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/lit/ - Literature

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492093 No.492093 [Reply] [Original]

Ugh. I NEVER do this, but the college book store fucked me over, none of the local bookstores have it and online shipping doesn't like me right now--I need to know what happens in this book by tomorrow morning.


I'm begging you, e/lit/ists. Please, help me out.

>> No.492097

Hold on, do you want an ecopy of the book or a summary? If you want a summary, google.com.

>> No.492106


An ecopy of it would be wonderful.

I honestly WANTED to read this book, but shit's been hitting the fan recently and I haven't had time. I'll reread it for pleasure once I'm done with this literature course.

>> No.492115

oh shit i read this book.

couple of kids make a band. make it an R&B group because they are irish, and irish are the niggers of europe. strange guy plays trumpet and claims to have played with famous people in america but we never know if that is true, but he still inspires the others despite not knowing if he was legit. they play some gigs and are about to get a record deal but it falls through. the singer, devo, is kind of a dick and sees himself as centrepiece of the band, and the others hate him for it. they all fall apart. the end.

>> No.492126

Fuck! I found all three of the books in .rtf or .txt format, but the guy who was sharing them just went offline. I guess you're in no rush to get them as there is no way in hell you're going to read all three by tomorrow morning?

If you keep this thread open, I'll download them, zip them up and put the link into this thread when I can get them. (Probably a few hours)

>> No.492145


Honestly, I only need to read "The Commitments," not the entire Barrytown Trilogy. But all three would be great! I'll do my best to keep this thread alive.

>> No.492154


Here you go, OP. The guy came back online immediately after I made that last post.

Hope you do a kind act for another anon someday!

>> No.492182

Hopefully OP sees this and downloads

>> No.492216


OP here. Thanks a ton. I read fast and efficiently, so I'll probably have this done in a few hours.

These ARE accurate, right? I'm going to feel like a real dumbass if I say "Oh, when X happened it symbolized Y, maybe" and X never actually happened.

>> No.492224

Life's a gamble, OP :)

I got it on an IRC from a user sharing 1.5 million ebooks. I've read my fair share of books downloaded from there. You might see a few Optical Character Recognition quirks here and there, but I'm pretty sure OCR tech doesn't insert imaginary characters :D

>> No.493212

OP here. Just finished The Committments. Damn good novella.

As usual, you guys are wonderful.