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4919677 No.4919677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can someone give me this man's tl;dr of why life is even worth living?

>> No.4919686

>You will die soon, and all of your experiences will have been nothing.

>> No.4919687
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To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

>> No.4919688


>> No.4919704

So life is still not worth living?

>> No.4919717


Not really.

But if you're going to live it, why not make it better than everyone else's?

>> No.4919736

What's the purpose anyways, it will all vanish like smoke. Living life for enjoyment? like hell I will, what would be enjoyment? it's just self delusion.
No. Life is not worth living, life is a mistake, as well as this inherently corrupt universe.

>> No.4919743
File: 179 KB, 890x430, Conan-the-Barbarian_Screengrab_Flowers_zpsd7b83bef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior line related to thread.

>They told my lord the way to the Mountain of Power. They told him to throw down his sword and return to the Earth... Ha! Time enough for the Earth in the grave.

>> No.4919749

To be, or not to be, that is the question—
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die, to sleep—
No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
The Heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocks
That Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep,
To sleep, perchance to Dream; Aye, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes Calamity of so long life:
For who would bear the Whips and Scorns of time,
The Oppressor's wrong, the proud man's Contumely,
The pangs of despised Love, the Law’s delay,
The insolence of Office, and the Spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his Quietus make
With a bare Bodkin? Who would these Fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered Country, from whose bourn
No Traveler returns, Puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
Than fly to others that we know not of.
Thus Conscience does make Cowards of us all,
And thus the Native hue of Resolution
Is sicklied o'er, with the pale cast of Thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment,
With this regard their Currents turn awry,
And lose the name of Action. Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia. Nymph, in all thy Orisons
Be thou all my sins remembered.

>> No.4919750

If you Truly believed that you wouldn't have hit post. You would have become an hero by now.

>> No.4919753


Then kill yourself?

I'm not sure what more you want me to tell you, kid.

>> No.4919754

WHOOPS, something has to have meaning first before it can not matter, therefore you haven't found your meaning yet to negate. But keep denying your ego, your pain fuels me.

>> No.4920433

Not a single rhyme.

>> No.4920484

It's difficult to understand with low testosterone, the will to power hormone.

>> No.4920493

>Everything that ends has no meaning.
What the fuck is meaning anyway? You just are, fucking stop whining about nothing you absolute pussy and kill yourself or do something.

>> No.4920499

I'm no expert, but I think Nietzsche says that such thinking is already symptomatic of decadence and being "human, all too human". I mean, the superman doesn't constantly try to calculate if life is worth living or not, he lives to enjoy his progress in terms of power. So, a man cannot understand the ubermensch because he is on a different step of power. All organisms (and perhaps organizations) have a mixture of stability and of becoming in their growth and the inferior man cannot understand what the superior one feels unless he becomes one and enjoys that step of stability on his way up. Nietzsche explicitly states that it's a matter of "a new way of feeling" rather than "a new way of thinking". It's also the difference between understanding suffering as an argument against life and understanding suffering as a way of growing in power towards the next step (what doesn't kill me makes me Kanye West).

>> No.4920504

no not true

>> No.4920514

You know, I'm actually a theist but I never understand this "life doesn't matter because it has an ending" sentiment. Why not? How would an endless life even be? It would probably be torture. Let's say you live a millenia, you read every book ever written, you watch every movie, everything, you have hundreds of love affairs, you see the whole world and the cosmos beyond. What then? It is fitting that life should end.

>> No.4920522

I don't think it's all about the ending part, but rather that the end is unpredictable. In today's careeristic world it is easy to feel like years of study and hard work can go down the toilet because of a random cancer or whatever. Also, while I'm too young to feel real tiredness (and not just a waah tfw no gf one), I do think that atheists living in the first world should appreciate life enough in order to want to preserve it for as long as possible, even if not eternally.

>> No.4920524

>(what doesn't kill me makes me Kanye West).
I laughed, but I am annoyed by this fad of pretending that Kanye West is a man of substance and talent.
>inb4 fedora

>> No.4920542

Check out the song "Far Country" by Clutch. It's possibly the only song ever to use the "what doesn't kill me" quote in relation to Nietzsche. It still sounds angsty as hell, but the lyrics are nietzschean.

