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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 82 KB, 1082x808, Bookshelf 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4892313 No.4892313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4892319
File: 100 KB, 1082x808, Bookshelf 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw found Anna Karenina on the Fort Lauderdale beach and it was the was edition as my War & Peace

>> No.4892322
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>> No.4892328
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>> No.4892335
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>> No.4892349

>tfw have no time to read
>tfw don't have enough books to fill up one shelf

>> No.4892361

>tfw kindle master race

>> No.4892373

>tfw I'm getting sick of reading on my kindle :(

>> No.4892380

>The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire
Didn't Byzantine empire get utterly rekt?

>> No.4892386


>Rise to Globalism
>tfw I had to use this piece of shit book a few years ago in High School

Thanks for reminding me of my terrible USH course.

Also, 'mirin your collection. I've probably read more than half of what you have there.

>> No.4892405

That was the final stage of their master plan. They had to find out what the Muslims knew. Then they crashed the Empire and the survivors went to start the fire of innovation in Italy.

>> No.4892491

I liked it. It's a good broad start to American foreign policy

>> No.4892760
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>> No.4892764
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>> No.4892770
File: 55 KB, 570x760, tyler durden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not your bookshelf.

>> No.4892773

Most of those mangas are shite

>> No.4892774


>> No.4892781

You should commit them to the fire instead of posting pics of them here

>> No.4892784

Why? Some of the stuff in there is better than most Lit.

>> No.4892785

you posted that same image with the same filename in the last three bookthreads

how is it being 15

>> No.4892791


>> No.4892804

And you got mad all three times.

>> No.4892809


>> No.4892840

>That bookshelf was my life, okay? I loved every hardback and paperback in that place. That was not just a bunch of books that got photographed, it was ME!

>> No.4892858


>> No.4892861

Prove me wrong.

>> No.4892881

You can say nothing. You fucking have Koontz and Jim Butcher on your shelf ffs. You are not even close to better than most of lit.

>> No.4892936

Whats wrong with Butcher?

>> No.4892940

>thinking anyone gives a fuck about your paper collection

die shitlord

>> No.4892949


>tfw you stop using your kindle so you can keep building your bookshelf and let deep dish qt 3.14s know you're not reading pleb trash

>> No.4892966

Fast Food tier fiction.

>> No.4893074
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r8 my dad's bookshelf

>> No.4893077
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>> No.4893081
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>> No.4893284



just like the last 45 times youve posted it

>> No.4893288

>45 times
>literally once before

>> No.4893327

They lasted for a thousand years. I think that's a pretty good run.

>> No.4893423

>mfw my middle name is elric

>> No.4893432
File: 290 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's entirely necesarry I post in these threads most times someone creates them.

>> No.4893985
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here's my parents' bookshelf.

most of it is left over from when I was young and my dad still enjoyed reading. he has fairly rational reasons for his Christianity, but I think it was my mom that made him give up on trying to pass his beliefs onto me. when they met, she was an air-headed agnostic that attended church services with her family "just because", and he was in the midst of an existential crisis. he ended up trying to turn her over to Christianity (and he did), but it appears that she's just as air-headed now as she was before...

this is a fairly boring story; I don't feel like writing if no one is going to read it. if anyone wants me to continue, just reply.

>> No.4893987
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>> No.4893988

>I need attention
not that there's anything wrong with feelings that way. But nine books, seriously?

>> No.4893994

I don't see a bookshelf with a section of random ass books. At least there isn't a shelf here with something that looks like they where bought on a whim at a book store. Just a lot of "hey look what I read"

>> No.4893997
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>> No.4893998

Why would someone have completely random books?

>> No.4894004
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some of the books in this image belong to my mother or were given to my father by my mother

>> No.4894010
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>> No.4894018
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>> No.4894043

Because that is what you get when you go to a used book shop and something calls out to you to buy it. It is something that is lost on this board. People have these shelf's as an outward expression of themselves.

>> No.4894050

I don't see the benefit in buying a book I know nothing about versus buying books I know I want to read.

It's not like I'm not constantly searching out new authors, using publishers and translators and editors to branch into other areas of literature. But buying something with absolutely no knowledge of it just seems stupid. Most books in the world are shitty.

