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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.4890629[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT we formulate the story we are working on or want to work on in a single sentence. Could be a short story, could be whatever.

Others rate your idea
>would read
>might read
>0/10 would burn

And offer inputs if they wish.

I'll go first:
>A young man escaping from home is accosted at a rest stop diner by a sexually ambiguous truck driver.

pic unrelated

>> No.4890647

That's not a story, that's a chapter.

>> No.4890656

Might read.

A young and up and coming politician in 1980s Bulgaria asks his writer friend to help him cover up a fuck up. The writer agrees but in exchange the politician has to help him track down his mother who was hospitalized in a psychiatric ward.

Spoiler: everyone loses when the wall comes down.

>> No.4890666

0/10 would't consider reading

might read

>> No.4890672

This sounds interesting.

wouldn't interest me.

>> No.4890690

Why wouldn't you consider it a story? Also, a chapter can easily form a story of its own.

Would read. Do you have any 'genre' in mind?

>> No.4890693

I hope your prose and the exuction are good. That's a great idea.

>> No.4890714

When I first started to thinking of it I wanted to write a first person narration with a strong autobiographical tone (similar to the 50s modernist confessions of Moravia and Bernhard).

Now I'm thinking of switching to third person and add follow a little bit more the style of the eastern block writers like Grusa and Kadare.

Also in the beginning I was thinking of using minimal research (just using people that I personally know and were in bulgaria in the 80s to make them assess how credible is the story) but reading Kushner in the Flame Throwers and Adam Johnson in the Orphan Master's Son made me kinda reconsider how much you can do with a lot of good research.

>> No.4890740

Well I don't know about that. But here is the first sentence though:

Whenever asked how he could write such comical stories, A. would reply "because I was born from an infirm woman," and laugh.

>> No.4890759

I agree with you on Orphan Master's Son, though that book had so much research it seemed like it was dying to show it off at times, eventually telling too many 'grueling' stories for my taste. It was well written and very well composed, but it was too slick and constructed to really strike me.

I think you can research too much, at least in the opening stages. I believe you should start writing some, just to get a feel for what it is you want to write, to get some passion going, which means a lot if you want to stick with it through the entire process.

Also I don't mean to nitpick, but that sentence is really great except for the final add-on, "and laugh." It's a far more interesting entry, to me at least, if you simply do away with that. His reply becomes dubious.

>> No.4890901

Short story

>a husband and wife duo launch a surprise water balloon attack on their kids

>> No.4890910

would read

>> No.4890943


/lit/ only has three ideas collectively?

not sure why i'm surprised

>> No.4890971

These both are very good point. I'll keep them in mind. I also thought instead of comic stories to write "wonderful stories" in the first sentence, more malinchonic of a mood but maybe too pretentious.

Thank you for the encouragement.

>> No.4891156

That sounds like it would just be the author yelling at or making fun of the audience.

Depends on whose perspective it's from, I assume the politician. Sounds interesting, though I'm not sure how much you can milk it for before it becomes a series of plot extenders.

10/10 this is the next DFW

I have a ton of ideas, so if anyone wants, I could post more.

A man is put on trial for taking a group of 100 newborns and locking them in a mansion with no windows or doors leading outside and gives them no contact with any outsider except for the necessary feeding and cleaning to observe a number of things about how and why humans are the way they are.

>> No.4891265
File: 276 KB, 755x416, thrift-shop-macklemore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invent a time machine and send Macklemore back to Woodstock, causing much scandal and hilarity.

>> No.4891332

A young psychiatric resident at McLean accidentally farts while speaking with a beautiful patient about an embarrassing sexual incident from her past. Both of them pretend that they heard nothing and try to continue their conversation, but the would-be-psychiatrist simply cannot stop farting. He tightly squeezes his anus shut and tries to talk over his increasingly loud farts, but it's pointless. By the end of the session the resident is shouting random platitudes at his patient and the room smells very bad.

>> No.4891340

I know you think that you're lelsorandumbxD, but really he just would get no attention from anyone because his music is shit and hippies don't listen to pop-rap.

>> No.4891346

A girl is convinced that she is Trans-sylvanial- that she is actually a vampire on the 'inside'- and is continuously encouraged by her parents and friends, even as she has terrible digestive problems from regularly consuming blood and begins to kill people out of bloodlust.

>> No.4891348


if this was a short story done correctly it could be pretty amusing

>> No.4891351

>A series of trance-like interludes from the discovery of a new marijuana strain to the successful growth and dealing.

>> No.4891355

would read

might read
if the execution is not typical YA style

would read if it is a short story and if the story doesn't take itself too seriously.

>> No.4891357

XD epic social commentary

>> No.4891373

Definitely not YA. Think the kind of graphic murder from American Psycho. Only a teenage girl who has actually convinced herself that this is the right thing to do.
Yeah, I'm kind of tired of this "everyone is a special snowflake let's encourage individuality at all costs" bullshit

>> No.4891383

Balance it properly though. 2edgy4me otherwise. Would be great if you could have a backdrop of world events that make sense along with her transformation.

>> No.4891557

sounds like the lit equivalent of peeing on someone's face and calling it ahrt


>> No.4891574

The story of my dick and how it became acquainted with your mom.

>> No.4891581


>> No.4891594



>> No.4891596

Two kids unpack the fact that everyone in their families is dead while dealing with the social issues of being orphaned in a fantasy setting.

>> No.4891599

what do you mean 'unpack'? Unpack to whom? The readers?

>> No.4891606

And to eachother.

>> No.4891609

The tale of a frog, his lake and an unwelcome guest.

>> No.4891666

What if instead of telling a story by telling a story we told a story by observing the dreams of the people involved in the story.

>> No.4891677


7/10 would read. Seems like a fairytale almost.


Two aliens crash land on Earth in 2100, realize the planet is fucked up beyond belief, try to escape, and end up becoming mankinds saviours.

>> No.4891698

0/10 would burn

5/10 might read if i hear its well written

7/10 framing it as the trial seems pretty cool actually


post-post-modern as fuck

not sure if your description of the story is shit or if your story is shit

>> No.4891709
File: 691 KB, 480x640, 1370119245295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy goes into depression/persecution mania when he convinces himself thatthe moon is a evil entity. As he slowly descends into madness, he tries to appeas said entity trough human sacrifices.

pic kinda unrelated.

>> No.4891716
File: 957 KB, 500x418, costanzajazz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this idea of having a gold-fever, Borges knife-fighting sort of story, where a man finds a weird machine buried on the ground, and it turns out it's one of the Voyager probes and he's really living on another planet but everyone just forgot about it since mankind left Earth so long ago and lots of civilizations rose and collapsed in the meantime
It's probably been done better before, though.

Also a story about a guy who's commited to a hospital for no reason and there's something Lovecraftian living in the basement, but it turns out the guy is really in an insane asylum and there is nothing there. The story is told by an unreliable narrator with lots of footnotes and shit correcting the actual story, and it turns out the crazy guy is writing his own story and correcting it at the same time.
Again, it's probably been done before.

