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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 163 KB, 1440x900, marcus-aurelius[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4889755 No.4889755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who was the greatest man to ever live, /lit/?

>> No.4889756

adam because out of him came eve, who is the most beautiful and interesting person to ever exist.

>> No.4889758
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not believing in cosmic Buddhist tigers makes you dribble tier

>> No.4889760


Thanks anon.

OP I say it was constantine.

>> No.4889762

no it's the only correct answer. don't try to discredit me.

>> No.4889781


We're quite lucky you decided to conclude your previous cliff-hanger.

>> No.4889783

Our sage and savior Epicurus!

If it weren't for them, some other ancestors would have been the ones.



>> No.4889789

idk, adam and eve are the physical representations of Our Cosmos. eve, being the feminine (moon) and adam the masculine (sun). and the earth being their child.

the moon controls the tides and is full of manic magic that sprays upon us in the darkness.
and while the sun lets us live (that's why i worship it), it's just a giant ball of energy (cum) while the moon lets us make the babies (menstrual cycles).
so from the sun we gain the moon, from the moon we gain her child, in whom we live.
i don't see how this is going over everyone's heads :(

>> No.4889795

Epicurus is a faggot. "One with nature!" How fast do you learn to lose your soul with Epicurus?

>> No.4889926

But that's all just silly mythology.
What is a soul? Epicurus assumed there was one but that it wasn't immortal and passed on with us, but what makes you think there is one?

>> No.4890028

hey butterfly
just wanted to say:
you suck

>> No.4890031

Andre the Giant. He was pretty fucking tall. And wide.

>> No.4890044
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Huey P Long

>> No.4890049

This is the correct answer

>> No.4890107

Everyone who knows anything knows it was either Aquinas or Augustine.

>> No.4890828


i disagree

but i'd have no issues with you sucking my tip.

>> No.4890842


>> No.4890868


You haven't read his (fragmental) works. Read the letter to Herodotus and tell me that his thought can be reduced to "One with nature!". The guy, in addition to being very moral, was a scientist. He attempted to formulate theories as to why things get hot or cold, why the weather changes, why some things are soft, some hard... in a word, he was asking scientific questions, and relied on a theory of atomic structure to explain the nature of things.

It is pretty much proven that Epicurus had a definite influence on Lucretius. Romans were deeply influenced by Greek moral philosophy, which was much more popular than atomism. Atomism was one of those ideas that lurked in the background and ended up being right. I think we have Epicurus to thank in part for that.

>> No.4891166
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Don't mind me, Ubermensch just coming through.

>> No.4891190

>paraphrasing my derisive remarks from a thread long ago and far away


>> No.4891192
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St. Max.

>> No.4891238


To say that the atomism of the Epicureans was "proven right" is to ignore pretty much everything about it apart from the fact that it proposed the existence of atoms.

>> No.4891243

probably attila the hun or >>4891166

[will to power maximizes]

>> No.4891256

Richard Dawkins

>> No.4891268
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>> No.4891280

who are these noobs?

Either the original Mac Daddy pic related, or Leonardo Da Vinci.

>> No.4891285
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>> No.4891297

The dog-man

>> No.4891305

moreover, the sort of atomism it proposed is literally the opposite of what we understand "atoms" to be in modern scientific theory

>> No.4891309


>> No.4891310


Yeah. "Atom", as applied to what we think of as atoms, is something of a misnomer.

>> No.4892372

attila the hun? How in blazes?

>> No.4892385
File: 39 KB, 500x257, sam_harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Harris

He solved the problem of free will and he made morality amenable to scientific inquiry. By using science he solved two problems all the philosophers failed to solve before him.

>> No.4892407
File: 105 KB, 290x400, saint-thomas-more-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saint Thomas More

>> No.4892408

Jesus and Buddha were pretty cool.

>> No.4892418

Jesus Christ, it's not even close.

>> No.4892421

Yeah but they have to have actually lived

>> No.4892429
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>being this wrong

>> No.4892427

Genghis Khan, hands down on question, no one had a greater effect on the world in their lifetime than him

>> No.4892430

really, dude. I have lived by this code for ten years now, and have repeatedly spread this message to people I know. Not until now did I know of this quote

>> No.4892431

What...how is this even true.

>> No.4892435

Fuck man, you must be as wise as Aurelius.

>> No.4892437

That piece of shit Columbus had a pretty great lasting effect.

>> No.4892438


Go on then. Tell us who it is.

>> No.4892449

I don't know, I don't see myself as a particularly smart guy, it just seems that there are only those 3 options, period

>> No.4892455
File: 113 KB, 241x255, 1318752343996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>piece of shit Columbus

>> No.4892464



>> No.4892481

Cyrus the Great

>> No.4892485


This kind of effect

>> No.4892501

calm down chief


>> No.4892507
File: 36 KB, 582x504, amicoolyet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone finally reposts my OC
>Feels so fucking good, man

Oh, my vote is for Zhuangzi. "Be totally useless to everyone so they leave your shit alone and don't exploit you."

>> No.4892526
File: 41 KB, 264x284, 1389231527107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the first time I posted your OC, friend.

Zhuangzi is great. Truly the Max of ancient China.

