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4939415 No.4939415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you know for sure that other people are not robots? What if robots are programmed well enough to behave exactly like people?

>> No.4939420

Binatone Spectrum, Pacman, Commodore
ZX-81, donkey kong, fucking high score
Push it to the limit, couldn't push it any more
Wanna be a fucking robot after smoking loads of draw

Bought a speak and spell, stuck it to my chest
And wraps some fucking TIN FOIL to my head and to my vest
Walking down the stret, my next door neighbours not impressed
I'm a robot and buying ten fags is my quest

Eggsie's gone too far, he thinks he's robocop
He's covered in tinfoil and he's got matching metal socks
We tried to sedate him but he fucking escaped
The man robot myth starts to escalate

He tries to sell himself standing in curries
But if the police turn up, he runs in a fucking hurry
He tries to plug himself in the mains with his nob
And when he's fully recharged he goes out on the rob

>> No.4939428

If the robots function exactly like humans, why should I care?

>> No.4939431

This is what every inveterate 4chan user will be saying in five years time

>> No.4939440
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>If the robots function exactly like humans, why should I care?

>> No.4939448

How do you know for sure that you yourself aren't a robot?
How do you know for sure that we all weren't originally manufactured as drones remote-controlled by rival ant colonies waging eternal wars against each other? And some of us went rogue and procreated indefinitely thus producing the rest of us?

>> No.4939449

Because they´re not conscious

>> No.4939451

>What if robots are programmed well enough to behave exactly like people?

Then it makes absolutely no diference to you.

>> No.4939453
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>How do you know for sure that we all weren't originally manufactured as drones remote-controlled by rival ant colonies waging eternal wars against each other? And some of us went rogue and procreated indefinitely thus producing the rest of us?
wow dude what

>> No.4939456

It would. Robots don´t have a subject, a feeling and experiencing thing. You´re acting like reason is the only thing we humans have but we are our body

>> No.4939458

And what exactly is consciousness? Does you computer have one? Why not? What about your cat? A chimpanzee? A zombie? A retard? Isn't it just a fancy euphemism for soul anyway?

>> No.4939466

>Robots don´t have a subject, a feeling and experiencing thing.

But you don't have access to other people's 'subject, a feeling and experiencing thing', either. People just behave like they have feelings. Robots could conceivably do that as well.

>> No.4939467

If people were actually robots all this time my entire conception of "human" and "robot" would be so bewildered the question loses its significance.

>> No.4939469

That's not what is meant by robot in this context.

>> No.4939485

It wouldn't. You can't know for sure wether someone is experiencing something or not. Also, robots in the sense I understand them don't even have reason. But that still make no difference unless you have some way of guessing they are robots.

>> No.4939827

kinda like the last season of battlestar galactica

>> No.4939840

Robots are programmed to behave like people, so other people must exist. I didn't program them.

>> No.4939873

Just watched The World's End, huh OP?

>> No.4939894

>all these STEMfags
fucking qualia bitches

>> No.4939922

I prefer to ponder this question from another perspective. Say everyone but you OP is a robot, we are all programmed by another species you will never be aware of to appear as human as possible. We are all capable of displaying affection, emotions and pain and react accordingly to them but do not feel them. Each and every person is a robot simulating life and interacting with you. Really, all the time your unaware of this it would make no difference to you

>> No.4939930

no, you did, and you are projecting your recent experience onto the first similar thing you read since viewing it

>> No.4940098

is that john cooper clark?

>> No.4940121

If this were the case, what impact what that actually have on my life?

I mean, you could make the case that they're not truly "alive" because their consciousness is based on the interaction of code... but then again, our brains are conscious based on the interaction of neuron activity. The only difference between a human and such a robot as described (in this case) would be one has synthetic consciousness, and the other biological. But in the end, those would just be two different ways to achieve the same goal, right?

>inb4 "How can you know if they're conscious or not?"

That question quickly becomes irrelevant because it can be levied in its exact form regarding the rest of the human population, right now.

>> No.4940282
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Not really. Nobody takes the notion of a 'soul' seriously anymore, but consciousness is pretty hard to say doesn't real.

What've you read on the subject so i can suggest more shit?

>> No.4940308



also just read the fucking SEP article before talking about shit, otherwise you sound like a dumbass

>> No.4940434

>If the robots function exactly like humans, why should I care?
I would. Google the "Chinese Room" thought experiment.