>> No.4920545

He doesn't give you one, because his work isn't designed to be read as a fucking self help book. Its an honest, sometimes erroneous dissection of human psyche. If you want to be told why your life is worth living, then go watch Oprah.

>> No.4920619

>but youll live again!
>the exact same life you already lived though...

>> No.4920631

You fail to notice pleasure (in whatever you find it) is self justifying. You want pleasure because its pleasing. Which is just saying you want pleasure for itself and not something external. Immediate and self contained purpose is as good as it gets in a life in which knowing the full picture is not an option at all im afraid

>> No.4920637
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>power through failure and difficulty
>be the best

>> No.4920807

I don't know why to be or not to be is so referenced when everything that comes after is so much better.

>> No.4920889

>men are even lazier than they are fearful, and fear most of all the burdensome nuisance of absolute honesty and nakedness. Artists alone hate this lax procession in borrowed manners and appropriated opinions and they reveal everyone's secret bad conscience, the law that every man is a unique miracle; they dare to show us man as he is, to himself unique in each movement of his muscles, even more, that by being strictly consistent in uniqueness, he is beautiful, and worth regarding, as a work of nature, and never boring. When the great thinker despises human beings, he despises their laziness: for it is on account of their laziness that men seem like manufactured goods, unimportant, and unworthy to be associated with or instructed. Human beings who do not want to belong to the mass need only to stop being comfortable; follow their conscience, which cries out: "Be yourself! All that you are now doing, thinking, and desiring is not really yourself." Every youthful soul hears this call day and night and trembles throughout; because, thinking of its liberation, it suspects that its measure of happiness is determined from all eternity: a happiness it can never achieve so long as it lies in the chains of fear and convention.

>> No.4921046

Nietzsche's whole work should be seen as an attempt to seduce himself (a frail, handicapped, poor, lonely, depressed NEET) that life is indeed worth living. The best thing he comes up with is that one justifies life by creating beyond oneself, paving the way for the Übermensch. To live for the future.

>> No.4921054

Men who settle down have lower testosterone than those who don't. Sorry for being too manly, normalfags.

>> No.4921071
File: 70 KB, 800x691, 6a010536fe5b48970c012877a913e0970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could eat this delicious plate of pancakes on my desk right now, but the pancakes won't last forever, so instead I'm going to mope around here sobbing about the meaninglessness of pancakes.

Just kidding. The fact that the pancakes won't last forever doesn't make me enjoy them less. In fact, I may even value my brief time consuming these savory flapjacks even more knowing that I don't have an infinite number of them on my plate (and I'm not going to Safeway to buy more pancake mix). The things that make life worth living are those things that I personally assign value to, not some external cosmic importance.

And if you're reading this thread right now, which will be deleted in a few days tops, you agree with me.

>> No.4921095

To make the best of your life by living the way you want. People are given life, but instead of working with what they have, they complain all day that 1 finite life is shit and they want 2 lives, 3 lives, live forever.

>> No.4921103

does he mean like drink and fuck forever or what?

>> No.4921119

Only if thats what you want. The Übermensch creates his own values, theres no general guideline for what he does or does not.

>> No.4921179

1/10 made me respond

>> No.4921185

Ah, but Nietzsche's "Blond Beast" (lion) is only the middle stage. Camel, lion, child.

>> No.4921214

He didn't say what YOUR why of life should be, just that you have to create your own. Which >>4919736 this faggot apparently failed to do.

>> No.4921215

Ha - that dude was great.

>> No.4921223

>inherently corrupt
Problem is that you're religious. If you weren't, you would not be as depressed

>> No.4921233

Silly girl.

>> No.4921244

Believing that the universe has some corrupt essence, is fairly religious.

>> No.4921252

It's all religious.

>> No.4921260

"The cause of Nihilism: measuring the value of the world according to purely fictional categories." — Nietzsche

>> No.4921263

Enlightenment values are dead and you can invent your own morality. Basically, you can get your Mother to sew a giant Ü onto a superman costume, and sit wearing it while you eat your frosties for breakfast, and give no fucks at all.

