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/lit/ - Literature

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4898855 No.4898855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Most people who subscribe to the post-modernist ethos are likely people with weak powers of deduction. Post-modernism provides an impervious shield to those of weaker intellectual faculties because of its false insistence that there is no universal truth and its inherent qualities containing elements of obfuscation, new age mysticism, patronizing self-esteem pathologies (there are no wrong interpretations, sandbox play interpretations), relentless irony, and an absolute refusal to acknowledge the great importance of science and the scientific method. Post-modernism is a regressive ideology, it’s literally the adult version of the self-esteem movement encouraged in children nowadays, creating competitions where every child can be a winner no matter how poorly they perform. Post-modernism is the idolatry of ignorance, and the refusal of the truth.

Truer words have never been spoken.

>> No.4898864

What do they mean by Postmodernism? The School of Resentment? Or Lyotard et al?

>> No.4898895

Semantics, should have known /lit/:


Now shut up and argue directly. and to the point.

>> No.4898910
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>Post-modernism is a regressive ideology, it’s literally the adult version of the self-esteem movement encouraged in children nowadays, creating competitions where every child can be a winner no matter how poorly they perform.

Hahahahah. Damn shame I never thought of making this comparison because it's so damn accurate it's hilarious. /lit/ is riddled with these people too.

>> No.4898933

>>Most people who subscribe to some way of life but only know it on a shallow basis are idiots.

What are we even arguing about?

>> No.4899726

relativism is literally an absolutism.

>> No.4899733

postmodernism is interesting and flawed like every major movement that ever was or ever will be

>> No.4899747

If a book about post-modernism falls from a tree and there's no one around to to witness it, did it still fall from the tree?

>> No.4899767


>mfw people will never grow up and realize the therapeutic cultural movement we are creating is a breeding ground giving idiots big egos.

I'm exposed to a lot of education politics. It's pathetic. Every single year, the standards are dropping. Traditional education is so important. We need to stop trying to impose it on everyone. The government needs to recognize that there is a need for both the self esteem society and the intellectual and strong.

The weak can be made strong, but it is unlikley to happen. Modern preachings of freedom will never allow that to happen.

This is closely related to the pushing and acceptance of all kind of left views and strides from traditionalism. Traditionalism provided stability for growth, but now as we move away from it, we will experience a very slow human advancement and witness what is largely the death of culture.

>Be coy about a lot of shit
>friend telling me how corporate travel agencies pay her to appeal to feminist needs in travel.
>realize its a marketing scheme.
>ask her coyly about it to see if she see what she is doing
>she is convinced its for the better
>she doesn't even recognize that by doing this she is technically stereotyping feminists need and implying they all need the same things

I don't get why people don't realize that capitalism is joke. They pay people to do nice shit to improve their images while preforming the very oppressive actions their industries promote.

Just the other day I saw a commercial for a commercial airliner company and it was using birds in the add. How dare they use birds! Literally thousands of birds die in jet liner engines every years. They literally kill thousands each year and then use birds as a commercial object for their gain. All while preaching comfort and safety to you.

Even say nabisco. They had a gay pride advertisement and than turn around and advertise corn sugar and pure sugar to your children via popular kids networks.

How double speak can you get? I just don't understand this form of logic.

>> No.4899781

If only the person who wrote that put in the work of making that real criticism actually involves.

>muh name calling

>> No.4899788

The best friend of capitalism is it's critic.

>> No.4899863

Exactly, it forces the market to adapt to a a larger audience. It's like a self defense system. The new left is on a leash extended by corporations looking to use them.

Hurrr i found a job, its so awesome, these big company needed an intern. Meanwhile they do the devils work for free or low pay.

>> No.4899874

Broad statement. Immediately discarded.

>> No.4899909

>Even say nabisco. They had a gay pride advertisement and than turn around and advertise corn sugar and pure sugar to your children via popular kids networks.

It's called pinkwashing. Look it up. Israel was doing the same thing to justify colonialism.

>> No.4900021
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This thread just got surprisingly interesting...

