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/lit/ - Literature

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4922719 No.4922719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have one of these threads?

>> No.4922831
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>> No.4922846
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>> No.4922935 [DELETED] 
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It's true.

>> No.4922939
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>> No.4922941

I heard Melville just starts going off about whale biology for a couple hundred pages for no reason. Is that true?

>> No.4922985

>I heard Melville just starts going off about whale biology for a couple hundred pages for no reason. Is that true?

Ok, that is true and that is the reason I had about 2 false starts with this book and could never finish it before.

But I slowly realized that those chapters are there for a reason. Melville uses some to build up the sea or the whale to fantastic and mythic proportions, which amplifies the atmosphere of the action when it takes place. In other chapters he is more scientific and gives you a practical understanding of what is going on. So that tracking a singular whale across the ocean doesn't seem totally unrealistic.

We aren't whalemen or seaman so he uses those chapters to make us familiar with that world. This makes the actual story chapters extremely efficient and powerful. When a certain rope hits a crew member overboard you know he died before even hit the water and was most likely ripped in half. And this impression is transmitted extremely quickly because of all those previous chapters where Melville was describing ropes and what not.

Also this should be read almost like a philosophy or poetry text. The writing is amazing and superhuman. But I totally understand those who hate this book or were bored by it, so was I for a long time.

>> No.4923012

Did you honestly expect an introduction to das capital to be supercharged version of the manifesto?

>> No.4923022

Care to explain?

>> No.4923032


He has a reason for it, many reasons actually. One is anticipation. It's a careful buildup.

>> No.4923035
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>mfw I finally "got" this book

>> No.4923036
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>> No.4923089


Like you even understood what you were reading.

>> No.4923096


I just re-read a chapter where he's talking about hemp lines and ropes and how they are fastened on the ship and used for catching whales.

Then the chapter goes on about the tension in the ropes and how risky they are for anyone on the boat since footing is unstable and the boat is unpredictable. He connects this to that "calm before a storm" feeling, where you think you are safe but disaster is slowly approaching.

And he ends it by relating to life in general and says if you are a philosopher you would realize that every man has many deadly and invisible "hemp lines" surrounding him, wherever he is, we are all waiting in our own illusory "calms" before our inevitable storms.

Most chapters are very short 2-3 pages long but they all have these little gems hidden in them.

A superficial reader who has just finished a Patrick Rothfuss novel and is just reading for "MUH PLOT" will be engulfed in yawns though.

>> No.4923106

i kind of want to read this now

>> No.4923115
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gg american spectator.... gg

>> No.4923118

Explain what all these thread rolls are supposed to mean.

>> No.4923130

value theory, I would imagine

>> No.4923144
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>> No.4923146

It's actually pretty hilarious, and draws on a lot of fucked up Mormon mythology and Christian mysticism. Obviously there's gay stuff, but it's not really that important to the themes of the play.

>> No.4923160

>What I Read
150 Days of Sodom
>What I Expected
The Black Adder cast of characters in an orgy.
>What I got

>> No.4923179
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Read it before I saw the movie.

>> No.4923213

What I read: Queer by William Burroughs

What I expected: Gay: A Gay Musical

What I got: Pls Respond, so lonely. That feel when no intelligence officer bf.

>> No.4923994
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>> No.4924009

Can you lazy faggots stop turning this into shitposting via text? No one gives a shit, you're just being a useless faggot. Holy shit dude. You can make these in fucking paint.

I guess summer really is here because this is the first time I've seen this queer bullshit.

>> No.4924024

Ive been here two years and I saw it day one and about once every two weeks since. Where you been?

>> No.4924036

I have been in most of these threads for the last 6 months and no faggots were going

>What I read
Advanced solo pegging

>What I expected
Finding my g-spot

>What I got

Until today.

>> No.4924086
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>> No.4924095


so was it good or what?

>> No.4924110

Yes, very.

But also somewhat depressing. And somewhat hopeful, I guess.

>> No.4924135
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>reading anything from Marx
>expecting anything other than shit

>> No.4924149


>> No.4924171

>not being able to read and not seeing who the author of the book is
>expecting to be seen as anything but shite

>> No.4924688
File: 673 KB, 970x467, brave new world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mad mspaint skills

>> No.4924706

it really rustles my jimmies when people can't make a succinct joke with a single picture in each panel that neatly sums up an aspect of reading the book that is familiar to everyone who's read it in a hilarious and irreverent manner, and instead just spam each box with a bunch of bullshit, seemingly in an attempt to depict every fucking thought they've ever had relating to the book before and after reading it in an unnecessary clutter of clipart and shitty internet memes.

doing it right
doing it wrong

>> No.4924711

Oh my god, just fuck off.

>> No.4924714

was yours the moby dick one?

>> No.4924737

No, you're just a fucking pointless pedant.

>> No.4924744

to be expected on e/lit/ism

>> No.4924754

humour is serious business

>> No.4924771

undoubtedly right, though.

