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4934213 No.4934213 [Reply] [Original]

Should sex be regarded as a human right?

I know this is a subject that is an absolute minefield, but I think it's worth pursuing anyways. Obviously no individual human being owes another individual human being sex, in much the same way that no individual human being owes another individual human being shelter, food, or water, but shelter, food, and water are still considered to be a basic human right in most countries. Sex, and physical intimacy are a basic component of psychological health. We know that children who are raised without any parental contact are much more likely to have developmental disabilities, in the same way that many of the men who become violent in society are unable to find a socially acceptable outlet for their sexual desires.

Finding an agreed upon way to make sex something that's more easily available to people who otherwise struggle to get it would probably do an incredible amount to curb violence, and even beyond violence the severe psychological pain that generally finds an outlet in violence.

>> No.4934219

If he really wanted sex, he could have easily gotten it.

He didn't want it.

>> No.4934223

That's wholly unnecessary since anyone can have sex with your female relatives at will.

>> No.4934228

The comparison is invalid. A human needs shelter, food, and water to survive. However, does not need sex to survive.

>> No.4934230


>> No.4934233

I think a basic income should be implemented and I think prostitution should be legal and regulated. If people then chose to spend their extra money on a whore once in a while that would be fine.

>> No.4934237

It sounded like he really really wanted it, really bad.

>> No.4934238

If he was going to conduct a killing in the way that he did, he could have just as easily become a serial rapist. I don't understand what he actually wanted from all of this.

>> No.4934240


Its not a right. You get sex based on who you are.

If you are a loser, why should you expect sex?

>> No.4934241

Just like how young people these days could easily get jobs. Anyone who can't find work isn't looking. All these young people today just turn their noses up at good honest work.

>> No.4934243

A child doesn't need to be touched to survive either. That still doesn't mean that it doesn't literally kill them when they are completely deprived of it.

>> No.4934244

>a human does not need a lack of moderate torture and abuse to survive. therefore torture and abuse are okay
>a human does not need to not be raped to survive, therefore rape is okay

>> No.4934247

It's a front. Not what he really wanted.

>> No.4934259

>hurrrrr literally everything I can think of is a RIGHT
>i have a RIGHT for free stuff
>i know my RIGHTS
just go

>> No.4934261

Have you read the part of this where he refuses to work a custodian job because he is so "special" and "intelligent" and "destined for great things" and instead decides to waste his parents money at college, dropping classes and being generally unambitious and dreaming of get rich schemes?

I think he's a lot closer to the typical kid his age than most are willing to admit.

>> No.4934270


If a child is given affection by the mother, then he grows up healthy - bypassing the "need" for, the implication, sex given based on human rights.

>> No.4934272

Legalize and normalize prostitution, to the point where any guy who can't get laid otherwise will happily just go to a regulated brothel and vent his libido every week or two.

>> No.4934275

Well, he didn't just want sex, he wanted consensual sex. If you read the shit he wrote, basically his entire sense of self-worth was wrapped up in some woman thinking he was worthy of him putting his dick in her, not just in achieving an orgasm.

Yes, he was an autist who couldn't talk to a girl to save his life or even maintain a single friendship. Yes, he was a ridiculous narcissist. Those are clearly problems that kept him from getting sex, and making him react more violently than most men to not getting sex, but if he had some method of getting sex that actually worked for him this whole thing probably would have been avoided even if he would still have a myriad of psychological problems.

>> No.4934280

My point (the dubspost) was that just because things aren't elementary to survival doesn't mean it's okay to deprive people of them.

>> No.4934281

The obvious remedy is to legalize prostitution. However, several factors then come into play, namely the spread of STD's, STI's, and HIV/AIDS. Of course there are protective measures for these, but that's another discussion.

At any rate, it is somewhat odd that we find ourselves wracking our brains over this topic. While we are thinking of ways to further secure the health and prosperity of individuals in our societies or countries, there are many elsewhere that lack even the basics you mentioned, namely food, shelter, and clean water. This is the contrast of First to Second World, of course. Sort of interesting that so much pain could be caused by such a seemingly benign dilemma, almost dwarfed in comparison to those of others.

>> No.4934282

do you have any idea how widespread stds already are without widespread prostitution? condoms aren't 100% effective and a lot of people are asymptomatic and the tests are far from perfect

this sounds like a recipe for an std epidemic

>> No.4934284

Why should we have our arbitrary liberalist "rights" fucking up natural selection?

>> No.4934285

Children and adolescents don't always need guardians to survive, as has been proven by orphans and wild children throughout world history. They do, however, always need them to be socially functional individuals within civilization. It is socially beneficial to create a foster care system that sort of works, and detrimental to allow Catholic priests to run boys' orphanages, and worst of all to let them raise themselves and hope that the free market will fix it.

Virgins are dysfunctional. If there were an actual argument that they are dysfunctional as a result of their virginity rather than the other way around, it would be socially beneficial to create a moderately functional brothel system, preferably one with a set of ethics involving confidentiality and respect for the sex worker and client alike.

However, few cultures actually have developed respected and respectable brothel systems, and I do not believe any have operated in a gratis and universal manner, whereas many cultures have embraced adoption and fostering. If it were really socially beneficial to devirginate young men, then more civilized societies would already do so (tribal customs and initiation rituals do not strike me as a parallel to the sort of thing you seem to want).

Therefore virgins are virgins because they are dysfunctional, rather than dysfunctional because they are virgins.

Therefore virgins should be shunned because their virginity is an excellent indicator of a dysfunctional man.

Therefore your proposal is counterproductive, because it hides an excellent indicator of dysfunction, rather than actually healing dysfunctionality. It would still be natural for virgins to kill people, which is the premise of your argument; virginity as an issue which results in violent and destructive behavior.

Therefore we should simply concentrate virgins into camps where they can engage in useful labor, such as manufacturing artillery shells and making shoes, without harming society at large.

