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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 56 KB, 512x512, shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4928073 No.4928073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>I'm 22 years old and still a virgin, I've never even kissed a girl. I am the supreme gentleman but instead you women throw themselves at brutes. I will punish you for it. On the day of retribution I am going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB and I will slaughter every single spoiled stuck up blonde slut I see inside there.


>> No.4928077

What books do you think he liked?

>> No.4928079

>girls gave their affection....and sex....
hahaha that sentence is really funky, the way he said it.

this has to be a troll.
he's an ok actor that's all

>> No.4928081

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.4928082

"The Ego And Its Own"
"Twilight Of The Idols Or, How To Philosophize With A Hammer"
"Finnegans Wake"
"Infinite Jest"
"Gravity's Rainbow"

>> No.4928084

>this has to be a troll


uhh m8

>> No.4928086


>> No.4928091
File: 58 KB, 199x215, Screen Shot 2014-05-24 at 12.48.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god

>> No.4928092

So what's the story here? The guy in OP did this shooting? If so, who is posting these videos?

>> No.4928093

I thought most people on /lit/ was in their 30s

>> No.4928095

He posted this vlog right before he did it

>> No.4928100


>> No.4928101

The guy really has (had?) a one track mind.


>> No.4928102

He's really handsome. That said he obviously has some sort of personality defect. Still hot though.

>> No.4928103

The funniest part is girls on twitter fawned hard over James Holmes after he killed all those people. They'll probably lust after his cock now that he's dead.

>> No.4928106


>> No.4928107

Oh right - so this has only just happened in the last few hours, then.

Dude should have just boned some ugly chicks or fatties if it was upsetting him so much.

>> No.4928108

>father is a director and mother is a model
>grew up in LA suburb, where the Kardashians were raised
>drives a BMW

Poor little rich spoiled faggot, at least he's dead now.

>> No.4928109

James Holmes is a qt though. That hair was awesome.

>> No.4928110

zero self-awareness

>> No.4928113

>average men's rights activist

>> No.4928114


>> No.4928115

Uh, so who is he? A /lit/izen?

>> No.4928116


Btw, what's with the captcha's that only have a pic of a housenumber and no other part?

>> No.4928117
File: 929 KB, 1233x592, Elliot, damn I look good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4928118

see his posts here: >>4928100. It's like /fit/, /pol/, and /r9k/ had a baby

>> No.4928119

>I'm magnificent
>I'm beautiful
Wow, he's really a stereotypical super villain.

>> No.4928121

Fuck of it is he's actually atractive, so he must have some kind of massive and obvious personality flaw. I mean, if that shooting didn't give it away.

>> No.4928123

Narcissistic personality disorder is common among edgelords

Don't give this kid the title of "super villain", his video is cringe inducing and just makes him look pathetic, not scary

>> No.4928124

Only a socially retarded sperg couldn't lay a girl with a face like that, did he expect all the good looking girl to ask him out?

>> No.4928125

Wtf he's hot as fuck and I'm not even gay.

>> No.4928126


rich and handsome and fucking retarded.

>> No.4928127
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>he didn't take the best advice of his life

>> No.4928128
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>> No.4928129
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the books he liked on Facebook

>> No.4928130

this is so funny but also why does this have to be real

>> No.4928132



>> No.4928133

Don't girls take initiatives in America?

>> No.4928134
File: 37 KB, 960x543, shooter with dad elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photo of him with his hollywood director daddy

>> No.4928135


ahahah wtf this is the most embarrassing killer i've ever seen.

>> No.4928136

>going to jail because of pussy

what a retard. no better than the "brutes".


>muh materialism

>> No.4928137

I don't know, they rarely do in europe though

>> No.4928138

>mfw i went to ucsb

>> No.4928140

What's the dad's name?

>> No.4928141

How is this real? I'm so perplexed. This is surreal.

>> No.4928142

in a thread on penis size:

>The average is 5.5? I thought it was 4. This is very unsettling.

This is 100% the root of his anger, guaranteed.

