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4905781 No.4905781[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can the genre be indicative of the quality of content?

or is she misrepresenting the statement people are making when they say they've "matured out of YA"?

full video

>> No.4905784

>full video


god damnit

>> No.4905797

she's wrong. the "YA" label refers to a novel's intended audience, not the age of its protagonist.

>> No.4905815

>It's like you're trying to put those people down from for the quality of content of literature that they enjoy
Yes, that's right.

>> No.4905817

God, what an annoying little shit.

>> No.4905823


im not even sure how someone in their 20's can get that much enjoyment from high school angst

>> No.4905826

>she's wrong. the "YA" label refers to a novel's intended audience, not the age of its protagonist

Perhaps technically, but considering the narcissistic motivations for reading selections (I don't relate to it, so I don't read it), for all intents and purposes, if the protag isn't of a similar socio-cultural cast as the targeted audience: fail wall.

>> No.4905829

this video is giving me negative thoughts op. you're harshing my mellow

>> No.4905830

> Albert Cay Muh ss

>> No.4905833

Why is it that YA novels are so bad?

Fairy tales and children's stories are always enjoyable, and even possess literary merit. The idea of the fairy tale form, designed to communicate an effective if bare-bones story, is always worth something. Even non-moralistic children's stories often come across as charming.

And of course "adult fiction" is what any literary person should try and concern themselves with, that is to say, books that are of high quality.

So why is it that YA, the in-between of these two sets of reading material, is so bad? I don't think there should be a reason, but the trend is there regardless: YA books are kind of shitty.

>> No.4905834

hey OP, were you the one who was talking about this in the JG thread yesterday?

she is pretty hot, but nonetheless has caused my patrician dick to shrivel away. i think i've just become celibate.

don't kill her, i know there are millions more. just kill me. :(

>> No.4905835

Here we have the modern reader, who dictates the economy and lifestyle of the literature world.

>> No.4905838
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do you think if she looked like a foot her videos would be just as popular?

>> No.4905840

Maybe an interesting question she should ask is "why are these books labeled Young Adult?" it might shine some light on what people mean by "mature."

>> No.4905841

Perhaps YA are not shitty for being age related to young adults, they are shitty by their own characteristics.
As someone mentioned here before, most YA readers aren't YA.
I think that Game of Thrones is a more popular book among young adults than Twilight or Fault in the Stars, and GRRM isn't classified as YA writer

>> No.4905842

Wait but I HAVE matured past Harry Potter, and I think anyone who reads it in their adult life is a child.
What's she arguing?
Did she really think HP was a universal source of admiration?

>> No.4905845

>hey OP, were you the one who was talking about this in the JG thread yesterday?

yes i was! i found the giftset and video so i thought i'd share

>> No.4905850

>f she looked like a foot her videos would be just as popular?
In that case she wouldn't be attracting people based on her good looks but she could be attracting people exactly because of her lack of good looks.
> She's a fat ugly girl just like me

>> No.4905853


high school kids are probably the easiest demographic to advertise to and Y.A seems to me more like a slightly more hip but nonetheless cartoony exaggeration of the same aesthetic we see in the movie theaters, on television, on sitcoms and bumper stickers

>> No.4905855

why is she so angry?

>> No.4905856

>what's she arguing?

that the things she likes are obviously great and people shouldn't say otherwise.

>> No.4905858

Why is she waving her arms so much?

>> No.4905860

Lacks the D.

>> No.4905861

>Wait but I HAVE matured past Harry Potter, and I think anyone who reads it in their adult life is a child.
>What's she arguing?
>Did she really think HP was a universal source of admiration?

thats a good question, harry potter is simple to read, and composed of deus ex machina, but how does one define matured out of?

if someone buried themselves in magic and fantasy of children's novels, i would think they weren't mature

but i still watch pokemon because i enjoy it


>> No.4905863


"for a living" she makes youtube videos about young adult literature

that's her job. i'm sure someone is giving her the shit she deserves for that

>> No.4905864

the high/low Dichotomy?

