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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 289 KB, 1280x720, Game-of-Thrones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4904132 No.4904132 [Reply] [Original]

All my friends watch it but it looks like trash. Should I watch it or should I just find new friends?

P.s.: my friends love tarantino

>> No.4904140

Why does it matter what your friends watch

>> No.4904157

>tfw I read all the books for the sole purpose of bringing it up every time my friends talk about the show

no regrets

>> No.4904163

When other people praise us we, for a split second, feel as if the universe wasn't a freezing indifferent abyss in which our existence will dissolve shortly.

>> No.4904191

Are the books shitty?

Frankly, it looks to me as that kind of fantasy fiction which is made with the only goal of attracting a lot of readers who crave for adventure, sexy characters and other useless shit of absolutely no literary value whatsoever.

>> No.4904209

>Frankly, it looks to me as that kind of fantasy fiction which is made with the only goal of attracting a lot of readers who crave for adventure, sexy characters and other useless shit of absolutely no literary value whatsoeve

Yeah, that's kind of the point. Do you surf 4chan for it's social and literary value, too?

>> No.4904433


These two posts have been an epitome for me.

>> No.4904453

pretty well produced, acting is good, well done show. I've only seen a few episodes here and there.

>> No.4904466

It's a very well done television show. The film direction and cinematography are both excellent.

>> No.4904468

I don't think the show's so great but the books are well put together. They're fantasy so you shouldn't be expecting the next Joyce or some shit but Gurm is a competent writer.
You mean epiphany?

>> No.4904643

Killing off your sympathetic characters is so fucking plebby, holy shit, it's the epitome of writing solely for the plot.

>> No.4904649

Not killing off your sympathetic characters is so fucking plebby, holy shit, it's the epitome of writing solely for the character.

Look, this is how dumb you sound.

>> No.4904652

But character is more important than plot.

>> No.4904655

Bullshit, that is your opinion. A writer who doesn't have the balls to kill a character when it is thematically significant is no writer at all.

>> No.4904900

The books are the best thing to come out of the genre in the last 30 years.

>> No.4904905

You have to be fucking kidding me. I love the books and don't hate the show, but the direction and cinematography is easily one of the worst bits of the show. It's utterly basic and workmanlike. Can you honestly name a shot from the last episode, the last three episodes even, that was legitimately impressive?

>> No.4904937

Fucking agreed. I like the show a lot but it pisses me off when people go "wow it's shot so well, it's acted so well, it's the best show since the wire" and bullshit like that. Yes, it is acted well, and it looks pretty plenty of the time, but it's a fucking joke in the industry for how utterly plain its cinematography is. Fucking NBC has made an infinitely better directed show.

>> No.4904978

>books discussed on /tv/
>show dicussed on /lit/

>> No.4904998

Don't read much do you?

>> No.4905018

The show is good, the books are bad, Tarantino is great but 2meta4u, and this thread belongs on >>>/tv/.

>> No.4905046

Tarantino was good for a few years around Pulp Fiction. He's pretty shit otherwise

>> No.4905066

>The books are the best thing to come out of the genre in the last 30 years.
> This was the first book I've read in 30 years.

>> No.4905164

The books combine high fantasy with realistic characters, so one character is threathened by red priestess, and another by rape.

The TV series has less rape and more magic. Also, no flashbacks in the TV series.

>> No.4905238

Name a better fantasy book (series or standalone) to come out in the last thirty years, that wasn't already influenced by ASOIAF.

Nope. Fantasy was my favourite genre as a kid and I've followed it still as an adult even as my tastes have changed.

Ridiculously larger amount of rape in the television series. Less magic in the television series. No flashbacks, yes, but they've caved in and are doing them next season and beyond.

>> No.4905250


>> No.4905269

You should watch Boku no Pico. It would suit your taste better.

>> No.4905270

>Gurm is a competent writer

He really, really isn't. The guy writes like a fucking child. Does anyone have the image of that bit with the horns? Fucking hilarious.

>> No.4905272

>realistic characters


>> No.4905273

To be fair you aren't losing much when GRRM kills off a character. All of them talk like neckbearded LARPers and have the depth of a cardboard cut-out.

>> No.4906341

This is pretty accurate. I watched the first season, and it was 7/10 imo. Not amazing, but worth watching if you've got nothing else to do.

I think Reservoir Dogs and Inglourious Basterds are both pretty good movies though so I might unwittingly be a pleb

>> No.4906359

>HBO show
>based on a series of fantasy novels

No thanks.

>> No.4906367

yeah he is.

>> No.4906398

>I'm too much of a sperglord and can't accept onomatopoeia in novels ever

>> No.4906420

Reservoir dogs is my all time favorite movie. If this makes me a pleb idgaf because that movie is stone cold amazing.

Pulp Fiction is overated imo

>> No.4906984

The funny part is that /lit/ collectively can't get off of Joyce's dick, who has used a silly onomatopoeia at least twice (Once in Ulysses and once in Finnegan's Wake IIRC).

>> No.4907002

There is nothing wrong with onomatopoeia. There is a lot wrong with writing like a twelve year old.

Seriously though, you shouldn't be so religiously defensive of authors you like, it's a bit silly. Martin's prose is horrendous, even his biggest fans should be willing to admit that. I totally understand the appeal of the books, I just can't make it through such laughably bad prose and dialogue, as much as I've tried.

>> No.4907023
File: 47 KB, 957x266, grrm-prose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go friend

>> No.4907037

The show is terrible and just dressed up, well shot dialogue. Nothing ever happens. It's total shit and brainwashing at it's finest. People will try to actually force you to sit through this and it's the plebbest, shittiest show ever. Being hyperbolic here but seriously. Breaking Game of Walking Bad Thrones of the Dead are the shittiest fucking TV shows and everyone is programmed to force it down your fucking throat.