>> No.4928143

Too much privilege

>> No.4928144

Aw man now I have to stop liking 1984 and ASOIAF.

Sorry, wrong choice of words. I should have said "cartoon villain".

>> No.4928145

In southern europe maybe

>> No.4928146


typical books of someone who doesn't even really read, they just add them anyway

>> No.4928149

Top lel

Is that his mom? She looks like she might be a milf. More pics of her?

>> No.4928151

Peter Rodger. Second unit director on The Hunger Games.


>> No.4928153

pretty much 1984 was obviously for school, the rest are as intellectual and entertaining as a michael bay movie.

>> No.4928154

I'm convinced most of the /pol/tardation and the /r9k/ shit stems from dick issues. Most of them actually believe blacks have bigger dicks.

>> No.4928156
File: 72 KB, 640x960, elliots sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id fuck his sister

>> No.4928157
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Pic from the scene, with the same car.

>> No.4928158

watching this guy's videos is really trippy right now because im reading underworld

>> No.4928159

>going to jail

he's dead

>> No.4928160
File: 32 KB, 951x233, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4928161

oh shit

>> No.4928162

They should fuck.

>> No.4928164

No, gender roles are more traditional in Southern Europe. It's usually Germanic women who are the most forward, in my experience. Actually, the most forward women I've ever met were Australians. Aussie girls are sex mad.

>> No.4928165
File: 6 KB, 287x247, 1395115925239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


video he made of him driving his car to the scene of the shooting

>> No.4928166

So when did it happen? And what exactly did he do?

>> No.4928168

Really? Holy shit.

>> No.4928169

Do britbongs have school next week?

>> No.4928170


jesus christ what a faggot

>> No.4928171
File: 17 KB, 250x176, 1400716061972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whitney Houston on the stereo

Well, that was unexpected.

>> No.4928172

Does he just just spend all day driving around looking for sunsets?

>> No.4928173

he's dead

>> No.4928175
File: 11 KB, 390x470, 1339193102628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"So in usa it is easier to get guns than girls."

>> No.4928176

Did he kill himself or was he killed?

>> No.4928177
File: 44 KB, 561x480, 1297748106053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're going to make a movie about this kid 100%, which is depressing because it will just inspire more edgelords who want to be like their hero Patrick Bateman. Can't wait to watch the media reaction to.

>> No.4928178


>> No.4928179

i almost killed myself laughing at this

>> No.4928180


>> No.4928181

He drove away from a gunfight then was found with a bullet in his head so he probably killed himself.

>> No.4928183

>blacks have bigger dicks

That's true though. Less evolved people usually have larger sexual features.

>> No.4928188

>implying you can be "less" or "more" evolved
>implying direction exists in evolution
>implying you're not a bad troll

>> No.4928191


>> No.4928192

GRR fans confirmed for psycho virgins

>> No.4928194
File: 28 KB, 350x463, black iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less intelligent. Different populations have different traits due to natural selection.

>> No.4928195

fuck off man we're not psychos

>> No.4928197
File: 25 KB, 711x273, 1382067855001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I haven't read a single one of the books and only watch the show.

>> No.4928198

this has nothing to do with evolution.

0/10 troll fuck off.

>> No.4928199
File: 156 KB, 692x511, 1346795164347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>natural selection has nothing to do with intelligence
>evolution stops at the neck there's only one race, the human race, obama 2012

Stay brainwashed kiddo.

>> No.4928202

fugg red pilled again


>> No.4928204

Soundtrack to this thread:


>> No.4928205
File: 30 KB, 247x247, 1380950478001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll be punished for having a better life than me

average leftist

>> No.4928206

go back to pol you faggot

>> No.4928216

South Park did it

>> No.4928218

>mommy issues

>> No.4928219

Why is this on /lit/ again?

>> No.4928222


>i'm convinced of this strawman which conveniently invalidates opposing views

>> No.4928223

Because it's BREAKING NEWS!

>> No.4928237

I wonder if he felt particularly inferior because of his father's photography.


