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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 85 KB, 640x511, British Safety Space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4928936 No.4928936[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ we need to talk. Britain's alternative English is being suppressed by American dogma.

This is a safe space that welcomes British natives to express themselves in their traditional dialect.

Can you help me /lit/? What are some books they have written that we can celebrate? What's the best way to learn it? Where is Britain?

>> No.4928949

I think they wrote one of the Shakespeare novels.

>> No.4929882

Language changes. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.4929910



Looks pretty American to me.

>> No.4929923

I can write in American English, English English and French English. I'm working on something in Welsh English. After that (but not directly) I hope to write something in Irish English.

>> No.4929924

Fuck off britfag, this is an american wesbsite.

>> No.4929927

Your puny shit is the size of Madagascar.

No on cares, fruit loops.

>> No.4929950
File: 406 KB, 2800x1920, Warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4930260

As they say in the linguistics game, you're making an awfully prejudicial value judgement of language.

>> No.4930412

What's that? I don't speak faggot.

>> No.4930499

>no good comedies since The Office ended (except maybe Peep Show up until series five)
>most popular music genre is just a goofy imitation of American hip hop
>once nationally relevant news organizations like the BBC now devote more than half their coverage to American politics and media
>hilariously low level of quality cinematic output
>contemporary British literature is rarely even discussed anymore while American literature continues to be the subject of much conversation and study
>pompous and outdated British English is gradually being replaced with clear and modern American English
>tfw Britain is culturally obsolete

I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with discarded Gavin & Stacey DVDs and Laurie Penny editorials

>> No.4930509

>an american wesbsite.

American education everyone

>> No.4930514

The IT Crowd was a great fucking show. Too bad you Brits decided to cancel it. The Mighty Boosh ain't bad either. However, I'm an American, so I find most British comedy funny.

>> No.4930518
File: 68 KB, 512x512, Safe Space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

How can I check my American education privilege?

>> No.4930541

Linguistics is such bullshit

>> No.4930544

You forgot to mention Little Britain dragging the average of British comedy down so far that it should almost be considered a statistical outlier and discounted entirely.
The IT Crowd was badly acted trash, very poor form for Linehan.

>> No.4930550

Like I said, I'm American. Most British comedy is funny to me. I also like Trailer Park Boys, if that tells you anything.

>> No.4930562

I'm Australian, and yesterday I was walking with my American friend and he was just talking to me, and then this bogan [Australian redneck] woman got RIGHT UP in his face and screamed, no shit,
And it was the first time I have ever seen him on the back foot. Australians are racist inherently, but this woman made us look fucking terrible. She screamed for a while and then some Aboriginals [Australian aboriginals] walked past and were like, 'neither of you really have a point' and then it was this three way shouting match between an American, and Australian and an Aborigine. It was really weird.

Off topic, but your Americanity reminded me of it.

>> No.4930598

Meanwhile, a German and a French person where drinking coffee nearby, observing the scene, making "tut-tut" sounds.

>> No.4932226


>How Americans speak
How are you?

>How Britons talk
OY M8 OWW GOES IT, Ye ead a fookin good day?

>> No.4932436

Daily reminder that American-Appalachian English is closer to Shakespeare's English and English English.

>> No.4932505

Daily reminder this is simple-minded bullshit

>> No.4932512

>Daily reminder that American-Appalachian English is closer to Shakespeare's English and English English.

No, but this is:


>> No.4932528

>How British people speak
How are you on this fine day chap?

>How Muricans speak
Yo my boy, my duuuuuuuuude, how's it hanging? Jeeeeeeeuhhhhh! Pop down my crib for sum sweet partying homie!

>> No.4932567

British people don't say either of those things.

They say "Hello, how are you?" or "Hey, how are things?" or something, not that it fucking matters how anyone greets each other. People in the real world aren't autistic enough to bicker on the internet about whose method of greeting friends they don't have is superior.

>> No.4932576


>> No.4932583

If someone is superior to you just because they have a couple of friends in the real world then you really need to reevaluate your life choices.

>> No.4932593

is this a joke?

>> No.4932599

English doesn't stop being English after a certain point, speaking like someone from 500 years ago is no more English than speaking in a modern accent and dialect or and Anglo Saxon one. the English spoken in the British Isles is English without caveat, its not even one accent or dialect but its the correct and still original version of the language.

>> No.4932600

you know there's a reconsctructed shakespearian english, and it's not this?

>> No.4932629

if i had but one shot in life to do with as i wish, i would choose to motherfuck the british.

>> No.4932634

>you know there's a reconsctructed shakespearian english, and it's not this?

No, but this sounds much more like it than RP does. At least to my amateur ear.

>> No.4932638
File: 104 KB, 500x668, 1398779954071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's sometimes difficult to believe a lot of the things posted on this website were written by thinking human beings

>> No.4932642
File: 7 KB, 226x223, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh wordsmyth on the streets yo

>> No.4932647

>You will never throw your book all over a bespectacled qt's face

>> No.4932677


Skip to around 3:00 to hear examples. Sounds a lot like an English west-country / stereotypical farmers accent

>> No.4933075

I wouldn't worry so much about your cousins oversea if I were you britbong.

وأود أن لا تقلق كثيرا عن أبناء عمومة الخاص من الخارج إذا كنت أنت

>> No.4933231
File: 223 KB, 395x428, mycroft QUITE SO copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4933241

Get fucked Gove you specky cunt