>> No.4905868



sometimes i suspect i use 'projection' wrong

>> No.4905870

there's nothing inherently wrong with enjoying things made for those less mature than you. You just have to recognize them for what they are, and hopefully have a fuller taste than things oyu liked when you were 10. "maturing out of" something doesn't necessarily mean giving it up, it means moving beyond it and understanding its flaws.

>> No.4905871

>but considering the narcissistic motivations for reading selections (I don't relate to it, so I don't read it), for all intents and purposes, if the protag isn't of a similar socio-cultural cast as the targeted audience: fail wall.
What? No. YA fiction is literally intended for and marketed to a late teenage demographic. Just because people outside of the demographic enjoy it doesn't change this fact. It's explicitly meant to be read by teenagers.

Also I have no idea what you're getting on about with "narcissistic motivations" for reading. I imagine very few people read for relatability based on socio-cultural conditions, considering reading is a pretty popular form of escapism.

>> No.4905874

frustration she cant properly articulate her frustration because shes.....immature?

>> No.4905875

I don't see how "maturing" past a certain genre suddenly brings the quality of all books from that genre into question. To put it simply, as a person grows older, their values and interests change.

>> No.4905876

You can enjoy Pokemon all you want, but when you start saying Pokemon has as much merit as something like The Wire, or that Pokemon is something that any adult could readily enjoy, then you've crossed the line.

She's trying to justify herself. Sometimes we don't need justification; sometimes we do shitty things. But once you start justifying your shitty things, you get stuck as a shitty person.

>> No.4905879

This is an 18+ website.

>> No.4905880

protag of most YAs are mary sue or marty stu. readers want to inject themselves into a fantastic setting for escapism, not find a book exactly like their real life. your escapism comment still holds.

>> No.4905882


>YA fiction is literally intended for and marketed to a late teenage demographic. Just because people outside of the demographic enjoy it doesn't change this fact.

and Y.A is hugely popular. maybe the single most consumed genre of literature outside of academia. Y.A's dominance is then kind of a slap in the face, considering the power and potential of literature as a medium

it's like sacrilege? is that why lit is angry?

>> No.4905888

wait, is catcher in the rye YA?

>> No.4905891


Jesus christ dude shut up. The average person is as dumb as a stump and watches big bang theory. It's self-evident they're going to read horseshit, if at all. People are just pointing out that trying to justify some shitty post-apocalyptic fantasy steampunk angsty punkrocker who totally gets laid as being a universal source of entertainment or as valid as whatever talented author you won't shitpost for me mentioning here, is retarded.

>> No.4905896
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>can the genre be indicative of the quality of content?

'every test is measuring something'

she is mistaken of course, but its the kind of mistake thats oh so validating, the kind of mistake that many will go out of their way to rationalize.

just another example that modernity the cultural hegemony of nominalism, and nominalism is memetically adaptive. 'all is interchangeable, equivalent, atomistic', and isint that a great thought when one is insecure about ones *own* preferences, 'who are you to criticise *me*, what does 'text' even mean anyways'.

>> No.4905897

It's just pulp. It's nothing new, and this kind of stuff has been going on for a long time, and it's always going to exist. Prior to this it was sci-fi, and then after war stories, and even before that there was the spy novel.

>> No.4905900

>The Catcher in the Rye
>Genres: Fiction, Bildungsroman, Novel, First-person narrative

the funny thing is we have Bildungsroman and we have YA. what's that tell you about YA?

>> No.4905901


did you even read my post

>> No.4905905

Yes, you appealed to popularity and then said "IS THIS Y U MAD /lit/ HUEHUE" when ITT people are just pointing out she is an idiot. Pound sand, faggot.

>> No.4905907

>/lit/ in charge of reading comprehension

>> No.4905910


the rage is strong with this one.