>be rich
>can't get laid
>dad married a model
>constantly photographs beautiful women naked, model wife apparently cool with this

Lot to live up to. But what a little prick. There's fucking legal brothels a few hours' drive away from him if he wants to get his dick wet so bad. And dollars to doughnuts that would set him right for picking up regular chicks.

>> No.4928244

No, they don't. However, sometimes if they are drunk and slutty enough they'll approach you or be receptive if you approach them.

>> No.4928250

It's funny that he fails to mention the other lonely gentleman sitting off to the right. Maybe they could've been friends.

>> No.4928252

In a situation without booze the male is almost always going to initiate. Most girls play coy or shy.

>> No.4928254

I think this guy was gay, and couldn't face the truth.

>> No.4928255

Just to scared to think dick was yummy.

>> No.4928260


I don't think he really read. If he read, he wouldn't have been such a degenerate.

>> No.4928264

Yet, he came to terms with his love of Whitney Houston and Belinda Carlisle. He was like two steps away, damn.

>> No.4928266
File: 29 KB, 350x250, tdkr-0017_772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was he a big guy?

>> No.4928269

It'll be hilarious to see which girls jump into a frenzy thinking they're the hottest sorority.

>> No.4928270


see: >>4928142


>> No.4928272

>tfw 28-year-old kissless virgin

You don't see me crying about it. Nigga, maybe girls didn't want to fuck you, the supreme gentleman, cause you were a school shooter. Bitches can smell school shooters and pedos from a mile away.

>> No.4928273

5'6 and 136 pounds.

>> No.4928275

what a bad actor

>> No.4928276

Have you even tried?

>> No.4928278

ya the creep vibe scares everyone away.

>> No.4928279
File: 983 KB, 480x300, 65432123456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4928280

ya if you never go out your chances of getting laid fall and if you never talk to girls, more so if you are shy. Most girls play coy and shy, so you are even more SOL>

>> No.4928283

That video straight up looks like a joke
>those cackles to himself
>that warm afternoon sun shining over him
>sitting in his car with palm trees in the background
>smarmy as fuck

>> No.4928286

He had no personality. Other than being a creepy mother fucker. Now imagine talking to someone that talks like that. Would you want to befriend him?

>> No.4928287

that's autism for you

>> No.4928288

i know, that's the weirdest thing... if we didn't know that he killed 7 people it would all look CLEARLY like a parody

>> No.4928290


No. The worst part is that more than five girls during high school and since have pursued me. One of them even came to my house in the middle of the night. But whenever I think of calling them, I get anxious and nauseated. Girls seem to like me for some reason, but it's the closing where I go full spaghetti and my body shuts down.

>> No.4928291
File: 91 KB, 1554x350, elliot rodgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ incarnate

>> No.4928293

Someone already said it in this thread. He has NPD. (Narcissistic personality disorder) His parents sort of failed him for not giving him real help, since you know this mother fucker had no friends.

>> No.4928294

girls probably hang out with you as an inside joke lollll

>> No.4928295

Two people responding to one man's question, you're so silly anons.

Go on OKC and find some degenerate slut to stick your winky in.

>> No.4928297

I have run into legit whores on OKC. But what is that ap for phones that is like grinder but for the hetero crowd?

>> No.4928299


>> No.4928301

>“exacts my retribution on all those who deserve it.” (The video is posted below. Please be warned: it is extremely disturbing.)


>> No.4928302

Everyone see the way he insists upon certain things: animals, species, rightness, etc. That solipsism is a motherfucker.

>> No.4928303


he's asian

>> No.4928304
File: 3.85 MB, 2700x4375, elliot rodgers COMEDY FUCKING GOLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4928305

You know he is just crazy right?

>> No.4928306

>popular kids

Do people really still speak like this? Are American high schools and colleges still a bunch of cliques? I was a bookish math nerd who kept to myself and even I didn't have trouble interacting with the "popular kids." Everyone talked to everyone in my school and in university, everyone can make friends. It's the easiest shit on earth.

