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4918920 No.4918920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you grow out of capitalist apologetics and reemerged as a communist, /lit/?

>> No.4918964

Why would I do that?
I want everyone to suffer under the yoke of Capital for as long as possible.

>> No.4918983
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>being a communist ever
Why honestly?

>> No.4919002

I still haven't submitted to calling myself communist, but think much of it are necessary steps to perfecting a truly civilized anarchist society. Age? In recent years I've given up on the term "progressive liberal"
>for as long as possible.
That should be about to change

>> No.4919009

Because the conservatives stopped criticizing modernity and the Enlightenment and resorted to making pictures like this and talking about IQ graphs on the internet, so all that was left was the left.

>> No.4919015

holy fuck that picture made me cringe so hard I collapsed in on myself and appeared at a communist rally

>> No.4919019
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>Because the conservatives stopped criticizing modernity and the Enlightenment and resorted to making pictures like this and talking about IQ graphs on the internet, so all that was left was the left.

Still lacks any reason for communism.

>holy fuck that picture made me cringe so hard I collapsed in on myself and appeared at a communist rally

The truth hurts

>> No.4919020


I grew out of capitalist apologetics, but I ended up re-emerging as a Mutualist. I definitely flirted with Collectivist Anarchism and Anarchist Communism for a while, though, and I still draw heavily from them.

>> No.4919024

Same boat

>> No.4919028

I was 5 years old when I first looked back upon my life with shame.

>> No.4919029

Just don't respond to Evolakid posts. Don't even give him the time of day.

>> No.4919030
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>clickbait threads

>> No.4919049


The Reds gave it their best shot in the 60's and all that came of it was that they were ground to dust or co-opted and rehabilitated.
Never was, never will be.

>> No.4919051
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I float between Keynesian Social Democracy and Socialism.

I've never been particularly fond of Capitalism as a system though. Its very inefficient to allocate resources based on consumer trends, and German style Market Socialism has its ups and downs.

>> No.4919069
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>Its very inefficient to allocate resources based on consumer trends
What? As opposed to what?

>> No.4919077

>Still lacks any reason for communism.
I hold many fascist ideals but I still have to identify as a 'leftist' because of what anon said. I approach things marxist-like but draw opposite conclusions, as opposed to the traditional rightist who throws a fit every time he sniffs sociology or marxist terminology. Here's an example, I think, http://pastebin.com/i1K4VNfB

>> No.4919078

Actually the hilarious truth is that you can often stick it to ugly people that they're so hugely capitalist because they're ugly and can't win women by looks. They've all had that consideration at one point of their life. Communism then actually tends to exhibit itself in remarkably beautiful people, those with no insecurities of their own, but witness to the insecurities of others around them which exist because of them. It's like how gorillas eat only vegetation whilst all other simians eat flesh too --the king of the jungle has room for a heart.

>> No.4919089

Communism will succeed when Pacifism does

>> No.4919091

I don't know. I've had a long thought about it, read Marx and several other books on Communism, rejected my previous notions about how bad it is, but I still can't see it as plausible. It's a good idea and seems almost perfect, don't get me wrong, but I just can't see being played out correctly; It isn't realistic in the current state we live in. Who knows, maybe in a few hundred years, we'll have a perfect global communistic society where there is zero poverty and every individual's needs is taking care off, but I just don't see it happening. Personally, I prefer a society where I reap what I sow, and get to keep whatever I make/earn without worrying about supporting others or having them support me. But that's just my opinion. A lot of communists on this board probably know more than me and are more qualified to talk about it.

Until then, I'll remain a blood-sucking capitalist.

>> No.4919100

And don't take that to mean that it's all about reproduction, either, please, because that'd be incorrect.

>> No.4919107

So how many of us on /lit/ either identify as anarchist, are sympathetic to anarchism, or are something close to it? Over the past few days with those anarchism threads it seems many people on here actually have some similar feelings towards it and were able to have intelligent, constructive conversation.

>> No.4919109

Control of mama's mammary glands being our first glimpse of power would fit the bill better.

>> No.4919114

>King of the jungle

Excuse me?

>> No.4919119

>Personally, I prefer a society where I reap what I sow, and get to keep whatever I make/earn without worrying about supporting others or having them support me.

Except thats completely unfeasible.