Captcha: cuntin there

>> No.4905913
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>tells me to "pound sand, faggot"'

>> No.4905914

>You in charge of not obviously samefagging

>> No.4905917

You know seeing videos like this is why I'm just going to stop trying to write literary masterpieces and I'm just going to shit out a YA book about a teenage feminist who smashes the patriarchy and the patriarchy is robots.
>Also she says that Albert Came-us's the stranger is the worst book she's ever read.

I just want to strangle her with my dick

>> No.4905918

>Being this new

What a nigger! Can /v/ pls leave?


>> No.4905920

> Did she really think HP was a universal source of admiration?
It p much is at highschools regards someone who led a book club in one few years back and heard from all the girls that they reread whole of HP at least once a year.

>> No.4905922


well so far:

multiple posts have accused you of being mad
you're typing in caps
and you used a racial slur unironically

i have to tell you that, looking at this objectively as possible, you do seem to clearly qualify as upset

>> No.4905925

>MFW I have matured past Harry Potter and Percy Jackson

>> No.4905927

do you think 4chan is just about shitting on other people? we have these things called "thread topics" too. do you truly believe shitposting is the spirit of 4chan? you're being a fucking nigger

>> No.4905953

>have you matured past Harry Potter and Percy Jackson

She actually believes there's no way one could do that.

>> No.4905961

Eh, I still love reading children's books and fairy tales.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is one of my favorite books

>> No.4905965


Yep, you're a total and complete nigger. Reply to mi bitch, u r mi slaev.

>> No.4905970

holy shit i didnt even consider that

>> No.4905973


Pointing out that retard is just arbitrarily saying the board is "mad" over discussing this, and then him continuing to defend this, is actually -me- shitposting? You bring being a dumb faggot to the next level dude. Lets take this derail train as low as it can go, boys!

>> No.4905976


>being compelled to spew hate at every opportunity

it appears that it is you who is enslaved, friend

>> No.4905979

I wish tumblr users would mature past taking a lot of screenshots or making thousands of short gifs of a video instead of actually posting the goddamned thing.

>> No.4905980

Good job replying. Why are you so upset? Is it because you still read YA fiction? I'm sorry little guy ;_; maybe your poor fee fees will recover one day.

>> No.4905990

>mispronounces Camus

Opinions disregarded.

>> No.4905994

man, you're so wrong and self-deluded, it's absurd.

go back and read his post again. he didn't say "LOL /LIT/ U MAD? HUEHUEHUE". he genuinely asked us if the reason we were mad was because we felt that YA was lowering the value of literature as a whole. i even got the sense that he thought that himself and was asking for confirmation.

no one else got what you got from the post. someone else even posted a legitimate response >>4905897

then you bust in and tell him to fuck off.
he asked you if you read his post
you told you did and to "pound sand, faggot".

you've got issues, man. the whole world isn't out to get you. i don't give a shit though. just fuck off back to /v/, you're clearly not cut out for the patrician life

>> No.4905996


rereading my earlier posts in this thread i don't really detect any hostility in my posts. maybe someone else can tell us which of us is, with each post, making himself seem more and more desperate and sad?

>> No.4906000

>sometimes i suspect i use 'projection' wrong
I think you just did

>> No.4906004


me again, i just want to point out what a glorious word selection this was

"maybe your poor fees will recover one day"

>> No.4906010

i know one of those terms applies here though...

>> No.4906015

If any of you fucking "patrician" cunts think you could do better, why don't you make your own fucking Youtube channel?

>> No.4906016

Which terms?

>> No.4906018

You are taking the bait.

>> No.4906019

She's misrepresenting a shitload of things, most of all the idea that reading more scarequotes mature works is immediately a condemnation anything that isn't.

She's being super defensive about that point, and keeps moving the goalposts throughout the argument, and her only real complaint seems to be "Why don't people who have read more than me enjoy __YA novel__ on the same levels I do?" and leaps from that to a strawman where anyone who doesn't think Percy Jackson == Illiad is an elitist.