>> No.4934286

You don't have "a right" for anything save for doing whatever your like as long as you do not infringe on the same right of others. All that "hurrr I am entitled to everything" shit is a mockery of the very concept of right.

>> No.4934287

>If a child is given affection by the mother, then he grows up healthy - bypassing the "need" for, the implication, sex given based on human rights.
I really don't understand your point here. Childhood and adulthood are two different stages of life, but my point is that both require close affection with other people, in one case parents and the other case peers, for a person to be functional and happy.

>> No.4934288
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If you crave sex, either find a way to secure sex or cultivate the willpower to ignore that desire while you focus on other things.

>> No.4934296

A role in society should be a human right. That includes sex, occupation, friendship, nutrition, and shelter. Otherwise we're not making anything of this place and we're effectively stream-rolling over the tide.

>> No.4934298

Legalize prostitution.

Honestly, I'd say prohibition as a whole generates more problems than it solves.

>> No.4934301

Yes, all those first-world counties with legal. regulated prostitution are just riddled with STIs.

>> No.4934306

This cunt didn't want just sex, whores wouldn't do. He wanted the prettiest girls to come up to him, court him, genuine fall in love with him and worship him and his dick naturally and unsolicited.

Either women would literally treat him as a God or there would be injustice. This isn't a question of sex, this is severe narcissism beyond any reason.

>> No.4934307

Which countries are you referring to?

>> No.4934311

New Zealand

>> No.4934312


happy travels

>> No.4934313

That's a false equivalence.

The proper rebuttal is simple. If we believe a person is entitled to happiness (or the pursuit thereof) then one may argue that we should address sexual frustration the same way we treat burnouts, depression, etc.

>> No.4934316

fucking this. entitlement culture and the lowest dregs of LA were what created him.

>> No.4934317


in his defense though, he Did have a BMW

>> No.4934319

Yes, he wanted sex but just invented some bizarre version of courtship in his head that had absolutely no connection to the way courtship works for most men in the real world. I still think, however, that if, say, prostitution was legalized and he had some simple, unambiguous method of obtaining sex that didn't depend on his complete misunderstanding of the courtship process he would not have killed people.

>> No.4934323


The old Western "community of wives" fantasy rears its ugly head again. White people are weird yo.

>> No.4934325

For this reason I couldn't see legalized prostitution work in the United States. It's highly unlikely sex workers would have any kind of infrastructure to provide the kind of health care and safety their work demands. Puritan and egotistical values do not mix well and that's what's fundamentally wrong with murrica.

In most developed countries it would be fine, though, since that's been tried and proven.

>> No.4934326

Yep, prostitution was clearly invented by western first world white able bodied straight cis men.

>> No.4934329

Natural selection does not affect humans anymore. We live in an environment where pretty much anyone can survive and reproduce.

If it did, you wouldn't be alive.

>> No.4934330

/pol/ needs to leave

>> No.4934331

He could have driven his beamer to Nevada with plenty of dad's money in his pocket without any trouble.

You realise that this guy attacked his bed with his wooden katana and then cried himself to sleep because he didn't win the lottery right? The guy who was hurt because people didn't look at him in admiration when he entered the class? The guy who threw hot coffee over a couple for making out near him and thereby making him jealous? The guy who planned on murdering 'the hottest sorority' because the blonde white girls didn't worship him?

He was fucked from the start, getting his dick wet wouldn't have made a difference.

>> No.4934332

even his fancy car, sunglasses, jewelry etc. were possessions he waited for his parents to buy for him, and I doubt they would have ever bought him an escort, even if prostitution were legal.

>> No.4934338
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/lit/ is very hypocrite. It supports socialism because it can't compete on the economical market with it's shitty English degrees, but when it comes to the sexual market, where they are competitive and have easy access to cute hipsters girls, they are the most avid defenders of the laissez-faire status quo.

It goes to show that people only fight for equality when it's advantageous for them. Pic related.

>> No.4934341

>natural selection doesn't affect bees cause that hive is cosy as fuck xD
There is no such thing as escaping natural selection. If a mongoloid thrives in this society he thrives at existence. There is no cheating at the game of life. Winning is always winning. I'm a NEET on welfare but if I just impregnate a few ghetto skanks Charlie Darwin himself will give me a medal for succeeding at life. That's how it works.

>> No.4934348

>that retarded rat doing a silly dance

>> No.4934351

I don't think people like OP realize how much they're contributing to a problem they dimly acknowledge and cannot solve.

"He's a dumbfuck self-centered autist VIRGIN" and then fixating on the virgin part as the piece that really needs repairing and the wellspring of all other faults. So "I don't want to be a dumbfuck" or "I don't want to be an autist" or "I don't want to be detestable" translates into "I don't want to be a virgin" everywhere.

If this guy was not a virgin in a culture that despises adult virgins and flings virgin around as an insult with wild abandon, he might have felt slightly less alienated, sure. But if he was okay with being a virgin, he would have been MUCH better off.

I don't think the question should be "how should we make men not be virgins so that they will be okay people," but "how can we make people okay with virginity?"

>> No.4934352

>/lit is a single person
>there is no substantial difference between economic redistribution and comfort women for everyone
>I often dream of being penetrated by my father
which of those statements do you subscribe to?

>> No.4934354

>He was fucked from the start, getting his dick wet wouldn't have made a difference.
Considering how much of his manifesto is absolutely obsessed with sex and his inability to get it, this is unambiguously wrong. Would he ever be able to function like a normal person? Almost certainly not. But the possibility that he might not have gone on a murder rampage is very real.

>> No.4934357
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>> No.4934358
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Elliot wouldn't have agreed with a government sanctioned concubine.

He didn't just want to get laid, he wanted a girl who in turn wanted him, and you can't force that.

>> No.4934361

You're a fucking idiot and you have no idea what natural selection means.