>The means of production being the collective work of humanity, the product should be the collective property of the race. Individual appropriation is neither just nor serviceable. All belongs to all. All things are for all men, since all men have need of them, since all men have worked in the measure of their strength to produce them, and since it is not possible to evaluate every one's part in the production of the world's wealth.
All things are for all. Here is an immense stock of tools and implements; here are all those iron slaves which we call machines, which saw and plane, spin and weave for us, unmaking and remaking, working up raw matter to produce the marvels of our time. But nobody has the right to seize a single one of these machines and say, "This is mine; if you want to use it you must pay me a tax on each of your products," any more than the feudal lord of medieval times had the right to say to the peasant, "This hill, this meadow belong to me, and you must pay me a tax on every sheaf of corn you reap, on every rick you build."

Unless you want to literally make everything you have yourself, I mean far be it from me to stop you going off into the woods and being self sufficient.

>> No.4919129

Not agreeing with Marx' execution of socialism is almost a given these days. Most honest communists would admit to you that the left is in deadlock in terms of praxis, excluding those who mimic 20th century socialism. There are plenty of guys who've resorted to only being "critics", presumably for this reason.

>> No.4919134

Communism works in theory but fails in practice.
There is no redistribution formula for even distribution of wealth and equality is not given it is earned.

>> No.4919135
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>Communism then actually tends to exhibit itself in remarkably beautiful people

[citation needed]

>> No.4919146

Look at yourself in the mirror, duh.
Oh, or would you like a picture of me? I'm sorry, no ... but you can prove the inverse to yourself.

>> No.4919147

I'm not sure, OP; but it may have been around the time I grew out of metal and reemerged as scene

>> No.4919154

>Communism then actually tends to exhibit itself in remarkably beautiful people

[citation needed]

>Look at yourself in the mirror, duh.
>Oh, or would you like a picture of me? I'm sorry, no ... but you can prove the inverse to yourself.
>implying I'm even a capitalist

>> No.4919156
File: 37 KB, 435x580, Sansculottes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reds are in the process of giving it their best shot since the 1776.
It's not done.
It can't be stopped. (Unless someone wants to hit the red button and end everything)

>> No.4919163

>Communism works in theory
Aaaaand dropped. The theory was, in retrospect, insufficient and ultimately flawed.

Get your own opinions.

>> No.4919167

Did your daddy run out on you or something?

>> No.4919176

Do you want Evola to be your daddy?

>> No.4919178
File: 72 KB, 924x579, 2427493-2693563985-23951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong again
pic related

its you

>> No.4919194

>Dissolution of Wawa

but...why? who would do such a thing?

>> No.4919197

You want a daddy :(

>> No.4919201

nah. i'd rather try and work on a flawed system than just throw the board game out the window and kill all the players and be a baby about it.

>> No.4919214

Actually its more likely his father was an overbearing domineering fellow.
Am I correct EC?

>> No.4919224

>there are extremists on this board right now

>> No.4919231

Yes, I'd considered that, but I'm not sure it's more likely. Homosexuality is actually common in boys who grew up without fathers. They're trying to make up for their fatherlessness, basically. Maybe if poor EvolaKid had a daddy, he'd have protected him from the riffraff of the modern day.

>> No.4919242

Implying any of you have even the slightest say in this shit

>> No.4919244

People with strong dominating fathers tend to get used to it and become masochists and want strong and dominating governments.
Sort of like stockholm's syndrome; they begin to side with their oppressors

>> No.4919250


i believe the appropriate term is #rekt

>> No.4919260

Yes, I know. It seems to me our EvolaKid is trying to fill a void, though.

>> No.4919270

true, the name "Evola KID" is much more telling than I first assumes

>> No.4919274

I've seen god and government become new daddy to poor little boys who lost their original daddies, before.

>> No.4919276

>implying extremism isn't for the most part relativistic

The founders were radical liberal bourgeois landowners.

>> No.4919277

>Actually its more likely his father was an overbearing domineering fellow.
no he votes democrat

>> No.4919282

Oh, is he a wimpy individual? That makes sense, too.

>> No.4919290

And it makes hilarious sense of that image you posted, too ---big yellow strong daddy (Evola) with his hand around poor little wimpy EvolaKid, lol. Am I playing on your mind?