She seems to be suffering from the same fanboy-girl delusion that any criticism of a book or genre is a criticism of HER as a person, where the honest truth is, most people don't actually care if she's reading Harry Potter and not Mort de Arthur or Quixote. Those are long and dense fucking books, and I would never recommend them to anyone who isn't already a huge literature fan.

In reality, I'm just happy she's reading at all, because twenty years down the line, do you know what? She'll still be reading, and I can't see that as anything but good.

>> No.4906026

the intro to pysch basic analysis terms, like projections, reaction formation, rationalization, etc

maybe rationalization?

>> No.4906031

Because it would take time from my reading and I'm not interested in making something for youtube plebs to watch.

>> No.4906034
File: 160 KB, 1400x1127, whoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you sly trickster! you were merely trolling?! how could i have foreseen this?

>> No.4906036

4chan takes time from reading

>> No.4906040

>In reality, I'm just happy she's reading at all, because twenty years down the line, do you know what? She'll still be reading, and I can't see that as anything but good.

Thing is, she'll be reading the equivalent of 50 shades of the day.
I've seen plenty of cases where I'd rather the person didn't read at all rather than having that person as a voice to lead the market in such a shitty direction.

>> No.4906045

Yes it does, but I keep it moderate, as a way to rest my mind for a bit. But both 4chan AND making youtube videos would be too much.

>> No.4906057

not that guy but i'll chime in and say /lit/ is also the source of like 80% of my reading recs and despite all the shitposters we do sometimes have fantastic discussions

>> No.4906059

Yes. It does.

You will never ever find a YA book written with prose like Tolstoy or Nabokov or McCarthy or Morrison any author who gives a shit about the quality of their prose, or any author who knows what they're doing. Because quality prose is off-putting and challenging and I just wanna read about love triangles and friendship and escapism without thinking too much!

And on the topic of not wanting to think too much, you will also never find a YA book with thought provoking themes or ambiguity or leaving things up to the reader to decide or subtext. YA literature is all about spoon feeding your little baby reader and patting them on the back for eating the whole aeroplane of mashed peas.

I'm sure there are exceptions to rules. Gene Wolf's Shadow and Claw is the only fantasy book I've found that did care about its actual quality and wasn't just mindless escapism like every other fantasy book out there, but I've never found YA lit that transcends YA lit.

>> No.4906062

I don't get why people thinking reading is in of itself a good activity. She's reading trash, which is really no better than other shitty activities that get a lot of ridicule.

I just really don't get the whole 'well, at least they are reading'

>> No.4906066

>or is she misrepresenting the statement people are making when they say they've "matured out of YA"?
When you say you've grown out of something that's exactly what that means. I don't think I matured a great deal since 2 years ago, and still I don't read the same stuff I did. Of course if you're an insecure bitch nigga you're gonna throw a hissyfit because every remotely critical opinion regarding your precious "stories that are stories that are stories" are gonna make you question yourself, which isn't even a bad thing by the way, but it feels bad so you have to bitch at the guy who asked you a question on the internet.

>> No.4906067

I'm not into psychanalysis so I don't the exact term, but I think I understand what you are trying to say.
She gets enraged because she suspects that she is wrong and want's to convince her public that her argument is correct because that way she will validate her own opinions.

Perhaps its rationalization

>> No.4906073


I don't believe YA even exists beyond marketing principles. Lots of adults read Harry Potter and enjoyed doing so.

I can read fairy tales and enjoy them for what they are.

Harry Potter is pretty high level for a kid of ten, you have to admit. I see no problem with an adult reading these books for fun if they enjoy them.

I read the first one, was glad it wasn't utter shit and that millions of kids were into that. I didn't like it enough to read anything more but I definitely won't shit on kids reading books.

People whose self-esteem is so low that they have to be very careful what they read are just pathetic.

