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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 57 KB, 300x425, Sony-Reader-Pocket-Edition-PRS-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
489870 No.489870 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy one of these
>Never pay for books again

>> No.489873 [DELETED] 

But then I'd never get the euphoric feeling I do when I open my shipped book packages...

>> No.489878

But then I'd never get the euphoric feeling I do get when I open my shipped book packages...

>> No.489881


Then still buy books, just don't spend as much on them as you once did.

>> No.489883

Why would I buy one of those over a kindle?

>> No.489889


Kindle has all kinds of neat little features, however, it is stuck with proprietary formats. Sony Readers can use all kinds of different text formats that make them ideal for bootleg books.

>> No.489893

Kindle has .txt and .pdf what other formats do you need?

>> No.489894

Books > That

>> No.489897



I bought one and have something like 200 books on it, all for free. I use calibre to make the text even more streamlined for the device. It is amazing.

>> No.489899

Yes books do weigh a great deal more than ebook readers.

>> No.489902


Doesn't support .pdf for shit, really. Sony basically takes any kind of text files. Plus EPUB which allows for you to check out digital books from libraries and download all the classics for free from google.

>> No.489904

I mean...free books are nice, but the stuff I like reading is mostly by authors who don't sells a lot of books anyway. I know the big publishing companies don't deserve a lot of sympathy, but what about the smaller ones? And the authors who won't get advances anymore because people aren't buying their books anymore? Obviously this isn't the case now, but it could become the case, if book pirating gets anywhere near as big as music pirating. I know, I know, the companies need to adapt to the marketplace, right? But is that always the whole answer? I don't think that quite covers it.

>> No.489906

I bought Dr. Faustus and Tropic of Cancer today for a combined total of $5. I'll stick to discounted books.

>> No.489910


Then support them and get the other shit for free.

>> No.489921

I enjoy my independent bookstores. Fuck technology.

>> No.489924

All this fucking viral marketing. I'm buying one tomorrow, OP. I hope you're happy.

>> No.489927

>Get a netbook
>Get a torrent manager
>Get xChat
>Download books for free
>Your e-book reader is also a computer

>> No.489944

Yeah, that makes sense to me. It's just OP's comment "Never pay for books again" that I was responding to, really.

>> No.489950

That works for people who don't mind reading off a backlit screen. I know this isn't the case for everyone, but backlit screens give me pretty bad headaches if I use them for serious reading. I've tried it.

>> No.489952


True. I just figured cost-wise it makes more sense, but as far as personal preferences, you can't get better than a physical book.

>> No.490061

Who reads these days?

Movies are better, faster, and a lot more interesting.

>> No.490117



>> No.490551
File: 114 KB, 468x312, ereader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot bitches go for ereaders while fat bitches read books.

>> No.490562

the best thing about books is buying them and never reading them

just put on the book case so everyone think that you read them all.

>> No.490565


>> No.490569

sounds like /lit.

>> No.490573

So which is the best ereader to get for someone who wants it to do nothing but display books?

mp3 and other stuff is not necessary

>> No.490585



>> No.490591




>> No.490601


Sony Pocket Reader (OP's Pic).

$150-$200 price range, lots of battery life, and supports a shit load of text formats.


Yeah they do, but it is less of a headache if you don't have to convert anything. ALL CAPS TO MAKE THE POINT MORE VALID!!!11

>> No.490606

They all display regular text equally well. The Sony Reader is probably the best for its handling of varied formats however their bookstore sucks balls. If you plan on buying ebooks for it then the Nook is the one to get, plus you have actual stores you can bring it in to to be replaced if it gets fucked up.

>> No.490617

>less of a headache if you don't have to convert anything

Reading the blurry e-ink displany from a sonyn makes things alot easier

>> No.490619

Amazon > Barnes

>> No.490642

How hard are these things on your eyes?

>> No.490648


I personally can't read off of one of those without a massive headache because of my shitty eyesight. I prefer physical books anyway.

>> No.490649

proprietary = shit

>> No.490651

They aren't at all. Its the exact same as a book except you can even change the font size at will.

>> No.490653


It's not the font size, it's the light, and just the everything about the digital format. My eyes hurt after I use my computer, despite my ridiculously large font on it as well.

>> No.490658

Ummm, I think you are confused. Ereaders are not backlit. You are thinking of laptops or tablets.

>> No.490660


Can you not read them in the dark? I assumed they had a backlight feature.

>> No.490661

With computer screens, you're looking at a light source, with these things, you're just looking at reflected natural light, like an old school digital watch, or indeed, a printed book. There's arguably less chance of eye strain with one of these compared to printed text, as you can change the font size to suit.

>> No.490662


>> No.490664

Some of them have a backlight

>> No.490665

They have more of a physiological eye strain...