>> No.4921267

Not everything is religious, just holding metaphysical beliefs strong enough to kill yourself for.

>> No.4921278

Sounds to me our anon's despair stems from a failure in materialistic acquisition. Hitler was hardly very religious.

>> No.4921282

It's all religious, all of it to an end --if it works, it works; it's as simple as that.

>> No.4921284

Strong individuals don't need a why. They are the why.

>> No.4921368

in that way isn't everyone the ubermensch?

Everyone has their own opinions, I mean

>> No.4921374

No, because the Übermensch not only does what he wants, but does it better than everyone else. He's the best, completely in control of himself and the world, and has a goal.

>> No.4921386

how about some great dictator then?

>> No.4921395

What about them? Most politicians are hollow imbeciles with no real goal.

>> No.4921412

It pretty much sums up the whole monologue, and people's memory are short.

He wanted to ressuscitate some form of idealized aryan paganism at some point. Not being Christian does not make you non-religious. Anon's despair seems to come from the need to subordinate all existence under an ultimate external value. This isn't religious in itself, unless you consider absolute greed as well as utopian secularism to be forms of religiosity, but at least it can be said teleological.

>> No.4921415

How about Hitler?

That comes into mind

>has concrete goal
>gains a lot of power easily
>carries out goal

>> No.4921418

> the Übermensch not only does what he wants, but does it better than everyone else

Do you have a source on that ? That seems like stretching the texts a little.

>He's the best, completely in control of himself and the world, and has a goal.

Same concern. Nietzsche makes a point of not being too explicit about the übermensch, so your claim seem dubious to me.

>> No.4921466

what if my goal is being mediocre

>> No.4921495


>something has to have meaning first before it can not matter

That's the most retarded thing I've read all day. We transfer meaning onto objects, but they don't have an inherent "meaning" in and of themselves. Technically everything is meaningless first. You're going at this ass-backwards.

>> No.4921518

I'm no fan of Hitler, even still, that's not quite accurate.

>> No.4921522

You have your own opinions right now, but you are laden with outside values. Social norm, religion, media etc all tell you how to act, they define values for you. Youll see that even when you do the things you want to, you do them in a way to conform to outside values.

>> No.4921556

The Übermensch is about freedom rather than superiority. The Übermensch being the best at what he does sounds more like the national socialist interpretations of nietzsches sister.

>> No.4921591


>> No.4921668

Because that is the question.

>> No.4921690

Whoops. You made this post.

>> No.4921733

isn't that selfish?

>> No.4921761

>Do you have a source on that ?
It's called Übermensch, dude. OVER man. And just look at Nietzsche's philosophy and what he posited in the end—there was only one opponent left to him, Jesus. There's room for only one person at the top.

It's about both. The Übermensch was the new goal of humanity, the new god for Nietzsche.

>> No.4921792

Yes, the Übermensch is the new god because he became the new creator of his values. Just as "god is dead" talks about religions diminishing influence over human actions. Where does he mention physical or mental superiority in any way? The Übermensch being biologically superior is a nazi idea.

Selfishness is another social construct that the Übermensch freed himself from. Who decides what is selfish anyways? Übermensch makes his own values.

>> No.4921811

>Where does he mention physical or mental superiority in any way?
Good god, man, I JUST pointed out that Übermensch means OVERman. Superiority is an inherent aspect of the concept. All of Nietzsche's philosophy is founded on the basis that life is will to power, that war is the father of all things, and that what does not kill you makes you stronger. He philosophized "with the hammer" like no other; Nietzsche is all about superiority. Just look at the opening of Ecce Homo where he talks about how everything is beneath him.

>> No.4921845

You claimed the Übermensch does everything better than anyone else, which would imply hes also physically and intellectually superior. This is never mentioned in his works. All we know is that the Übermensch is superior in the sense that hes absolutely free in his thinking and acting (unlike normal humans). Anything beyond that is assumption.

>> No.4921873

It's an obvious implication of everything he wrote. In order to be a true Übermensch, free of all chains, you can't have anyone being better than you.

>> No.4921881

>why life is even worth living?
That's a selfish presumption. Don't live for yourself. The only "worth" in life is to live to help others.