>> No.4894053


>> No.4894062

So you are one of those fuckers that shows up to a used book stores with a list. I bet it takes you a month to read a book. Also you need to read some dreck to really know dreck.

>> No.4894068

One of the best on a whim purchases I have made at a used book store has to be a collection of agota kristof novels. I had no idea what the book was about. The only thing that I knew was what ever was writing on the back of the book.

>> No.4894074

I don't go to used bookstores. I use Amazon.

And no, I read about 15 books per month. I've read plenty of dreck when I was a teenager.

>> No.4894076

>Because that is what you get when you go to a used book shop and something calls out to you to buy it.

I used to do that when I was a teenager and knew nothing about literature. Almost every book I randomly picked out was trash, and the ones that weren't just happened to be books that are critically acclaimed anyway.

>So you are one of those fuckers that shows up to a used book stores with a list.

I have a huge, almost inexhaustible, list in my head of books, authors and subjects that interest me and I can easily find something from that list in any decent bookstore I enter.

There's nothing romantic about being indiscriminate and undiscerning.

>> No.4894120
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Holy shit, am I seeing Twilight series in the bottom right.

>> No.4894123

>not taking three years to memorize every word in English before reading
you dun goofd

>> No.4894130

that shit looks old as fuck m8

>> No.4894161

>not stuffing old books into your own asshole
kek. pleb.

>> No.4894264
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>> No.4894272


That Jeremy Clarkson shit-stain book looks mighty used anon.

Care to explain yourself?

>> No.4894279
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I picked it up used at a Lifeline charity Bookfest. Also, I think he's a fun writer to read in between particularly dense pieces of literature.

>> No.4894294

>tfw you've spent the past 3 years on the road writing
>never in a place long enough to accumulate a bunch of crap so i can impress people who in reality don't give a shit about your book collection
>tfw your happiness doesn't rest on the opinions of others and you don't need to reassure yourself of your intellect by looking at a bookshelf

feels bad man

>> No.4894297


>> No.4894319

I love those orange Penguins. I picked up a bunch of them when I was in Australia last month.

>> No.4894340

>all that Orwell but not his best work, his essays

>> No.4894410
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>> No.4894420
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>> No.4894430
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>> No.4894433
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When are you going to read through all those pristine books?

>> No.4894436


Cool tip: Anyone who sees your bookshelves will immediately assume you've either never read them or you have deep seated psychological issues due to the nearly pristine condition of them.

This looks like the kind of collection you'd find in a home shortly before receiving an axe blow to the back of your skull.

>> No.4894441

Have you read G.H?
How did you like it?

>> No.4894443

you are kidding right?? those orange penguin classics are fucking shit.

yeah lets get rid of the original covers that old classics had and replace it with the shitiest color out.

sometimes I think the only reason people like them is so they can buy classics without having to know authors names.

>> No.4894459

>you have deep seated psychological issues

That's more or less true. The low quality of the camera means some detail is missing from the pictures, though. For example my copies of 2666 and Underworld are creased to shit but you can't really see that in the pic.

It was nicely written (and translated) and quite an emotionally exacting read, but ultimately it is basically like an episode from Nausea drawn out into a whole novel and given a female gloss.

>> No.4894471

I kind of agree, though I prefer it to Nausea. I don't think its her best work, though people say it is. I'd recommend the Hour of the Star.

>> No.4894475
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>I love those orange Penguins.

Leave /lit/ and never return.

>> No.4894476


>> No.4894500
File: 57 KB, 674x1010, anime brad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not your bookshelf.

>> No.4894509


has it come this far that this is being used unironically now?

>> No.4894513

what if i store all of my books inside me

>> No.4894514

You're retarded

>> No.4894526


You are not old enough to post here.

>> No.4894530

Dad dicks are huge man

>> No.4894533

you'll get the message eventually

>> No.4894539

Love it because your dad isn't an asshole posting his possessions online. You are! Fuck off you little shit

>> No.4894551

nice conan books

>> No.4894580

Nice comeback faggot. So far I have only seriously used "shitlord" on tumblr or reddit and it was used in an ironical fashion here, but this sounded pretty serious.

>> No.4894586

I read a few books on it, but even with changing the background to black, I couldn't get over the fact that I was just staring at a screen so much. Thinking about selling it.