>> No.4928308

he was the son of a hollywood director and still couldn't lay chicks?
top kek

>> No.4928309
File: 61 KB, 500x400, 1386385100562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You remind me of a slave who willingly accepts his fate rather than escaping and strangling his master. Your weakness disgusts me. Having the will to fight against those who would cause us misery is what separates the strong from the weak. The world is this way because you allow it to be.

One day we will recognize our true strength and numbers, and will overthrow this oppressive feminist system. Start envisioning a world where WOMEN FEAR YOU.

>> No.4928311

Yup it is all about who you know in America. It is all Cliques and social climbing.

>> No.4928312

>are American...

This is an exception, most places have moved past cliques. At my high school, at least, there were groups but they were fluid, my graduating year the class president, the captain of the soccer team, and the captain of the football team were all prominent in the drama club

>> No.4928313

Incorrect. There's no such thing as "just crazy".

>> No.4928314

He was second unit. But still I think a dad like that is almost never home and his mom was a former model busy with her own shit. They just bank rolled him and didn't really raise him at all.

>> No.4928315
File: 1.75 MB, 640x360, fedora tip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet he liked Nietzsche.

>> No.4928316

>dad is a Hollywood 2nd unit director
>going to movie premieres
>still can't even get pussy once

yeah, he was a school shooter before he even realized it. his parents probably knew he'd shoot up a school since grade school. it was his destiny

>> No.4928318

>his mom

Stepmom, apparently. The plot thickens.

>> No.4928320

Great posts, dudes. Can't spell slaughter without laughter, eh?

>> No.4928321

What drove him to do it? There are hundreds of thousands of men in the same situation he was in. Why? Something must have snapped.

>> No.4928322


people already posted his books and it's unsurprisingly fantasy shit. none of these fedoras ever read anything remotely high brow

>> No.4928323

Why didn't he just fuck his stepmom?

>> No.4928324

Very interesting.

>> No.4928327

No one cared and no one paid attention to all the cries for help and he slipped by. The thing that gets me is that the car alone would of gotten stupid bitches. So this guy gave out the creep vibe so hard that he couldn't even get one girl to give it up for a ride in his benz.

>> No.4928329

Shit like this makes me afraid to have kids. Can you imagine if you do your best as a parent and he turns out something like this? Or some fedora-wearing neckbeard?

>> No.4928330

No mother. Father was a dick. Daddy issues are those god-tier existential crisis makers. Hey, that's even what the bible is about. Jesus rebels, basically. Never wondered why God didn't just say "Hey, OK, let's try this again"?

>> No.4928333

Well it must have been some really intense creep vibe for a guy like him.

>> No.4928334

I'm going to go with daddy wasn't even there for him at all.

>> No.4928336

Watch his videos.

>> No.4928337


He clearly had issues beforehand. Not getting laid wasn't why he did it. I think not getting laid was a result of personality disorders (which is why he did it). Think about it: he's well off, in CA, he's thin and doesn't have acne, if he really wanted to and he wasn't fucked in the head, he could have gotten laid. Once you start trying, getting laid is not as hard as people make it to be (provided you aren't ugly as fuck). No one wanted to be his friend cause he probably had emotional issues all through his teen years. Maybe it didn't show, but I had a friend who ended up being bipolar and going in and out of psych wards (plus serious drug addictions) and even though I didn't know he had bipolar in school, it was clear he was weird even back in school.

My cousin also had a friend who knew this guy who ended up raping and murdering a girl and my cousin said he came out to the bar a few times and he was weird as fuck. But no one thinks they're actually going to do something. People know something's not right, though.

>> No.4928338

Solipsism amounts to not knowing love, basically. P-zombies, etc. --it's not at all unfathomable for some people that the world isn't just a torture device just for them. These philosophical concepts aren't random musings, but cold, hard psychology. J.K. Rowling wrote like 4,000 thousand pages on it. Don't know love: you're fucked.

>> No.4928341
File: 96 KB, 1555x420, elliot rodgers lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the comedy gold never stops

>> No.4928342

I have and he is no creepier than some guys I know and they don't go around killing girls because they can't get laid.

>> No.4928343


>i only come here to admire the beauty and serenity of the place. it's truly spectacular

Holy fuck, he seriously sounds like Patrick Bateman in this video.