>> No.4891718

>A man is put on trial for taking a group of 100 newborns and locking them in a mansion with no windows or doors leading outside and gives them no contact with any outsider except for the necessary feeding and cleaning to observe a number of things about how and why humans are the way they are.

Research Romanian orphanages if you want more information about how this would turn out IRL.

>> No.4891726

10/10 would fanboy over.

>> No.4891729

>The story is told by an unreliable narrator with lots of footnotes and shit correcting the actual story,

Hey, I like that. I think I'll just steal your idea, thanks.

>> No.4891733

Post it here when you're done so I can steal it back, please.

>> No.4891747

I don't get why ppl like the parents short story. Sounds terrible to me and I can't think of a single way which you could pull it off without being sentimental.

>> No.4891754

you know how in moby dick he builds up the whale with all those legends and shit about it?

well that but with water balloon fights

>> No.4891755


>> No.4891763

10/10 would fanboy too
pls write them

>> No.4891777

Why would one think the other doesn't know?

>> No.4891782

might read

>> No.4891800

But short story. Novel yes I can see being some hysterical realism stuff.

Shorty story you would get at best Alice Munro + childhood nostalgia + millennial fantasies of happy families (borrowed from detergent commercials)

>> No.4891887

Small colony gets established on Mars. After a while, everybody starts to struggle with depression/psychosis due to extreme isolation. Communications are lost. Two investigators try to find out who sabotaged the colony.
In the end, thay discover the colony has been destroyed by a natural disaster and understand how little and powerless mankind is in front of nature.

The story should be told through video-letters and mission logs (captain's log anyone?).

>> No.4891918
File: 76 KB, 456x474, 8787585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone hated my idea

good thread though, we should do these more

>> No.4892006

The life of a boy is observed by the reader as he grows to the age of 25. His ideals, fears, thoughts and dreams are presented to the audience, and this character is a Byronic hero. After the demise of his love he decides to take action.

Your every movement, every smile, every step is a dance to me, your profile's curvature the horizon-bed of a rising sun! Parry, riposte, your wit surely writ in the stars, for are they not but a pale imitation? In my eyes you blaze brighter than Jupiter as he appeared to Semele, yet parting from you again and again is an inevitability that makes me feel like Sisyphus in his doomed task. So the stars, although a pale imitation, keep me distracted until you once again hold me transfixed. Arrogance I feel with you, or rather pride; let the artists have their masterpieces, let the rich have their wealth, let all have their dilettante, fleeting treasure. I feel like the envy of kings and immortals, as if I might declare to any tormentor that their task is in vain, I have triumphed, I have won! You stun and relieve, amaze and conceive in me such hopes and dreams that life looks all the better for it. So that's why I feel in awe, because there is respect, and amazement, and some fear. But I love you, and love every day I am with you, and the mere possibility of more to come; whilst the prospect of your absence makes the sun shine that little bit duller.

>> No.4892054

Collection of short stories a la Valkyrie Profile, people dying tragically, misunderstood, and how they fucked up during their lifetimes one way or another.

In the end they get judged by a Valkyrie, who judges them and comments on the lives they've lived so far, and asks them what they have to say in their defense, giving a reader knowledge of the various temptations they may come across during his/her lifetime.

Think Chekhov, except the main character always dies at the end of the story.

Still thinking about how to write it though.

Also, does anyone have experience with selfpublishing on Amazon? People who write erotica need not respond.

>> No.4892257

Possibly could be funny, but would have to be pretty well done. I doubt I'd seek it out specifically, but if it were in a collection of short stories I wouldn't skip it.

This is actually hilarious just from the premise.

Not intended that way but I see what you mean

(the trial thing)
Yeah. Thinking about the German scientist guy who experimented on people, and despite his inhumane methods, we still use it, which seems hypocritical in a way, but understandable.

Will do! Thanks!

I'm not sure why it's being written, though.


That could potentially be interesting, but it depends on the fantasy setting and how you deal with it.


That sounds interesting, though my dreams rarely involve my life so I'm not sure if that would actually be accurate.

Not... very original... at all

>Slowly descends into madness
I would consider reading this or watching the movie but that phrase made me not want to. Try to avoid the clichés

I... I would read this.

It's a joke

This doesn't sound super interesting. It reminds me of a number of stories that I didn't give a shit about in my high school sci fi class

Sounds interesting but I probably wouldn't read it unless someone whose literary opinion I respected suggested it too me.

Idea number two because fuck it, I've responded to almost everything in this thread.

This is actually two in one with either the Sandman or a human hired by a non-present implied God (probably the former since the later would require commentary on God): A Rube-Goldberg like scenario in which a bunch of things (usually small things) are set into place (in the God story, the main character would question why she's asked to do these things, in the Sandman story, I'd have to find some bread to fill it) that causes a bunch of various things to happen that results in something or other important happening, like curing cancer or the assassination of the president who would have ignited world war three.

>> No.4892259

>post-post-modern as fuck
I want to take this as a compliment

>> No.4892278

>tfw stealing the would burns and making Paris Review-shittier stories out of them

>> No.4892483

The concept is pretty interesting. I definitely agree that the trial itself could be very interesting. Like, maybe the guy is defending himself based on what he learned. But if there were no windows and doors, how did they get in and out to deliver food?

>> No.4892624

this should be a chapter in a book about a guys whose whole life is unbearably awkward.

>sexually ambiguous
Is that like an ugly trap? sounds like one of those crazy movies where the bad guy gets ran over by his own diesel truck. See Joyride.

my idea.
a little league baseball team are cheated out of their chance to go to an out of state championship game. they agree run away from home to raid the final game.

>> No.4892671

A dead bear is unanimously elected government, and peace for America seems imminent, but a group of anarchists kidnap the president. While driving with the dead bear in the truck, one of the anarchists can't handle the guilt, and crashes the car Willy Loman style.

Also, it's a screenplay.

>> No.4893307

No apparent windows and doors, I should say. There would probably be a door that could only be opened from one side, which would eventually be replaced by some sort of food dispenser or dispensers throughout the place.
My favorite part is the different aspects to examine. How would the culture develop, considering they don't have to worry about food too much? What sort of language would exist? They probably would want to go back to their mansion as well: are they used to it, or is our world simply more horrible than theirs?
And then there's the trial itself. I think it offers up numerous opportunities to talk about things.

I probably wouldn't read but I've never enjoyed sports-stories. Might be good as po-mo or po-po-mo.

This would be great backward. Irréversible style.

>> No.4893411

Man this is a difficult exercise

all the stuff I'd like to write is comprised of shitty done-to-death premises but I want to avoid the cliches and have a new take on them

of course that's not possible with a sentence

whatever, my backup is this

>A man learns his son needs a transplant and puts him on a transplant list with 10 applicants before him, which slowly drives the father crazy and he tries everything to shorten that list of people

>> No.4893419

A great warrior must journey through a realm of ice and snow to reach the queen of the dead.