I know scholars who read Harry Potter and enjoy the novels. They have no problem saying they like the stuff.

It's only insecure tweenies who feel very strict about who they should read.

>> No.4906081



>> No.4906087

the internet is filled with foot fetishists so there's that

>> No.4906089

That's not really the point she is making though, or what people are going against. People don't care about you reading YA novels, it's when people try to say they are the pinnacle of quality that people get annoyed

>> No.4906090

i feel the same way anon. there's nothing inherently "good" about reading as a medium, even though everyone seems to think there is. but reading trash is no better than watching trash, and one would be more enriched by watching 2001 or Lawrence than reading HP.

literature as a medium may have more /potential/ for great works (opinion), but that doesn't mean that books /can't/ be as worthless as anything else

>> No.4906110

>literature as a medium may have more /potential/ for great works
[citation needed]

>> No.4906118


You're dense.

>> No.4906120

I rused you.

>> No.4906125

Criticizing an entire genre is a generalization. Believing a generalization can be used as a valid argument makes you an idiot. No exceptions.

>> No.4906130

>Believing a generalization can be used as a valid argument makes you an idiot,
>generalizes that people who believe in generalization are idiots

No Exceptions.

>> No.4906131
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Taken from the comments section:

"I know it sounds pretentious as fuck but I think you're meant to say Albert Camus like all French because he's from Belgium or something. Like you know, if someone from France said an English person's name, they'd say like the English do."

>> No.4906132
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>Believing a generalization can be used as a valid argument makes you an idiot

Isn't this itself a generalization?

>> No.4906134


>> No.4906135

Don't bother looking for the joke now, you'll hurt your neck.

>> No.4906142

top kek

>> No.4906143
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This is huh...WOW

>> No.4906145

it's OK i was simply rusing!

>> No.4906146

I really hate these acts youtubers put on

>> No.4906148

If it makes you feel better ;)

>> No.4906149

What separates existentialism from absurdism?

If existentialism is the notion that meaning comes from the individual, is not absurdism just the subset of people who believe that life is absurd?

Or is absurdism the notion that the attempt to create meaning is absurd?

>> No.4906150

The arm flailing and attempts at quirkiness are always painful to watch.

>> No.4906159

Not to mention the cuts every other second and popping up in a different spot

>> No.4906164

>you will never have a book collection this good ;_;


>> No.4906168

To be fair, she's completely correct about book store placement and genre label not being a good indicator of actual literary quality.

But it still stands that books targeted to the nebulous "young adult" audience seem to be especially prone to poor quality writing, certainly more so than aimed at other age-based audiences.

Some other anons have mentioned this in the past, and I think it runs true: the period of "teenagerdom" (especially that in the modern western world) is culturally defined by what are essentially fake problems that are supposed to feel like the entirety of the world breaking in two despite their relative mildness (i.e. "why doesn't she like me", or "oh no my grades are slipping"). So books aimed at people of that mindset are going to be based around the dramatization of utterly meaningless situations, which comes across as laughable to everyone who's not in that intended group.

>> No.4906173

>Why do I believe reading = inherently good.
If nothing else, so they can understand what non-shitty writing looks like. The content may be shit, but they'll at least be forced to look at proper fucking sentence structure, and understand that when you write, it is more than taking your verbal speech and copying word for word. I think that's a fucking plus.

Second, it's not unreasonable to assume that we're not talking about people who read a lot when they were young, and who probably read less than half a dozen books outside of school. So, a lot of the YA fiction is new and novel, and of course there's appeal. There's event and incident, and there aren't going to be a lot of nuances because they'd be fucking wasted on their readers.

Eventually though, there's only a few things that can happen. The reader starts to get bored of the same plots and tricks they've seen a dozen times A FUCKING WIN FOR US.

