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/lit/ - Literature

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491077 No.491077 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, /lit/, you know how you vaguely remember books, especially ones from your childhood, and you can't remember what they were?

Post what you remember of the book, and if anyone knows what they're talking about, respond.

I have two.

The first is about a girl who had a job keeping demon things that lived underground happy so they wouldn't spoil the crops. She disguised herself as a boy, and then it turned out she was a seal... Yeah.

The other one is a super girly series about princesses, and each princess represented a jewel, and lived in her own castle, and the books came with cheap plastic necklaces. That is all I remember.

Picture unrelated.

>> No.491086

I read a book in middle school that come from the library so hopefully other school libraries had it too. It was about a kid who I believe lived with his aunt. She spoke sometimes in pig latin. Stonehenge played some part in it and there was a weird monster after the protagonist that at one point grinded some guys face into the top of a chainlink fence. The finale had the monster attacking the kid in a burning lighthouse.

I can't quite remember whether or not it was good but I'd like to read it again just for the nostalgia.

>> No.491089

Ohh oh I used to read these really creepy books as a kid, they actually taught you the abc's but the examples they gave for each letter was so dark and creepy it used to make me shit bricks. Does anyone remember what it was called? I need to read that shit again.

>> No.491093

> and then it turned out she was a seal

You mean, like, actually the animal?

>> No.491097
File: 30 KB, 330x306, spooky abc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one?

>> No.491104


Yeah, she was a shape shifter thing that could put on her seal skin and become a seal. Also, her hair allowed her to see with her eyes closed, and she could tell the time without looking at a clock.

>> No.491112
File: 26 KB, 317x475, folk_keeper_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally read both of those books.

I think is the Folk Keeper by Franny Billingsley and the Jewel Kingdom series are what you're talking about.

One of the books that I can't remember the name of the life of me is scifi. It's about a police force manboy with leg braces. There was a terrible kitten growing tree in the book and at one point the main character gets electrocuted because of his braces.

>> No.491114
File: 33 KB, 450x600, 1269117928331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here it is, i found it :D

>> No.491123



Thank you. That's been bugging me forever.

Sadly, I have no idea what the book you described is.

>> No.491124


here. :B

>> No.491126

About some girl who could paralyze people just by touching them, and she threatened to do it to everyone if some guy ever stopped loving her.

>> No.491127
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>> No.491129


that sounds familiar...

>> No.491134
File: 29 KB, 294x475, 0590456814.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like this one to me.

>> No.491141


Oh, that's it.

>> No.491150
File: 35 KB, 250x300, worf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one. Here's what I remember:

It takes place either in England or or maybe an east coast city (Boston, maybe?). Around the time of Francis Drake or maybe a little after. Sometime between his exploits and the American Revolution, anyway.

It's about a boy who becomes an indentured servant to a fat, old shipwright. Early in the book he comes home from school and shows his father his schoolwork on a small chalkboard or something that he takes to school with him to write problems on. Later he passes a fancy house and mentions something about Tories. Then he becomes indentured to the shipwright, who's a nice guy and teaches him a lot. After that I don't remember much.

Also, the word "wharf" is used a bunch.

... anyone?

>> No.491153

johnny tremain?

>> No.491162


Really? I thought of Rogue from X-Men. XD

>> No.491171


Nah, Tremain becomes apprentice to a silversmith.

>> No.491177

>The other one is a super girly series about princesses, and each princess represented a jewel, and lived in her own castle, and the books came with cheap plastic necklaces

Jewel Kingdom!

>> No.491185

A kid was turning into a vampire, so he was enlisted by the forces of good to spy on the vampires, but his parents suspect he is turning. In this world, monsters like vampires were hunted by the police. Then he interrupts a ceremony, and kills the vampire god, but this makes everyone mad because the vamp god thingy is supposed to stay imprisoned. There is no real conclusion, that I recall.

>> No.491194

One of the books that I can't remember the name of the life of me is scifi. It's about a police force manboy with leg braces. There was a terrible kitten growing tree in the book and at one point the main character gets electrocuted because of his braces.


>> No.491197

>implying I forgot my greentext

>> No.491202

a bunch of giants find this british boy and they eat finger sandwiches

it was awesome

>> No.491204
File: 7 KB, 160x200, 0395729521[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book gave me the creeps for some reason

>> No.491209

A teenager in North America runs away from home to fight in WWI. He ends up being an ambulance driver, and later on has adventures on a merchant ship or something. I think he meets someone in a hospital that has lost his legs.

>> No.491210


Here's more info:

I think it took place in Virginia. Chesapeake Bay, maybe? And I think it was right about the time of the Revolution... the boy's name was Nathaniel, maybe?

>> No.491213

why are there 2 fkng a's in aardvark?

>> No.491216


Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.491219


Thirsty, by M T Anderson.

Yeah really no conclusion. I think it's implied that he attacks his mother, though.

>> No.491220

not at niiiiight ;)

>> No.491225

yes thanks!

>> No.491240
File: 427 KB, 841x1097, missingbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't remember if this was two separate books, or two books in one. One part was about space and spiral galaxies, the other part about the earth with lava. It was basically a general kid's science book(s) with really nice artwork. The cover had what I think was a space probe in front of an orange planet. Would have been printed in the late 70s or early 80s. I made a sketch of what I could remember about the cover some time ago. Pic related.

>> No.491549
File: 20 KB, 313x475, Delta of Venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.491585

Mine's really vague... It was a series of books about magic, which was done by weaving things (baskets, ropes, etc).

>> No.491595

oh oh that one with hemingway whatever think troll now however

>> No.491884

Sounds like the Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce.

>> No.491916

I need help with this one.

It was a young adult book, I think with a Canadian author.

It was about a young boy and his mother who relocate into the upper suite of a duplex. In the basement lives an old man who is secretly an alchemist.

I want to say the title is "Red Gold" by nothing comes up. I'm almost positive it had the word Red in the title.

He works as an usher in a movie theater at one point. There are problems with a group of teenagers from a biker gang. He falls in love with one of the girls who works at the theater with him.

They slowly become friends with the old man. I remember he keeps birds and they have to change the lining of the cage. Can anyone help?

>> No.492547

Jesus I hope somebody answers this, it's been bothering me.

The book starts off with two groups of little kids throwing rocks and shit at each other. Apparently they're fighting over a mound in an alley with one groups of kids standing on a mound of something and the other ones standing around them. Then the guy grows up a little and there's more drinking, his father is a drunk and his mother is sad-drunk. He lives in the slums. Then he meets a girl and fuck the shit out of her, he leaves her and she becomes a prostitute and dies.

>> No.492573 [DELETED] 

I have no memories from before I was six and a half, but I apparently read constantly. I have no recollection of anything I read.

>> No.492584

For some reason I keep thinking it's one of the Childhood of Famous Americans books, though that could just be because my mother made me read almost all of them when I was younger.

>> No.492603

They have a TV series on this now.