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4919955 No.4919955 [Reply] [Original]

>reading this
>find out tolstoy was a bad human being

>> No.4919958

i don't even care

i don't ask history's greatest prose writer to be a good person also

>> No.4919964

The world's best fontographer raped dogs and his kids. So what. London underground.

>> No.4919970

>tolstoy was a bad human being

Ironically he was probably better and more ethical than every other human being. Although a bit eccentric.

>> No.4919974
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>greatest prose writer
>doesn't even write in English

get real.

>> No.4919977


What's her argument about tolstoy?

>> No.4919982

>caring about Andrea Dworkin's opinions
>not viewing Tolstoy's behavior through an historical lens

From what I've read, Tolstoy was quite the noble character. He was certainly a better person than I am.

>> No.4919983

I asked Andrea Dworkin a question once.
Though I don't expect you to believe it.

>> No.4919991

>an historical
Don't see that too often these days. Neat

>> No.4919994

you know what's really weird though? you hear "an historic moment" a lot. like just that cliché phrase is still locked in with "an". news anchors say it all the time. say it out loud and focus on the "n". it's really really weird.

>> No.4920000

When I interviewed Peter Sotos back in 2002 for my zine he went on for almost an hour about Dworkin. Wish I would have had a tape recorded, it was great, even though he was drunk as fuck. He rambled out a detailed fantasy that I actually recognized years later in "Kept", he changed Dworkin to a murdered child and his spot to a grieving mother, but it was still all the same.

>> No.4920002

I can never figure out how to pronounce it for some reason. Wherever I place the emphasis sounds weird. I still find it cool when I come across it though.

>> No.4920018

Weird, whenever I try to say "an historic event" event naturally, the H drops off and becomes silent like in "honest"

But it doesn't do that if I say sometime like "I'm going to take an history class next semester"

>> No.4920024

Haha you interviewed Peter Sotos? Shit, what was that like?

>> No.4920026

Yeah, and I'm not even British! It just sounds better to me that way.

>> No.4920027

>Weird, whenever I try to say "an historic event" event naturally, the H drops off and becomes silent like in "honest"
Me too. I wouldn't say "an" otherwise, it wouldn't sound right or make sense. As such:

>But it doesn't do that if I say sometime like "I'm going to take an history class next semester"
I would say "a history class," "a history of Greek philosophy," "a history of bad behavior"

>> No.4920034

basically, "historic" IS like "honest." It is a silent H, that's why "an" is correct.

>> No.4920042
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I don't really know whether or not Tolstoy was kind, and I don't deeply care, but reading Dworkin's opinion of a famous man is like reading a black nationalist's opinion of a white guy (Dworkin was a female nationalist).

>> No.4920053

what not its not lol

>> No.4920057


Really? Please tell me you are reading it just to sex up some naive 20 something airhead.

>> No.4920060

daily reminder that feminister told me she would date me (I'm a black man), so if any of you racist neckbeards troll her you'll have to deal with my squad and me

>> No.4920063

>my squad

I have some good or bad news for you. You're not black.

>> No.4920082

your post symbolizes what's wrong with white America

you're not only physical cowards, but you're scared of what's in-between my legs the most

>> No.4920099

Yea, I was very involved in the Noise and Power Electronic scenes in the 90's. I meet him through the Noise project Taint, but had been reading him since Parasite came out. He was incredibly nice, well spoken but self-aware and didn't try and sound like questions that were deinitely dumb now that I look back at it, were dumb to him, nothing like you would expect from just reading his work. This was, of course, before the internet was a big thing like it is today so not many knew of him outside of certain circles and he was very accessible so it wasn't odd at all. Felt like any of the bands I did interviews with at the time.

>> No.4920100
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>> No.4920204

>what's wrong with white America

I'm Asian... and you're racist!

>> No.4922372


If Dworkin tells you the sky is blue, you better seek out some independent confirmation.

>> No.4922426
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and who would that be?

>> No.4922438


>> No.4922444

>subtle 'muh dick' troll

Don't feed the /pol/.

>> No.4922467

An historic AIDS injector?

>> No.4922478

Is the "all vaginal sex is rape" thing actually some thing she claimed?
May be I should read the book.

>> No.4922487

No it's not. She just kept badmouthing heterosexual sex so much people just cut through the swatch of bullshit with their peniswords and went for the obvious statement.

>> No.4922498
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I think we can all agree her hatred for men has to do with personal reasons.

She's has the guise of an academic to give her credibility, but all I see is an angry, insecure woman, the female equivalent of the guys on /r9k/, whose hatred for women has to do with the lack of success they've had with them.

>> No.4922505

Except with her, it's not because of a lack of success, but because she was raped and beaten a lot.

And r9k has the advantage of knowing how pathetic they are, even on a subconscious level. Dworkin strikes me as the type of person so entrenched in their little delusions that she can't find a different mode of thinking.

>> No.4922515

In that case her hatred for men is even more personal than I thought.

>> No.4922519

I've read practically everything Tolstoy ever wrote, a few biographies on Tolstoy and the massive autobiography his wife wrote and I'll weigh in on this.

> find out Tolstoy was a bad human being
> from what I've read Tolstoy was quite the noble character

These two statements are probably both wrong. Tolstoy was an absolute egoist raised in a very differet society from say... 21st century America and today it's pretty hard to look at a man who owned slaves, fornicated with his property, and fathered illegitimate children he denied an education to and say "he was a very noble man". However it's also not fair to turn around and say someone who really did work hard to educate his peasants, promote nonviolence and pasive resistance and favoured wealth distribution and equality near the end of his life as being a bad human being.

Sofia Tolstoya gets a bad rap for some reason but she was a brilliant woman herself and dealing with Lev Nikolayvich sounds like it was a horrible ordeal.

Tolstoy also was a severe misogynist and that can bother people today a lot more than it would have in the 1800's.

>> No.4922525

>reading Dworkin

Why, OP, why

>> No.4922528

And yet she thought it was an objective fact about how men in general were. Yet because she screamed MUH SOJINY nobody said a thing about her needing psychotherapy.

>> No.4922539

Must be a masochist.

>> No.4922708

Eric Gill

>> No.4925198

Tolstoy raped and stuff but he found God so no problem bro.

>> No.4925232

>Yet, anyone can play a little patriarchy or misogyny in the background as they eat their spaghettios.

>> No.4925593

Tolstoy could easily be the pioneer of localist globalism

>> No.4925792

Because "history" is stressed on the first syllable, and "historic" is stressed on the second.

>> No.4925807

As a young man, when he fought for Russia, he got promoted through one of his father's friend in the aristocracy. Tolstoi was a total retard during the war : he asked to be put on the front lines when he was too far and got bored, and then when he was actually fighting he kept asking to be put in the back again, arguing that he was a nobleman not some cannonfodder plebeian. So there you have it, not really glorious but again great writer sooo... yeah...

>> No.4925884


It wasn't asking why she never went to the police about those two staff that 'raped' her at the french hotel was it?

>>Good chappy

>> No.4925891


>>my squad

of liberated egalitarian black men

>>That Fantasy