>> No.4907098

/lit/s userbase is much younger and therefore prone to shitposting. All the people that want to discuss this series have moved to /tv/.

>> No.4907102

>bases his opinions on /lit/ screengrabs

>> No.4907134

It's not all bad. He handles the third person well and the toneof the chapter changes with the character. The dialogues gr8 when you get past the medieval horseshit. It can get embarrasing too though.

>> No.4907142

>bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthur — nuk!

>> No.4907145

I love it when some pseudo-intellectual vocal minority tries to enforce its little uppity (and completely deluded) vision of what is literature and what /lit/ should be. Many tier charts suggest that /lit/ should be a very close circle of "patricians" (concept stolen from /mu/) collectively circle-jerking about Ulysses, Finnegans Wake and Infinite Jest. In reality, no one has ever read FW, maybe three people have read Ulysses and IJ is mainly used for trolling purposes. It's also funny to watch how /lit/ used to love ASOIAF back in the days and then started hating it with all its guts because it was adapted in a "popular" (!) TV show. Those who remember the shitfest that was early /lit/ (the same shitfest that made mods create an artificial rule 3 about Ayn Rand) can't and won't ever take /lit/ seriously.

>> No.4907154

what the fuck are you on about dude?

Also, Walking Dead is noticeably shittier than Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones.

>> No.4907160

The First Law

>> No.4907162

I like having the specific soundings for the horns as I play out the scene in my head

>> No.4907371

>Frankly, it looks to me as that kind of fantasy fiction which is made with the only goal of attracting a lot of readers who crave for adventure, sexy characters and other useless shit of absolutely no literary value whatsoever.

Do yourself a favour and don't bother with the books. They're fantastic but you're too far entrenched in your preconceptions that there's no way you could read the series without any significant bias. You've bought /lit/'s shitty jokes and herd mentality and I don't see how you're going to get better.

Also op why the hell are you discussing television on a lit board? Keep the Tarantino jokes to /tv/.

>> No.4907395

Breaking Bad was actually decent. If yo want to talk about overrated long-formate dramas, then let's you and I talk about Twin Peaks. The most overhyped soap opera/ "mystery" show I've ever had the bad fortune to sit all the way through.

>> No.4907417

So is there a certain period of time before it becomes fashionable to trash something popular or is it once it reaches a certain point of popularity? GOT hate, not trolling GOT hate but "look at me I hate popular thing" really only kicked in during this season it seems.

>> No.4907428

I thought I was the only one. Vivid, clear, literal scenes are something Martin does fairly well.

>> No.4907435

4chan has a very elitist culture around it, you'll get backlash like this over everything. That combined with the fact that 4chan has serious echo chamber issues and toss-by mentality makes it a breeding ground for these sentiments.

>> No.4907563

It seemed to happen after the red wedding episode with all the reaction videos on youtube.

>> No.4907598


I still think Jackie Brown is his best and I'm not saying that to be hip. Loved the characters. Of course, it was adapted from an Elmore Leonard so maybe that plays a big part. I should check out his books.

>> No.4907623

>The most overhyped soap opera/ "mystery" show I've ever had the bad fortune to sit all the way through

Hahaha...but it's a parody of soap opera mysteries. Did you not realize that the entire time you watched it? Good god...

>> No.4907632

>What are you on about?

The propagation of shit-tier, pop-entertainment where nothing actually happens and the awareness is driven purely by media programmed views is disgusting. As I have stated people virtually force others to watch this and other big name shows. It's a strange little cult of spectacle that your morons have generated and frankly I don't understand it.

It's pretty disappointing someone on the literature board of 4chan should be watching fucking television regularly or questioning why it would be called brainwashing. It really is. Keep drinking that soda and imprinting that couch though, repeat after me:

>"I am free"

>> No.4907651


Jesus man, that EDGINESS! Can you even put your clothes on without tearing them?

>> No.4909506

>I like having the specific soundings for the horns as I play out the scene in my head
Come to think of it, Rand takes great pains in Atlas to describe how some music is *recieved* by the characters. But not how it actually sounds.

>> No.4909530

>Nothing happens

The cry of autistic plebs who don't comprehend social cues so they can't empathize with the characters in character dramas properly. It's telling that you think Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and The Walking Dead are all on the same level of quality.

Or maybe you haven't watched them beyond two episodes and judge everything based on the fans, in which case you're just incapable of liking anything popular.

>> No.4909538

>The cry of autistic plebs who don't comprehend social cues so they can't empathize with the characters in character dramas properly.
Guy with AS here. If you are right, they must be really clueless. Because I have no problems empathizing with characters.

>> No.4909550

Kill yourself

>> No.4909554

No, television is just garbage.

>Kind of rape
>Attempted murder on kid

It's all shit. Breaking Bad I'll give you was a solid OK but I have never been compelled to watch the 4th season. I mention those three shows because they all have the little cult fan bases. I don't understand why so many people on the literature board are defensive over television.

>> No.4909563

You're objecting mostly on moral basis. Not to suggest comparative levels of quality, but do you think Lolita is shit?

>> No.4909573

No it's just that the show is popular because it's "edgy" and has tits. That may not be why you watch it, but it's certainly why the unwashed masses do. I personally object because it's just a soap opera with chain-mail.

TV fucking sucks, dude. This is not even a big secret or anything. I am surprised how many people my age have cable. It is dying, though.

>> No.4910266

>my friends love tarantino
So what? Tarantino makes quality films. The only people that think otherwise are contrarian faggots, much like yourself.

Game of Thrones is a great show, one of the best of all time. Not quite as good as Mad Men or the Wire, but it is amazing.