The fact that you could "impregnate a few ghetto skanks" is exactly what makes "survival of the fittest" void.

>> No.4934362

lonely STEM major detected, and possible virgin

>Inequality is related to the direct interests of individuals who are bent on escaping certain equalities not in their favour, and setting up new inequalities that will be in their favour, this latter being their chief concern

>> No.4934366

how is this /lit/-related?

>> No.4934373

>I don't think the question should be "how should we make men not be virgins so that they will be okay people," but "how can we make people okay with virginity?"
Can you socially condition a child so that it's ok with not playing with other children?

Humans are fundamentally social animals, and sex and the physical intimacy that goes with it are the most powerful social experiences many people will ever have. At least with the tools currently within our resources, just "programming" that desire away is pretty much impossible.

>> No.4934374


i had thinking like this once, then i realised waiting for a woman to come on to you was dumb and counter-intuitive.

>> No.4934376

>p-p-please stop your discussion
>people aren't paying attention to my 60th thread about nee-chay

>> No.4934378

Literature is a mirror of life.

>> No.4934383

Then should it also be a human right to have someone who cares about you deeply?

>> No.4934384

it isn't but neither are any of the other threads on the front page

>> No.4934393

He literally could have bought sex without any problem, as I said in the post you are responding to.

>> No.4934397

>do you have any idea how widespread stds already are without widespread prostitution? condoms aren't 100% effective and a lot of people are asymptomatic and the tests are far from perfect
>this sounds like a recipe for an std epidemic

You're overstating the problem. STD's are already rife in the sexually active population, and in my scenario the main people affected would be the prostitutes (who are gonna be affected by STD's anyway) and the fuckwits who can't get laid (and.... meh, their life sucks anyway, it's their risk).

>> No.4934400

Psychiatry and all incarnations of therapy are basically a state sanctioned institution devoted to caring deeply about people.

So that's already covered.

>> No.4934405

Is it finally time to talk about internet communities that divide the world into "us" and the "normals" yet, and do so with rhetoric that almost appears designed to inflame people with mental illness and/or social disabilities?

Misogyny is a root here, but it could be any primal resentment against the mob or the crowd next time.

This time it's not about guns so much as misogyny, and Us v Them, Us v Normals, of which misogyny (along with anti-semetism) is the expression par excellence. This tragedy should make everyone think twice about how defining oneself against the other is guiding our relationships in the social media age. No-one with what the social justice kiddies call "privilege" should look at this shit and think "never me" so long as definition of self-identity against otherness is any part of our self-image, we don't lose that "privilege" when we lose our rags, and any fucker can lose his rag even some rich dick.

>> No.4934406

The definition of 'fittest' is not set in stone, and adjusts as the conditions we live in and must overcome adjust.

>> No.4934407

>devoted to caring deeply about people.

You mean devoted to riot prevention?

>> No.4934408


>Psychiatry and all incarnations of therapy are basically a state sanctioned institution devoted to caring deeply about people


>> No.4934411

You don't know what survival of the fittest means. It means the most fitting. Those who thrive, thrive. You can't say that "thriving under this circumstance doesn't count because I don't like it". Natural selection applies to every part of nature, including society.

>> No.4934415

Be as cynical as you want, but I actually that's a perfect equivalent to something like state sanctioned prostitution.

Obviously have a genuine close friend is much better than having a therapist, like having a genuine sexual partner is much better than buying a prostitute, but both therapy and prostitution are much better than nothing if you lack the social skills or mental health or both to get either friends or sex in your life through normal means.

>> No.4934416

Fucking a prostitute in a country with regulated prostitution is actually safer than fucking an amateur.

>> No.4934422

In the US at least, the government guarantees the right to the "pursuit of happiness".

Sexual frustration is real and its nefast symptoms are observable in all social animals.

Sexual intercourse is exclusionary. This is a natural thing. It's also enforced by society on its individuals, and not by the state. This means "rights" have no place in this discussion. A person can have no "right" to sexual and emotional fulfillment, only the right to attain those goals.

By prohibiting prostitution, teaching abstinance and shaming/demonizing sexuality the state is infringing on that right.

>> No.4934427

>but both therapy and prostitution are much better than nothing if you lack the social skills or mental health or both to get either friends or sex in your life through normal means.

Just gonna say as someone with minimal social relations, getting a psychologist to talk to every week is a huge relief and immensely better than being completely lonely.

>> No.4934428

Psychiatry is not therapy.

>> No.4934432


i get your sentiment but the thing is psychiatry as such fails in this regard. they fail because they are embedded in a cultural situation, liberal ideology, that hamstrings ability for adaptive moral prescription, which is what their business comes down too.

>> No.4934435

Alright, well just therapy then.

>> No.4934436

>It's also enforced by society on its individuals

Except that it isn't. Peer pressure and social expectation aren't actually "enforcement."

>> No.4934439

>being this stupid

Prostitution is already legal in any civilised country. Here workers are regularly tested for any nasties.

>> No.4934444

>yfw the sexual revolution made supply of sex with women increase to the level where 'having to pay' became shameful
>yfw in countries without a sexual revolution its still acceptable for men to go out, have a few drinks and then go to the brothel
>yfw hippies created sexual elitism by virtue of 'freedom'

>> No.4934448

It sounds like OP is proposing some weird mandate the state should impose, whereby every adult is guaranteed sex if s/he wants it. This would require state-sponsored brothels, and an army of virile men and women working around the clock and balls in order to rid society of its Rodgers.

I'm still waiting on that email btw ;)

>> No.4934450

Strongly encouraged, then.

>> No.4934451

>working around the clock and balls

first true laugh I ever had here, I think

>> No.4934455

The central problem is not: people can't get sex. It is: how people can go about finding sex or getting into a relationship re sex.

