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File: 65 KB, 594x321, LevoDetail1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4897754 No.4897754 [Reply] [Original]

You want you lose: literature edition.

>> No.4897759

Laurie Penny porn

>> No.4897764
File: 917 KB, 1564x1055, JHU64322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4897766

Slavoj Žižek porn

>> No.4897768
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Folio Society books.

>> No.4897774

Dude, I was just in a home sort of like that (not as many books, but thousands of books).

I love old book smell, but when it dominated a room, the smell can be suffocating.

>> No.4897775

oops, this was meant for>>4897764

>> No.4897798
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>> No.4897802
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buy a kindle u nigger

>> No.4897811
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>> No.4897861
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>Osho, an Indian mystic who died in 1990, reportedly had a library of 100,000 volumes (possibly making it the world's largest private library) in his "Lao Tzu library" in Poona, India. The library occupied a number of corridors in his residence. Pictured is the central room, where the most valuable parts of his collection resided on glass shelves behind sliding glass doors and with mirrors placed behind the books. His philosophy was that "two books of the same size or color were not to be placed next to each other, so the effect is that of waves going up and down, adding a lighter impression of the packed shelves than usually seen in libraries."

>> No.4897896

No thanks. I like my outsides to be outsides and my insides to be insides.

>> No.4897905

>there are threes and shit outside
>there's a fireplace, a comfy reading chair and a wall of books inside

Outsides and insides don't get much more outside and inside than that, frater.

>> No.4897907

*trees lel

>> No.4897909

Sorry, I should have been more clear.
I hate windows.

>> No.4897910

Ok no, it would just make me feel anxious. Like a wall was missing. I would much rather have traditional windows.

>> No.4897912

lol @ autistic interior decorators.

>> No.4897921

My ideal version of that room would not have the fireplace (it'd be a sensible climate) and the windows would actually be doors that go away entirely.

Also probably another wall or two of those window/doors.

>> No.4897925

>(it'd be a sensible climate)
Sensible climates have proper seasons m8. It's the only way to live.

>> No.4897927

There's the ~15 degree season and the ~40 degree season. What else do you need?

>> No.4897931
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>> No.4897943
File: 66 KB, 500x334, cosy town.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cold, snow, loads of rain, proper dreary autumn etc. You can't have cosy without the contrast.

>Oh the weather outside is frightful
>But the fire is so delightful

>> No.4897962

Having lived in a country like that my whole life, fuck you.

I'd much rather have agreeable weather all year round, I like reading innawoods.

>> No.4897977

Warm places generally have shitty woods.

>> No.4897988

They do, yeah, but I still hate the cold. I wish there were non shitty woods in a more mild climate.

Best ones I've known so far have been in Patagonia, lots of nice forests with absolutely nothing dangerous in them and winters a lot milder than here, but it's still a bit too cold for my tastes.

>> No.4897994
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>> No.4898000


absolutely disgusting

>> No.4898010

If you could convert yourself into a beach/sea person you could go Mediterranean and be done with it.

>> No.4898012


its basically fedora: the publisher

>> No.4898017

I keep buying books I already have on .epub and then I feel ashamed as the groveling materialist slut I am help

>> No.4898029

Sounds miserable.

>> No.4898036

have same problem wat do

>> No.4898046

Quit buying the epubs in the first place.

>> No.4898069


>wanting an Indian mystic's library
>100,000 books worth

yeah, nah, etc.

>> No.4898070

>buying ebooks
What do you take me for, a pleb?

>> No.4898071


I could live in that room for 100 years and never read all those books. Such ostentatious posing.

>> No.4898072

Contrast is what makes anything worthwhile. A warm bath after a long winter walk, a cold beer after a long summer walk, thick blankets in a cold bedroom, a cool pool in a sun drenched garden. The silence of autumn, the bustle of spring, it all justifies each other. When you start taking away those contrasts and cycles you increase monotony and rob yourself of a lot of simple joys.

>> No.4898074

Oh sorry I didn't know you were a pleb.

>> No.4898127

This picture literally gave me an erection

>> No.4898128

There's plenty of contrast in a mediterranean climate. It's just that the hot and cold ends are shifted up so that the hot end is actually hot and summer is actually enjoyable.

Also sclerophyllous forest wonderful and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

>> No.4898129

I want a good solid bookshelf that isn't made of particle board.

How get?

>> No.4898132

Go to a furniture store.

An actual furniture store, not Ikea.

>> No.4898135



>> No.4898142

Those are usually very expensive. I suggest you start looking for a shelving system. I just bought one approx 3.5m x 2m for around 2000 dollars.

