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/lit/ - Literature

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4915697 No.4915697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Help me /lit/. Sometimes I get the itch to write stories and I do it for a few hours/days, then drop it for a while. When I come back to it to continue, I just can't. I hate what I've written, and cringe just by reading it. Is this normal? How can I bring myself to love and like what I've written?

>> No.4915705
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stop being a little bitch

you sound like one of those guys that goes through old chat logs to try and hone your social awkwardness to a palpable level

>> No.4915707

don't love it unless it's good.

you know the saying "practice makes perfect"? well it's true. well practice you idiot.

>> No.4915718

It's totally normal. Keep writing and then trying to edit what you write into something presentable. The only way to improve is to find what exactly you dislike about what you wrote and then try to eliminate it, and find what you like/don't hate about what you wrote and keep doing that.

Best of luck m8 it's a hard project but try to have fun. Be able to be very critical of your work without being overly critical of yourself. It's a skill that needs to be learned. You're in a better position seeing everything bad in your writing than the alternative (not being able to recognize what's wrong with it/seeing it with positive bias because you know what you meant and have a personal attachment).