>> No.4892536
File: 31 KB, 425x528, Garçon_à_la_pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likely someone unknown to history, but I'll say Virgil, Goethe, Dante, Seneca, Zhuangzhi, Francis of Assisi

>> No.4892560

>52 posts
>still no Hitler

>> No.4892576


>> No.4892602


Is that Tom York?

>> No.4892606

Can we please fucking ban the stirner shitbirds or relegate all phisophy faggots to a containment board, finally? So much fucking cancer. All of our awful tripfags are drawn to those threads like fucking roaches, too.

>> No.4892621
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You seem upset.

>> No.4892630
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>> No.4892666


>> No.4892831
File: 34 KB, 221x266, Bret_Hart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is obvious

>> No.4892878

>All of our awful tripfags are drawn to those threads like fucking roaches, too.
isnt that a good thing

>> No.4892886
File: 29 KB, 465x600, Stoic as Stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That final part of that quote is ridiculous in context considering Marcus spent dozens of paragraphs saying over and over how posthumus fame or remembrance is useless.

>> No.4892891

You fail to wrestle with issue, memefags. Typical, actually.

>> No.4892930

Philosophy has always been and will always be a part of /lit/, m8.

>> No.4892939
File: 6 KB, 226x223, I bet he uses mangum condoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4892979

there's another neat aurelius quote but i cannot remember it exactly.

something along the lines of "if i act according to the common good, am i not acting according to the personal good?"

>> No.4893006

Psst. Marcus Aurelius didn't actually write OP's quote.

>> No.4893013

no because a society of cannibals has a common good or 'ideal', no less.

anyway, OP's picture is a collection of if->then statements i.e. conditional statements so he's not actually providing evidence for anything. the principles of morality - any moral system - are at best probably true

>> No.4893017

This. The Master.

>> No.4893032

then who did asshat?

>> No.4893054


you will never understand what philosophy is

>> No.4893093

Some random internet loser. Look it up, faggot. It's literally the first (second, third, fourth, fifth, etc, etc) link when you google "fake marcus aurelius quote".

You jerkoffs are pitiful. It's like you never heard of a search engine before in your lives. It's like the Internet consists of Facebook and 4chan and nothing else.

>> No.4893103

butthurt utilitarian detected

>> No.4893111

The last member of Homo sapiens sapiens or any resultant similar species to kill themselves after a period of isolation will be the best one who has ever lived just by virtue of also being the one to rid the planet of such a cancer.

>> No.4893120

You know what? I think you're a piece of shit. Okay. Marcus probably said all of those things in his writings at one point. The guy just paraphrased some of Marcus's thoughts. Eat shit along with your illogical brain matter.

>> No.4893133

>Marcus probably said all of those things in his writings at one point.

Try reading "Meditations".

>> No.4893257

Once again, being a fuckin dumb ass. You are implying "Meditations" is the only thing Marcus wrote. The guy who paraphrased some of what Marcus said is a genius. Look deeper than "Meditations" scumbag.

>> No.4894328

Go back to /pol/ Evola

>> No.4894927

it says 're-interpretation' at the bottom bro
It's not necessarily his words, but they were certainly inspired by him.

>> No.4896871 [DELETED] 


>> No.4897089

huey long was an absolute retard
>share our wealth scheme attempted to take away any fortune larger than 3 million dollars and distribute the money to the poor
>implying reach people would happily give up millions of dollars to the federal government

>> No.4897103

>This anger

Have you read Meditations?

>> No.4897121

Marcus was certainly the greatest and noblest person to ever rule the Roman Empire, and probably any other polity, if that counts for anything. I mean, he was so damn good and nice. He genuinely practiced what he preached.

But my vote for best person ever probably has to go to Ghandi, as he's about as close to a saint as one can become. Although he was quite the sinner in his earlier days.

>> No.4897126

lol who the fuck is this shithead when did he start showing up. i'm not even mad just curious and slightly amused.

>> No.4897138


I'm always amused when someone gets mad but then says they're not mad and doesn't even remark about anything I said.

What about my post did you disagree with, anon?

>> No.4897142

He didn't say he disagreed with your post.

>> No.4897144
File: 53 KB, 300x300, Lil-B-The-Based-God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord Buddha is the only correct answer.

>> No.4897145


>> No.4897165

Lol I was trying to figure out what his deal was. He didn't really say much of anything, just called me a shithead and scurried back from whence he came. Now, he's forever lost among the ranks of anon and I'll never know :'/

>> No.4897170

Hitler or Napoleon.

>> No.4897192


>not knowing who satan is

when did you start showing up?

>> No.4897197

Rodion Romanovich, a man that truly makes Napoleon look like a Girl Scout.

>> No.4897198

Hahaha, ohhh that. Funny story really (=

It's not important when I started showing up. It is only important to know that I am your new lord and master. Think of me as Tao Lin 2.0

>> No.4897207
File: 17 KB, 500x330, 1379396464286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no I know who you are Satan, you're the trip/namefig/person who went to like jail camp or something right? The anon I quoted doesn't know so he must be a newfag and I can call him on it to validate how much time i spend on this site.

If it's you welcome back.