>> No.490666

No, none of them do. The Sony PRS-700 had a built-in lighting feature but it wasn't a backlight.

>> No.490667

What? E-ink screens? If that's what you mean, you're dead wrong.

>> No.490669

1. What does that even mean?
2. Are you retarded?
3. Are you just British?

>> No.490673

I am not referrring to myself but people who have a "problem" with e-ink because of "eye strain " because of physiological reasons

>> No.490675

Sage for viral marketing, because who the fuck would actually give a fuck how people read their books?
Unless you actually bought one!

Only thing what would make ereaders widespread would be a some kind of an IR//bluetooth device to send books over the air to other ereaders. If they had that, then I would buy one for sure. Then again, BOOK PIRACY & UTOPIA!!

>> No.490683

>because of physiological reasons

Sorry, but that's utter bullshit. Break down for me how there's an increased risk of eye strain with e-ink readers compared to printed text, due to physiological reasons.

>> No.490688

1. A person looks at the screen.

>> No.490689


>> No.490694

Riiiight... Caps lock shouting doesn't actually improve the clarity of your posts.

>> No.490696


Pretty sure that would be psychological not physiological

>> No.490698


>> No.490707 [DELETED] 

Your's? Hell yeah.

>> No.490709

Yours? Hell yeah.

>> No.490710



try again

>> No.490727


>> No.490736


>don't know what a word means
>use it anyway
>claim it was somehow your browser's fault

>> No.490740 [DELETED] 


>> No.490745

>buy a Kindle/other e-book
>destroy your eyes from staring at a backlit display for hours on end

Your mind perceives text in a book and text on a screen in two completely different ways.

>> No.490746


>> No.490751

>Go to the library
>Never pay for books again

>> No.490752


>implying you spelled psychological correctly and your browser is retarded and changed a word to a different word for no reason at all

>> No.490762

>implying e-ink is backlit

>> No.490775


Shit because it doesn't support italics or bold text.

>> No.490777

enjoying your nintendo toy, op?

>> No.490778

>implying you know a good god damn about eReaders and Electronic paper displays.

>> No.490866

faggot, _for underline_ and *for bold* or any other sort of markup is all real men need.

>> No.490870

>get a library card
>never pay for books again

>> No.490876

>have to give books back on time
>have to take the effort to return them

>> No.490891

>implying the return policy some how has compund interest for fees now

>> No.490893

>move to tahiti
>never return the books

>> No.490905

why live in a crap hole?

>> No.490921


>> No.490924

Black people can talk now?

>> No.491258

I bought one of these fuckers today. Uploading 68 books.

>> No.491269

>Get a library card
>Never buy books again

Fixed OP.

>> No.491271

you're a little late

>> No.491324

If Apple made one I would buy it.

>> No.491326

>implying libraries have up to date material or all the material to satisfy my cravings

>> No.491331

Well of couse the ipad

>> No.491346 [DELETED] 

I have the iPad, but if they made an e-book reader I would buy that, too.

>> No.491353

lol i fucking fail-trolled
posted "i have the ipad, but if they made an e-book reader i would buy that, too". then i checked the release date because i've never seen anyone with an ipad. saw april 3, facepalmed and deleted post.

>> No.491369
File: 866 KB, 1695x2391, 14_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying the entire body of written works from all of history isn't enough

>> No.491378

>implying my A.I is not capable to hold that much memory

>> No.491679

>Implying impliations

eReaders are wonderful devices for anyone who enjoys reading. Pure and simple. If you don't think they are great devices and you enjoy reading, you have never owned one. Books are still getting used by the vast majority of eReader owners, however eReaders tend to get a lot more use while older novels, over priced novels, self-help, and college text books get downloaded for free on eReaders, where as a good portion of newer material that is read for enjoyment is still purchased for the physical book.

>> No.491709

I enjoy real books because I share books with friends. If I find an interesting book and my friend wants to read it, no problem.
I dont trust my friends with anything electronic.

>> No.491717

Ereaders can do digital lending now

>> No.491779


shut the fuck up. You keep cuntpasting that shit in every ereader thread.

>> No.491893

Please tell me, you are not that stupid, but just trolling.

>> No.493983

>Get a netbook
>Get Microsoft Windows
>Check bottom right of screen for time
>Your watch is also a computer

Seriously, man. Apples and oranges.

>> No.493990


You can email ebooks to a friend, idiot.

>> No.494007

you make it sound like any of the authors of books even worth pirating are still alive

hint hint hint they aren't

>> No.494015

What about that fucking iPad?
Feel like its going to own both Kindle and Sony.

But who the hell knows? Piece of shit costs more, but you get to read more than just .pdf, .txt. and other shit that those are two are limited to.


