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4934372 No.4934372 [Reply] [Original]

In case you don't follow the news, autistic virgin Elliot Rodger murdered some chicks and killed himself.

But more embarrassing than his involuntary celibacy is his writing style. Christ, it's terrible.

See for yourself if you have the stomach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/225960813/Elliot-Rodger-Santa-Barbara-mass-shooting-suspect-My-Twisted-World-manifesto

>> No.4934395




>> No.4934402

where have i seen this thread before...

>> No.4934403

we know brah we've had like five threads about it

>> No.4934419

the correct response is to inform the OP of his mistake while politely saging the thread.

>> No.4934424

fuck you I do what I want

>> No.4934425

>I'M ON 4CHANS 24/7

>> No.4934431

>implying those weren't sages

>> No.4934438


>> No.4934442

There's only one thread about him, and it's about"Should sex be regarded as a human right?" rather than his manifesto.

>> No.4934463

he's no worse than any of the other college age failures we have on this board

>> No.4934466

Except he murdered several people

>> No.4934469

His writing is more articulate than half of the writers who've posted work on this board.

>> No.4934476
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I find myself sympathizing with this guy a lot. I too am deeply in love with myself and my work, and feel in my heart that I rank near the upper echelon of mankind as it exists today.

But I honestly don't care enough about other people or society at large to even think about 'revenging myself' against them. That would be incredibly vulgar in my opinion.

And moreover, I don't believe anyone's life is worth my freedom

>> No.4934486


>> No.4934491

>and feel in my heart that I rank near the upper echelon of mankind as it exists today
well said, man, well said

>> No.4934500

Is that hyperbole or your sincere assessment?
I have a difficult time believing that his shit is better than...anything.

>> No.4934504

Wrong. Check the catalog.

>> No.4934505

how often do you read stuff people post here

>> No.4934518


here's something that was posted just the other day

tell me what sense you can make of it

>The subject is interpolated into a poststructuralist feminism that includes consciousness as a reality. Thus, a number of narratives concerning not desituationism per se, but postdesituationism exist.

>In Vineland, Pynchon reiterates dialectic narrative; in The Crying of Lot 49, although, he analyses poststructuralist feminism. However, the characteristic theme of the works of Pynchon is the stasis, and some would say the genre, of neotextual sexual identity.

>The subject is contextualised into a pretextual dialectic theory that includes language as a paradox. It could be said that von Ludwig suggests that we have to choose between the postcapitalist paradigm of expression and subdialectic textual theory.

>The subject is interpolated into a pretextual dialectic theory that includes reality as a whole. Therefore, many theories concerning the postcapitalist paradigm of expression may be discovered.

>> No.4934525

I'm pretty sure that's a joke anon

>> No.4934526


I wouldn't bet on it

>> No.4934573


that's just cynical

>> No.4935045

Just read the first two paragraphs. My problem with it so far is, apart from sounding pretty self-victimizing, how kitschily he describes his suffering.
>my life didn't start out dark and twisted. I started out as a happy and blissful child, living my life to the fullest in a world I thought was good and pure
Reading that you'd think he was fighting Sauron, The Lord of the Rings of misogynist killing sprees. Oh and the prose is bad, yeah

>> No.4935050

What up, Sokal?

>> No.4935099

It turns into a recounting of his entire life, year-by-year. It goes on forever.

>> No.4935114

Why would he think anyone would want to read all that? Surely not because he went postal, the text is all there is.

>> No.4935152

Does anyone know what Elliot's major in college was?

>> No.4935200


>> No.4935272

Maybe he wanted his entire life to be preserved in some sense.

I assume he was writing the manifesto with the intention of killing himself and others in the immediate future.

Maybe he thought the combination of infamy and autobiography would grant him a kind of immortality.

>> No.4935293

Anyone notice as he got older, his birthdays changed? He used to describe his birthday parties even when he was about 8 right down to how the fancy restaurant was. As I recall, when he was 13, he notes how he barely even remembers that birthday and was just playing wow. After his immersion to that every birthday seemed to be him just thinking "another year without a blonde girlfriend, how dare the world do this to me"

Interesting, because in a lot of ways his life seems like the stereotypical life of a rich kid growing up in California, complete with parents pouring attention onto you and spoiling you. I think this made things worse for him, many people look back fondly on childhood, but he was having such a pathetic, shitty life even though he was surrounded by people that most would think have the perfect life.