>> No.4900055

I'm having a hard time reaching a conclusion from your post.

What exactly is your point?

>> No.4900065

Of course postmodernism is fucked. That's because humanity is fucked. Postmodernism grew out of the powers of the state expanded on a literal level. The state literally had the ability to eradicate the human race. This traumatized people, leading them to have nothing to cling to but whatever shallow appeasement they could enact. They cling to resignation like a child clings to a favorite blanket. The world is beyond saving, it is already doomed.

The best we can hope for is a literature that acknowledges this to our face, and that's where the best postmodern literature comes from. But it can't be straightforward about it because no one believes anything they are told anymore. So you obfuscate it in some mild resort to reverse psychology.

>> No.4900078

Good post.
Post-modernism is more of a reaction to the helplessness of the human race, and all our attempts to understand and control the madness we're dealt, than an actual abandon of truth

Course that means OP is right, but he just hasnt admitted that hes as powerless as the people hes decrying

>> No.4900082


>> No.4900091

You guys are retards. Shut up.

>> No.4900102

OPs problem is he has identified a flaw with the movement but not proposed any alternative, any way to move forward. He is echoing the first complaints against postmodernism heard when the movement first got started. No one has found a way out of the bog yet, only a number of culdesacs.

>> No.4900112
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Great argument, mon frere.

>> No.4900116

The plan would be to go back, but no one is willing to do so, to step down from their rich culture.

>> No.4900117

>problem is he has identified a flaw with the movement but not proposed any alternative
Yes I did, science and the scientific method. Oh yeah, and truth.

Dumb faggot.

Literature and science used to be in great dialogue with each other you know?

>> No.4900121

and what discussion isn't about "semantics"?

>> No.4900124

One's outside of /lit/ can sometimes be about things other than semantics.

The only reason why /lit/ always resorts to symantics is because it's easier (and more troll worhty) than actually knowing history, politics, science, literature, and philosophy in good detail.

>> No.4900130

Op is probably not really aware of what he's talking about, but post-modernism offers the same trap as skepticism, and it isn't likely to be overcome. Its more likely to be a symptom of a dying civilization that will be supplanted by something new which will birth its own ideologies.

>> No.4900133

Nigger have you read anything written in the past 4 years or do you think everything postmodern is just Tao Lin

>> No.4900134

truth this, scientific method that, why are scientific dilettantes the most belligerently and loudly eager to try to "prove" something? same as the people who read secondary literature on deleuze and then go on to become the most rabid advocates of something they don't even understand. they are so similar to the mindless post-modern bandwagoners that it's laughable.

>> No.4900144

Yes I did, science and the scientific method. Oh yeah, and truth.

You're just throwing buzzwords at the problem, as evinced by your tacking on the word "truth" to the end of your statement.

>> No.4900154
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All these po-mo anti-responsbilityists getting rekt.

>> No.4900161

We need science to ensure our survival and to expand our population.
Many people will ask themselves whether those things even benefit the collective well-being.
If you don't feel the need to expand the species there is really no reason to do anything, and anything you do can be observed as interesting, or as art, no matter how destructive it is.
And irony is fun for now, since it still makes some people mad. I'm sure everyone will get bored of it sooner or later.

>> No.4900165

And how do you reconcile the scientific image of man with the imminent image of man?

Because if you discard either one you get into postmodernism.

And that's where the problem of truth in postmodernism lies, and people just don;t understand and all they reply to it is "yeah we can build institutions that can produce statements that are considered true by people who participate in those enterprises".

>> No.4900168
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You really need to shut up, kid. You don't know what you're trying to say or talk about.

Lay off the 420, take your meds, and get a job.

>> No.4900175

I bet every one in this thread has a fedora and a lab coat

>> No.4900180
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Dear idiot,

Get some textbooks on the following subjects:
>Biological Psychology
>Behavioral Psychology

Come back to me when you're done reading them (pffffttaahahah who am I kidding? Expecting an anti-responsibilityist like you to read).

>> No.4900184 [SPOILER] 
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nice ,right?