>> No.4934460

Marquis de Sade actually had an interesting pamphlet included in Philosophy in the Bedroom where he pleaded for arrangements where citizens could freely frequent brothels either as a prostitute or customer in a society where the taboo on sexuality would be actively fought so that sexual repression would diminish. He envisioned sort of a sexual ebay (but irl of course) where people could just offer the services they would want to provide according to the prices they required and the rest could happily and guiltlessly make use of that. I believe he even argued for regular state sanctioned std checks and all that.

>> No.4934464

muh feels.
who the fuck cares. i'm a 24yo hugless virgin and i'll be a 40yo virgin. couldn't give a fuck.

>> No.4934465

Then OP is look for Zamyatin's "We", which doesn't actually involve prostitution but you can "reserve" any digit (person) for sex and the government will schedule it.

A situation where prostitution is extremely available already existed in the past, I don't think things were less violent except in terms of population density.

Give me your email again, I'll see what I can do

>> No.4934467

But the sexual revolution didn't really catch on culturally. People still shame women enough for their promiscuity that they generally lie about it. It might be on the verge of changing with slut walks, but, I mean...who the fuck is going to listen to a slut walk?

>> No.4934468

You're in or you're out.

>> No.4934470

>not liking grapes

>> No.4934478
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>> No.4934480

No way. Quit it with this whole sexual revolution, it's going to turn us into a sybaritic race of slavish animals.

>> No.4934483

>A situation where prostitution is extremely available already existed in the past, I don't think things were less violent except in terms of population density.
Except that there were so many other different variables in the past that a straight comparison like that is absurd. In the past, xenophobia was MUCH stronger than it is now, war was much more common and many more people died from it, and starving to death if you broke your leg and couldn't work was a very real possibility.

These days, providing for basic needs and staying alive is considerably easier.

>> No.4934487

Glad to have been your first ;)

I'll have to check it out, it sounds like BNW a bit, but with a govt mediator in place of a cultural climate.

My junk email is imagesurreal@gmail.com, though the last thing I expect our convo to be is junk

>> No.4934488

>Diogenes stood outside a brothel, shouting, "A beautiful whore is like poisoned honey! A beautiful whore is like poisoned honey! A beautiful whore . . . ". Men entering the house threw him a coin or two to shut him up. Eventually Diogenes had collected enough money and he too went into the brothel.

>> No.4934490

Eliot is a perfect example of why prostitution should be legalized and destigmatized. Until feminists back this point fully, they will always be a joke ideology

>> No.4934492


if you can't even get pussy, you do not deserve to reproduce. sex is a fucking privilege, and if you're a fucking retard with an autistic grasp of social norms and a shit personality, you aren't going to get it

god i hate this faggot. what happened to the report button? the worst thing is that now everyone is going to associate narcissism with this fucking pussy. so now whenever i put an effort into looking nice, i'm just going to get responses akin to this fucking faggot goddamn it

another thing that irks me is this dude is such a fucking loser. 0 friends, kissless virgin, starts fights at frat parties at a school he doesn't even go to, what the fuck man? calling himself an alpha when he's a community college dropout, reads fucking game of thrones, favorite movie is titanic, 0 intelligence, fucking god i'm just so heated how can i be a socially acceptable narcissist now thanks to this fucking retard

stop posting this faggot on this board, this is not literature related, there has not been one intelligent thing posted in this thread except for my post, goddamn it man hella heated rn 😤😠😤

>> No.4934493

*kisses rosary

>> No.4934494

We should rather make opiates a human right and turn into lotus eaters.

>> No.4934499

No. The thing people are missing is that this guy would have killed people regardless of whether or not he was getting laid.

>> No.4934501

Anyone can get a whore. He lived outside LA, asshole. Beyond that, he could have easily gotten sex for free.

Sex wasn't this kid's problem, though he made it out like it was.

>> No.4934502

Here in Australia many feminists support our legal/regulated prostitution.

>> No.4934507

Orwell asserted that BNW was heavily derived from We (1984 was influenced by it as well).

Alright, I'll send you something in a bit

>> No.4934508

Watch his video again. He doesn't act concerned at all. It seems pretty clear to me that he just had Antisocial PD and was using the whole "virgin" story to justify himself. It's what he thinks everyone wants to hear to feel sorry for him.

>> No.4934512


not necessarily, he reached the conclusion he did under a frame of mind not getting sex. if it happened that he were, chances are he would act differently, even if he retains the same general sentiment.

>> No.4934519

No. The guy was clearly severely dysfunctional, but his manifesto is so wrapped up in his lack of sex that saying "it wasn't sex" just a dumb as shit assertion.

Yes, he never would have lived up to his narcissistic expectations, but he probably wouldn't have felt deprived of a basic component of human happiness to the point where he murdered people.

>> No.4934520

He wanted the validation that comes from consensual sex.

>> No.4934522
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>fake stan does a bad impression once again
just give it up m8 you will never be albanian

>> No.4934523

>he could have easily gotten sex for free
No, HE couldn't. He had this idea in his head that women approach men or reciprocate awkward virgin advances the way they do in coming of age comedies. Imagine some version of him without that and you've deprived him of the fact that he is a main character in a coming of age comedy, and the next thing you know you'll be claiming that he isn't the main character in any movie at all. And if he isn't the main character in a drama he's writing in his own head then he wouldn't be Elliot anymore.

>> No.4934529

>He doesn't act concerned at all.
That's probably because he's autistic.

>> No.4934531
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If depriving these kids of sexuality results in dead vapid Californians then I'd say ban porn as well.

>> No.4934536

>He had this idea in his head that women approach men

No he didn't.

>> No.4934540

Dubious. Eliot was mentally disabled, and disturbed. I'm talking about the average repressed male

>> No.4934543

>tfw you will never have sex

i'm sick of being stigmatized thanks to these guys.

>> No.4934546
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>> No.4934549

Nobody is repressing them. It's not our fault that he/you are ugly and can't get sex. The idea of making prostitution on a mass scale OK is laughable because it is a complete waste of resources, glossing over the treatment, and highly more important, of relationship issues.

