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/lit/ - Literature

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4910193 No.4910193[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so how many of you fell for that STEM shit and only live the /lit/ lifestyle part-time?
>mfw social science major

>> No.4910199

I'm assuming you're preparing your money to throw at a useless degree

>> No.4910222

currently studying undergrad physics. i don't have enough time to do all the things i want but at least i can pretend i'm smart

>> No.4910272
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impressive. very nice.

>> No.4910280
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i've got some more for you here bud

>> No.4910284

i'm at a community college, no major declared, no direction at all. my tuition is waived so it's only costing me my time but i'm like two years in and still have no fucking clue what i'm doing. i'm awful at math and i've heard how hard it is to get a job with a non technical degree so i feel as if i'm inevitably fated to drop out

but community college has been a nice supplement to my reading and studying at home. i do feel like i've taken something away from the experience so far. and that's not nothing, right?

>> No.4910300

>mfw STEM double major
>tfw still no qt3.14 job

>> No.4910307

What classes have you enjoyed the most?

>> No.4910315

join the army and get that veteran respect

>> No.4910322

I am starting my Social Science course in
September. Interestingly, I was able to combine this with Arabic.

>> No.4910328


You're both very impressive

>> No.4910330

>tfw getting a masters in education administration
>tfw principals are basically unfireable and make loads of dosh
In 3 years I'll be living the dream of teaching, hopefully 5 years after that I'll be the god of my chosen school.

>> No.4910335

Double major in Tax Law and Public Administration. Wanna go into Intellectual History after this.

>> No.4910351
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>living the dream of teaching

>> No.4910373

It's real in my head ;_;

>> No.4910389


do you need a fuckin' crazy good gpa to get admitted into a school good enough to get you a job as a principal?

>> No.4910411

No. The majority of principals (at least here) start out as teachers at their chosen school and then get their masters degree in education while working.

Then you just wait until the vice principal or principal die or retire.

>> No.4910424
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True literary life reporting in. If you ain't NEET you ain't sheit.

>> No.4910432


gonna try and do this without it turning into a massive tl;dr...

english 101/102 were great. i took a really engaging religion class. philosophy was okay. politics was neat. generally these classes dissected some canon (lolita, cat's cradle, harvard lectures on religion from james and whitehead).

turns out i've really enjoyed the less "practical" classes. and the real shame is that i'm too broke to take on student loans unless it's somehow going to make me a little more socially mobile. i live on my own already and already work 40 hours a week. which means my grades probably won't be good enough for grad school. which means i need to study something in undergrad which will be potentially useful, i guess

it's nice that some people get to study things that they're interested in at post secondary but i'm fuckin' broke. i eat ramen and pbnj and boxed milk every day and i can't do it forever

>> No.4910572

Pretty much in the same boat as me, except I've finished my program and I didn't apply to uni and now I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.

>> No.4911220

Seconded. NEET is the total embracing of this fallen generation in all of its glory. Free time is the most precious resource, and most waste the majority of it working away their health for money, and then spending money to recoup their health.

Missing out on the NEET,

>> No.4911377

Think of a skilled trade that will pay your bills, and study it at your community college. Study literature in your free time and become an over educated electrician. That's what I would do if I weren't two years into an engineering degree.

>> No.4911409

how I into NEET?

>> No.4911435
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Is theology /lit/?

>> No.4911444

>Free time is the most precious resource
>posts on 4chan

Yeah, precious.

>> No.4911454

damn i'm studying undergrad physics as well. what year are you/are you in the US?

>> No.4911465

Immunobiology PhD candidate reporting in

>> No.4911633


get some autismbux and find a roommate or family to live with or reduced income housing