Even better, maybe they find something they hook onto in YA, and they start exploring that. Even the fucking Twilight series has a better than average chance of making some teen ignore instagram for a few hours and read THE FUCKING BARD. WHAT A TRAVESTY. If someone who reads Harry Potter wants to learn about Merlin, SUDDENLY THEY'RE LEARNING ABOUT THE ARTHURIAN LEGEND, HOLY SHIT, /LIT/ WINS AGAIN. Maybe someone reading the Percy Jackson series is, I don't know, maybe they'll notice there's a lot of references to some weird country they've never heard of, and maybe they'll get interested in mythology, I guess in Greece? I'm sure some of that survived and is popular.

AND THE WORST CASE SCENARIO? They'll have kids, and they'll tell their kids, "Reading is fun as shit, you should try it." By that point, it doesn't even matter what they kids start reading, but SUDDENLY THERE'S A GENERATION OF PARENTS WHO THINK THAT A BOOK IS A THING THEIR KIDS SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED TO READ.

Think of it this way:

There's a casino named Reading. It's run by High Literature. In the back rooms, people talk philosophy, big ideas, great thoughts. Out front, ground floor, there are the crowd pleasers. Maybe all that happens is some douche puts a few bucks in the "Divergent" Slot Machine, and walks away. He's had that first hit though. He'll come back, and even if he doesn't do anything else but play the fucking slots or pachinko, he'll keep on coming back. He'll talk to his friends, bring them along for a weekend, people will see him and want to try a few rounds themselves.

Do you get it yet? It doesn't matter how much money he spends, if he hits it big, if he never makes it to those back rooms, never spends his life thinking about the game, never tries anything but that one slot machine, he's still playing against the house, and the house will always profit.

>> No.4906176


>> No.4906177

jesus christ is she actually mentally retarded

>> No.4906180

>"Young Adult" dictates that the main character is within the teenage-early twenties range
According to this statement, of the top of my head, the following books are YA:

Blood Meridian
A Clockwork Orange
Lord of the Flies
The Catcher in the Rye (Fuck you, it wasn't intended to be adored so much by teenagers)
Battle Royale

>> No.4906181

Holy shit, I went full fucking WORDSWORDSWORDS.

>> No.4906186

My favorite young adult novel is Portrait Of The Artist

>> No.4906187
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>YA literature is all about spoon feeding your little baby reader and patting them on the back for eating the whole aeroplane of mashed peas.

>> No.4906193

The point is most people don't often explore any further, at least in my experience.

I really don't know anyone, no matter their age who reads past pop ya lit in real life.

>> No.4906194

Not as good as Divergent.

>> No.4906195

Reading is good m'kay

>> No.4906200

It's not like they're taking readers away from deep and serious lit, and they're much more likely to try harder books than someone who doesn't read at all. If you're not a english major or currently in college, getting introduced to new books can be pretty fucking hard, especially if you don't have anyone to discuss it with.

Befriend a casual, /lit./ Maybe it won't be a shitty experience.

>> No.4906217

>you're belittling everyone who enjoys that category of books
What's wrong with that? Since when does the fact thqat something is an insult make a person wrong?

>> No.4906219

>implying I give a shit if people try "high" literature
>implying the YAers reading "high" literature aren't the cause of millions of "Camus is absolutely worthless" statements
>implying that adults reading YA won't just encourage children to keep reading YA, creating a YA black hole and potentially luring in people who would have otherwise been drawn to "high" literature
>implying that you can turn a pleb into a patrician
>implying that even you believe that metaphor made sense and didn't just keep running with it because you thought it was oh so clever
>implying I read for surface-level pleasure and not to gain a deeper understanding of like
>implying you're not from reddit.

>> No.4906226
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there would probably be even more hits for those videos.

>> No.4906230

>implying that you can turn a pleb into a patrician

This is the only statement I disagree with, partly.
You can't turn a pleb into a patrician, but you have to at least give him the tools to pull himself up.