>> No.4894880

Stop it with this herd-morality please, go read some Nietzsche and come back.

>> No.4895744 [DELETED] 
File: 781 KB, 3264x2448, photo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered the Everyman edition of his entire collection of essays last night. It looks fantastic.

The cover's are horrible though, I only picked them up because I wanted to read them but didn't have the money for the proper editions.

>> No.4895752 [DELETED] 

>I just ordered the Everyman edition of his entire collection of essays last night. It looks fantastic.

>> No.4895769
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I just ordered the Everyman edition of his entire essay collection last night.
The penguins are great on a budget. Can't stand the covers though, I only picked them up because I really wanted to read them at the time.

>> No.4895810
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>tfw all your books are pristine after completion

h-how do I age them?

>> No.4895840
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>> No.4895845
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>> No.4895848
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I just recently moved and finally got all mine back on the shelves in mostly correct order. Too lazy to put the pictures together in one image this time.

These are oversized ones out in the living room. I'm still not sure how I ended up with two copies of Taste of Japan, as I only ever paid for one. It's a handy book though. The Tea one is the best book out there for tea reference material - all about terroir, many types listed, research done into caffeine content of different types, pretty pictures, tasting notes, etc.

>> No.4895859
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Beginning of anthologies, sorted by size. Accidentally forgot to get the one below this, but it's more anthologies, lots of them over Japanese works.

I highly, highly recommend the 1001 Stories collection by Green Integer. I am still sad it never continued, because it's the most well-selected short story anthology I own.

>> No.4895868
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Last of anthologies, into African and Asian lit.

Hoping to begin Three Kingdoms after I'm done with Book of the New Sun, since I'm feeling like long stories lately.

>> No.4895875
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And into Japanese lit.

This one's disappointingly blurry, after The Scholars comes the first volume of Story of the Stone, then Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio, then a Lu Xun collection. These are probably my favorite two shelves - Kenko, Basho, Hearn, Sei Shonagon, Soseki and Pu Songling.

>> No.4895879
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More Japanese lit, into Taisho period.

>> No.4895880
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Dump incoming

>> No.4895884
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>> No.4895886
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Also really love this section, more pre-war Japanese literature. Kawabata is one of my favorite authors, and one of the first who go me into "real" literature, along with Soseki and Turgenev.

we will dump in tandem

>> No.4895894
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>> No.4895896
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Tail end of Japanese lit, getting into the more pulpy and easier reads. Yoko Ogawa and Banana Yoshimoto are probably by biggest guilty pleasures. They're like chick lit with more violence and mental illness.

>> No.4895908
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What is that huge colorful red one?

Into Russian, Scandinavian and Romanian lit. Several favorites here, including Jansson's The Summer Book and Daniil Kharms. Egil's Saga is missing, sitting in the living room in the first pic.

>> No.4895919
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I think I might have messed up my order here, but then it goes Greek & Roman, Serbia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Netherlands and Austria.

So much love for Twisted Spoon Press here - if anyone hasn't heard of them, they do Central European avant-garde, and all their books are pleasingly strange, if not wholly excellent. Their Kafka editions are snazzy hardcovers too.

>> No.4895927
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>> No.4895929
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German, Italian and French lit.

I definitely need to flesh out these areas better, though they aren't what I concentrate on in my studies. Thin one near the end is Ubu Roi, the red unreadable one on bottom middle is Gerard de Nerval, from the wonderful if frustratingly-shaped Exact Change. Why their books have to be 1/3 longer than all the rest I don't know. Hebdomeros on top also is.

>> No.4895935
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film stuff

>> No.4895937
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And finally into English lit. This one probably feels stereotypical, as they are mostly things bought for classes. I probably wouldn't have read so many thick Victorian novels if I hadn't taken Victorian literature three times for lack of choice. But Middlemarch has ended up being one of my favorites of all time.

>> No.4895948

It was a mighty good dump.

Digging the love for Kawabata. Snow Country is one of my all time favourites.

The Hindus: An Alternate History by Wendy Doniger.

Caught it at my local thrift shop (the best place to buy books imo) and haven't gotten a chance to read it. I went through a whole Eastern phase after I first read Siddhartha

>> No.4895949
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More English, Scottish and Irish.

