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4909488 No.4909488[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As an unbeliever, does the Bible still make for a good read?

>> No.4909495

No it's shit

>> No.4909498

No, it's all disproved by science.

>> No.4909503


Oxford Bible if you want to actually know what you're reading.

Gospel of John is God-tier.

Read that if nothing else.

>> No.4909508


Be careful, reading John converted me to Christianity. Not even kidding.

>> No.4909509

Then read it as fiction, its still influential enough to warrant a read.

>> No.4909537

It's just the basic story of Jesus OP, but it totes realed. There is nothing special about this book.

>> No.4909543

Be careful not to read anything else ever, you might get converted again.

>> No.4909698

It's one of the best books I've ever read. It's an awesome collection of stories that contains brutal murders, sex (both consesual and not), and ingenious humour. At one point, a woman literally gets raped to death.

I recommend you just begin reading from Genesis 37. If you can appreciate the brilliance of it, it might not be for you.

If you want the more serious, touching stories, I suggest either Ecclesiastes, which reads like existentialist philosophy, or the Gospel of Matthew, which is a wonderful tragedy.

>> No.4909733


Make sure you are read the King James Version, because it has the most beautiful prose and is probably the version that all your favorite authors read.

>> No.4909776


It's actually one of the most boring things I've ever read. Also all my life everyone who I talked to said things like revelations will scare the shit out of me, I went into it expecting to be terrified but I was yawning the whole time.

>> No.4909819

I've not read the whole Bible, but here are some recommendations:
I didn't bother to read Exodus and Genesis (after the creation of the world). Halfway to Exodus it was like reading about the life of a US redneck family. If you wanna get really redpilled about the Bible, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Leviticus got really interesting 'cause they are loaded with Biblical laws. The parts of the New Testament which got my attention are the last 2-3 letters of St. Paul and the Apocalypse of John (that motherfucker probably smoked a fucking container of marijuana before writing that shit-and it isn't long).
But it depends. The only part which has aesthetic appeal to me is the Apocalypse and Jesus' miracles.

>> No.4911614

it's dull as hell

>> No.4911642

>Not the most boring piece of literature in existence
Shit mang, why would you recommend that? Redpilled? On what exactly? A bunch of Jewish laws rabbis could pick and choose from that eventually got ret-conned once Jesus came and fulfilled the prophecies?

>> No.4911658

retard detected

>> No.4911661

Parts of it are definitely worth reading.

Song of Solomon
John 1-3

>> No.4911666

>the life of a US redneck family
is this the explanation of mormonism?

>> No.4911684

The best, most memorable and most iconic stories are in Genesis and Exodus actually

>> No.4911687

This is a pretty solid list. I'd add Judges and 1 & 2 Samuel

>> No.4911698


>> No.4911879

You gotta add some of the prophets to the list. Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Jonah. Their narrative parts are pretty awesome.
Yeah this too. The story of David and the united Israel is pretty good.

>> No.4911903


Yes because there are so many cultural references to it in literature, movies, songs and etc. It gives you a boarder and more informed understanding of western culture.

>> No.4912372

I read through most of it in my catholic high school. I thought it was pretty boring. It doesn't really feel like "stories." I mean, it's stories, but it doesn't read like it was meant to be entertaining. It reads more like a history textbook that got translated to chinese and then back to English