>> No.4934550

maybe we should castrate omega males then with lack of testosterone they wouldnt be so aggresive and go on killing people

>> No.4934551

Maybe he wouldn't have killed, but he probably would have beat abused any woman he had a relationship with.

It wasn't sex, it was validation. So if he had gotten sex, he would have come up with some excuse for it not to count. 'Oh I got paid for her' or 'She just liked me because __' or 'she doesn't know the REAL me.'

>> No.4934553

He would be correct however in asserting that evolution has ceased in western societies since there are no longer any selection pressures affecting western society. It's extremely easy to survive and reproduce if you so desire. Our population's allele frequencies are going to remain very similar in the forseable future compared to normal organisms.

>> No.4934554

if determinism is right, it was physically impossible for him not to do what he did, he was just following the laws of physics

>> No.4934555

It takes a truly delusional person to infer what you have inferred. society IS repression

>> No.4934556

>The idea of making prostitution on a mass scale OK is laughable
This is the status quo in the civilised world, Puritan silly yank. :3

>> No.4934557

>Eliot was mentally disabled, and disturbed.

Then why did you cite him as the reason prostitution should be legalized?

>> No.4934559

Yes, he fucking did. Watch his videos and read his writing. He never once approached a woman and asked her out, he honestly believed that simply by looking nice and having a BMW women would approach him and ask to fuck, because that was the way sex was supposed to work. He invented courtship rituals in his head that had nothing to do with the real world and then felt cheated by the world when it didn't conform to his version of how sex worked.

>> No.4934560


i dunno, mass prostitution sounds like a great idea for a works project, better than digging ditches imo.

>> No.4934561
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i actually do think that surplus is obligatorily given to those who need it, but acts don't exist in surplus. food et. al are impersonal, they're objects, there's no emotional component. there definitely is an emotional component to sex, regardless of how much you unwashed heathens want to depreciate it. same goes for kisses, hugs, and compliments.

>> No.4934564

1. It's not needed.
2. It's very risky
3. It's ethically ambiguous.

>> No.4934565

I'm using him as a poster boy for the retarded practice of sex and relationships in western society. Elliot's boring as fuck

>> No.4934568

>regulated and legalized prostitution industry
>laissez faire
surely I'm missing something here

>> No.4934569

No, evolution has not ceased. A lack of pressures merely means that selection is less harsh. It's still present. Failure to reproduce is still failure to reproduce. Just because a species has carved out a comfy niche for itself doesn't mean that it's suddenly above nature.

>> No.4934572

>not needed
>ethically ambiguous
sounds like literature

>> No.4934574

his problem was being an idiot, with his riches, he could have easily gotten testosterone shots, then get the drive to approach bitches and fuck them, or just lift weights and elevate t naturally

>> No.4934575

In germany and some countries in europe it is a legal right.

If you are disabled the gov't will pay a prostitute to come over and have sex with you.

Yes, it should be legal

>> No.4934576

1. You're wrong
2. You're wrong
3. You're wrong

>> No.4934577

>i actually do think that surplus is obligatorily given to those who need it
>a need

Unless we're talking regarding the human race, nope. Individuals can, and have, lived full lives without sex because it's not necessary for bodily-functions.

>> No.4934578

>there definitely is an emotional component to sex, regardless of how much you unwashed heathens want to depreciate it. same goes for kisses, hugs, and compliments.
Sure there is, but even bought and paid for sex is still leagues above a complete absence of sex if you lack the mental health and/or social skills to get it socially.

>> No.4934579

1. It's fun.
2. It's mostly harmless
3. It's fine.

>> No.4934581

It's legal in any civilised country.
lel murika

>> No.4934583

what if the prostitute is an ugly hambeast, or do you get to choose the prostitute according to your fetish

>> No.4934584

>1. It's not needed.
reading this thread, that's clearly arguable
>2. It's very risky
because life destroying STDs are rampant in a regulated prostitution industry yep
>3. It's ethically ambiguous.
now that is just bullshit

>> No.4934585

Sexual selection is ridiculously strong in the natural world.
Peacocks etc.
As long as sexual selection exists allele frequencies will shift.
In a society with no other determining factors, sexual selection remains.
Which brings this back to Elliot, and the excellent news that he was a genetic dead end.

>> No.4934586
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Oh God, not on /lit/ too.
I'm sick of this faggot, every board i go i see his ugly face.
Americans please stop making celebrities out of your psychos.

>> No.4934587

And children can live full lives without ever being touched or hugged or played with by their parents.

>> No.4934591

He's the first mass murderer that was demonstrably a 4chan user, there's bound to be some excitement.

>> No.4934593

m8 y cant you seem to comprehend that i am not trying to be stan

he clearly did. i'm going to assume he never once asked a girl out, because he's either a) a retard or b) a latent homosexual. i'm fully convinced his unfulfilled homo urges caused him to kill

compatibilism is possible within determinism proving that he was nothing but a loser

this creates another good point. i think now girls will now avoid shifty psycho faggots like elliot with low self-esteem, and general weird behavior. if we can cut off the problem at the root, we can prevent more betas from being born

and to think, you faggots are always complaining that girls have *too* much sex and now you think it's a right

>> No.4934594

As it has been said multiple times, he wanted to feel VALIDATED. It wasn't about the sex itself. The thing he was after was women lusting over him.

Pay attention.

>> No.4934595

Go to /n/ and have some zen

>> No.4934596

But psychosis is all we have.
Without that, we're just uglier Canadians.

>> No.4934598

The uninformed feminist shit-storm brewing behind this is hilarious.

>> No.4934599
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i'm answering the question. sex is not a human right. if it WERE, and it were treated the same way as other necessities, then physically able people would be morally obligated to give it to those in need.