>> No.4893422

>Why wouldn't you consider it a story? Also, a chapter can easily form a story of its own.

Because it sounds more like a premise than a plot.

>> No.4893500

An intelligent, but uneducated, high school drop-out stumbles upon the collected works of many philosophers in a box marked "free" on a sidewalk corner; he takes them and eventually, after much cerebration, decides to read them; he starts with the Greeks.

>> No.4893510

sounds like a thinly-veiled made for TV educational show on philosophy

>would watch in high school class at least thankful it's not a real lesson
>would not be caught dead watching otherwise

>> No.4893524

Generally it'll be hard to convince people to read "A new take on a classic," as that in and of itself is a cliché
I kind of want to suggest Repo! The Genetic Opera but it's shit so don't watch it


I would suggest that you never mention him reading the books, but you could title chapters after a philosopher and have the chapter (and his life) deal with something related to the philosopher. The more mentioned the philosopher is they worse it would be, though, to some extent.

>> No.4893526

>A baby crow gets lost in London and encounters a senior Goldman Sachs executive who, mistaking the crows penchant for shiny objects for latent Jewish talent, immediately offers him a job trading high-risk stocks
>Simultaneously a fascinating insight into the workings of an investment banking firm from the perspective of a young bird, and a harrowing tale about isolation and family.

>> No.4893546 [DELETED] 

So the world's shitty and everybody's unhappy working shit jobs, but rich and powerful people create reservations where people can leave everything behind and live life primitively or like people in developing civilizations, but this grows so much that societies with their own cultures and beliefs are created over hundreds of years and the rich/powerful people overseeing it are like gods that oversee everything and do as they please to influence the society, since they have all this future technology that makes them literally like gods to the people.

Sorry for the run on, its not really one sentence. The controllers would just do their god shit in offices or something with that sort of hundreds of monitors with camera feeds set ups.

>> No.4893548

very interesting, I'm getting sort of a The Village/ Truman Show vibe here with some twists


>> No.4893551

What, that's a wonderfully original idea. You should definitively write that. I know for certain that nothing of the sort has ever been conceived of, let alone written, and you would go down in the history as a guy that had an incredibly original idea. Just fantastic.

>> No.4893562

I just deleted it cause I think I'll start it and post it here later. I've just been trying to come up with something that writes itself and I think this is it.

>> No.4893566

is the young man feminine enough to trap, any forced feminization?
lost me at tracking down the mother but everything else was good, would read.
fuck no
this would be good, so long as you stick with evidential studies as your basis for the results rather than some b/s hollywood type consequence
that is what makes it so funny/awesome, no one would give af and he'd probably break down mentally, would read
both sound very decent

>> No.4893581

Is there more plot? What does reading all this philosophy do for him?
Would read, if it turned out to be sufficiently fucked-up.

My current story: In a vaguely present day Britain run by 'communists' in the style of the Chinese Communist Party, a hip, sexy French musician runs afoul of a political power feud between two local party bosses and discovers that all of her talent and her penchant for hipster leftist theatrics has in fact been manufactured by the Party for her benefit since birth.

>> No.4893594


Writers writing about writers ... please no.

Why not.

Not too bad.


Wasn't it supposed to be one sentence? And, no.

Sounds somehow familiar. Why not.

Not too bad.

Why not.

Pretty decent.



Kinda predictable.

Lol´d. Would probably give a second look.


Tricky. I love Byronic heroes, so if you can pull it off, maybe. Though sounds not that interesting TBH.

I came. 8/10

Nah. Not my genre at all.

Why, yes! Could be interesting.

Pretty decent actually. It's not the innovative premises that makes a story good, it's the execution.

Not too amazing but definitely can turn decent if you can write.

So you write like, his commentary on the works?

Wait what. Though sure, not too bad.

Ugh, done. It's always funny to see how ideas that try to be overly creative and complex tend to sound rather boring.

>> No.4893596

Ah, I should have said that they meet as strangers.
Thank you for your encouragement. Though I'm hardly disinterested enough to be a proper judge, I think I've got a good handle on the whole "fantasy" thing.
I'm a sinner for bragging, but I think I'm fairly well read in classical works containing the fantastic. I've read from Gilgamesh to the Odyssey and from the Divine Comedy to Alice in Wonderland. I'd like to think I've done my best to leave no stone unturned in my pursuit of researching the fantastic. I can only hope it'll do my work good.

>> No.4893597

A group of New York socialites is trapped in a penthouse ballroom during the worst snowstorm in North American history.

>> No.4893600

It’s a fantasy story.
The villainess succumbs to catatonic madness, leaving her minions to carry on the evil plan, the only people who know she exists are trying to convince a government that is the puppet of two separate conspiracies to take her down, and a semi-omniscient being barely capable of coherent thought attempts to orchestrate the apocalypse while being manipulated by the gods that lobotomized it.
That's the best I can do in one sentence.

>> No.4893601

here's mine;one novel, all these stories are intertwined, don't worry about how (that's the original part)

>14yo runaway, street punk girl, turned hooker befriends a wealthy libertine (also,street punktype situations occur)
>cop gets fired after trayvon martin type incident; gets hired by private military company (blackwater type shit)
>wealthy libertine (the one in a platonic relationship with minor hooker) allows his depravity to ruin himself
>international fraternal organization, comprised of the world's richest and brightest, of which our libertine is a member, orchestrates occupy type protests to force martial law

>> No.4893602

An interesting idea. Seems suspenseful. If you made it so that each event seems like it's going to be the biggest and the last, I'm sure you'll have your audience on the edge of their seats waiting for the next chapter.

>> No.4893607

fuck yeah, i'd read

>if /pol/ wrote a novel

>> No.4893771
File: 296 KB, 939x832, waterballoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10/10 this is the next DFW
>would read
>Why not.

>> No.4893776

>14 year old hooker

Trashed! staring Pen Jillette

>> No.4893788

A scuba diver and a native free diver from the neighboring island encounter each other under water, and the free diver is accidentally killed, though neither of them is at fault.

>> No.4893805

That dialogue is fantastically awkward he typed.

>> No.4893806

A novel about a depressed man's daily struggles.

>> No.4893830

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.4893847

Figures. Thanks.

>> No.4893855

Usually I am the last to complain about it, but all the adverbs is bit too much IMO.

>> No.4893857

Don't take it too harshly. Finish writing the thing, put it out of your mind entirely for a month or two then come back to it and you'll see how to correct it.

>> No.4893880

> I am Tao lin except in South Africa living off of Sakawa, and it ends with me buying a new computer with the money I made.

>> No.4893898

>her softness
GRRM pls go

>> No.4893911

More encouragement!
Thank you.

>> No.4893922

>people actually contributing good ideas
>people actually replying with sound advice
>people actually writing out their ideas and posting it in the thread
>people enjoying themselves

Why can't we be like this all the time? ;_;

>> No.4893963

A man with a recent heart surgery, starts going to an abandoned olympic stadium to run and keep healthy, he meets a young boy there and later on he discovers that hes a ghost and he can see him beacuse the transplanted heart is from the boy

>> No.4893973

Add some social commentary and you have an Oscar screenplay. Maybe the man is black?