>> No.4935339
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>and feel in my heart that I rank near the upper echelon of mankind as it exists today.
just wanted to post and tell you that u don't

>> No.4935434

Because it's fairly clear Elliott had never connected emotionally with another human being in the entirety of his short, sad life, and he didn't know how to internalize or understand his own emotions. this carried over into a wrongheadedness into believing that if he got laid, he would finally fill that little empty bit in his soul.
It wouldn't have, of course, it probably would have made things quite worse.

You don't stumble upon this kind of narcissism, you learn it from the people around you. It doesn't matter what you have or how many people you're surrounded by when in your formative years you watched as your mother and father couldn't look one another in the eye and you're taught that you should want but not how to want.

Elliot was sad and pathetic and his actions were monstrous, and his own. But he got his outlook on life and understanding of how things should be from his ultimately worthless parents who thought love was a BMW and a trip to Morocco.

>> No.4935450

No it was, it was part of a post-modern babble thread, but you knew that.

>> No.4935452

Derrida pls

>> No.4935467

not nearly as bad as I expected/10

Seems more readable than most of the internet. Boring as hell, though, and glancing at the ending it looks horribly fake and cliched. That's not to say it isn't genuine, mind you.

>> No.4935472

This just in: lots of people don't enjoy their teenage years.

>> No.4935480

That's what's odd about it. No chance am I going to read the whole damn thing, but it looks like a very typical tale of a self-obsessed angsty lonely teenager who can't get no sex. Yes, I can relate

...so where the shit does all that stuff about revenge and being a god come from?

>> No.4935482

You think his writing style was embarrassing? Check out his video on youtube. It sounds like a Saturday morning cartoon villain, right down to the affected evil laugh.

>> No.4935487

>look up story in the Guardian
>first line: Elliot Rodger enjoyed an idyllic childhood in the English countryside, but felt rejected and alienated when he joined a Sussex prep school, according to his online "manifesto"

I love seeing the various spins the meedja puts on stuff. Ban prep schools now!

>> No.4935500

>Detectives are now sifting through more than 20 videos where the killer rants about women who have supposedly rejected his advances
The poor bastards.

>> No.4935501

i'm not going to read this thread because it's boring
what wasn't boring was his manifesto
if you haven't read at least two-thirds of it, you may not "get" it, but it works very well as an inadvertent window into the mind of a ignatius x bateman x towel. if it was written "well" it would just be a boring account of this kid's stupid life

>> No.4935514

Self-delusion. Being a beta virgin is one thing, crying for ours and stabbing the air with a practice sword because you saw one couple in the street is another.

I suspect this is what prevented him to commit plain old suicide and decide for murder-suicide instead.

>> No.4935540

i agree anon i think he's disgusting but his manifesto is so very engaging just for how candid and telling it is of his horrid worldview.

>> No.4935542

If you are interested in writing, go read his manifesto. He is the perfect villain character.

>> No.4935841
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This guy killed people?

>> No.4935844

I've heard this thing compared to Notes from Underground

>> No.4935848

is this why everyone hates straight white men?

>> No.4935851

Well he's an asian jew but yes because everyone is retarded

>> No.4935852


>> No.4935855


>> No.4935868

On 4chan? You're a faggot that thread was up last night.

>> No.4935873

If nothing else positive comes out of this tragedy, at least it has proved that murderers aren't necessarily cool or interesting.

>> No.4935875

He doesn't believe sex should be a universal right of humankind. He actually believes sexuality should be outlawed because civilization would be perfect without it. Read the epilogue.

Well, this is a new stance on things for me. I guess the manifesto served some purpose in that way.

>> No.4935876

>implying rodgers isn't more interesting than you'll ever be

>> No.4935889

trailer is already out

>> No.4935891

I never claimed to be interesting.

>> No.4935906
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