>> No.4934600

yea, im seriously thinking of moving out of the US

I don't know if they get to choose, or if beggars can be choosers haha

>> No.4934602

why are you taking out your anger on this board?

>> No.4934603

That's also what I said, look at the posts before.

>> No.4934605

>now avoid

They were clearly doing that already.

>> No.4934607

People aren't obligated to arbitrary surplus goods. Even though there are a surplus of diamonds, for instance, the government doesn't mandate a program where the homeless and those who can't pay get a certain amount of them. We organize human rights around what humans need, and sex, while it's not needed for a person to not die, IS a fundamental aspect of a person's mental health.

>> No.4934609

In nature, sex is the right of the male who can take it. Women's rights are a sham that fucks up everything

Nietzsche was wrong. Being thrown back into the age of master morality would be the greatest thing ever

That's why I worship Ares, and wish the collapse of society on us all

May the strongest man survive

May the women bear his seed

>> No.4934610

I, for one, would be fine with fucking fat ugly chicks if the government provided me with enough compensation.

>> No.4934611

it only proves sex is a really strong force, there are even animals that die right after fucking

>> No.4934616

because i'm tired of seeing this faggot on /lit/. this thread has nothing to do with anything. now i'm going to read, i implore the rest of you to do the same

>> No.4934617

bye wannabe stan

>> No.4934618

If you look at posts on /r/twoxchromosomes on reddit, they say the dumbest, most ignorant and uninformed shit about men. Women are just as dumb about men as Eliot was of women

>> No.4934619

You have no right to tell men or women what to do with their bodies.

>> No.4934623




>> No.4934625
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>not worshipping the dark mother
enjoy being ballista fodder pleb

>> No.4934627

Yes I do.

But "rights" don't exist

>> No.4934629
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i am actually impressed at your ability to reach so frantically for an argument that you were willing to completely misinterpret my post.

>arbitrary goods
>the govmint
>we organize human rights
we are operating on different wavelengths, home slice


(on an unrelated note, i can't get the phrase "someone chuck a cupcake at me" out of my head)

>> No.4934631

"The arrogance of man is thinking nature is in their control, and not the other way around."

>> No.4934634

>worshipping something that's not Greek

It's as if you enjoy inferiority

>> No.4934637

Sex is still the right of the male who can take it. Might is right isn't something that can be suspended, it still applies. If someone has the wit to fool others in believing that they should give them certain privileges (women's rights) then all the more power to them. The best always rule by definition. If you live in a world where women have established rights, in whichever way, they thereby deserve those rights. The strongest always survive, because the definition of strength lies in this survival. They're one and the same.

>> No.4934638

Pretty much.

Do you know how to identify a bona fide idiot, liar, and dangerous individual?

They will tell you they can solve society's problems

>> No.4934639


The amount of change in the human gene pool brought about by sexual selection is tantamount to genetic drift.
You can call that evolution in a sense , but the important point is that in the developed world it is so easy to survive and reproduce that we are not subject to selection pressures so the idea that humans are going to have no toes in thousands of years is unlikely.

>> No.4934641

Women blueball, they die. Seems all is right with the world.

>> No.4934642

So deep, rock on man!

>> No.4934643


>> No.4934645


The difference being that there is no reason to learn more about men. Nobody's happiness would actually increase if female redditors went from sickening fictions to the equally sickening truth. Women do not go on killing sprees because they think men love rape scenes in novels.

Elliot, on the other hand, would have been demonstrably happier if he were able to understand and accept the reality of women, and all the other people he hurt would have been better off too.

At least one class in women's studies should be fucking mandatory for every UC student.

>> No.4934648

We are still subject to selection pressures, they're just less blatant. Elliot Rodge the zany gunman for example failed to live up to those pressures.

>> No.4934650

Sarcasm is a very effective and meaningful tool

>> No.4934653

Proportionate response

>> No.4934654

The reality of women? The reality would have been no different on his ego

He lived exactly how a person with his conditions would under the pressures he endured

>> No.4934655


For thousands of years it was common for a man to put woman out of her misery if she refused to give him vagina. Glad to see people still live like their ancestors did.

>> No.4934660

Yes, he did what he did.

>> No.4934662

Actually, you have no idea what survival of the fittest means. Evolution is not a straightforward path to an apex creature; evolution is a branching tree about biodiversity. "Survival of the fittest" only means the most fit to reproduce. If neckbeards were getting the most women preggers in the whole world, that would technically make them the most "fit".

>1. Alpha male jock gets laid all the time and practices safe sex. Never has a kid. He is biologically "unfit"
>2. Neckbeard has sex one time ever and has a kid. Evolutionarily fit.

>> No.4934663
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>For thousands of years it was common for a man to put woman out of her misery if she refused to give him vagina
>not just pummel into submission until having become docile

Do you even rape bro?

>> No.4934664

Elliot's problems did not come from a lack of exposure to feminism, they came from his complete misunderstanding of how courtship worked in combination with his insane levels of narcissism.

Saying "respect women more" is a nice platitude that solves nothing.

>> No.4934666

and that would allow for less fit but more subtle traits to survive which could in the long run be what makes future humans more sophisticated, traits that wouldnt make you survive before but that could be beneficial now we solved some basic issues

>> No.4934670

I don't think one statistical outlier means women's studies should be mandatory for all students. Besides, have you been to a uni? Almost every course either has a class on feminism or the entire course itself is seething with feminism.

I study urban planning. The whole body of thought behind urban planning has basically devolved into a bunch of women talking about how male planners need to be more female.

>> No.4934672

That picture is fucking infuriating.
The idea of rape culture is that women "owe" men sex. He couldn't have stated more clearly that he believed sex was owed to him. While he didn't rape women, he believed that they should essentially rape themselves to please him.