>> No.4900186

For fuck's sake. "Anti-responsibilityism" is just a thing you made up. Stop throwing it around like it's some kind of buzzword.

>> No.4900187



was meant for


Postmodernism was about irony only in the appropriation by the English speaking word, where the pomo theorists of france were in a way conflated with the renaissance skepticism of monatigne, herasmus of rotterdam and shakespeare.

In france, german and italy it was never about irony. Joyfulness, yes, even responsibility, but
not irony.

>> No.4900193

>like it's some kind of buzzword.
Give it time my boy, give it time.

>> No.4900194

you dont even want to know the collective cost of the clothing im wearing right now
and its just jeans, underwear, a v neck, socks and boots

>> No.4900195

What is postmodernism?

>> No.4900201

Why are you wearing boots inside?

>> No.4900202

my keks are keking

>> No.4900206

I have a job and I don't smoke. Now please address the point

You are not addressing my point and I know that in those textbooks my question will not be addressed since I have read a couple of those.

>> No.4900208

im on my patio and they slip on easily

>> No.4900209

>where the pomo theorists of france were in a way conflated with the renaissance skepticism of monatigne, herasmus of rotterdam and shakespeare.
You need to stop making up shit and shut up.

Derrida was a terrorist to intellectualism. The French of the 1900s were.

Duchamp killed art, and Derrida literary criticism.

>> No.4900211

scientific method is a tautological "proof" of an empirical observation, affirming nothing but the method itself.
mathematics and logic are redundant
there are no "winners" because the competition is not about who wins but about enriching and polishing what's already there while adding what needs to be added. "winners" can get busy by making sure that blender machines blend faster or whatever.
academic post-modernism has been redundant for decades and become nothing but a host for run-of-the-mill academia drones to be complacent to each other tho
reactionary scientism is going that way anyway
indeed there is nothing left for the common man but to resort to irony as a means of criticizing the current state of affairs in the world.

>> No.4900232

Ladies and gentleman, this is what 420, immaturity, hedonsim, and anti-responsibilityism leads to: a breed of intellectuals who simply obfuscate and leech off the classes under them in the way of duping some members of the middle class to get philosophy degrees.

Leaves us ripe for foreigners to fuck our shit right up.

>> No.4900233

>duchamp killed art
we need art why?

>> No.4900241

I'm not making shit up.
If you think that Derrida argues for irresponsibility you have not read him.
Also other things derrida doesn't argue for:
-moral relativism
-epistemic relativism

He argues for responsibility, he multiple times claims respect for science (and demands respect for philosophu from science), he is a supporter of close readings, he has argued strenuously to keep philosophy taught in high-schools

I mean he was friends with Habermas, the most responsible philosopher of the continent.

>> No.4900249

Makes sense that the idiot trying to force a new meme is paranoid of muh foreigners

>> No.4900255

>mathematics and logic are redundant

Except when they culminate to create the technology you used to write that, right?

I can already tell that you've never taking a programming course, nor have you ever passed a mathematics course without an extreme amount of struggle. Which happens, sure, but most people are humble about it.

>> No.4900256
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Wow, anti-responsibilityists are such caricatures of themselves. Even when denying them.

>> No.4900258

How did Duchamp kill art?

What is an anti-responsibilityist?

>> No.4900261

lol you're so bullshitting me right now. You literally making shit up.

Derrida is a fraud, a charlatan, who rhetorically repackages "semantics" into a bogus axioms and conciets, mixed in with skepticism into the basis of langauge, obfuscation, and emphasizes a lack of accountability for the interpretation of language.

Quite irresponsible.

Go ahead, make up more shit you dumb fool.

>> No.4900263


>> No.4900265

Late Roman empire, read about it sometime.

>> No.4900272

What have you read of Derrida?
I can actually tell you in which books and articles he says that.
So have you read derrida? If so where does derrida argues against responsibility or truth?

Or are you making statements on things you don't know?

And isn't irresponsible to make things you don't know.

>> No.4900279

>rhetorically repackages "semantics" into a bogus axioms and conciets

No, that's what YOU'RE doing.