>> No.4893978

the man is played by bruce willis, the boy is played by nicholas cage

>> No.4893989

malcolm in the middle did it first (see: the episode where francis is picked up by a truck driver that makes him do weird stuff)

>> No.4893991

>people enjoying themselves

>> No.4894357

Forgot to post my and one sentence is sure a pain. Oh well.

Young man is wanted by the government for a crime he didn't commit, meets femme fatale, joins a nebulous evil ... err morally questionable organization then tries to acquire enough power to free his crush/girlfriend from the most secure and most horrible prison in the world. (which is as big as a country)

>byronic hero with conflicted morals
>lots of characters
>even more conspiracies and intrigues
>mostly sarcastic tone
>balance between YA, magical realism and science fiction

and many, many dialogues because I dislike direct descriptions

>> No.4894621

Yeah, I'm hoping that I'll get the chance to research this. Looking into Romanian Orphanages, as someone suggested, as well as Identical Twins separated at birth, who seem to have a lot of similarities.
I mean, if the kids would die, I'm going to take some... creative liberties because otherwise there's not much story there.

I probably wouldn't read it, but I'm sure others would.

What kind of fantasy world? Full out high fantasy? Urban or Rural? Surreal? Perhaps the modernized world of a high fantasy universe?
And remember: anyone can world build. Don't make it the basis for your story.

That sounds rather uninteresting, but it completely depends where you take it.

This sounds overcomplicated, but then again some people Love overcomplicated.

I wouldn't call a series of related short stories "original." It's an idea I've had myself many times. Asimov has done it, so has Card. The movie "Crash" (the 2004 one, not the one based on ballard's story) does something similar as well.
However, if you want to go with that, please do, it's a lot of fun. I'm not sure how much you can do with what you've said, but it might be interesting.

My main problem is, I'm not sure if I should go with the Sandman version, which doesn't seem to have anything besides him planning which I don't want to write about, or the non-present God thing, which would involve... God and commentary on God which I'd rather not deal with early on in my writing career (or lack thereof)

I'm unsure as to what else would happen or why I care.

I agree dickweed.
No, but, see, people care more when they put up their own stuff.
Or something.

Reverse Seven Pounds?
Could be interesting depending on how you do it.

"As big as a country"
That would be too big. City maybe. I'd even be willing to accept county. If it's as big as even a small country, chances are those people have wonderful living conditions.
Sounds like a pretty standard YA/dystopian story.
So Divergent/Host/Hunger Games?

I'm posting another idea because fuck you why not.
I actually could use some pointers on this one. I want to write a dystopian novel or short story that takes place in a strange fusion of Catch-22 and Brave New World kind of, but I have no idea where to take the story.

>> No.4894664

>If it's as big as even a small country, chances are those people have wonderful living conditions.
Well, mid sized country. Prison was just the best word I can come up with for now, working camp isn't too bad either I suppose.

It's not totally regulated like the typical jail and closer to the ones in South America, where people are left to do whatever they want behind the walls. Or a more dystopian version of North Korea.

Though generally the story plays in a decent world comparable to ours, that gets messed up a bit by the protagonist (think terrorism/riots) but still stays civil. The nasty bits are hidden pretty well.

>> No.4894674

>fusion of Catch-22 and Brave New World
Oh and do tell more. Sounds hard to pull off for sure.

>> No.4894747

Work camp would make a lot more sense.
Like Australia was originally, then?
Well not originally. After British Colonization.
I think I understand. That actually sounds pretty interesting.

Trying to be anyway. It's rather difficult to explain. The best I can do is give you the draft I wrote a few years ago before realizing I had no where to take it.

>> No.4894762

>selfpublishing on Amazon?
>People who write erotica need not respond.

>thinking about selfpublishing
>having standards


>> No.4894766

> mild case of death
top kek

Though I have hard time judging it outside of noting that the writing is generally pretty witty.

>> No.4894770

An ancient hero is ressurrected by an incompetent sorcerer then kills his brother who betrayed him long ago

>> No.4894846

What kind of fantasy world?
Well, I'd say characterizing a world in the breadth of a 4chan post is a bit beyond me. I guess my main characters do give interviews to an angel and a succubus early on in the story. Just something like that would put it in the "high" range of fantasy, I should think.
As for your other questions, the locales change as the plot demands; I avoid writing what I can't adequately describe; and the levels of modernization can be anywhere from near industrial to hunter-gatherer depending on the region.

And your advice is well taken. As much as I like the world I've built, the story is about the characters before anything else.

>> No.4894976

It's about a school deep within a set of woods that focuses on wilderness survival in preparation for an apocalypse. Only the best and brightest students will be chosen to be preserved and saved via cryogenically frozen, as the time for the apocalypse on Earth draws near students begin to wonder whether or not there really is one as the bodies begin to appear.

>> No.4894985

I wouldn't say they are interrelated short stories a la crash but thanks, it's my baby, I've ghost written several novels and autobiographies so having my own work almost completed really gets me hard
Wow, what a constructive post, this will surely help,

>> No.4894993

If Jesus hadn't been condemned to crucifixion, he would've had to do it himself.

>> No.4895009

I wrote a short story once where 'Jesus' was a title conferred on prophetic teachers rather than one specific person.
>I was then expelled from that Jesuit prep

>> No.4895034


That's descriptive enough that I feel that I've already read it.




This could be cool. I'm thinking something like J.G. Ballard's "The Life and Death of God".


... And?


If it's like Lois Bunuel (The Exterminating Angel, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie), I'm sold.

>> No.4895037


I should note a lot of the stuff set in the school with the students killing one another is all based around psychology stuff about young people and authority with a little influence from the TV show The Prisoner.

>> No.4895093

write this now

>> No.4895130

That's the hope.
Unfortunately, without direction the story is dead in the water.

The sorcerer is incompetent yet brought back a person? Odd world.

Sounds a bit like Steampunk, but maybe less flashy. Generally when we talk about modernization we talk about the most modern civilization in the world.
>Angel and succubus
Different planes of existence as well? Or just the one?
Also, you can go by number of species. There's a big difference in the worlds of fae/fairy (King Arthur, Lost Girl, Harry Potter to an extent), Tolkien-ian Orgre/Troll/Goblin/Human/Half-ling, and ghost/underworld/angels&demons (like Supernatural). Not to say there's no mix and match.

Like a cult? Might be interesting.

Good luck, sir.

Is this a plot idea?

>> No.4895189


It's the punchline. Actual story is about a homeless street vagabond who comes to Christianity as a means of escaping nihilism, onset by all the dead ends in his life (sexuality, race, class, crime, the circuitous structure of the city itself), and he climbs a high-rise tenement staircase to crucify himself on the rooftop and flings himself off.

