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492559 No.492559 [Reply] [Original]

Post here if you read Ulysses, but not because of its reputation as a challenging read and wanted to feel smart.

If you're honest, you won't.

>> No.492566

I did, but I'm a nascent literary genius and you philistines are lucky to have me in your midst.

>> No.492567

To be quite honest, this is one of my reasons. Maybe 40%.

I plan on reading it as a "project book", a challenge to prove to myself that I am smart enough to get through it.

But just so I can sound intelligent? Not really. How many people do you know that have read it? Myself, not many. And I'm not going to talk at someone about a book, because I'm not a douche bag.

>> No.492568

I read enough of it to post here, and the way it parallaxes my own life is quite astonishing. I even dated a Nora who ended up being a Molly Bloom. I asked her for my copy of Ulysses back.

>> No.492574

posting here
i read it when i was 18 because i really fucking loved portrait of the artist as a young man and i wanted to follow stephen dedalus's story some more, and also because i liked the odyssey and i just thought that it sounded like a really neat idea

>> No.492579

Well, I read it because I read the Iliad first, so I am able to avoid your question. Ha!

>> No.492586

wrong ulysses.

>> No.492591

You didn't like it as much as Portrait. It's ok.

>> No.492600
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>> No.492604
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I haven't, because I don't read books just to look smart.

I prefer books that make me look stupid. Pic related; it's trash from Black Library, designed to appeal to manchildren. It has no virtue of its own, getting by solely because of the setting.

>> No.492623

I read it when I was 16 because an older friend suggested it to me and I wanted to fuck her.

>> No.492646

I read a book called The Psychological Novel by Leon Edel a year or so back that explained structures and conventions behind Proust, Richardson, and Joyce then how it branched into writers like Woolf and Faulkner. The author had a love affair with Ulysses so I had to check out what the hell he was talking about and tried to read Ulysses. Edel's book helped understand it but I didn't finish it. Went back to Dubliners then Portrait but after so long I still haven't finished Portrait due to school and stopped for other books. Portrait is a very accessible work to dive into Joyce though definitely would recommend reading before Ulysses.

>> No.494442

i want to read it for the farts

>> No.494449

i ended up liking it much more :)

>> No.494453

Of course I read it because it was supposed to be a challenging read. Tackling a challenge can make you feel better about yourself.

Why the hell would I not read a book that is a challenge to me?

I guess OP sucked in PE real hard.

>> No.494455

sounds like the end of the book is not really like your life at all.

>> No.494467

I wanted to read more Joyce after reading some of Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.494480

The main reason I want to read Ulysses is that in his autobiography, Timothy Leary says it's the book that turned him on to turning on.

>> No.494487

I read it because the English literature department made me.

>> No.494508

I read it because my computer science professor recommended it to me and he's a pretty cool guy.

>> No.494512

I don't read books that I don't enjoy reading. Anyone who reads a complicated or boring tome as some kind of symbol of status is completely missing the point of reading.

Read to be taken on journeys through the lives of someone you are not. Experience wonderful and horrible things that twist your imagination into viewing images you will never forget. Don't read to brag about what you have read, that is foolish. I am more impressed with a child getting a smile out 'Spider's First Day at School' than I am with a 20-something hammering through War and Peace to knock it off a superficial list of 'classics' to discuss with a book group.

>> No.494521
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>Spider's First Day at School

FUCK YEAR! That was the first book I ever read. Read that shit back when I was 3. Still remember the fucker.

>> No.494522

it's ok if you enjoy war and peace though, right?

>> No.494528


Oh, if you enjoy it, certainly devour the contents of the tome.

>> No.494546


I read it because

1. One of my professors recommended it because I expressed an interest in modernism.
2. I'd already read In search of lost time and Finnegans Wake that summer so it didn't look anything like a challenge to me.

just started Portrait of the Artist few days ago as well. I've basically read all Joyce's books in the wrong order, or maybe I've found the RIGHT order, hmm?

>> No.494862

You sound like a self-righteous twat.

>> No.494873
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How else would one come to read War and Peace, though? I started off as a pretentious little shit wanting to read a big book, but then I fell in love with it. Not all of it, but the vast majority.

Why the fuck does OP care how someone comes to read a book? Shouldn't it matter more what the person thought after reading? Unless troll.

o wait

>> No.494887

*raises hand*

>> No.495249

I read it because I was interested in Irish culture. Being a kid who lived under a stone back then, I was told it was 'OMG LIKE SO DEEP AND DIFFICULT' two years after I finished the novel.

>> No.495289


2. I'd already read In search of lost time and Finnegans Wake that summer so it didn't look anything like a challenge to me.

Finnegans Wake