You've... You've never read Derrida, have you? Do you even know what deconstructionism is?

>> No.4900280

>Do you even know what deconstructionism is?
Semantics 2.0

>> No.4900285

So you don't, then.

>> No.4900290

I'm sorry, you're right, it's

>Semantics 2.0 Deluxe Edition

My terrible mistake. Resume your 420.

>> No.4900291

Do you know what semantics is?

>> No.4900296

Do you know what is is? Do you know what what what?

>> No.4900300

Holy shit you are an idiot

>> No.4900307

Well you are using the word and I think you would know what that word is. Because if you actually did know what that word is you would know that it is a very sophisticated and complex field of linguistics.

But clearly you don't care about that because you are just irresponsible.

>> No.4900319

>I know you are but what am I
Seriously? LOL

>> No.4900320

very nice

>> No.4900335

Listen peon, I'm not gonna argue on your terms. I understand the universe better than you. Not only that, but I understand literature better than you do.

That's pretty much it.

You're a lower life form than me.

Trying to get me into a debate about the validity of Derrida, is about as appealing to me is getting into a debate about the medicinal potential of energy crystals.

You're weak, and hate responsibility.

What you are making want to do however, is to put out my life's philosophy in clear terms so that groveling urchins like you can become enlightened.

>> No.4900352

But you are irresponsible or you would have read derrida before making false statements on derrida.

I am all for responsibility, that's why I tell you that you should be more responsible.

>> No.4900357

I've read what Abrams' Glossary of Literary Terms had to say about Derrida.

It was more than enough.

Good day scum.

>> No.4900378

That's not being responsible. That's like saying "I've read what Ken Ham had to say about evolution. It was more than enough."

Clearly it's not enough when you are someone who attacks postmodernism on the question of responsibility.

Also why do you call me scum? I'm not a postmodernist and I am defending responsibility right now. Do you have a problem with that?

>> No.4900403

hey guys, i'll just drop "buzzwords" incessantly while you just bait "yourself" for a few dozens of posts

>> No.4900430

You don't understand. It's about proving xkcd wrong.

>> No.4900501

I would say that the trend towards socialism in the industrialized worlds can be seen both as indicative of this self-esteem movement, as every person is provided more and more by the state so that the lowest feel more equal, but also signify a shift in thinking. Out of the ironic and cynical comes a (at least to some extent) sincere concern for others, a la metamodernism, or even New Sincerity. We're certainly not there yet, but I believe we're in a transition period. When we reach the point where we stop encouraging people to work just for the sake of working, and creating jobs with no purpose, we'll see a resurgence of culture, just other times in history when there was a significant betterment of the quality of life.

>> No.4900533

>relentless irony, and an absolute refusal to acknowledge the great importance of science and the scientific method

I agreed till this shit. fucking fedorafags.

>> No.4900557

Y'all are all about 'truth" and "responsibility' insofar as it will make you strong, as opposed to the weak reductionist, post-modernists. But is this is the right attitude? Is the pursuit of truth that thing which will make you stronger and more in-the-moment than other people?

If I understand correctly, the position of those reacting against postmodernism is that: being responsible for your actions, acting in accordance with the scientific conclusions of the day, pursuing a world view which you hold to be the case through patient searching, will make you strong and put you in a better worldly position than others.

This sounds like nothing more than defeat. You are denying inquiry to defer to authority (science) and, like the very pomo sentiments you critique, you put yourself in a position of uniqueness and self-centred-ness that only reeks of indulgence.

In short, you think you're freeing yourself to power, but really you're just changing the game arbitrarily - the EXACT charge you make against pomo. Embarrassing.

>> No.4900560

You see, normally I would agree with you, but with the way governments are pretty much funded on the backs of capitalists, that might never change, The new forms of media and consumtion have change culture entierly. Culture is no longer created and cultivated. It is manufactured for efficency in goals such as agendas, live styles etc.

Just look at all the music scenes. They're like cults. Gamers, indie people, edm, social justice, lit, etc. They've all become cult cultures.