First books I ever read were the Goosebumps series, and that's because that's what was available in our classroom tiny library in 1st grade. There were no books in my house basically.
Thanks to the fact that the school had a wider selection other than that when I started thinking there could be more to it that goosebumps and a teacher reccomending me stuff, did I grow out of it.

>> No.4906235

Speaking of YA, have you ever noticed how women dominate the YA market? So many "prolific" YA authors are female, and the biggest and undeniably most successful YA fantasy/science fiction series I can think of are by women (Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Divergent, Twilight). Like, John Green is the only male YA author I can think of that anyone gives a fuck about.

Whats the deal with that?

>> No.4906238

Since leftism took over under god-king Oogbongo

>> No.4906239

Check out Gormenghast

>> No.4906240

It's women that mostly read that.
Pleb men don't read YA, they read fantasy and sci fi.

>> No.4906241

R.L. Stein

>> No.4906242

Shit, I'd be watching her if she was a talking foot. That would be incredible.

>> No.4906243

How anybody can watch more than three consecutive seconds of these quirky abominations evades me.

>> No.4906245

And now you defend YA novels, what a journey.

>> No.4906246

That metaphor went way out of hand and I fucking hate it now.

If the argument is the shit I read versus mass market YA work, I'll pick my clearly superior tastes every time, but I don't really grok the argument that notreading>reading generic shlock. If you don't care what they read, why do you care that they read?

I wish the Daily Post and its readership would die in ironic ways that can easily be made into pithy headlines, but I don't wish for a single moment that they were playing candy crush or posting on instagram instead. Same goes for Fifty Shades of what the fuck ever. As much as I dislike the bible, I still see a bunch of people reading it in public, and I think that's great. I legitimately and unironically think that is a fucking victory for human civilization.

I would rather they read something else, the book is really uneven, and I'm hoping from the bottom of my anus that they're thinking about it critically, but in terms of shit people choose to fill their brain with, you could do a whole lot worse than one of the most influential pieces of fiction in human history.

>> No.4906247

I've been meaning to. I've heard good things about it but I don't trust /lit/s opinions entirely.

>> No.4906253

and I just compared YA literature to the fucking foundation of western canon. I'll cut down on the hyperbole, and just say I'd rather they read something than nothing, even if I think said work is excreble and only good for toilet paper.

>> No.4906259

I'm not the same guy, forgot to clarify.

I mean to say, we all most likely didn't start out as patrician, it's not something you're born into. I agree that you can't turn an unwilling pleb into a patrician, but you have to keep trying and give him the tools to be able to make the decision.

It's not defending YA.

>> No.4906272

Except it happened to you. Most people (sadly) didn't read as much as I assume we both did during our childhood. Unless you were raised in victorian england and learned your latin with your greek (I FUCKING WISH, R.I.P. classical education), you've made the same climb.

>> No.4906300

I see you guys fussing about the maturing part of her talk.
I found "Sylvia and Bruno" by Lewis Carroll very charming and beautifully written even thought it is labeled as a children's book, although he second book might be called as mature by many.
Is the books labeled by their content, no matter how artistically written?

>> No.4906308

guys are fussing*
Are the books*

>> No.4906324

No, because the greatest works are only so few: any literary paragon should be described in terms of needles in haystacks. Because it may be picked from here or there doesn't matter much. The YA branding is closer to this age, but if even contemporary literary authors (Luka and the Fire of Life) don't coagulate well within its sphere, then it's more about trends.

>> No.4906399

I'm not saying that someone can't learn to appreciate fine arts. Obviously we didn't all finish learning the alphabet and ask for Ulysses. I'm saying that there are certain types of people in the world who have no inclination for fine arts and will not appreciate them even if presented. They just don't care. Those are plebs and they're attracted to YA.

You can lead a horse to water, etc.

>> No.4908167

this was pretty lively and enjoyable to read

>> No.4908288

Do people actually behave like this or she's going completely retard because muh camera?