>> No.4928344

>implying IQ is even an accurate measure of intelligence

>> No.4928346
File: 117 KB, 582x440, elliot shooter girls are whores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4928347

>the titles of all his videos
>"My reaction to seeing a young couple at the beach, Envy"
>"Balcony Vlog, reminiscing about childhood"
>"Life is so unfair because girls dont want me"
>"Elliot Rodger, Lonely Vlog, Life is so unfair"

I can't believe this is real.

>> No.4928348

I want to fuck an 18-year-old scene girl

>> No.4928350


At first I thought it was just bullshit too, but then it turned out he's actually killed people and he's dead now.


>> No.4928351

>would do anything
>except walk up and talk to them

>> No.4928352


Holy shit, he even listens to Phil Collins in one of his videos

motherfucker is patrick bateman (except without the getting pussy part)

>> No.4928353

he is the king of the edge lords.

>> No.4928354

i know, it's absurd... it's a big joke infringing on reality in ways it shouldn't be allowed to

>> No.4928355

patrick bateman was charming and adapted because he was intelligent

this kid is a failure

>> No.4928356

What was he studying?

>> No.4928357


He should have gone into business. Psychopaths excel in business and then he could just pay hookers to fuck him while he talks about beautiful golf courses and phil collins

>> No.4928358

Bateman was also fictional.

>> No.4928359

so is ur sex life nerd

>> No.4928360



>> No.4928361

What? I don't have a sex life at the moment. For me to have a fictional one I'd have to be lying about that.

>> No.4928363

You know, this is probably every school shooter's monologue, even if they won't admit it. Being bullied is one thing, but being rejected or an outcast when you're at the age of "my love will be different, I will love someone like in the movies forever and be eternally blissful" can be too much for some. I wish there was a "time travel and bitchslap your younger self" service for such situations. Also, psychovirgins crying because girls are sluts and not because a decent person to love is hard to find (regardless of gender or social tendencies; a celibate society would still be full of idiots) is shit tier existential crisis.

>> No.4928364


>> No.4928367

The thing is, he comes from a well off family. His dad must throw him a few c notes for fun. He could of bought 100 dollars worth of cocaine and been able to land a girl. This kid was legit crazy, he has a nice car and doesn't look half bad. I honestly think there might have been a handful of girls that were at the very least curious about him. But when they got close that creep alarm went off hard. Or he thought none of those girls were worthy of him. He goes back and forth from; he is either too good for them or he just wants attention from any of them.

>> No.4928369


>> No.4928370

>This is very unsettling.
I feel like you can tell he was fucked up by the way he talks.

>> No.4928373

Of all the things wrong with the world that could drive someone to this sort of thing, it's no gf.

How pathetic can you get?

>> No.4928374

But it is not his fault. He was cursed with a small penis. It is women that are at fault because they don't like him. This guy couldn't see the monster that looked back at him in the mirror.

>> No.4928375

>still thinking this is a GF issue.

>> No.4928376


How could anyone even think a 4 inch penis is average. Does he not realize how small that is?

>> No.4928377
File: 192 KB, 626x787, pareto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me understand this. /lit/ supports communism because it wants equality for economically disadvantaged people, but it mocks people who fight for sexual equality as "losers" and "weirdos".

Way to show your hypocrisy. You only want equality when it is advantageous for you, as you don't have the means to compete in the economic market you want forced equality. In the sexual market, where you are competitive, you defend a laissez-faire that would shock even Mises, even though thousands of young men like this one are left destitute.

>> No.4928378

>Whitney Houston plays in this video
>Phill Collins plays in another
Am I the only one getting kind of an american psycho vibe here?

>> No.4928380

It was amplified by the internet, I'm sure of it.

Imagine Patrick Bateman spending so much time shitposting and admiring his own photos on facebook that he never actually learns how to TALK TO PEOPLE and put on a bright plastic smile. So instead of becoming just another businessman he wants to be internet famous by means of school shooting.

That's how pathetic he is.