War is no longer with human lives, but with culture. We are exporting culture, which is always a poor practice. Tourism is a disgrace to most countries. It is the selling and romanticism of culture.

>> No.4900575

Culture has always been shaped by the functions it was supposed to serve. Going back in time this remains true. Removing capitalism this remains true.

You can't stop it from being used and abused. That's why it exists. It's a whore. The real head cases are those who treat it with a respect it doesn't deserve.

>> No.4900579

That is some double speak son. You do realize post modernism is pretty much democratic absolutism no matter how you look at it. It's two sides to the same coin. Capitalism/Socialism and Communism are the same ideology being reached by a different means and exported as weapons.

I'd rather the former than to post modernism. It is a regression to mediocrity for the sake of equality. We live in a Fordist society.

>Break mans jobs down into separate tasks

This is how you keep humans uneducated. A lot of people who work for governments and shady groups have no idea what the work they are doing is about, what its for etc.

We've seen this over and over again where scientist come out saying hey, I didn't know this is what I had been doing. It was "just my job:"

The downfall is probably the willingness to submit to corporatism for economic comfort instead of saving your cash. I know young people who do this in droves. They embrace the corporations and piss away their pay on lunches every day. They spend far to much money on services and save little, rendering them useless.

Sure they "support" the economy, but this is only because we have set up our economic situation so that if people save money, the economy will fall through.

It is sort of stupid and the very reason why you are blasted with advertisements all over the place. My parents complain today even that when cable tv came out, they didn't air commercials.

No not only do you pay for the service of media, but they have the nerve to advertise all over your content in order to make a buck off of you. Its a form of psychological warfare. Advertising in its modern state is designed to deceive you, only telling ofthe products pro, and none of its cons

>This was made with slave labor
>this is cheaply made
>you will be addicted to it
>this cost human lives
>we're destroying the environment to make this
>it has chemicals linked to cancer in it

Just look at cell phones. We have no idea how that constant radiation from towers and mobile devices effects us. WiFi and moible towers are everywhere, yet we continue to use these technologies regardless of any real clinical data on their effects.

With consumerism, instead of fixing problems we invent new devices to solve your problems for you thus creating your reliance on said purchase.

>> No.4900582

I agree that capitalism has taken control of, and abuses, culture in the current state. But in 50-100 years, the vast majority of the workforce will be automated, and the vast majority of needs of all people will be met without issue (and will potentially be provided by respective states). At this point, money becomes mostly useless, and capitalism obsolete. This will create the opportunity for another renaissance of thought, unburdened by capitalist consumption and desire.

>> No.4900594
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You're incoherently ranting, but you're the only person I find minutely interesting in this thread (other than myself of course).

Pull yourself together and think ahead before you rant off into all different directions like a salmon spunking.

>> No.4900639

I was trying to point out the multifaceted attacks of capitalism on art.

Also you see we may get there, but I do not feel it will happen. Between rising tensions, failing economies, debt spending, cultural consolidation, etc we're driving ourselves into a dark place.

We also have to worry about climate change. Regardless of humans effecting it or not, these are very real problems. Most of the great cities in the world are built along coast lines. The damage of an ocean roaring through a city like New York would be total meltdown in terms of ocean life. An unimaginable amount of debris would clutter the ocean.

We're at a breaking point, and in our life time, we will see the worst any human has seen in history. Not since prime of the current ice age has the world changed so drastically. We're headed for an uncertain road. We're talking about dozens of feet of raised water levels. NYC is literally a few feet above water.

Expect massive construction efforts or just totally chaos as we are unprepared for it. In all my life I've not see the weather in NYC so terrible. 3 hurricans in 3 years.

>> No.4900653

Pretty much. It's culture for the lowered basically.

>> No.4900708


What is truth then?

>> No.4900922

An automated workforce worldwide when it'll always be easier to just press more bodies into the factories? There's no escaping capitalism by just waiting for technology to obsolete it, not when it's more short-term profitable to just go on with our current neocolonial mode of exploitation.

>> No.4901439
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>> No.4901504

lel, the second anon didnt say philosophy is science, he said science is philosophy, thus stating that science is part of philosophy, not the other way around.