He lands in a garbage can and the story immediately shifts tone into the public's reaction to his symbolic sacrifice. Selfies are taken, performance art is declared dead, 4chan and Reddit compete to churn out reaction images. And so on, all sorts of things.

But it might not end with his death. After all, he believed in a God who would recognize him.

It's inspired by Jean Baudrillard, J.G. Ballard, Malcolm X, and The Passion of the Christ.

>> No.4895214

It is overcomplicated. My description barely scratched the surface. I have something of a complexity addiction.

>> No.4895215
File: 36 KB, 720x540, 1546109_10203049264739775_7871626805458318886_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the one sentence rule.

>Narrator's mother passes away.
>He founds her grandmother stuff in his mother's old house.
>Grabs a picture of a girl.
>Starts remembering the story his grandma used to tell him about the father of this girl
>Guy was a mexican living in a matriarcal house; his mother could foresee the future and made a living out of it. Satanist (Santeria) cult and stuff. (Narrator's grandma was part of this)
>Guy left his house to study math on college
>Dropped out to marry a nice catholic girl
>He was raised a tool so his wife boss her around just like his mother used to
>Commentary about bad (mexican, satanist) matriarcal households and good ones (catholic, american).
>(Narrator is mexican too and was raised oppresed by a matriarcal house hold too, like all of us mexicans)
>The plot starts climaxing when guy's daugther dies misteriously around cats (simbolism of cats appear since the beginning: cats used for rituals, the girl herself is described as feline)
>Turns out the girl was ritual murdered by the narrator's grandma.
>She only used to tell this story to the narrator because she felt guilty knowing death was coming and no one else would lister to her because od the atrocities she comitted

The short story is in spanish tho, but here's the first paragraph:

"El nombre de la niña en la fotografía no lo recuerdo. El de su padre sí, de él me acuerdo bien, se llamaba Adán y enseñaba matemáticas en la facultad de ingeniería. Estas personas debían ser conocidas de mi abuela o familiares lejanos o tal vez sus vecinos. Pero creo que sí eran, de algún modo, familiares, ya que ahora recuerdo a mi abuela discutiendo con la más joven de mis tías, diciéndole que seguir viendo al tal Adán sería caer en pecado. El asunto es que mi abuela los conocía muy bien, y a veces, cuando quería asustarme, me relataba su historia."

>> No.4895219

I guess modernity is relative.
Different planes? If you're asking about places like a heaven or a hell, I took inspiration from Dante and made those physical places one can go if one went through the right channels. But yes, there are other planes. Seeing as my characters have no reason to visit them, though, they won't get much mention.
And my research has exposed me to a plethora of species from which to draw inspiration. There'll be no shortage of different monsters, intelligent races, and the spectrum between.

>> No.4895227

This could also be the punchline to the story set around an 'more' fictional Jesus, who is both how he is in the Bible, but also goes around pissing people off on purpose, because he knows that he has to die. Only all of his attempts to get other people to kill him fail, and they just ignore him.

>> No.4895292

That sounds much more interesting than the first thing you said.

You might want to dumb it down. I mean, I enjoy complexity, but a lot of people don't.

What I'm hearing is that America Good, Mexico Bad. Catholicism Good, Satanism Bad.

A bit, it is.
It actually sounds fairy (fairly*) interesting. Good luck to you.

>> No.4895298

its more like "good" and "bad", it's a commentary on perception. to me they're not bad or good, just awful.

>> No.4895320
File: 1.32 MB, 1366x768, True-detective-1x02-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racist murders the police can't solve because due to their own racism they're looking in the wrong direction in a poor, run-down shithole town in the former GDR, also Neo-Nazis engaging or trying to engage in the supernatural.

It's actually gonna be a video game script

>> No.4895329

>implying I want people to read my story who need it dumbed down
It's not even as complicated as WoT or SoIaF. The main cast and supporting cast is fewer than twenty characters, not counting very minor/bit characters. Anyone who can keep up with Jordan or Martin will have no problem with my story, and there are plenty of people who can.

>> No.4895398

>implying I want people to read my story who need it dumbed down
>implying you're relevant

>> No.4895414


So, is it an FPS?

It also sounds like it could be a JRPG.

>> No.4895418

That only applies to critique and interpretation after the story is published. While I'm still writing, I'm the ONLY person whose opinion is relevant.

>> No.4895428

1st or 3rd person exploration and puzzle-solving, more like. Gunning down enemies non-stop would completely ruin the mood I seek to create.

>> No.4895432

Well might as well get my first novel idea bashed early.

>18 year old male and the ghost of his childhood friend must find out the secrets to the lake in which the ghost drowned in.

>> No.4895433

That sounds rather interesting, especially with your puzzle-solving comment further down the thread. I'd play it.

>> No.4895436


Well, if you're going for an atmosphere of brooding racial tension, there's no better way to accomplish that than forcing the player to murder waves upon waves of black people, on the way to discovering who the REAL murderer is in a cutscene.

>> No.4895438

hahaha what

>> No.4895442

Thanks. The idea is basically Twin Peaks or True Detective in East Germany plus Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund(look it up on Wikipedia, it's completely bonkers)

>> No.4895455


It'd be like a subversive BioShock Infinite or something. People like BioShock Infinite. Don't you want to make money?

It is within your power to save racism from the awful decline it's been undergoing. It's like people don't even believe we're biologically superior anymore. So, of course, what you want to do is incorporate some genetic modifications a la Deus Ex into the setting...

The second half of your idea is literally just any Wolfenstein game, I guess, and the rest wouldn't be out-of-place in a Mother sequel. I roll my eyes at videogames tackling Serious Issues, especially by way of fantastical devices.

>> No.4895464

Severely depressed 18 yo guy whose gf just died gets the visit of an acquaintance and a stranger who drove him into searching for drugs on a guetto resembling a dark spiral labyrinth. He ends up killing a severely depressed fat mexican drug dealer whose daughter was just killed by a higher range drug dealer and he was beated while seeking for revenge. (there's a social commentary on hot the police works, as two police officers show up and imply they just take care of the killer as was promised to the fat man by the local drug lord) (There's also worth saying that they killed the dealer because they were looking for the killer [they only know his name] but got them mixed up, so the fat man thinks they're mocking him about his daugther)

TLDR; Severy depressed guy kills severy depressed fat mexican dealer.

>> No.4895472

Oh wow. Just looked it up.
If you could incorporate the sense of panic that the NSU surely stirred up in the German people....

>> No.4895475

>severely depressed
>18 years old

sounds good otherwise

>> No.4895476

Learn to spell. And write coherently.

>> No.4895478


It's a thing. An insufferable thing, but a thing nonetheless.

>> No.4895480

I know, i rushed it. The short story is written in spanish tho.

>> No.4895490

It didn't. At all. Since the victims were all of Turkish or Greek ethnicity(except for the police officer), ze good ol' Krauts didn't give a shit. The police actually interrogated the widow of one victim right after the murder and pressured her into confessing the murder. That was like, the seventh victim or so. The confession included that she had killed the other six so as to cover up the actual deed. Over the course of years.