Peake is still unread, though I think I might be feeling him after Wolfe. I never know what I'm going to read, really.

>> No.4895957
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Okay, reaching end now, beginning with American lit.

More of a lot of things bought for classes, though I still haven't bought my favorite Faulkner - Absalom, Absalom.

>> No.4895965
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More American. I was really into Dick for a while.

This one also has some big favorites - The Hearing Trumpet by Leonora Carrington (though she probably shouldn't be in American, I dunno where to put her) and Little, Big by John Crowley and Log of the S.S. The Mrs Unguentine by Stanley Crawford (his other book there is not so great). I also love the fuck out of Michael Dirda. If he had infinite books on books, I would just read him instead of coming to /lit/ at all.

>> No.4895971
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My upsettingly small Latin American collection. It will get bigger eventually, with the authors I've already read and loved through the library - Oliverio Girondo, Augusto Monterroso, Silvina Ocampo. Even if I have to print and bind them myself.

And that's it! Bottom is shamefur things I don't want to read anymore and can't give away, and my closet is too full of others like them to take more atm.

>> No.4895977

Would you help out with recommendations for our intro to film studies chart? It's over at http://4chanlit.wikia.com/wiki/Recommended_Reading/Non-fiction#Film

>> No.4895988

What does that huge George Eliot have in it? Have you read any, and how do you like what you have?

Nice, it looked like it would be something mystical. I'm not normally one to judge based on Amazon reviews, but at 2 stars on there with shitloads of reviews I mite b passing on it.

And thanks! My personal favorite of his is Master of Go, but I truly love them all. I still have Scarlet Gangs of Asakusa and The Old Capital saved up for myself.

>> No.4895990

Yeah absolutely. I'm just playing some vidya right now but I'll add to it later on tonight

>> No.4896018

Honestly I've only skimmed through certain passages but it has Middlemarch, Silas Marner and Amos Barton.

I really enjoy his descriptions of characters: "If you want to know more particularly how Mary looked, ten to one you will see a face like hers in the crowded street tomorrow..."

Really clever. I'll definitely have to read Middlemarch once I'm done with the Savage Detectives.
I might be taking a pass then on The Hindus book after reading some reviews. If it blatantly misses portions of information then what's the point of reading a Historical book?

I havent read Master of Go yet, but I've read Snow Country, The Sound of the Mountain (wasn't a huge fan, everyone was incredibly dramatic) and Thousand Cranes which I really liked but didn't really know why. What's your opinion on it?

>> No.4896027
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And it was mildly bothering me the missing shelf, so here is that. Partings at Dawn is the most appropriately named anthology for Japanese gay literature possible.

>> No.4896046


I know what you mean though, her way of getting a character down - one passage I love on that is:

"No nature could be less suspicious than hers: when she was a child she believed in the gratitude of wasps and the honorable susceptibility of sparrows, and was proportionately indignant when their baseness was made manifest."

Thousand Cranes is probably the one I would describe most as "delicate," more than Snow Country. It's just as dramatic as Sound of the Mountain, but everyone is so internally taut and it ends up being strangely more exhausting that the almost soap-operaness of Sound of the Mountain. I read it back when I was first learning about Japanese literature, so I should probably give it a reread now that I know significantly more about tea ceremony, origami, Japanese arts, etc. I imagine there's a lot to be missed.

>> No.4896057

Don't really want to make a new thread to ask, but what would be an author's average age based on when they release a book? Know the specific average for your own shelf?

>> No.4896060

>Know the specific average for your own shelf?
No that sounds fucking stupid.

>> No.4896063

OP here, No i'm a history major and I use most of these books as references. I just don't get rid of them because I just like collecting them, much like people collect records and shit. But I actually use my collected items unlike records.

And i made this thread because i like looking at bookshelves lol

>> No.4896068

Their first books?

I imagine early 30s. Though there are tons of outliers. I have Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio's first novel, written when he was 24. Alfred Jarry published Ubu Roi when he was 23.

>> No.4896161


>> No.4896235
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Only piece of literature I will ever need.

>> No.4896245

Eclectic collection, you seem like a cool dood.
You're an uptight dweeb.

>> No.4896536
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Rest in imgur album for convenience


>> No.4896548

Is Twenty-five Books that Shaped America a good read for learning more about literary history?