>> No.4898180

You're insane. Just quickly looking at local stores I can find a 7'x3' walnut bookcase for less than $300 and similar stuff in pine for $250. You don't need to spend thousands.

>> No.4898185

Link / Pic?

>> No.4898215
File: 100 KB, 945x582, pdt_detail_60267563-033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the walnut one. I just googled 'pine furniture [city]' and started browsing.

It's also often worth checking out gumtree/craigslist/whatever for furniture.

>> No.4898224

That's not a shelving system though.

>> No.4898226

Well the guy was after a bookshelf...

>> No.4898228

True, problem with large shelves is it becomes hell when you move from one place to another.

>> No.4898429

So it's perfect for reading existential books.

>> No.4899021

Why not both at once?

>> No.4899037

Fairly certain that it's a bookstore m8

>> No.4899042

> No windows
Enjoy poor lighting and no fresh air.

>> No.4899124
File: 2.68 MB, 2071x2750, NP-Krka-Visovac2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like, but I prefer this more. I could live thousands of years on this island, reading and learning.

>> No.4899130

Reminds me of the underground Shinra Mansions in FF7 when you have the Cloud flashbacks and Sephiroth is there circling around maniacally and reading books and shit.

Would be better if it was more atmospheric like that tbh.

>> No.4899181


I already have one of these.

It's called a monitor.

>> No.4899213
File: 368 KB, 634x939, New-Novelty-Lazy-Glasses-Glasses-For-Patient-font-b-Bed-b-font-Lie-Down-Periscope-Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4899257

You can't learn shit alone on an island apart from procrastinating and masturbating.

>> No.4899264

Okay I think I want this.

>> No.4899284

materialist faggets itt

>> No.4899287

this doesnt appeal to me at all. i think being able to hold the book in your hands is essential to the reading experience

>> No.4899308

might as well outright poke your eyes out

>> No.4899403
File: 136 KB, 500x290, GaimanLibrary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Think Gayman has read them all?

>> No.4899433

Probably most of them.

When you're that old, you'll have a lot of books behind you.

>> No.4899602

If you look carefully it seems as though in some places there are a fair amount of duplicates, so it's probable that it's a store.

>> No.4899633

Not a store, guys. It's the personal library of a renowned professor at John Hopkins.


His library contains 70,000 works, and he's already bequeathed it to the university's academic library.

There's a nice video on this page with a tour through it.


>> No.4899685

what do you mean?

>> No.4899808

Fedora has become the new degenerate.

>> No.4900085

I lived in Mediterranean and tropic climates for a while friend, and I'm glad you like them because someone's got to live there, but I won't hand in my seasons under any circumstance. It's not plenty for me. I need to freeze my balls off and then squeeze a girl that's been in the snow. I need that grog lively cuntism. It's the best here is.

I guess we all end up happy in the end.

>> No.4900089 [DELETED] 

final test

>> No.4901652


>> No.4901681

Do you even know what the folio society is?

Jesus christ. You keep buying those orange penguins, plebs. They are really cute.

>> No.4901686

Books by the cover.

>> No.4901689

Ah, so you dont know.

>> No.4901731

Despite owning several of the pretty shelf filler, book fetish volumes from the folio society I still prefer orange penguins.

Also the stand in the OP looks like the most awkward bit of junk imaginable. Only useful if someone happened to have their arms bitten off in a shark attack.

>> No.4901775
File: 83 KB, 500x500, monticellostore_2268_129351895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got to be more careful with them now than in the past. I occasionally get some of the more sober limited editions as gifts but generally avoid the standard releases. The Stones of Venice I bought just to get Ruskin's drawings in the text is awful looking.

The only real issue with this is having the space for it. I wouldn't want it shoved in a corner and it'd overwhelm my actual desk.

>> No.4901855

I prefer my views to be an actual view, so on the off chance I look up from whatever I'm reading, I see a spectacle, not a single tree and some bushes

>> No.4901864
File: 1.19 MB, 1317x889, nenenereading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it would actually be really annoying turning the pages

>> No.4901896
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>storing your books by two sources of variable heat

>> No.4901908

the lewis and clark journals (in pic) are awesome. not sure if i've ever seen them mentioned here.

>> No.4902535

This picture made me wonder
How many of you have seen Thomas Jefferson's library or have been to the Library of Congress?

>> No.4902571
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>> No.4904199
File: 128 KB, 450x253, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please.

>> No.4906141
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>> No.4906551

*fapfapfapfapfap snooooooooooooooore*

>> No.4906595

>reading in a forrest

The amount of autism on this site goes up every day, huh

>> No.4907211
File: 740 KB, 2545x1400, Arnold Bocklin - Island of the Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-Would you settle for this one?


>Doesn't like forests.
What's the matter with you?