>> No.4895493

Huh. I thought Germans had a pathological fear of nationalists.

>> No.4895495
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I wish.

>> No.4895497

Professor at some kind of CIA academy tells his students that the grading distribution for his class is a zero-sum game, and that if each of them does perfectly they'll get a 50%. Students have to sabotage each other by any means short of killing.

Not something I'm actually going to work on. Might work as some silly anime though.

>> No.4895514

I'm sorry, but my first thought upon reading this was "Wow, that would make a great Harry Potter fanfiction".

>> No.4895519
File: 200 KB, 300x400, kafka-penal-colony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A modern interpretation of Kafka's "In the Penal Colony." Instead of physical torture, the story's execution device instead provides chemical and neurological stimulation to force the 1st victim to feel precisely what the 2nd victim does.

As Huxley points out in "The Doors of Perception": "We live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always and in all circumstances we are by ourselves...By its very nature every embodied spirit is doomed to suffer and enjoy in solitude. Sensations, feelings, insights, fancies--all these are private and, except through symbols and at second hand, incommunicable."

Bearing this in mind, the torture is to provide the victim with an understanding deep and intimate beyond anything any human has ever felt towards another. This shatters the victims mind, suicide, etc. etc.

What I really want to explore is the machine operator's attitude that this sort of execution is art. Art is, in many cases, an attempt to express and share the artist's emotions, ideas, unique perspectives with the outside world. The device provides that connection on a deeper level than any other art form could possibly hope to achieve.

Spoiler: Too bad I don't know how to end it without ripping Kafka off completely.

>> No.4895526

Low blow.

>> No.4895530

I meant it in the fondest sense. It sounds like it could be interesting.

>> No.4895599


Yeah, it's a doomsday cult with a whole Battle Royal edge to it. Only a few students who survive get to be preserved and survive the apocalypse.

>> No.4895600

>Writing shit to even have a chance at getting published.
>Being a cock sucker


>> No.4895621

Thas purdy good, mang. How about you end it by the operator experiencing similar empathic torture and eventually killing himself/ shooting spree.

>> No.4895673

Pee Wee's Big Adventure

>> No.4895681


Working ending at the moment for the doomsday cult novel is that one of the survivors to be frozen and waking up in the future, sort of similar to how Army of Darkness ends where it leads on to a potential sequel.

>> No.4895869

Thank you for your interest and faith in me.

>> No.4895891

A sociopath develops real power over fate and luck from a dead girl's grimore, A slacker figures out how to divine the future from reading his dream journal, and a divinely inspired faith healer turned serial killer are all tied together by a mystery.

>> No.4896426

This is me, for reference.

Also, I had the idea to re-purpose 'White Man's Burden' articles and stories, and basically replace "whiteness" with "democracy" potentially interspersed with original satirical writings.

>> No.4896560

A divine serpent obliterates the most advanced city in the dark ages then mocks them for it.

>> No.4897201

Time for an other run, eh.

Meh. Though grandma being the murderer is not too bad.

>Neo-Nazis engaging or trying to engage in the supernatural.
Wolfenstein, eh? Otherwise rather plain.

I wonder if people really keep up with Martins cast, could name 30 characters, maybe 50 at best but there is some shitty new lord and their whole family every second page.

Not that interesting in one sentence, care to tell more?

Bioshock isn't that popular really. At least not commercially.

>Severely depressed 18 yo guy
Aww, come on.
Is there more to the plot than killing fat Mexicans?

They are scared of Nationalism as an idea, not the people.

Not too bad.

>modern interpretation of
Wanted to stop reading right there.

The premise itself sounds pretty nice, if you can pull it off. Which sounds damn hard.

Sounds like a clusterfuck. Care to give more details?

And then? What exactly is the story about?

>> No.4897212

guy at the top of some sort of structure threatening to jump to his death. totally intends to. gets up there and starts shouting and such and nobody turns a head. when no one pays him any attention, he decides to get down and go home instead

>> No.4897224

haha, sounds like an indie movie waiting to happen. might read

legitimately intriguing premise, would read and kind of want to if you're posting it somewhere?

if serious, would read

would read

might read

this is either a terrible description or just something I wouldnt bother reading. Where's the conflict?

probably wouldn't read, not my genre

brilliant idea, would read (the one about the transplant)

would read. you had me at 'dead bear'

maybe read

would read. this is the kind of stuff I am into writing about too, actually. And I love Chekhov.

Surprisingly hackneyed premise, tbh. I've seen 3 movies in the past year with the same kind of premise - it sounds like Solaris, Moon, and gravity a little bit. Still might read.

might read

your idea isn't super original, but execution would make all the difference. if you can pull off the convincing but ultimately unreliable narrator thing well, it would be awesome sauce.

Wow /lit/, I'm impressed with the ideas so far. Here's mine:

Japanese-American police detective guy who is really burnt-out and world weary is called out to a remote town to investigate a murder being pinned on a mysterious vagrant who is proving hard to locate.

Heavy rain and inclement weather trap him and his partner in said town for a short time, during which they find out the townspeople are not as innocent/truthful as they thought.

At the same time, main chr. starts having to deal with some demons from his past, which end up derailing him mentally, and affecting the case's outcome...

Well, descriptions aren't my forte. But I'll post it here probably when I'm done.

>> No.4897232

Doesn't sound terrible original outside of the detective being Japanese-American but pretty solid. So as you said about the other Anon, very much up to your execution.

>> No.4897257

Yeah there's a lot more stuff related to being Japanese involved, but didn't want to post an overly long description here. Curses are involved though ;) The biggest challenge will be managing to fit it all into a short story, because I rarely finish longer ones.

>> No.4897286

I really like this

>> No.4897292

>Japanese-American police detective guy who is really burnt-out and world weary is called out to a remote town to investigate a murder being pinned on a mysterious vagrant who is proving hard to locate.

Might read

>> No.4897546

A novel about Saint Anthony of the Desert told like Siddhartha only with lovecraftian abomination demons and grimdark sexual temptations.

>> No.4897549

Would read.

>> No.4898155

>"sorry about the friendly fire,"
>Tossed another, carefully
>softball days

I can only imagine people liking this ironically.

>> No.4898230

Every night when people go to sleep, chips in their brains send their recorded days to a secured computer that stores their memories and personalities. When the world ends the computer turns on and though everyone's dead, they don't know it because they're now just virtual people in a virtual world in that computer. But one guy survived and is still sending information nightly as he sleeps to the computer. So the virtual version of him is getting these visions every day from the real world. And the story is him trying to find out what these visions are and shit

>> No.4898277

I'm working on something loosely based on The Frog King.

>> No.4898294


>> No.4898319

A tolkeinesque adventure of an honor bound patriarch as the ideals of duty and martial pride whither into prosperity and contentment.

Also space.

Also space. A la starship troopers.

>> No.4898321

A group of New York socialites is trapped in a penthouse ballroom during the worst snowstorm in North American history.