>> No.4921885

one of very few intelligent things this man has said.

>> No.4921893

why should they live then

to do the same?

then nobody's happy

>> No.4921894

Thats where I disagree. The will to power is the driving force of all humans. Everyone has it inherently, but outside values stop us from fully living according to our will. The Übermensch is free from those values, thus he can fully follow this will to power, giving him the ability to grow as fast as possible.

I see the Übermensch not as someone who is better at everything, but someone who can fully unlock his potential without restraints.

>> No.4921902

But in the end, does that not require your will rise above the wills of others?

There are no stars above an Übermensch other than the ones he places there. This makes him the ultimate star.

>> No.4921926

Maybe. Hes obviously superior in his acting and thinking, though does that mean hell be stronger than the strongest man on earth or smarter than the smartest man? Probably not, you need the genetics for that.

As I said, only the freedom of outside values is certain, everything else attributed to the Übermensch is speculation imo. Sry if I misunderstood your post.

>> No.4922005

>Assume that time is a circle, meaning every moment of your life will be lived again and again and again... Would this be a heaven or hell?

>> No.4922027

Thread theme:

>> No.4922038

> In today's careeristic world it is easy to feel like years of study and hard work can go down the toilet because of a random cancer or whatever.

This is how I've been justifying being a failure for years. "I'll probably die within a decade anyway". Oh well.

>> No.4922347

>wrote the greatest books ever on tenure after working as a university professor

nice try/10

>> No.4922374

nothingness is simply the baseline.

>> No.4922381

My death will never happen.
Conciousness can not be exterminated.

>> No.4922393

and then /pol/ blames black people for having too much testosterone making them violent, it's quite ironic

>> No.4922398

Isn't committing suicide and killing other people something that goes against religious morals anyways?

>> No.4922563

>people think Nietzsche was an atheist

>> No.4922661

Well he didn't believe anything was objective so you might as well call him one.

>> No.4922665

I think he means the daft punk remix by kanye west that he entitled "stronger"


>> No.4922773


No, we blame them for having an underdeveloped neo-cortex and a culture that praises thuggery.

>> No.4922972

He wrote the greater part of his work as a sickly pensioner.
Note the 'after'. Nietzsche was on headachebux.

>> No.4923287

"gangster" culture started in america and i still don't see how you can not turn a black man into an intellectual

>> No.4924621


>> No.4924655

Silly man, I must comprehend the pancakes before I can assign an opinion of them. What if they were riddled with nails and not worth eating? What if they were blue berry and went better with ice cream?

The true pancake patrician knows to temper his eating with reflection on how to utilize them best for his means, rather than gobble them down while barely tasting

>> No.4925017

Now replace the pancakes with shit.

>> No.4925032

I think you've forgotten what NEET actually means. Nietzsche couldn't possible qualify as one, as much as you'd like to drag his name through the mud.

>> No.4925430

No u.

Not in Education, Employment, or Training. For the most part of his life as a philosopher, Nietzsche was not in education, employment or training. Therefore he was NEET.

>> No.4925439

don't read nietzhe

>> No.4925456

It's a sociological term used to denote the status of a person from 18-24. Nietzsche got an education, actually received training in an artillery before an injury, and was employed as a professor. Then he became a published writer/philosopher. Granted, he didn't get much recognition until just before he lost his mind, still he wasn't NEET.

>> No.4925508

I am educated all the way up to university, but I'm still NEET. NEET refers to current position, not to education received in the past. According to your logic, anyone who went to preschool can never be NEET again.

Nietzsche lived a lonely life in small rooms of a disability pension and self-published edgy books that not many people cared about. I know using the label NEET for someone in the 19 century is a bit silly, but I think it illustrates his position well since it was a bit sad and a bit pathetic from an average perspective.

>> No.4925528
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>tfw having casual conversation with my sister and she tells me to shut up and stop being so Nietzsche

>> No.4925532

>According to your logic, anyone who went to preschool can never be NEET again.

It's for people ages 18-24.

And it's not my logic (even though you misinterpreted the logic), it's the logic of the people who invented the term. He was a professor for ten fucking years. Automatically not NEET. And he didn't self-publish until 1886 (aka after Zarathustra and before BG&E).