>> No.4934674
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>I'm so fuckin' glad no one has risen above animal instinct
>I love the smell of suffering in the morning


>> No.4934675

Actually, I've thought multiple times of creating fake identities and disposable cell phones, traveling America and hooking up, getting random women pregnant and convincing them to keep the baby, then disappearing, and repeat to spread my seed far and wide

>> No.4934676

I would add that we think we can understand nature with science but there is always something which escapes understanding

>> No.4934677

that's effectively noise though. It's not going to lead to specific alleles spreading through our population very quickly because those who don't have that allele are likely to pass on sigifnicantly fewer copies of their genes resulting in differences to the whole species because everyone is pretty likely to survive and reproduce in the developed world.

>> No.4934682

if you arent around your children could grow up to be like elliot

>> No.4934684

Women are men's chattel, and can never be anything else

>> No.4934685

He believed that they should give him what he wants when he wants spontaneously. Actually. he's like the quintessential irrational woman stereotype that get mad when she doesn't get what she doesn't ask for in the first place and just expects you to know and cater to anyway. Quite feminine, really.

>> No.4934686

>butterfly enters thread
>instantly goes to shit

This is why men need the right to hit women who speak

>> No.4934687

Spooks claim another victim

>> No.4934689

>rising above animal instinct
>humanist dualist spooky essentialist nofunposting

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4934693

I'll have one stay at home wench to raise the creme of the crop

>> No.4934695

>The idea of rape culture is that women "owe" men sex.
This couldn't be further from the current cultural paradigm though.

And while I agree that no specific woman owes a specific man sex, to deny how fundamental sex is to basic happiness and well being is to deny reality. As long as you have people who are like Elliot, you are going to have psychological suffering, and suffering that sometimes results in violence.

>> No.4934704


But people call for changes in inequality that doesn't affect them at all.

>> No.4934708


There was a girl who awkwardly flirted with me in high school. I brushed her off, and her response was seething rage. One of my friends broke up with his girlfriend before they did the deed, and she kept at him for two weeks, putting notes in his locker saying things like "we just need to take our relationship to the next level."

All this time I thought those were just how brittle, overemotional people respond to rejection.

Were these women actually conditioned to normalize rape?

>> No.4934711

Lots of sex is like financial success, it's something people are indoctrinated to expect, like they said in Fight Club.

>> No.4934712

I understand what you mean, but even this gently coasting along, while uneventful, is still part of the greater picture. What I'm objecting again is mostly the sort of strange dualism people seem to subscribe to in the sense of placing civilisation outside of the reach of nature.

>> No.4934717

>he clearly did
>i'm going to assume
>i'm assuming

>> No.4934721

It shows how entitled we are that we act so surprised and indignant when people go out in a blaze of violence. The percentage of people that go ape shit in contemporary society seems almost unbelievably low to me. I'd say it would be more understandable of these type of things happened multiple times a day in a world with about 7 billion neurotic fuckers crawling about.

>> No.4934723

It's not an assumption. Read his manifesto and watch his videos. He never once approaches a girl and asks her out and gets rejected. I remember at one point in one of his videos he explicitly says "if I approached those girls, I'd be rejected".

The guy never once tried to initiate a fuck himself.

>> No.4934726

Most people aren't that surprised, just insufferable feminists who are trying to turn this into a campaign about how rejecting men's advances is the most dangerous thing in the world (even though Elliot never actually approached any women).

>> No.4934733

Women aren't "conditioned" to normalize rape, they are rape objects in themselves, and all that matters is what the true actors (men) around these women do.

>> No.4934736

They also said "this is what PUA culture does!!!!!" despite Eliot being a user of the website PUAhate and talking shit on men who do get laid. He was clearly a man that was the opposite of "male assertion is okay", and his actions represent the brutal reality of repressed male emotions. This is why feminism will bring society down, because feminism demands the repression of men, and repressed men are violent

The true end game of feminism would be to begin enforced hormone therapy, BNW style on men

>> No.4934739

>tfw you will never be a lesbian rapist

>> No.4934744


>Can you socially condition a child so that it's ok with not playing with other children?
Yes. Its not uncommon, anon.

>> No.4934752

It is surprising, though increasingly less. Mass shootings haven't been all that common until relatively recently.

Many people probably fantasize about going apeshit, but they value themselves too much to sacrifice their life for it.

>> No.4934761

The Americas are pretty much a containment landmass

>> No.4934763

Sadly, Eliot was stronger than all other repressed men

>> No.4934764

So many lack food and water, and we should worry if the top 2-3% of the world feels sexually satisfied?

Sex is a pleasure, and pleasures are not a right.

>> No.4934770

Why haven't you donated more to charity, anon?

>> No.4934774

>dialed in


>> No.4934777

i love that the take away from this is that women should put out more, not that "repressed men" should be held accountable for their actions on account of their membership in society

>> No.4934778

I live less than 10 minutes away from where this shit went down.

I've read this guy's manifesto and I can think of a time when I really identified with the things he says, and felt the same way.

that time was when I was 12 years old, just before I masturbated and subsequently thought "wow, I can't believe I though such retarded evil shit" and felt shitty about it

I wish I could find quotes, but Pratchett has several good bits in the discworld series where he talks about the sheer force of seething hatred that only the most mundane, work-a-day people can bring to bear for imagined slights. This fuckwit is a perfect example of it.

As for the larger question, obviously prostitution should be 100% legal. There is no more succinct argument than george carlin's;
>fuck is legal
>selling is legal


>> No.4934779

This thread is already shit. We had a /news/ containment thread already

>Using Stirner to justify brutality.

>> No.4934785

>brutality is automatically bad
sure bud

>> No.4934788

"Right to sex" is spooky as fuck tho

>> No.4934790

He was held accountable for his actions, he's dead. If he wasn't dead, he'd almost certainly get life in prison. Obviously, once someone is willing to go on a murder spree, they're not terribly concerned about accountability, so your point seems irrelevant.

>> No.4934791

When is it justifiable?

>> No.4934795

When I believe the circumstances dictate it

>> No.4934798

It's not ideal but technically that is all it takes to sustain a human life.

