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493216 No.493216 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any novels that resemble Donnie Darko?

In theme, style....

>> No.493219
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>> No.493218
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>> No.493233

the novelization of Transformers 2

>> No.493239

Good question.

>> No.493249

One of the Eragon sequels. They're chock full of fantasy BS and pretentiousness.

>> No.493272

I'm afraid to ever watch Donnie Darko again because I'll probably think it's retarded. I loved it about 7 years ago though.

>> No.493279

I can't think of any books as narcissistic and self indulgent as Donnie Darko.

>> No.493284

ITT Butthirt Filmnerds who can't accept that Donnie Darko is a masterpiece.

>> No.493283

might wanna read some Paul Auster

>> No.493286


>> No.493287

If you want weird mind fucks read Philip K. Dick.

>> No.493290

The Philosophy of Time Travel maybe?

>> No.493306

>emo kid upset because the film featuring his role model and personal hero is about as deep as a Care Bears episode.

>> No.493312

Yes, Phillip K. Dick. Read: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

>> No.493340

get out. That book doesn't even exist yo.

>> No.493357 [DELETED] 

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wIll yoU cont|nuE To be @ 5h€€p?

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>> No.493353

OP here.

Yes I know the film is a bit pretentious in some areas. It holding itself in too high of a regard is a valid gripe.

But the film struck a chord with me because of the time travelling aspect.

I am an extremely nostalgic person, to a fault. After watching it earlier this week I literally ran to the bookstore the next day and bought a few books on the possibility of time travel. Now that I have covered the scientific front of this theme.

I thought I would really enjoy other works that deal with this process. I do admit a part of me liked the overall feeling of angst of the film. Probably because I am nostalgic about my lost teen years, I am 20 now. I feel old.

But I would really appreciate if you could help me find other works that capture the essence of this film.

>> No.493366

I felt really embarrassed once when I went to a Borders and asked for that book. The clerk spent a good 20 minutes helping me look for it in the store and online. True story. Feels bad man.

>> No.493368

>I am 20 now. I feel old.
oh for crying out loud

>> No.493374

Old at 20?! This should be the best time of your life!

>> No.493377

I don't even remember what I was doing when I was 20. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

>> No.493402
File: 58 KB, 192x194, feelsbadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This should be the best time of your life!

>> No.493403


>> No.493408

Go out and fucking do something before you truly feel the icy scythe of death hovering above the back of your neck. Like when you're 30.

>> No.493412
File: 8 KB, 250x264, something.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.493413

Preferably involving other people creating experiences with you that doesn't include sitting static watching a screen flicker. Have you thought about trying sex?

>> No.493428

well in terms of the concept of time as a fluid creature that you can move in and out of if you can percieve it i would say the slaughterhouse five is a perfect choice

>> No.493449


Only if oral sex counts, I wasn't that into it. The homosexual lobby has lied to me, men don't give great head ;_;

>> No.493447

Here is A CrAZY |d€A: STop FUCk|ng wIth WWw.ANoNta1K.cOM anD shU+ d0WN THIS iL1€gAL sI+€. BY th3 wAY, hERe 1s thE MenT@LlY ill iy1n9 PsYCh0PATh tHi3f CHri5ToPhEr pooL3 (AkA M0ot) In a{+iOn (TURN it |NT0 1OWeR-CaS€ aSC|I): hT+p://wwW.@N0NtALk.COM/dump/mOot@Rd.tx+

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>> No.493452

You may want to seek out a fat chick. Their skills are the stuff of legend.

>> No.493468


Ignore the fags giving you fake answers because you asked an honest question.

The book you'll be wanting to read is called The Third Policeman, by Flann O'Brien. It's about time travel and purgatory and hilarious, awesome Irish things. Read this book. You will not regret it.

Failing that, you should check out Jesus' Son by Denis Johnson, which captures Darko's dreamy, sardonic tone.

Ultimately, though, you'll be needing to read Philip K. Dick, Robert Anton Wilson, Kurt Vonnegut, Alfred Bester, and Theodore Sturgeon. Dick in particular.

Richard Kelly blatantly riffs on PKD all the time. Check out "Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said."