I think the worst part is that it works. It really does. He is famous now. No one will remember his victims, just this asshole.

>> No.4928381


I'm pretty sure killing people cause you can't get pussy (probably because girls could tell that in the future you'd be killing people cause you couldn't get pussy), is not similar to communism in any way.

>> No.4928383


No, I mentioned it before also

He straight up talks like Bateman

>> No.4928385
File: 871 KB, 742x983, 137815591435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing girls because you can't get pussy is wrong, but killing the bourgeois because you can't get money is right?

>> No.4928386


It's pretty true. Bateman wasn't any less of a creep than him, he could just hide it a little better cause he had practice talking to people.

>> No.4928387

Seems more like someone from /r9k/

>> No.4928388

7/10 pretty amusing

>> No.4928389


I don't think killing bourgeosie is right, though.

>> No.4928391

You're fucking stupid, but it is fascinating you're making such posts. Who said anything about Communism; why bring it up? Oh, because it's right, and this is wrong. And I'm leftist btw (of course), and rather than damn this dude, I tried to figure him out.

>> No.4928393


Jesus Christ will you learn to spot a joke?

>> No.4928394


>> No.4928395


then get out of here


>> No.4928396

Hey, maybe it was that the dude kept saying that life is so unfair that has the capitalists up in arms. That's probably it all right. Wow dem touchy capitalists.

>> No.4928398

It's not a joke, though. The trigger is obvious.

>> No.4928405
File: 74 KB, 640x480, reproduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because forced redistribution of sex is the solution to the problem of sexual inequality raised by such shootings just like forced redistribution of wealth is the problem to economic inequality. But you are hypocrites that don't realize that because in the sexual market you are the winners and guys like Elliot are the losers.

>> No.4928406


>> No.4928408

Incorrect. There is no inherent drive to sex, but only to power. Poor little babas wanting control of mama's mammary glands and their own existence is all that's wrong here. These are ills of patriarchy.

>> No.4928409

Didn't some statistic show that 9-10 women don't get to reproduce because they have ridiculously high standards (10 man not enough) and when they enter their 40s they drop down to sub-5 level and miss out?

>> No.4928411
File: 155 KB, 640x480, 544654646548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a lot more chaotic than that. Just a few Ive seen

>> No.4928412

Why do you keep bringing up solipsism? It's not at all relevant.

>> No.4928413

So Cummunism?

>> No.4928419
File: 20 KB, 460x345, 133445211116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this dude will make life so much harder to every lonely young dude in the US.

Like people will know you're somewhat lonely and you're not good with girls and will be like "watch out this guy, he can be a psycho" etc.

His laughter is kind of ridiculous, btw. He really needed to step us his villain game before doing this.

Also, he's actually quite good looking and has a car so I'm now feeling rather sad.

>> No.4928421

It's very clearly relevant, it's just your considerations of it are lame.

>> No.4928423

You sure convinced me with those hot opinions bruv

>> No.4928424
File: 45 KB, 251x234, 1364355563385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I feel like this dude will make life so much harder to every lonely young dude in the US.
>Like people will know you're somewhat lonely and you're not good with girls and will be like "watch out this guy, he can be a psycho" etc.

Dude. This.

>> No.4928425

>if a problem doesn't affect me it doesn't exist at all

>> No.4928428

>implying we are communists
>implying you can't just pay for sex

gb2/pol/ faget

>> No.4928429
File: 417 KB, 3268x553, wizard revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this is exactly what he wanted. For sluts to be afraid, to know that there is always some destitute guy out there who may one day vent his frustration with random acts of violence against them.

A spectre is haunting the Western world, the spectre of Beta Revolution.

>> No.4928432

that picture is hilarious and couldn't be further from the truth

>> No.4928436

Slaughters like this are often done for perspective. It's very evident that this is why this dude did what he did. Watch the video again for where he insists on such things as "animal", "species" and "right". It all starts off solipsistic, dude. It is the initial frame of reference. >>4928425
I'm not saying it isn't a problem, but that it's a byproduct of larger struggle. Sex is another form of power.