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490703 No.490703 [Reply] [Original]

What's the funniest book you ever read?

I mean, THE funniest book you ever read?

>> No.490708


>> No.490712

The Fountainhead.

>> No.490714

Bryson's Neither Here nor There.

>> No.490713
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>> No.490719
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>> No.490733
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>> No.490735
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>> No.490747
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>sparkling vampires


>> No.490756

yes. catch-22 was hilarious.

confederacy of dunces.
don quixote.

>> No.490760

This may be the only thread where Twilight is a valid answer. That book is hilarious.

>> No.490819
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The first half was kind of slow but the ending was hysterical.

>> No.490825
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Black humour is always appreciated.

I'm so important that you need a 4chan gold account to see what books I like.

>> No.490831

"The Lost Continent" by Terry Pratchett.

Maybe "Hogfather" by the same author as a close second.

>> No.490833

The Gay Science. Seriously, Nietzsche is one of the few authors who can make me laugh out loud while reading

>> No.490840

A** R*** is even funnier.

Respect the rules.

>> No.490857
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>> No.490878


Moby Dick.


>> No.490895

anything by Christopher Moore

>> No.490899

A Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.490900


>> No.490910
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I laughed most frequently at Dan Fante's "Corksucker", but I still smirk or giggle when I think or talk about certain parts of this book.

>> No.491016

The Divine Comedy by Dante.

The name says it all. Real hilarious read!

>> No.491025
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Apathy and other small victories

Might just be because it's the most recent funny book I've read

>> No.491100

>trying to sound edified and sophisticated

>> No.491119
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Heartily did I LOL.

in b4 faggot.

>> No.491131

seconding this, I had such a good time reading this book.

>> No.491135


>> No.491138


I read the first 30 pages and it wasn't grabbing me. Is it funnier if you're raised Christian?

>> No.491139

Amusing, but not "LOLOLOL" funny.

The Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole.

>> No.491145
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Operation Shylock by Philip Roth is fucking HI-LARIOUS.

>> No.491146

I laughed a lot at The Catcher in the Rye in 7th grade.

>> No.491151

naked pictures of famous people is pretty funny

>> No.491155


This is great but I never lol'd because it was clearly about the character deficiencies of humanity. Also most of what was funny was whimsy and not jokes.

>> No.491156

it definitely is

>> No.491169
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Riotous Assembly by Tom Sharpe

Wicked, nasty and filled full of righteous HATE for South Africa and Afrikaaners. Obscene beyond obscene.


This book got Sharpe deported from South Africa.

>> No.491401

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Not that everyone didn't know this one already,

>> No.491410
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>> No.491452

Hmmm, either Michael Chabon's Wonder Boys or one of the Chuck Klosterman essay collections.

>> No.491459


Winner first up

>> No.491472

Penguins Stopped Play.....the title is very misleading, the book is very hilarious

>> No.492486


Our Dumb Century - The Onion

First piece of Onion content I found in high school, and still the best.

>> No.492533

Either Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy(obvious answer, but still...)
or maybe Slaughterhouse Five (So it goes...)

>> No.492560

I think I love you. Thank you so much, I had forgotten the title of Slaughterhouse 5.

I wish the ending didn't have as many clues as it did, trying to make you understand what was going on.

>> No.492612

The Welcome to the NHK novel is pretty funny if anybody has read the actual novel and not dismissed it as animeshit. LSD trips, talking TVs, taking pictures of little girls, one guy nonchalantly talking about how his sister and her friend were trying to rape him, massive alcohol abuse with ensuing hilarity. Its great and at the same time way dark.

>> No.492665

Go back to /a/ please.

>> No.492671

Damnit, sorry. Nevermind.

>> No.492689

>and not dismissed it as animeshit
It was an actual novel like five years before it was an anime. Its kind of like saying Kokoro is shit now that is has an anime adaption.

>> No.492693

Hah my bad missed that one.

>> No.492692


>> No.492721

Damn, I thought my grandmother and I were the only ones. God-tier author.

>> No.492729
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To be
the eyes
and ears
and conscience
of the Creator of the Universe,
you fool.

>> No.492731

God-tier indulgent crap, more like.

>> No.492895

I have read A Short History of Nearly everything. It was awesome. Reading A Walk In The Wood at the moment. Any other works of his worth checking out?

>> No.492906

Don Quixote

Especially the part where he thinks the chickens are "redskins".

>> No.492913

When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris

>> No.492919

A walk in the woods is great. It slows down for a bit but the first half is wonderful.

>> No.492939

In a Sunburned Country and I'm a Stranger Here Myself are my favorites. The first one is about Australia, and the second one is a series of essays about modern America.

>> No.492943

Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments or Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

I have a very dry sense of humor.

>> No.492960 [DELETED] 

I had the stupidest fucking grin on my face when I was reading that book.

I can still think "deaf woman screaming is a wind tunnel" and I laugh.

>> No.492966

Strange was very dry. I will never forget the joke of the footnote on Wales, though.

>> No.493030
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Awesome by Jack Pendarvis

>> No.493040
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In Persuasion Nation - George Saunders

>> No.493213

"Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" series.

>> No.493236

Yes Man by Danny Wallace probably made me laugh out loud more than any other book. Much funnier than the movie.

>> No.493247


>> No.493266


This. My college boyfriend and I used to lay in bed in the mornings and read these stories to each other. He would sing the music parts in this really horrid voice but at the time I thought it was adorable. God.

>> No.493307
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I found this book both fucking awesome and fucking funny.

>> No.493319
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re: Isaac Newton

"It can't possibly be that you know him!"

"Know him? I was very nearly raped by him."

>> No.493381
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no troll

>> No.493386

The Phantom Tollbooth.

Loling with every chapter.

>> No.493398

catch 22

>> No.493401

The Once and Future King

>> No.493409

The scene in The Rules of Attraction where they are in the hospital made me laugh out loud at the library.

>> No.493491
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>> No.493516


>> No.493521



I barely like most Woody Allen movies, but his prose is seriously glorious.


James Thurber
Robert Benchley
Ring Lardner

>> No.493547


I thought I was the only one who caught the humor in that.

The BBC series has its moments as well. The Twins.

>> No.493552
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I haven't found one single book that I think is the 'funniest ever'. Have a list.

Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy.
Good Omens.
Series of Unfortunate Events.
Princess Diaries.

>> No.493557

Never actually seen the series, but the books were frequently laugh-out-loud preposterous.

>> No.493767
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It's fine TV - 90th percentile stuff.

Pic related: Irma Prunesquallor (and her throat)

Played by Fiona Shaw (Harry's aunt in the HP series). In fact, a number of the people from the Harry Potter series are in Gormenghast.

>> No.493777

DeLillo's White Noise

>> No.493806

fear and loathing in las vegas
hitchiker's guide to the galaxy
so many kids books are straight up hilarious. even now I get a chuckle from sike milligan's kids stories.

>> No.493811
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Spike Milligan's Puckoon! The anti-Finnegan's Wake!

>> No.493833

Slaughterhouse Five ,only because I don't read funny books normally.

>> No.493841

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.493848
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Has anyone mentioned Good Omens?

>> No.493870

ANY of the Dortmunder novels by Donald Westlake. Comic crime capers.

The only novels I use as antidepressants.

>> No.493882
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>> No.493888
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The only book I can remember laughing out loud at.