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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 323x500, finnegan's wake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
490761 No.490761 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/, there's ben something missing from this board, and I feel the need to fix it.

A book club

Someplace where we can read some of the more complex pieces of our time, at the same pace, and reflect on them together to get a greater understanding. Our first book should then be Finnigan's Wake, being something I have found to be too complex to read without having a wealth of knowledge about Irish history and mythology the world over. For those interested, I think if we read up to page 30, we should have more than enough to reflect on (Joyce we're probably going to take slower than other books, because of its density.) If people show interest, I'll make another thread Sunday to host discussion on pages 1-30. Does this sound like a good idea? Any alterations or suggestions?

>> No.490765

Sounds like a great idea. I'd definitely be interested. As long as we kept the pages down to a minimum, I think 30 as you suggested is good. We could arrange a time to be on in a week? Although we should give people time to get the book obviously.

But yes, I'm down.

>> No.490770

there was one, the book chosen was notes from the underground. But not everyone operates in the same timezone, so only some know about it and the few people who saw the thread eventually forget about it. If there is to be a book club, the thread should be stickied for everyone to see just like on 99chan

>> No.490772

Is it too far to make a reasonable request to a mod to help us out on that?

>> No.490776

I like the idea. 30 pages definitely sounds good as well. Personally I think it might be better to go for Ulysses first though. But I suppose there's nothing wrong with being ambitious.

>> No.490779

There will always be controversy over what book to read, haha.

>> No.490783

OP here, my work schedule is rather erratic, but if someone were to make a thread around 6pm GMT on Sunday we should be in good shape

>> No.490787

when someone last proposed this idea, someone produced a grid of books (similar to ROLLAN threads in /b/ and other boards) and the book that corresponds to the last two post numbers of the one who posted the pic was picked

>> No.490796

that is a good idea. Should we stick with Finnegan for now, or switch to something else via rolling?

>> No.490798

Easter Sunday - many of us with families may be with them, I intend to be drunk.

>> No.490801

I hate to point out this out, but there are other websites far better suited for this than 4chan. You should go join them instead of doing it here, because this will be a very poor medium for it.

>> No.490809

Fuck, I forgot Easter existed. A week from today then?

>> No.490812

certainly sub-optimal, but i like the demographic on 4chan. A wide variety of people from different backgrounds, with no one afraid to ask stupid questions.

>> No.490818

Awesome idea OP. I've always wanted to read Finnegan, but find myself too intimidated.

>> No.490822

30 pages is too ambitious, the opening of the Wake is perhaps the densest part, it might be better to start with perhaps the first 7 before the museum trip.

>> No.490824

I say we try this thing. If it doesn't work, well, no harm done. Let's pick Monday so people don't necessarily miss it because of Easter. We should also perhaps keep this thread alive to let as many people join in as possible.

>> No.490826

Can it please be something else than a work of James Joyce? I have seen his name way way too often on this message board.

>> No.490828

I submit this is exactly why it should be Joyce.

>> No.490838

It is honestly a toss up between ayn rand and James Joyce for the mascot of this message board.

I see no reason to perpetuate that any further.

>> No.490841

Virginia Woolf would be a suitable substitute?

>> No.490843

It's Joyce, faggot. Ayn Rand is banned.

>> No.490846

I think the Wake is perfect preciously because it is the sort of book you need a roomful of people to understand. That said 30 pages is insane, I would suggest even a prep session to get people acquainted with Vico, the basics of the HCE and the ALP and even the original song.

>> No.490850
File: 55 KB, 288x358, Ayn Rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just a nigger.

>> No.490852

just make a /lit/ book club on goodreads or something

it'll make everything so much easier

>> No.490855


>> No.490880

I think goodreads is a good place! Just post in /lit/ often to update the newfags

>> No.491223

Will join in with this too. Have never got Joyce in the past, perhaps this time.

>> No.491458

bumpp! for the official /lit/ book club

>> No.491476
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 1207894194824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do it, e/lit/ists.

>> No.491577

OP here, just got back from classes, i really didnt expect this to still be up. Hoping this will turn out well.

also, goodreads seems to be a great choice for primary hosting.

>> No.491578

I like this.

>> No.491584


>But not everyone operates in the same timezone

This is why a forum would be needed rather than /lit/ itself. Or maybe an IRC?

>> No.491594

will not participate in reading this book. perhaps others, but I'm not so sure about this one. It just seems to be garbled nonsense.

>> No.491841

Just giving this a bump so that it can stay a hot topic for anyone interested.

This is why I want to read his works. I had never even heard his name until I came here, so it seems a must.

I just signed up.

>> No.491849

I completely support this.

>> No.491862

This book has one of the most brilliantly punctuated titles ever.

>> No.491860

at first look yes, but there is actually layer upon layer of meaning and humor in it. However, it is due to the very muddiness of which you speak that we are forming this reading circle.

>> No.491867

I am super interested in this, but I have exams coming up so I will probably attempt to catch up in a few weeks if this materializes.

>> No.491872

Wow. I don't read Joyce, but I'd never noticed that. Can't unsee.

>> No.491883

I vote for the first 30 pages of Ulysses by Sunday!

>> No.491891

bamp for sticky

>> No.491900
File: 38 KB, 429x696, joyce_wake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with question.

How the fuck do I read this goddamned book.

>> No.491907

Whenever I see the title I can't help but read it as "Finnegans awake".

>> No.491912

that is actually kind of sad.

>> No.491913

With great difficulty. It's been said that this is a book to be heard not read.

>> No.491918

Good. That's the pun. Notice the lack of an apostrophe in the title.

>> No.491923

Easter is Sunday.

>> No.491930

That so much can be inferred from such a simple title perfectly demonstrates the level of the author.