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4905124 No.4905124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just tripped on acid last night, and I had a crazy and eye-opening experience.
What are some good books I can read with this new mindset?

>> No.4905126

The God Delusion

>> No.4905127

Start with the greeks.

>> No.4905144

The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat

>> No.4905155

How The Mind Works- Steven Pinker

>> No.4905169

Enjoy your mental illness

>> No.4905185


and other stuff from Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.4905203


Depends, what kind of new mindset do you have?

I'm a fucking pleb though because even my favorite books come nowhere near the things I've experienced on psychedelics.

>> No.4905232

The Man Who Realised A Wife Is Merely A Living Hat - By Fedora Dostoevsky

>> No.4905254
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>> No.4905257


Maurice Merleau-Ponty - Philosophy of the body (from Phenomenology of Perception)

Deleuze - Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation

>> No.4905296
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chances are, it was your first time and it wasn't really a crazy eye-opening experience, it was only very different from your day-to-day perception of reality.
tell us what characterizes the shift to this new mindset of yours and we might be able to recommend something.

>> No.4905300
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>> No.4905303

Infinite Jest

>> No.4905344
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I'll just walk you through my trip. The first stage felt a lot like an exaggerated weed high. I was really excited and almost euphoric. After a few hours, I was sitting down with my friend who was also tripping, and my other friend who has tripped before.
That's when I entered the next stage. We started getting philosophical, and the energy of the room felt like it was at a delicate balance. It was then that I realized that all humans share the same consciousness that has just been growing over time. We all share something that is part of the whole, but it is trapped inside us. That entire combined consciousness is sometimes called Yahweh, or Allah, or Jesus, and we all share it. I was talking to my friend, and I told him his face was starting to melt, and he replied: "what face?". That idea just made a lot of sense to me. We are all the same consciousness in different vessels.
Another anecdote is that I told my friend to imagine that the room we were in was a rocket ship floating through space, and he said: "we don't have to imagine it, we're living it". As in, Earth is that rocket ship floating through space. Next, my friend showed me pic related, and it triggered my next phase. I was drawn to the tree's third eye like a magnet. It took immense mental strength to look away. Staring at it was almost meditative. When I looked away, I was drawn to anything that I focused on for too long. It was almost scary.
The next stage occurred when I accepted this, and I started to meditate. I got insane close-eyed visuals like fractals and universes and abstract stuff. I felt my body fade away, and I was just my consciousness floating through some sort of spirit world. I felt like I was a gas that has been trapped inside a glass container, and it had just been smashed open. I witnessed the abrupt death of the universe. I felt my consciousness separate from my body. I think this was ego-death. Next, I started to listen to some Beatles music, and I connected with 'The Fool On The Hill' so much. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep.

I've already read it. I'll probably read it again over the summer.

>> No.4905356
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>> No.4905361

>We are all the same consciousness in different vessels.

Like >>4905185 suggests- read some R.A.W.
Allan Watts (And eastern philosophy in general)
Aldous Huxley - The Doors of Perception
Timothy Leary
Phillip K. Dick - The later stuff, especially Valis

>> No.4905367

I know I'm not describing it very eloquently, but it was all so real and surreal.
I don't think someone that hasn't tripped would understand.

>> No.4905376
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aha, sounds wonderful. thanks for sharing. so it was your first time, wasn't it? what was the dosage?
also, one little tip: it's not a good idea to say such things as "your face is melting" to another person who is tripping. good thing your friend didn't freak out, otherwise your day might have turned out ugly.

i haven't read "Diary of a Drug Fiend" by Crowley, but /psy/ seems to be raving about it all the time, so maybe that.

>> No.4905383


>the war we never fought

Tell that to people locked up for possession or trafficking. Or the people who were shot over drug disputes, in the absence of any legitimate arbitration. Or the people who were accidentally shot over someone else's drug disputes.

What's his next book going to be called?

>why we should have been serious about strategic bombing of German civilians

>> No.4905426

It was my first time, and I did one tab, which was about 150.

>> No.4905436

acid makes you think that a lot of shit is really deep when it's really not.

acid is fun and can be used for self-discovery and creativity to an extent, but people using it to have grand philosophical revelations are deluding themselves. you felt a lot of weird shit because you were tripping balls and your mind is attempting to rationalise it in a way that fits with concepts from the cultural mythology, ideas of spirits and souls etc., but it's fake because what is actually happening is just drug-induced weirdness. there is no 'deeper truth' to discover on acid, just some funky experiences to be had. put too much faith in that line of thinking and you end up like terrance mckenna or timothy leary, spouting a load of pseudo-science and new age bullshit based on no evidence or sense.

>> No.4905456

uhh did someone edit my original post? why? I talked a lot more about the trip.


I do agree LSD is simply a different way of looking at reality, but I've never examined/interrogated reality and being on that level before. I've never really "understood" or interrogated epistemology as much.

>> No.4905459

the retard of the hitchens family

>> No.4905469


uhhhhh nvm my post was >4905420

>I did LSD for the first time yesterday, and it was the most beautiful, philosophical, and intellectually stimulating experience I've ever had. If I was to ever have/have ever had a religious experience this would be it. I've never really interrogated or thought about reality or being so hard before. I feel completely intellectually and creatively revitalized.

>While tripping (and after), I just feel like I understand everything about humanity and myself better. I felt like I truly understand Kafka, the Tao Te Ching, Heidegger, even Margaret Atwood now.

>General HALLUCINOGENICS lit/experiences/discussion thread?

should have searched for an acid post before I posted I guess, but I never see them

>> No.4905506

Kant wrote a cool paper called "Observations on the feeling of the beautiful and the sublime" that got my imagination going a few years ago, although I do not currently agree with most of it

>> No.4905521

OP hate to break it to you but that was an eye-opening epiphany.

It was babbys first trip.

I generally use acid to reconcile my optimistic persona and my internalized self-loathing.

>> No.4905567 [DELETED] 

start with the greeks

>> No.4905619 [DELETED] 


>> No.4905634


>> No.4905652

start with the greeks

>> No.4905702

I apologize for what I have started