>> No.4896576

not really.

>> No.4896653
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who /kstew/ here?

>> No.4896686


>> No.4896901

I only use my kindle when backpacking cause I torrented like 500 books for it. But even when I'm suitcase travelling I don't use my kindle.

>> No.4896918
File: 148 KB, 1082x808, GDposterman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. O shit my nigga fellow dead head????

sick fucking tapestry. I got this up on my wall but it's on the opposite wall of my bookshelf. I just moved out of my college apartment so I haven't put most of my tapestries up yet.

>> No.4896933
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Also, to be totally honest, I have barely read any of those B&N classics I have. Pretty much everything between Caesar's Conquest of Gaul and The Canterbury Tales I haven't read lol, except Machiavelli's The Prince.. People keep getting them for me as gifts, which is totally awesome because I like just having the classics all in the same edition and I know I'll get to them eventually.

But The Scarlet Letter and Paradise Lost I got at a yard sale for fucking $0.25 each, how do you say no to that. And Anna Karenina I found on the beach, dope as fuck.

Here's a close up of my Penguin books
>Storm of Steel is a recent purchase (totally in WWI mode at the moment, half way through All Quiet On the Western Front)
>Lao Tzu was a gift that I don't really have any interest in reading

>> No.4897017
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>et al

That's a really neat collection anon.

>> No.4897223

I'm useless at code and won't remember to do this in the morning so if you're still here:

Italian Cinema - Peter Bondanella

Bergman on Bergman

Godard on Godard

Eyes Wide Open - Frederic Raphael

Master Shots (Vol. 1, 2 and 3) (EDUCATIONAL)

On Acting - Laurence Olivier

Conquest of the Useless - Werner Herzog


>> No.4897226

How is the Alexiad? I really have been wanting to get it for the longest time, but keep forgetting. Is it serious history or more prose0like?

In any case, I like your taste in books.

>> No.4897230

I see we have the same edition of the Heike Monogatari :o Love your collection, to be honest my bookcase is like 1/3 of that. But I'm very into Asian lit as well and you'll never forget the experience of reading the Three Kingdoms, don't put that one off.

>> No.4897244

Lol what do your books look like? Pages torn out, creases, stains? My books look pristine too and I've read them. I don't know why that should make them look like Igot them out of a used bookstore, though.

>> No.4897250

>I don't know why that should make them look like I got them out of a used bookstore, though.
Because, presumably, you have used them?

>> No.4897283
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I see.

>> No.4897284

right, and I have and they still look fine, because I read it and then put it back into the shelf. I don't eat on it, sit on it, etc. or do whatever some one would have to do for a book to look like crap after one reading. So I guess I'm wondering why people would assume books are unread simply because they aren't trashed.

>> No.4897288

>Not eating while you read
>Not leaving the book out open overnight
>Not bending the book over onto itself so you can comfortably read it one-handed
>Not breaking the spine and repairing it with packaging tape

Do you even live?

>> No.4897476

The only time my books get worn is when I take them on holiday. Otherwise I do almost all of my reading in the comfort of my bedroom so they don't have much opportunity to pick up wear and tear.

>> No.4897490

Fuck. I put my books in carry bags B4 putting them into my backpack so that the corners don't get all fucked.

Not concerned about the state of the spine though

>> No.4898341

Maybe he shares the shelf with his SO or something

>> No.4898379

This thread has made me way to concious about the fact that my books look pristine despite being read and also the relatively small size of my collection.

I live with other people thought so I don't have room for a fuckhuge shelf. Since I only got in to reading a year or two ago it consists of way too much Murakami for any sane person and every Orwell and McCarthy book, plus other assorted classics.

>> No.4898390

Same. I take books to work and wrap that shit up.

I just finished reading the Count of Monte Cristo again and despite being a huge book and obviously gets a lot of use, the only noticeable sign of use is the creases down the spine.

I'm reading another 1000 page book now and I'm about 75% of the way through and it looks good as new.

>> No.4898507

You have to read them for that.

>> No.4898563

>the buddhist religion


>> No.4898591

cool tip: assuming what others will think of someone elses collection makes you a presumptuous ass, and telling someone those assumptions over the internet likely means you have deep seated psychological issues.