>> No.4919298
File: 31 KB, 360x480, 1394620696087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, is he a wimpy individual? That makes sense, too.

>mad I refuted communism
>resort to insults

you know that picture here>>4918983
does make since


>i believe the appropriate term is #rekt

lol not quite

>> No.4919299

cmon, leave him alone, he'll hopefully grow out of it, he's probably like sixteen

>> No.4919303

>being an extremist bourgeoisie

>> No.4919309
File: 277 KB, 1282x477, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being an extremist bourgeoisie
wouldn't be anything else

>> No.4919314

i mean, like, yeah, it's not bulletproof


stalin is fuckin gorgeous

and he mighta been sorta a big deal in communism, idk if you've heard of him


i'm fuckin gorgeous and someday i'll be a big fuckin deal maybe

(i'm not actually gorgeous, i'm like 8/10 ;_;)
(i'll also never be a big fuckin deal ;_____;)

>> No.4919319

At what age did you grow out of communism and realize that all ideologues are merely the restructuring of an inevitable hierarchy and that capitalism, for all its horrors, was better than the rest if only by virtue of it being highly efficient /lit/?

>> No.4919322

EvolaKid, how come you've shunned capital letters since I started berating you? It's very telling, you know. Poor turtle pulls its head back into its shell :(

>> No.4919323

That's feudal nobility not bourgeoisie

>> No.4919325

>and he mighta been sorta a big deal in communism, idk if you've heard of him

Is that way every single communist tries to distance themselves from stalin?
>socialism in one country
>tfw stalin was a natsoc

>> No.4919330

>Its very inefficient to allocate resources based on consumer trends

And there is the core of the argument: leftists wish that people would want things they don't, and are either fully or minutely prepared to change their opinions by force.

>> No.4919332

>That's feudal nobility not bourgeoisie
even better

>> No.4919339

>i take pride in good luck
nvm you're worthless
i'm sorry you don't have any friends

1) capitalism is not very efficient
2) that you consider efficiency a virtue shows that you are under the sway of neoliberal ideology
3) hierarchy is inevitable, deaths by malnutrition are not (w/ today's technology)

>> No.4919347

i mean

yeah, stalin fucked up hard, it's not relevant to the question atm tho, stop tryna derail

the question:
do pretty people communism?

they do, see stalin

u lost this one, it's okay, it's not that important of an issue

>> No.4919359

>tfw changing between Socialist and Capitalist daily
come on mayne

>> No.4919360

As marx himself said. If communism does nkt work, it is because the time in not right.

>> No.4919361

>everything besides capitalism is a stain on liberty
>capitalism abolishes all hierarchies

Call me when the means of production is run by the demos and not an autocrat under state protection.

>> No.4919366

>>the question:
>do pretty people communism?
>they do, see stalin

this is incorrect

>u lost this one, it's okay, it's not that important of an issue
nope try harder

>> No.4919367

>1) capitalism is not very efficient

Compared to what? Its better than anyting previously tried, including communism and socialism. Hell, laissez faire was a great time for development, and all it cost was several notable writers complaining that their streets were black with coal and that they wished people were paid more than they were.

>2) that you consider efficiency a virtue shows that you are under the sway of neoliberal ideology

Efficiency is a virtue. Efficiency in economy creates the ability to be lazy in your life.

>3) hierarchy is inevitable, deaths by malnutrition are not (w/ today's technology)

If a centralized power could prevent hunger, you would think several trillions dollars would do it. But we can't even deal with hunger in first world countries, malnutrition still happens. I suppose if we switch to communism, we could make all the currently starving people finally starve to death, but what would we be left with by more starving people? Communism is a theory, and it has yet to ever be taken seriously outside of "critiquing" what we currently use. The economics of the system is complete rubbish.

>> No.4919368

dont use words u dont know pls, ur embarassing urself

(referring to ur pastebin shit)


>> No.4919373

>I think I deserve what other people have because I don't have as much as they do

Yeah, good luck with that.

>> No.4919379

>>everything besides capitalism is a stain on liberty
>>capitalism abolishes all hierarchies

When did I say this? I said that capitalism gives you the most liberties and the best economic system so that you can pursue other passions outside of sustenance farming. Capitalism embraces hierarchy, greed, and selfishness, which is why its the most effective system. It turns the poison into a food source.