>> No.4898322

Delusional man living off rent doing nothing starts investigating the murder of a crossdresser prostitute because he has nothing to do, ends up 'exacting justice' but to the reader it will be unsure whether he got the right guy or not

>> No.4898385

Wasn't this dark city?

>> No.4898411

I hope not. Ima look that up right now. Got the idea from listening to Coheed

>> No.4898438

A young man starts watching MLP to better mock fans of the show on the internet and, in the process, becomes a fan of it and eventually goes to prison for throwing a shoe at a young girl in a movie theater for being a filthy casual.

>> No.4898472

please don't be serious

>> No.4899420

Wait what's wrong with that?

>> No.4899534

A low level manager's draft autobiography is leaked to his entire staff.

I want it to be a short story, not sure whether to write his book, including his pretentious metaphor for his (imagined) business success ie the Alchemist, or some story about how it effects his life.

>> No.4899580

would read

>> No.4899582

Highly dubious philosophical essays and aphorisms in the style of a fictional failed philosopher, unconsciously revealing his life so far through his work over the course of the book.
Writing style somewhere between Sterne and Schopenhauer sans all self-awareness.

>> No.4900383
File: 76 KB, 185x366, StAnthony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A novel about Saint Anthony of the Desert told like Siddhartha only with lovecraftian abomination demons and grimdark sexual temptations

>> No.4900406

You mean Flaubert's Saint Anthony?

>> No.4900671

>A fantasy novel series set in a typical modern high-school in which kids are assigned the task of exterminating pesky demons that pop up around school campus.

If I had to make a very basic comparison, it's sort of like Soul Eater meets Freaks and Geeks. Gonna see if I can make some money off the YA crowd.

>> No.4901288

No, I mean writing a good version.

>> No.4901352

sounds like the next hunger potter

>> No.4901374

A horror; A woman who has recently had an abortion, starts getting creepy terrorizing reminders of it, nightmares, distant crying, etc. Turns out the aborted fetus is coming for her. SPOILER: the woman ends up crushing the fetus, killing it again, as it holds out its tiny hand to her. Then she hangs herself on a tree.

>> No.4901381

>this is what Republicans actually believe.

>> No.4901387

>I'm a girl btw

>> No.4901414
File: 75 KB, 400x433, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted it on /lit/ before, if you've read this summary I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T FINISHED IT. I had to fix some shit, I have a fucking job, and I'm going to upload it here first when it's done so shut up.

Also, this will be a single sentence:
>A horror story about a killer with a comic book novelty mask that magically presents the perfect disguise who meets his match: a brother to a recent victim that has found his own magic novelty item.

>> No.4901452

Man takes a drug that allows him to physically manifest into his subconscious. His subconscious takes form of an actual town with townspeople. It was going to be a love story but this will more just be a weird sci/fantasy/adventure book to put out all my weird ideas

>> No.4901476

This can't be summerised in a single sentence.

A directionless photographer comes across a gloomy, tattered, yet somehow attractive looking girl at a photography convention. Unsure of how to approach this girl, he follows her around and eventually discovers she's a homeless drug addict. He wants her to be a model for his work, she agrees, he starts making good money and begins assisting her in recovery, but as her condition improves he realises her appearence begins losing the aspects that make his photographs sellable. As he is as much dependant on her, he begins giving her drugs without her knowledge to reinstall her previous condition.

There's no real moral to the story, I hadn't got that far because I don't have strong intentions on writing it. Thought I'd share it anyway.

>> No.4901482

I love it. Sounds like the typical Oscar winning story first but him "turning" on her is quite a tragical twist. He could even fail selling new pics of her regardless and she could confront him for doing the shit... pretty interesting.

>> No.4901487

I think I had a good idea for a novel but I neglected to write it down and now I've forgotten it.

>> No.4901488

Are you going to have different characters portray different aspects of himself?

>> No.4901490

Write one about a guy forgetting the stuff he wants to do but forgets to.

>> No.4901492

Been there, Whedon that.

>> No.4901501

>Post-apocalyptic world
>there are still some humans but it's pretty obvious they will become extinct in a generation and there's nothing they can do about it
>everything happens in a dream-like fashion, some chapters are actually dreamed by a character but it's difficult to tell which ones
>lots of introspection, the whole point is to see how different people react to loneliness and overcome traumas
>16 years old girl gets raped and murdered
>the tragic hero had sacrificed her without knowing she was the last fertile female human

>> No.4901518

A series of short stories revolving around a succubus who has lived in loneliness for hundreds of years and is very depressed because of that. Her only joy left is abusing the magical powers that come to her when she makes someone orgasm, sending her victims through time usually. The concept of making someone come so hard they travel through time and space is apparently still mildly funny to her.

>> No.4901579

5/10 meh, probably wouldn't read

6.5/10 the premises have potential, can be good if the characters are realistically developed

5/10 Probably wouldn't read, but sounds funny.

5/10 it would be better if you did it irl

lol 6/10, would read if short

4/10 wouldn't read. But you might get money out from it, just try to be as edgy as possible.

3/10 Nope

4/10 Wouldn't read

7/10 has potential

Would read only if short and I'm bored

5/10 Not bad, but wouldn't read

6/10 Depending a lot on how you execute it can be interesting or absolutely shit

4/10 Meh, too grandiloquent prose.

5/10 probably wouldn't read, but not bad.

4/10 wouldn't read.

4/10 wouldn't read

4/10 wouldn't read

5/10 has potential only if it's a comedy and the protagonist ends up shit-posting on /lit/.

6/10 would only read if it's full of ridiculous antisemitism and racial slurs.

Ayn Rand/10 you can actually make money out from it and get your personal fanbase if you write it in a fan-fiction style

5/10 not a bad idea, but probably wouldn't read.

Laurie penny/10 probably garbage

>> No.4901583

0/10 lol would read if only if satire about shitty ghost stories

6/10 has potential, not sure if would read though.

Hunger Games/10 wouldn't read

5/10 probably wouldn't read, but not bad.

5/10 see above.

4/10 wouldn't read

3/10 Nope

4/10 wouldn't read.



6/10 sounds interesting, might read.

5/10 wouldn't read.

6/10 might read.


2spooky/10 might end up reading if bored though

3/10 Nope.

6/10 Would watch if a movie because it somehow reminded me of Dead Ringers.

>> No.4901584

A tired fool finally finishes something.

>> No.4901612

>high fantasy
>nearly every physical being is paired with a "spirit"
>spirits are immaterial beings that possess a capacity for flawless logic and can influence the material world in any way imaginable so long as they possess a complete understanding on how to do so
>they, however, possess no memory at all and are driven by instinct, which only drives them to find a new vessel when the previous one dies
>they also have very little influence on their vessel's actions
>this creates a symbiotic relation between the spirit and its vessel, where the human seeks knowledge for the spirit which in turns provides it with MAGICKS
>eventually it's revealed that the entire universe is a collective dream and that spirits are semi-conscious beings that exist only to imagine worlds

fuck you one sentence is too short, also yes this is self-indulgent neckbeard bullshit

I'd read, only because I love seeing stories built around unconventional/silly plots

>> No.4901629

A depressed young adult enters into a ménage à trois with an emo slut and his childhood friend, but finds himself increasingly troubled by guilt and a longing for pure love.