>> No.494020

omg, how did you do this?!

>> No.494021

does ipad have e-ink?

the entire point behind e-ink is to eliminate eye-strain

if the ipad does not have this, then no, it will not really pose a challenge to e-ink ereaders

>> No.494027

Didn't think about that. But I'm guessing it should...I mean Apple can't be that stupid not to think that users are going to try to use the iPad (shit, that's a disgusting name) to read ebooks.
Whatev, I would still choose a Sony over a Kindle.

>> No.494040
File: 64 KB, 325x456, 1210535172301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


William Gibson is still alive.

Bill Bryson, Ursula K. LeGuin, Robert M. Pirsig (I will lol if you don't know who that is).

If you just tried a little....you'd find out you were wrong and should have picked a different argument.

>> No.494046
File: 94 KB, 500x395, trinity-college-library-dub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to one of these
> Never pay for books again

>> No.494051
File: 102 KB, 264x400, stanza2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stanza for the iPod Touch and iPhone is fucking win.

It takes EPUB and Calibre converts just about every format out there to EPUB.

Some SSH knowhow and a jailbroken Ipod Touch/iPhone and you're good to go. It's pretty comfortable reading for such a small screen, plays music, movies, surfs the web and fits in a pocket.

Fuck the iPad.

>> No.494054

The refresh time for the Sony eReader drives me fucking NUTS.

It's a shame, because I'm in the market for an ereader, but nothing seems quite right yet.

>> No.494056

I was being sarcastic with what I said, but if it made you a bit mad, then I suppose I accomplished what I wanted to do trollface.jpg

>> No.494059

The number of mediocre modern writers do not eclipse the thousands of classics available for free on the internet

>> No.494061

>buy an e-reader
>never have to make several trips and have the book always with you
>check fucking mate

>> No.494065

yo anon, is that just an app? sounds pretty chet.
really, I can't think of a reason to spend money on the iPad when I could do this on my iphone...not that I have one... christ. ;___;

>> No.494066

>realise you don't have a fucking mate

>> No.494068
File: 4 KB, 184x211, 1269676710870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responding with ad hominem attacks

>> No.494069

I just hope all the faggots downloading novels illegally get caught. My former sharemate got a DRM notice for downloading a Harry Potter e-book. Scared the shit out of her.

>> No.494071

On Saturday, Shatzkin expects e-book prices to be higher on the iPad, the Kindle and every other e-reader.
“The consensus seems to be that new commercial books will be $12.99 and $14.99 on the iPad,” he says.
But Kendrick doesn’t think so. He’s heard rumors that most of the best-sellers in Apple’s iBookstore are going to match the Amazon Kindle’s current pricing.
“They must,” he says. “Once e-books are available at a given price, how can you compete with a much higher price?”
Both Shatzkin and Kendrick agree that the iPad will alter the e-book landscape, because Apple understands how to build smart, tactile technology.
People don’t care about formats or rights protection, Kendrick says. They just want to buy the book and read it.
“The iPhone is extremely popular because it’s drop-dead simple — you pick it up, and you know how to use it,” he says.
“And that’s exactly how the iPad is going to be. The iPad won’t be intimidating to anyone.”
>I ain't paying shit.

>> No.494073

>>494069implying people on /lit/ would actually read something popular, much less pirate

>> No.494074
File: 393 KB, 1280x1440, at first, but then, still wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



ya got me

>> No.494075


>> No.494076

more info on this.

>> No.494077

>implying downloading movies and games wouldn't get my ass in deeper shit
>implying I'll ever caught

>> No.494078


real and totahree furee



..and yeah...does help if you have an iphone or ipod touch first.

>> No.494081

Believe me, a lot of /lit/ users do...

>> No.494082

>implying it won't give you bad karma and ruin your life

>> No.494087

>implying karma
>watch my name is earl as a documentary

>> No.494100

>refuting truth

>> No.494105

>implying kids in Africa did something to deserve that shit
>trolling the fuck out of me

>> No.494110

Nestle marketed to all the poor fuckers in Africa that their baby formula was substantially better than milk from breastfeeding.

Mix that formula with the quality of the water in those areas and you have many dead babies


>> No.494112

those negro babies deserve it.
they'd probably starve or die of aids anyway.

>> No.494114

You're from /b/, aren't you?

>> No.494115

>Nestle marketed to all the poor fuckers in Africa that their baby formula was substantially better than milk from breastfeeding.
>Mix that formula with the quality of the water in those areas and you have many dead babies

>> No.494122
File: 58 KB, 451x500, beats me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494134

Not to forget that they are raping the rainforests in Indonesia to get supplied with palm oil.

Nestle is evil :(