>> No.4898789

Every fucking thread where people post their bookshelves turn into the following.
>Looks unread, must be unread.
>B&N? Plebs.
>Only one language?
>Entry level garbage.
>You only post to impress others. Who cares how many books you have. Ebook Master race.

Get used to it.

>> No.4898919


It's actually a decent intro though, if dry to get through. It was my least favorite part of a course on Buddhism, which also had Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, Dogen, some D.T. Suzuki and several Sutras. Obviously, the professor leaned towards Zen, and our final was two Soto Zen monks coming in and meditating with everyone.

>> No.4898938

Which same edition do you have, Tyler or McCullough translation? I am really pleased with Tyler's new translation of it, and advise anyone who gave up on it for being boring before to try out this new one.

You ought to post your shelves!

>> No.4899680
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>every book is in the same language

>> No.4900527

McCullough. I would post them but I won't be back home for a while.

>> No.4900688
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Rate mine, friends?

>> No.4900695

Doesn't really show any personal character or thought. It's the most popular books anyone trying to get into literature would read.

I'd rate you new reader/10

>> No.4900717

Yeah, I agree. What do you suggest I do?

>> No.4900724
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1st time doing anything like this, please go easy.


>> No.4900733
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>> No.4900766

Continue reading, stick around with the authors you like and find out who they liked, who inspired them, etc. Just keep reading, really. Everyone starts somewhere.

>> No.4900771

You already must know you're way too genre fiction for /lit/.

How did you like Musashi?

>> No.4900783


Good, but it kind of drags on through the middle.

>> No.4900788


Whats with the plush crab?

>> No.4900913


Couldn't find anywhere else to put it.

>> No.4900998


is that piss?

>> No.4901010


too much fun interesting stuff. read some depressing boring realistic stuff and get all depressed and then we'll talk

haha jk I've read some of your genre books. Would Gardens of the Moon appeal to someone who hasn't read much fantasy and tends towards shorter books?

>> No.4901027


>> No.4901057

I take it you are a brit? I have a surprising amount of the same books, even same editions, as you and very similar tastes.

>> No.4901072


No, Gardens of the Moon is an extremely long, convoluted book that takes lot of concentration to keep reading. The Malazan series is 10 books long with each book roughly 1000 pages each. Its definitely not light reading.


No, I am Australian.

>> No.4901074
File: 753 KB, 1000x1968, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to clear out some duplicates; i've rebought a couple of books from charity shops forgetting that i already had them

i also need a better camera

>> No.4901076


how the fuck can you afford all that and two good looking book cases

>> No.4901087

>No, I am Australian.
Ah righto, we do get similar covers. What state are you in, I have been all over Australia with the exception of NT?

>> No.4901089

Victoria, I used to live in the A.C.T. before that.

>> No.4901095

Nice :)

>> No.4901099

Can't really make out much man.

>> No.4901106
File: 2.55 MB, 3648x2736, library 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i cropped it so it'd all go on one picture, but even at full size it's mostly blurry thanks to my ultra shitty camera

>> No.4901112
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the other bits if anyone's really interested (which i doubt)

>> No.4901114

>similar covers

Actually I am pretty sure they are just British since most if not all of my books have the price listed in £.

>> No.4901117
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>> No.4901121

Does ANYBODY put their books in order by author or genre?


>> No.4901130

i'm not autistic if that's what you're asking

>> No.4901132

Mine are arranged by size because I'm OCD like that.

>> No.4901208


what I can see I like. You seem to have chosen nice looking copies of your books.

>> No.4901211


>not by time of authorship

>> No.4902251

That doesn't make much sense for me, with how few would fit into any genre except "literary."

I sort by country of origin, then chronologically. It makes more sense as a comparative literature person. Sorting by author's name does nothing.

>> No.4902989
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>> No.4903094
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Nice taste in publishers on the second and third shelves. Twisted Spoon Press, Dalkey, Exact Change, Atlas Press, Dedalus (their anthologies are the best), NYRB Classics.

You may already have some and I just can't tell because their books are tiny, but I think you would also like Wakefield Press.

>> No.4903178

Thanks, I have a couple of books form Wakefield Press they're lurking in the darkness.

>> No.4903194

and nothing was read.