>> No.4901653

The creation of a lottery which gets increasingly complex with time is described. The lottery starts like a regular monetary bet but then develops into sometimes punishing and rewarding its buyers, who no longer have to pay to play, with real life events like job opportunities, or road accidents. At the end of the story so much time has passed it is stated most people believe the lottery never existed at all.

>> No.4901661

would read
define "tolkeinesque adventure", please.
it looks hard to pull off, you know.

mine now:
A guy finds hiself in hell, after death. since he disagrees with this, he tries to escape. As he climbs up to heaven, he rethinks all of the events in his his life that brouth him there; as he finishes his climb and has freedom within
his reach, he realizes that deserves to be in hell and lets himself fall down again.

>> No.4901810

As a science fiction short story can work pretty well. As a full length novel can get boring at parts if you don't have additional good ideas.

>> No.4901816

I see what you did there.

>> No.4901831

>5/10 not a bad idea, probably wouldn't read

Thanks, I guess?

>> No.4901839

8/10 don't ruin it with bad writing

>> No.4901918
File: 60 KB, 1322x991, hohoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sound advice. I would have never considered that.

>> No.4901919

>6/10 has potential, not sure if would read though.
Aww, yes! Any suggestions that would shift your interest from "not sure" without changing the premise too much?

Sounds rather bland but good writing and interesting characters might make me read it.

Pretty interesting idea but can't tell if I'd like the actual work.

Sounds kinda familiar, still nice. Depends a lot on the events of course.

Could be pretty entertaining.

>> No.4901933

3 girls who are sexually molested by their fathers have a recurring dream about a woman and 2 margetues and the prussian bird.

>> No.4901938

Well, I meant it's not the kind of stuff I like to read since looks like the whole story depends too much in the plot and the setting, but I wouldn't call it a bad idea since I think it can make for a good fantasy story if executed properly. Looks like something fantasyfags could dig.

>> No.4901940

>Ayn Rand/10

is that good or bad
it seems bad

>> No.4901944

He most likely meant is as an insult.

>> No.4901952

That's what I thought you meant. Thanks.

>> No.4901953

but i'm a communist

>> No.4901955

A seemingly happy, well-off and married man suffering from germophobia, OCD and weird hygiene-related habits decides to face his fears of dirt and yucky stuff by spending a night sleeping on the ground in a nearby forest. Feeling like he's getting the hang of it, he lives like a primordial human for a few days and conquers his petty fears by drinking from a creek and eating wild things. Only to return home, take a 2 hour shower and continue living as he did before.

>> No.4901956

>Aww, yes! Any suggestions that would shift your interest from "not sure" without changing the premise too much?
I would probably enjoy it if the point was more the characters and their dialogues instead of an overcomplicated plot that takes itself too seriously. The magical realism part is something I usually enjoy a lot rather than trying to make sense. Have you watched Terry Gilliam's Brazil? Well, if you make it something in that direction your story can get very interesting.

>> No.4901964

It reminds me too much of We the Living, but being commie propaganda instead of anti-commie propaganda. I hate it when some author blatantly tries to inject me his political views (like Ayn Rand does, for example).

>> No.4901976

My intent is for it to be propaganda for no one. I just have an interest in authoritarian societies with good principles gone bad, having lived in China for some time, and want to use one as a backdrop.

>> No.4901981
File: 1.42 MB, 736x889, Parsley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4901991

Well, then maybe I misinterpreted your intent, but dystopias are something that tires me since it's been done successfully and specially unsuccessfully thousands of times.

>> No.4901997

>Jazz musician in the 40's struggles with the upcoming rock and roll genre.

>> No.4902000

Everyone dies, nothing matters, kill yourself.

>inb4 edgy

>> No.4902001

I don't intend on writing a dystopia, either, because I think we're all sick of what-if-1984 police states. But it's my fault for giving you such a vague description, anyway.

>> No.4902007

If you're going to do it better than The Conspiracy Against the Human Race (which I strongly doubt) then go for it.

>> No.4902014

An older man who travels the world alone. He lives off of what nature has to provide, and has no home because the world is his home. A young boy finds this old man to end up asking him if he could travel along with him. The man denies the boys request, but he decides to follow anyways, and the man knows this. Days later, the boy confronts the man and explains to him why he is penis.

>> No.4902047

A salvage and rescue team funded by major multinational corporations are sent to Mars in order to render assistance to planet's first established colony. Upon arriving at the landing area of the first habitat, the salvage team discovers that a charismatic leader had convinced his four fellow crew members to overthrow the commander of the mission. The team steels themselves after observing what had occurred within the walls of this barren world's first safe haven, setting out to discover the whereabouts of the lost members of the crew and tracking down the location of the bloodthirsty cult leader.

>> No.4902154

>instead of an overcomplicated plot that takes itself too seriously
Heh, spent last weeks doing exactly that and looking for ways to make it more complex and perhaps needlessly complicated, which never felt quite right but I couldn't pinpoint exactly why. Now when comparing it with the previous approach it seems obviously forced and unnecessary.

Thanks, Anon. Will check out the movie as soon as I can.

>> No.4902172

Shame about all the psychological testing that astronauts are put through to make sure things like that won't happen.

>> No.4902185


Wouldn't it be safe to assume a private company might cut corners and allow someone like that to slip through? That's kind of the entire premise, but if it's flawed it's probably just another wasted daydream.

>> No.4902195

I think that's highly unlikely. They've just as much to lose by the colony going wrong as any other agency that sends people up there. You could have some sort of alien artifact or maybe a chemical that somehow gets into the colonies biosphere and drives them a bit mad but that's quite tenuous and I believe it has been done. If you're set on writing the story I suggest you push the plot much further into the future to the point where colonising new planets is cheap and unregulated enough to be commonplace and available to private individuals. There's a much higher chance of what you describe happening in that situation.

>> No.4902203

Roger that.

>> No.4902208

I can't believe these plebs didn't get the reference

>> No.4902212

see >>4901816

>> No.4902481

>I can't believe there's people who haven't read that book that I've read, they're so dumb lol

>> No.4902566

We follow an android and her ragtag group of abandoned 'bots on their quest to save their megastructure of residence from invading alien horrors.

>> No.4902609

An office worker is offered the eponymous Sincerity Serum, an experimental drug that prevents affectation on any level; he mulls it.

>> No.4903153

Also there's absolutely no reason to have it on Mars. Never do anything excessive to a plot unless it's necessary.

(I don't get the joke)

>> No.4903427

Yes, but also different institutions, traditions, businesses and the such within the town will in some way be a manifestation of himself. I originally had intended it as a love story