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4934092 No.4934092[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is Death is not the End about? What am I supposed to get from it? It's just an old poet reclining in the sun.

>> No.4934101

>What am I supposed to get from it?

DFW is a genius maaaan

>> No.4934123

It concerns the institutive heternormality of--not the text in question, but that which the text, since it is so exacerbatively recursive to nominal hegemony, refuses to disclose. This is most telling by the metatextual neo-segue. DFW is inviting us to enjoy the eliminative cogency of the that-which-isn't-written-is-that-which-is-what-this-is-about, which coincides with--not New Sincerity, since that occurs outside the realm of DFW and even before him--but Neo-new Sincerity, which stacks an extra layer of sincere narrativity onto the whole shebang.

>> No.4934127
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>> No.4934129


>> No.4934130

I thought it was a tricky little parody of those paragraphs that always open interviews, e.g. "I am sitting with [blank blank], a [blank], [blank], [blank], and a winner of the [blank] Award for [blank]."

Just a ridiculously long, repetitious version of that.

I don't know if there's a serious message there, or criticism of anything, really. To borrow one of his own phrases, it just has a "Look mom no hands!" quality to it; it just seems like a little literary gizmo he stuck in there at the beginning to get your attention.

>> No.4934159

I swear, I've had class with you.

>> No.4934192

run-on sentences are to your brain as DFW's semen is to your face.

>> No.4934211

Forever Overhead is a way better attention-getter in my book. One of the few pieces of prose I can honestly say I've been blown away by.
Dave sure got his Barthelme down.

>> No.4934217

it's a commentary on the filtration of contemporary identity through wholly materialist lenses. At no point do we know anything about the poet's internal voice; indeed, the very fact that the man is by occupation a poet reveals to us that materialist/institutionalized identities have emerged in direct opposition to identities constructed out of self-expression and art.

>> No.4934239

this guy >>4934123 already beat you to it with the mindless blather schtick

>> No.4934279


I agree 100% ---

"And dreams. For months there have been dreams like nothing before: moist and busy and distant, full of yielding curves, frantic pistons, warmth and a great falling; and you have awakened through fluttering lids to a rush and a gush and a toe-curling scalp-snapping jolt of feeling from an inside deeper than you knew you had, spasms of a deep sweet hurt, the streetlights through your window blinds cracking into sharp stars against the black bedroom ceiling, and on you a dense white jam that lisps between legs, trickles and sticks, cools on you, hardens and clears until there is nothing but gnarled knots of pale solid animal hair in the morning shower, and in the wet tangle of clean sweet smell you can't believe comes from anything you made inside you."

Shit blew my hair back when I first read it. God damn.

>> No.4934283

but anon, I'm actually trying to say something ;_;

>> No.4934291

Yeah, no. Fuck off with your equivocation.

>> No.4934321

pls look up "equivocate" in a dictionary before attempting to ever use it in a sentence again thx ^_^

>> No.4934333

You're a fool, m8.

>> No.4934349

know u r

>> No.4934360

>looks up the word equivocation for the first time
>reflects on it for a brief moment
>doesn't see how it applies to his comment
Please kill yourself posthaste, m8.