Living is a state that isn't death, whether or not the person involved is miserable is irrelevant.

>> No.4934801

The only "right to sex" there is is the right to your own. Your body. This must have been said ITT already.

>> No.4934802

What if a right to sex is an idea that serves you?

>> No.4934803

U r dumm

>> No.4934806

Don't dodge the question.
When do you think you have a good reason to go apeshit?

>> No.4934808

just like every other 'vice', like drugs or gambling, there are plenty of places where the thing in question is perfectly legal. and in nearly 100% of instances, the place is better off for it, in every way. when drugs are legal, there are fewer drug-related crimes. fewer drug-related accidents. often even a lower rate of drug USE.

outlawing anything that consenting adults want to do to themselves or eachother has been endlessly proven to be a TERRIBLE idea that results in nothing but lost time, money and lives.

>> No.4934811

The only right to food and water are food and water on land you own. Land you own. This must have been said ITT already.

>> No.4934812

Lol what? Maybe the takeaway is that society is a broken concept and always sucks for some people, but since women are weak and submissive, and men are prone to violence and outbursts, then men will naturally take the power

>> No.4934813

I believe that brutality can be justified by conditions, that's all I need to say.

>> No.4934814


It's bizarre how twitter and tumblr feminists are blaming American culture when this guy was practically rejected by society. He had one friend who stopped associating with him, and everyone else he came into contact with didn't give a fuck about him. He was mentally ill beyond reason, as other ITT have said--even people on PUAhate told him he spoke like a serial killer.

>> No.4934816

Rights are spooks

>> No.4934819

Not necessarily

>> No.4934825

Nope. You do not have a right to your body. This is demonstrably true. Even nature takes away that right, and you're forced to lend your flesh to others.

Stupid people, like you, just put sex on a pedestal. Hmm, why would a woman make her only commodity, sex, a "prize" to be earned?

>> No.4934826


I speak on behalf of /lit/ when I say that we stand in solidarity with all women in the face of this tragedy.

>> No.4934830

Because feminists are digging for events to fill the gap in their delusional narrative

>> No.4934831


Elliot is a byproduct of feminism, not an enemy of it.

>> No.4934834

not-that-guy here
>when is brutality justifiable?
when someone threatens my physical safety without provocation. in this case, any and all means of ending that threat as swiftly as possible become instantly justified IMO.

>> No.4934835

>being this delusional

>> No.4934838

Feeling entitled to something is egoism.

>> No.4934839

You own land?

>you're forced to lend your flesh to others.
We are indeed still slaves after a fashion. Glad you're coming around.

>> No.4934847

Good answer.

Now just imagine a world were even this isn't necessary

>> No.4934848

>You own land?
Land is a commodity in most of the world.

>> No.4934850

Entitlement is a spook. "Is" is all that is

>> No.4934857

Coming around to what

>> No.4934858

>Now just imagine a world were even this isn't necessary
to what end? no such world has ever existed or ever will. even the most enlightened, post-scarcity, star-trek-federation-y world will have violent aberrations.

>> No.4934863

What if it's in my self interest?

>> No.4934864

Ignore butterfly, she isn't fit for discussion that requires brain power

>> No.4934866

>no such world has ever existed or ever will
Swear it!? Swear it, do you!!?

(I'm sorry. I'm seeing pouring rain and forked lighting over a cliff to this exchange)

Nothing is perfect, admittedly, but this is no excuse for not TRYING to make things better.

>> No.4934868

Unlike Poindexter here! He's very astute!

>> No.4934873

Fuck off butterfly. Go start a blog and stay out of /lit/.

>> No.4934878

Have I hit a nerve?

>> No.4934883


Passive aggressive communication mechanic for a weak individual. Typical

>> No.4934886

virtually nothing has ever become better by people 'trying' to make things better. things become better because that betterment was profitable, either literally or metaphorically. violence subsides because the environment has less need for violence.

>> No.4934887

People who actually get frustrated about not having sex, or having sexual desires so strong they feel they need to hurt people or rape someone are fucking pathetic. They have no right to anything.

>> No.4934889

He could have hired a hooker.

>> No.4934893

Yes, you come into a thread and attention whore until it becomes an inane conversation all about you.

Please, fuck off.

>> No.4934896

This anon is probably correct

>> No.4934899

That doesn't stop it from being a spook to those against whom you deploy it.


No it isn't, at least not in Stirner's sense. Entitlement requires a belief in Right. Saying "I fucking want that" is egoism (unless that desire crystallizes and you make it something you serve as a rule, in which case it becomes a spook; that is why Stirner says critiques greed).

>> No.4934901

Stirner really is an idiot. When I say, "this is mine", it is mine unless someone can take it from me. My rights begin and end only in my capacity to enforce them, which is antithetical to why the idea of rights was created

But that doesn't mean there isn't "ownership", per se, it's that ownership is a stupid metaphysics

>> No.4934905

>Should sex be regarded as a human right?
OP is pro-rape, anti-self ownership/property

>> No.4934907

>tfw some fuckwit happens to share some small part of your viewpoint on something but goes overboard to the point of insanity

this guy is to sexuality as ayn rand is to economics.

>> No.4934912

Where exactly are you differing from Stirner? Except in that you are saying what you can enforce is your "Right", whereas Stirner says not even might makes Right anymore than forcing a religion makes a god exist.

>> No.4934915

Then you're a pathetic self-loathing person, like everyone on 4chan

>> No.4934916

Ayn Rand says people should share more?

>> No.4934928

Because Stirner forgot that people still believe in rights, meaning they are legitimate in their own role. There's a difference between rights, which is a pure metaphysics in that it only relates to the metaphysics of objects, whereas God is a metaphysical construct that is to interfere with physics

>> No.4934932

You can masturbate.

>> No.4934935

Basically, Stirner forgot that not all metaphysics were created equally