uno with the shiteth life, I am at a loss to imagine how my life could be such shiteth with thine extravagant knowledge of the lack of gOD :)

>> No.4943146

that's an oversimplification. it's more like people stop having the shared experience of reading a book that's required reading for a large number of them. it's not that people stop reading, it's that people stop reading the same thing.

>> No.4943150


>non-privileged groups
> doesn't mention white males

Fake atheist detected, you've probably never been to reddit

>> No.4943152
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White males art priviliged, sire, they art the recipients of societal advantages. You art truly not a scholar, nor thine hither muchos gentleman. I sincerely hope thou seeth the lite of Tumblr and reddit before thoust heart becomes black with thine virgin rage like yonder squire mysognist in thine herald.

>> No.4943156

>I'm going to act like the epitome of Christard fedora may may poster even though I am atheist to ruse people into thinking this is what all Christards sound like

>> No.4943157
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>this entire thread

The murricunts are waking up. Nothing like shitposting over a cup of joe, eh?

>> No.4943168
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Thou art decievedth, I art a truly grand Atheist, I feeleth no need for thine silly, archaic gods and gender roles. You art truly a weakling with no intellectual intelligence capable of dueling against mine own brilliant mind. Pehaps thou shouldth abandon thine shackles of religion and accept the path of thine hither grande Atheism, thoust plebius maximus :)

>> No.4943192
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>> No.4943196
File: 151 KB, 300x458, Moysey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. The Bible
>3. Harry Potter (series) by J.K. Rowling
>4. The Lord of the Rings (series) by J.R.R. Tolkien
>genre fiction

>> No.4943204
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Tis epic to see such thine great scholar thou hast denounced thine bIBLE so thoutfully ands whimsically it brings a tear to mine eye. I tipeth mine fedora to you, fair classy gent. You are a truly random and epic person, however you identify :D

>> No.4943222

The problem with this is that people lie even about having read these books. A lot of the people who will say they read TKAM, for example, probably did it halfheartedly for school 20 years ago and they probably didn't even enjoy it and it was the only book they've read.

The list would be better if there were some criteria. Stats from people who have (legitimately) read 100+ books in their life would be more interesting.

>> No.4943235

This just became, List your ten favorites:

Brothers Karamazov
Les Miserables
Waiting for Godot
Mother Night
Catch 22
Don Quixote
Sherlock Holmes (series)
The Ode Less Traveled by Stephen Fry
Cat's Cradle
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.4943245

At this point I'm wondering if you're some autistic fedora. This is just getting sad.

>> No.4943246


I like you a lot. A lot a lot

>> No.4943254


>1. The Bible
>2. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
>3. Harry Potter (series) by J.K. Rowling
>4. The Lord of the Rings (series) by J.R.R. Tolkien
>5. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
>6. Moby Dick by Herman Melville
>7. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
>8. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
>9. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
>10. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.4943257
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>> No.4943261

Since anyone has read more than 100 books here (I hope so), we could make a /lit/ poll... But I guess everyone would say very different things, given that we've moved past babby's first books, and it would be impossible to make a list.

>> No.4943266

>Multiple Vonnegut
>Don Quixote

Please go read some Thomas Pynchon if you have never done so. It seems right up your alley.

>> No.4943270

>It would be impossible to make a list

Lol how new are you

>> No.4943279

I started in with him on The Crying of Lot 49 but I got interrupted by a big book purchase. I'm going to come back to him soon though, as I was enjoying myself with Lot 49.

>> No.4943302
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>Christians invoking Poe's Law on themselves

This is fascinating.

>> No.4943327
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Worry not, mine enlightened brethren! Truly the path of the enlightened is fraught with unthinking sheeple. Soon the age of atheist society shall descend upon the world like fluttershy descending from equestria.