>> No.4924887

fuck off evola kid

>> No.4924906

Cmon guys you gotta follow the rules to making ms paint jokes

>> No.4924946
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>> No.4924950

The spammy ones are fine, bro.

>> No.4924961
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>> No.4925192


>implying one 'succinct' image is better than a multitude that represents a variety of humorous takes on the book in question, a collage that is to be explored as opposed to a cheap trick meant to be chuckled at easily.

You're a one of those people that secretly prefers movies because they're easy to digest in one short sitting, aren't you?

>> No.4925241


>> No.4926330
File: 320 KB, 1493x651, The End of Eternity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted that last time already but whatever

>> No.4927265

I never "expect" anything because I never read anything about a book before reading a book. I never read the back cover or inside flap or whatever.

>> No.4927493

Well, that's good for you.

>> No.4927508
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and this is the height of modern literature?

>> No.4927512

wtflol this had way more action that LoTR, so how could it be boring?

>> No.4927516
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this, oh god this ^

>> No.4927518
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this book could cure insomnia


>> No.4927524
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still on the last three stories, but wow. fantastic.

>> No.4927532


>boring one picture reactions

back to leddit

>> No.4927549
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I'm just happy to fit in

>> No.4927593
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>> No.4927597

I've only read his semiotics and lit crit stuff. I didn't realize he wrote any novels. Is it worthwhile at all?

>> No.4927707
File: 207 KB, 1036x466, Life will never be the same.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading "Brave New World" right now, and it is almost comical how awful the prose is. "Brave New World" has given me a greater appreciation of "Nineteen Eighty-Four."

>> No.4927715


Man who was thursday was full of subtle conservative/christian/theology while making fun of every other religion and philosophy

funny stuff

>> No.4927719

>Man who was thursday was full of subtle conservative/christian/theology while making fun of every other religion and philosophy
I caught some of it. I probably should have read some of his other works before reading "The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare."

>> No.4927748
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>> No.4927948


>tfw I like Evola
>tfw I wont admit it because you exist now

>> No.4930112
File: 262 KB, 1287x563, Hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get it how does this book change people in such a way that they say: "It changed my whole life after reading it".

>> No.4930197

>Brave New World
>Awful Prose

>> No.4930207

Yeah, I'm in the same boat anon. I got to p. 194, set it down, and haven't gone back since. Think I might read his novels when I get a chance, and then revisit Prometheus Rising.

>> No.4930228


>> No.4930248

Read Illuminatus! instead.

>> No.4930269

That lighthouse looks more like a dildo than most because of the rock it's sitting on. Was that part of the reason you chose that picture, or is that a fortunate coincidence?

>> No.4930272


Will do, thx. for the recommendation.

>> No.4930278

Action in books is boring unless the prose is unusually florid and vivacious.

>> No.4930279

I haven't read much of "Brave New World," but the prose so far is awful. Sometimes it is weak, other times it is flowery. The pacing just makes it even more abrasive.

>> No.4930284

It's pretty much the same shit, not better but better.

>> No.4930289

Wow. Just wow.

>> No.4930291


Did the book help you in your life/improved it anyway after reading it?

>> No.4930304

>implying it ever improves
Just allowed me descend deeper into occultism induced madness.

>> No.4930309

Been down that road, thanks >>>/x/

>> No.4930311

Best one yet.

>> No.4930313

I've had something like 6 false starts on this. To be fair, over a period of 5 years.

>> No.4930316

never come back.

>> No.4930324

I'm not sure what I did. Am I missing something? Is Huxley a better writer than I think he is?

>> No.4930327

The rabbit hole never ends. Gotta keep going until you end up back where you started in another dimension surrounded by succubi and ancient tomes you transcribed in the time before time from the fount of your own godhead.

>> No.4930396
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>> No.4930414

Read the entire fucking book then formulate an opinion.

>> No.4930418

It really doesn't. I've taken a break from searching down that hole, yet it calls me back every day. Not sure if I'll ever shake the occult bug.

>> No.4930423

So far the prose is awful is all I am asserting. Of course, the prose could become better, and I hope it does.

>> No.4930433

Are you in high school?

>> No.4930437


>> No.4930450

Man, you've got nothing going for you then. Just go back to reading Orwell.

>> No.4930451

This one is good.

>> No.4930513
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>> No.4930516

That book was creepy, waayy better than the film

>> No.4930521

Hey I just grabbed the Original and Uncut version of this book today because it caught my eye. Will this be good or am I about to read 500 pages of edgy pewpewlazor crap? I'm in the

>Genre fiction

Camp for the record, but mostly just because the author are generally awful.

>> No.4930529

Depends. Most of /lit/ doesn't seem to like it, but I enjoyed it. The neat thing about the unabridged version, aside from being released 30 years later, is ~60,000 words longer.

It makes you think about what it means to be human. The ending seemed a little rushed, and made me think "Really? That's what he does?," but at the same time "Woah, THAT'S what he does"

>> No.4930534

Forgot to add, there is NO pewpewlazors.
Read it, see for yourself