>then why dont philosophy grads work in science labs???
They do actually, according to the second anon. He says scientists are in fact philosophers.

>> No.4901511
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>in denial @ being rekt

Whatever makes you sleep better for being a philosophy major.

>> No.4901525

I want to enslave all of you and reeducate you.

>> No.4901538

The "science is philosophy" thing is probably the worst meme going on this board. It might very well be our death.

>> No.4901547
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>> No.4901554

Jesus Christ. Half of you aren't even making any coherent points and just whining on different tangents

>> No.4901556

The big problem with philosophers is that they don't understand science.

>> No.4901567


>> No.4901589
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They're a thick skulled bunch eh?

>> No.4901599
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Take a good look fellas, this is our future. We chose it, so we have no reason to blame anyone but ourselves.

>> No.4901847

This is absolutely retarded and not true at all.

>> No.4901900

lol, all these people defending their own illusory concepts..

why am i responding?

>> No.4901924

going back to modernism isn't even possible.
it is tragic when someone is thinking and writing in terms of modernism with no irony.

no one escapes the information/data conditions of reality. subjectivity doesn't mean everything said is equal, and the idea of mediocrity is a bourgeois instrumental rationalist construction.

OP talks like they're my boss on the factory floor.

>> No.4901979

I don't think it's impossible to go back to modernism, but I think that one has to realize two things:

1)That the objections of postodernism are important and serious.
2) That modernism in itself it was a philosophy of crisis and criticism. Modernity was a contradictory and antagonistic process, not a state of affairs in which you can settle.

I think that to go back to modernism is to take again an conflictual way of thinking and making literature, especially in a time when there is very little alternatives given to hegemonic forms of thoughts.

Criticizing efficiency, duty to health, big data, and pop-enlightenment (for the sake of enlightenment and not of reaction) is the way to go.

>> No.4902023

which authors criticize those tings most effectively in your opinion?>

>> No.4902119

lol @ dumb babby anti-responsiblityists trying to be profound.

Have fun never getting anything done, never inventing anything, never contributing to the advancement of the human race, never creating beautiful art, and just being generally ugly wastes of space.

>> No.4902170


>> No.4902173

Do you really feel you live in a world in which the scientific method isn't considered or applied to everything?
Post-modernism isn't the only philosophical stream and you don't need to denounce its wrongs if you don't want to care about it. Rehashing the same critics it got decades ago only strengthens its presence the same way it makes the modernism more present by denouncing it.

>> No.4902193
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>false insistence that there is no universal truth
I'm laughing too hard, has this child read books?

>> No.4902200


100% agreed.

Bump for support.

Post-Modernism is a form of trolling. Like losing a race and pretending that you were merely changing the rules without telling anyone, and that you actually won, because the last to arrive wins, according to you.

>that painting looks like shit
>it is shit, which I shat, with blue
>it is great art because I say so

>> No.4902236

dat ad hominen

>> No.4902262

Wow, somebody finally understands it.

>> No.4902414

The solution is to go beyond, not to go backward. Whatever is wrong with the now is better than what was wrong with the before. We need to get more liberal, more relativist, more self-aware, more meta.

>> No.4902433

This is a literature board, not a social studies board or a science board or a philosophy board. Identity politics, tumblr feminism, and self-esteem culture are all different degrees of flawed but they aren't literature or even art.

Conflating "anti-intellectualism needs to be curtailed" with "art is objective" is just silly. None of what you said applies to art. Artistic subjectivism is still largely irrefutable and you didn't even try to refute it. Few people here disagree with the whole "giving trophies to all the kids is stupid oh man dumbass liberals," but that doesn't make Duchamp any less valid than Michelangelo.

>> No.4902639

okay dad

>> No.4902640

This, OP. None of what you said has anything to do with the arts. Having an opinion about society that falls on the traditionalist side is one thing, but being an artistic objectivist is just plain silly.

>> No.4902666

ITT: People who don't understand what post-modernism is in the context of literature and literary theory.

>> No.4902804

but there is no self