>> No.4925533

Not really, it just shows that the NEET lifestyle is the best lifestyle.

>> No.4925542

>it illustrates his position well

I don't think it's fair to actual NEETs to hold up a guy who actually did things (taught, traveled, published work that later became canonized) as a representative of their lifestyle.

>> No.4925687

Well, in that case I stopped being NEET a few years ago. Guess I'm just an lumpenprole now. Regardless of terminology, Nietzsche lived most of his life as a philosopher as a poor lonesome unemployed person. I still love him though, I don't feel the need to "drag his name through the mud" as mentioned earlier. I think knowing about his life and his hardships actually adds another dimension to his work that makes it more beautiful.

>> No.4925710

Nietzsche moved around a lot and roomed with quite a few people though, and was in contact with a whole bunch of people his entire life. He also worked his ass off regardless of being officially employed anywhere with his writing. So really, calling him NEET is unfair, when the term really refers to the lazy and useless.

>> No.4925711


>A person gets into the habit of living before they get into the habit of thinking.

>We must imagine Sisyphus to be happy.

>> No.4925720

Fairly certain the reason NEET gets mentioned is just a rhyming thing, not intentional. Because intentional mind states don't exist.


>> No.4925722

>We must imagine Sisyphus to be happy.
This filthy pied noir.

>> No.4925725

>Life is awesome!
>There's like, sex and war and stuff, man! And you can take over your country!

>> No.4925732

He was also desperately lonely and sick and suicidal and disappointed and depressed and hysterical and suicidal and a drug abuser and/or addict. He was one of the saddest cunts.

>> No.4925740

The only thing he was was sick. If he was truly any of the others they would have manifested somewhere in the dozen books he wrote across his whole life, but that never happened.

>> No.4925779

You haven't read any biographies or his correspondence, have you?

>> No.4925788

>tl;dr a guy that probably under 10 people currently grasp

>> No.4925790

You just are.

Grow a pair of balls and live as you see fit.

>> No.4925819
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One of us. One of us.

>>Just think we could be some brats assigned reading in a couple of hundred years.

I hope you fail johnny2.0 I hope you fail hard you insufferable little futurecunt.

>> No.4925849

It isn't unless you know how to live.

>> No.4925876


He was getting paid by the university because he had a tenured professorship before he became too sick to work.

>> No.4925981

Could someone explain to me this passage of his?

"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. Yet his shadow still looms. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?"

>> No.4926024

the concept of god as moral arbiter is dead.
we killed him through cultivating a culture of reason instead of faith. also by using god as an instrument of our own psychology and revaluing morality to preach resentment instead of strength/greatness.

the wiping of the blood/atonement refers to the lingering of judeo-christian values after the death of god and what it will take to overcome them.

>> No.4926060

Thanks, but could you elaborate a bit more on
>and revaluing morality to preach resentment instead of strength/greatness.

>> No.4926120


We killed the god-question and metaphysics, but we aren't ready (to take responsibility for it).

>> No.4926132


"Only as an aesthetic phenomenon is the world justified eternally" (The birth of Tragedy)

>> No.4926135

eh, i don't have time to properly summarize. ressentiment is the crux of his criticism of christian morality (slave morality). it's easy enough to look up if you're curious.

>> No.4926318

First, understand that God is a concept and is the pinnacle/ultimate culmination of a society that believes in objective truth.

Now then... THAT God is dead. Objective truth is dead. Thanks to philosophical investigation and the sciences we now understand that "objective truth" is a meaningless phrase. There is no "holy father" which governs us—not even causality is an objective truth. It is ALL a subjective truth. Life is chaos; that's the only order there is.

God was a great murderer to Nietzsche because the concept had "killed" the minds of many who investigated the world and sought to understand it. The concept of objective truth and a "holy father" blinded centuries of intellectuals. But because the "shadow still looms," considering the enormous influence it had over the entire world for so much time, which ended up permeating deep into the cultural roots of nations everywhere, there is a ton of cleaning up to do and dangerous paths to be weary of that the world is now susceptible to. People will not react to this new understanding lightly. In short, a new goal for humanity has to be created if the species is to continue spiritually progressing upwards and avoid total self-destruction.