>> No.4903223
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0/10 shitty bookshelf

>> No.4903230

0/10 absolutely disgusting

>> No.4903263

/lit/ tryhard/10

1/10 at least they try

>Dawkins unironically
hoo hoo

>bought soft-cover sets of Dostoevsky books
>hasn't cracked any of them
>hasn't cracked Sartre
>hasn't cracked Joyce
>possibly cracked a Penguin classic
>buying new Palahniuk books
pig disgusting/10, would not be friends with and would spread rumors about

Uhhh vapid "intellectual"/10
>unironically reading 'history' books on a subject

Thrift store shopper/10, unimpressed

Decent collection, would rapport with/10

>> No.4903283

>that lack of earthquake awareness


8/10 would have intellectual discussion with

jessus fuck dude what are you doing? get your shit together you fucking autistic retard

5/10 okay reader

7/10 decent collection

>> No.4903320

I think you'll be very hard pressed to find a lot my collection in thrift stores. Or maybe I've just had the bad luck to only experience bad ones.

What kind of places would have that much Soseki?

>> No.4903327

I guess so, I haven't seen much of the collection before of the images I looked at so I haven't really critiqued fairly. AFAIK your collection is fine

>> No.4903341
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Mine is kind of fucked right now

>> No.4903354

>/lit/ tryhard/10

You caught me. I got back into reading towards the end of last year and realized I didn't know what I liked anymore. So I saw you guys discussing stuff and I looked some up and it sounded neat so I read them and it was great and then the snowball kept rolling.

Thanks for the pomo!

>> No.4903390


>> No.4903595
File: 1.90 MB, 2900x1536, Bookshelves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the books on the bottom right are inherited and I haven't read them yet.

>> No.4903614

Is that your manifesto under the gun that you're going to use to kill four people in a local shopping mall before killing yourself?

>> No.4903664

Actually, I have read that biography about Hitler. It was boring.

>> No.4903670

>Being this much of a devastated commie

Don't shit your pants too hard now! Come on little guy, reply to me. You have to be super sarcastic, it mean you win!

>> No.4903675
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I was just making an edgy joke about mass murderers, I wasn't trying to imply anything more than that...

>> No.4903719

No worries, just make sure you go deeper into lit, pomo is fun and all but it's only one part of the literature experience

>> No.4903750
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Rate my desk books

>> No.4903754

I'm sorry. I have just seen so much snarky shitposting over gun laws it's insane. I'll try to rein in my PTSD.

>> No.4903768
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hey anon can youpost the lit version of this please¨thanks

>> No.4903769

all my read books are in my closet.

>> No.4903774



>> No.4903783


so between Basic Writings of Nietzsche and The Portable Nietzsche, how many pages are redundant?

>> No.4903906

Not very many:

"The Portable Nietzsche includes Kaufmann’s definitive translations of the complete and unabridged texts of Nietzsche’s four major works: Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, Nietzsche Contra Wagner and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. In addition, Kaufmann brings together selections from his other books, notes, and letters, to give a full picture of Nietzsche’s development, versatility, and inexhaustibility."

"Basic Writings of Nietzsche gathers the complete texts of five of Nietzsche’s most important works, from his first book to his last: The Birth of Tragedy, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, The Case of Wagner, and Ecce Homo."

I purposefully picked two books that don't contain a whole lot of cross-material

>> No.4904174

It's a scribbling of some Harvard latin and greek classic reading lists.

>> No.4904176


>> No.4904292

my closet is full of manuscripts actually

>> No.4904440

Do you always base your opinion on the fear of what someone else will think of you?

>> No.4904455

Should of had a copy of Atlus Shrugged in the middle of this and it would of been perfect.

>> No.4904541

What's wrong with Jack Kerouac?

>> No.4904611


>> No.4904827

there's nothing to get. this kid has nothing original to say. neither do you. you're just a lil piece of shit.

>> No.4904842

is it amateur psych night? you autist crank

>> No.4904941


Fuck off you retard, try explaining your reasoning next time.

>> No.4906030

Cool tip: Anyone who reads their books and keeps a bookshelf just so that nobody will think they read a lot and aren't a serial killer, is doing it wrong.

Read your books, and take good care of them (yeah, it's possible you greasy slob) by only opening them as much as you need as to not damage the spine. You get to keep the books looking nice, and lasting longer.