>> No.4926346
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>people on the internet trying to grok Nietzsche

He's the philosopher that everyone name-drops but no one has read. Just read all of his work, OP, and you'll get it. He's not that complicated.

>> No.4926354

>post-modernism is about to kick off in a big way
>god is dead and we killed him, we stopped believing and now just pretend to believe
>everyone is corrupt, everyone is a liar, everyone kinda sucks, but that's OK because we all suck together, sucking is human
>appeals to nature are useless, man transcends nature by simply existing
>narcissistic nihilism will take over the world
>hopefully man will emerge from this age of nihilism, cast aside all doubt, and become greater than ever before

we're still not there yet.

>> No.4926355

>Living life for enjoyment? like hell I will, what would be enjoyment? it's just self delusion.

you sound like such a fat neckbeard, I can practically smell you from here

>> No.4926359
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Hail Satan!

>> No.4926505

>Life is chaos
then why do i feel this great sense of joy?
Anon: 1
Nietzsche: 0

>> No.4927369

>objective truth
How would you say that? I mean, aren't there some things that are simple true regardless of the perspective?

>> No.4927774

There aren't.

>> No.4927781

Well, nothing meaningful anyhow.

>> No.4927835

What about facts?

>> No.4928034

This is what i have thought to myself. There are subjective truths and objective truths. Facts and perspectives. People who claim against facts are idiots, and people who claim their perspective to be the only one are just as so. It takes some intelligence to know what is which.

>> No.4928150

But there are 'objective truths', right? You said that Nietzsche said there aren't anymore.

>> No.4928163

You are now confusing me, perhaps with, >>4927774
I love Nietzsche, but i believe objective truths lie alongside subjective ones. Like the fact that earth circles the sun;objective fact, and meaningless of life;subjective percpective.

>> No.4928174

Oh, right. That's what I thought too.

I think maybe Nietzsche was referring to God being the judge of objective truth; killing someone would always be bad from his perspective or some other actions as always being objectively good or bad rather than being dependent on the situation.

Maybe now that we've killed God, we can judge for ourselves if some particular act is good or evil.

>> No.4928592

There are no facts.

>> No.4928596

Is that a fact?

>> No.4928597
File: 9 KB, 204x137, that's fuck DUDE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is worth the momentary highs we get

you can convince yourself that life has intrinsic value, and your existence must have a purpose but if you were born in a furnace you wouldn't think so

because you'd have been born in a furnace

>> No.4928598


>> No.4928600

So there are facts.

>> No.4928605

Only for certain people.

>> No.4928608

Then why would you make the statement that there are no facts when you've just agreed that there are?

>> No.4928610

Because there aren't any for me.

>> No.4928613

>measuring the value of the world according to purely fictional categories.
Isn't that the cause of pretty much all philosophy?

>> No.4928627

Can you please kill yourself? There is absolutely no reason other people should have to deal with such a retarded shithead.

>> No.4928634

What about me positing that facts are dependent on perspective makes you angry? It comes straight from Nietzsche himself: "There are no facts, only interpretations."

>> No.4928658

Not him, but let me interject.
There is no way of accessing a fact, because we are subjective and a fact implies an objective truth. We cannot access that which is outside our own experience, so we cannot either know of facts nor use them. What we do instead is use a model of sensory experience that tells us to rely on what we believe to be a fact.

>> No.4928686

Thanks for elaborating on what I was getting at.

Now >>4926318 should make more sense and the whole "God is dead" dilemma actually appears to be a lot more interesting than most people think.

>> No.4928694


Subjectivity is gay and killing society. No, niggers aren't "just as good", and "everyone" isn't "right". Again, kill yourself.

>> No.4928714

I'm not saying any of that though. Only the weak and the underhanded take the concept of perspectivism and twist it in order to make an excuse for never having to improve themselves.

On the flipside, perspectivism reveals that a truth is no more valuable than the perspective that posits it, that life consists of many different perspectives which are actually many different levels of power, and that life should be all about improving your perspective/enhancing the amount of power you have.