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4887719 No.4887719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nihilists/solipsists, you have ten seconds to explain why you aren't an archetypal alpha male social god, even though it's easily achievable if you are what you claim to be

>> No.4887722
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Doesn't Nitché him outline the alpha and the omega nihilist.

>> No.4887723

Because that would be too much effort.

>> No.4887736

10 seconds from when?

>> No.4887738

The answer's very simple: they're too busy huddled together on internet forums, in fear of the Red God.

See, what you must remember is: that Christianity's main indoctrinating element is actually argumentum ad populum, and in a very ill-defined world, and so that must be counteracted. Their anger with god does not relieve them of social anxiety --only having your own little army can do that.

>> No.4887747

Because I'm not male.

>> No.4887748

Of course... Fuck god... But all of this organisation is rather pathetic/more of the same. I mean Christians are basically nihilists, only they say no killing people. I mean what the fuck are you dudes moaning about, all huddling together like you do?
>hur durr morality is a lie!!! it is a lie!!!!!!!!!!
Would you like if some dude killed you, mate?

>> No.4887754

skype me? :)

>> No.4887755

Furthermore, if women should be allowed to get abortions, then men should be allowed to opt out of paying child support and such. Fair's fair. Fuck the children!

>> No.4887760

You're gonna have to explain the mental gymnastics that binds solipsism and nihilism together.

>> No.4887775

Solipsism is psychologically the initial frame of reference, the reality of others filled in as the person goes. Christianity does actually put a bar against it and many other worldviews too. Christians are in fact the least superstitious people sans that one about the dude in the sky.

>> No.4887780

Because I'm taking it easy instead. Effort is for plebs, Nitch knew.

>> No.4887783
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>implying time can be measured objectively

>> No.4887787

It's actually not uncommon psychology that the world can bend quite a bit with the passing of loved ones, as your mind will rack through all that it knows or has known in an attempt to deny their departure, often treading back upon those solipsistic days where other people held much less significance. It's quite disturbing to go along such trips, to be honest.

>> No.4887796

It's quite frightening how delicate one's perspective actually is.

>> No.4888881


>> No.4889117

Because I'm 5' 5" and I await patiently for the 6' 2" alpha male to come bursting into my house and cut me and my inferior genes down.

So far he has not. I can only assume he is a coward.

>> No.4889126

how does being a nihilist/solipsist make it easy to be an alpha male social god?

does becoming a nihilist/solipsist give you 10/10 facial aesthetics?

>> No.4889142

It's so true. I fall into the category, and I am not a 'social god', simply because I do not understand God. If I knew God well enough to 'know the rules', so to speak, I would have bent them enough to get where I want to be.

>> No.4889174

>capitalizing "god"

It's as if you're admitting he exists.

>> No.4889204

>this retard
God is meant to be capitalized. If anyone, it's you who is proving His existence. If you have to be as edgy as to type god instead of God, then you must really have a grudge against something, and that seems quite real, doesn't it?

>> No.4889213

Just call him Jehovah or don't capitalize it all. When you're talking about Greek gods you don't bust out the capital-G, so why don't you quit pushing your Christian air of superiority over the rest of us?

>> No.4889218

Or YHWH or whatever his name is in your fourfold pile of brain rot.

>> No.4889221

I'm not Christian.
When you are talking about the Christian god, it's name is God.
I thought people were familiar with this.

>> No.4889224

Not the guy you're responding to, but could you tone down the edge? Those of us trying to ignore this thread keep getting cut.

>> No.4889230

>defending myself

sry. i didn't know.

>> No.4889236

>why don't you quit pushing your Christian air of superiority over the rest of us
When I read this I think "this is the statement of a reasonable man who isn't trying to push an agenda."

>> No.4889237

I dip my forefinger in the watery blood of your impotent mad-redeemer (your Divine
Democrat — your Hebrew Madman) and write over his thorn-torn brow, “The true prince
of Evil — the king of the Slaves!”
No hoary falsehood shall be a truth to me — no cult or dogma shall encramp my pen.
I break away from all conventions. Alone, untrammeled. I raise up in stern invasion the
standard of Strong.
I gaze into the glassy eye of your fearsome Jehovah, and pluck him by the beard — I uplift
a broad-axe and split open his worm-eaten skull.

>> No.4889245

>it's you who is proving His existence
You seriously sounded like a religious zealot in this statement. Forgive me for my mistake.

captcha: PSALM dipdai

>> No.4889252

this is the part where Thrasymachus blushes

>> No.4889258

>You seriously sounded like a religious zealot in this statement.
What part of
>Not the guy you're responding to
don't you get?

Besides that, you can still be 2 edgy 4 evry1 even if he is being a zealot. His faults or poor communications don't excuse yours.

>> No.4889387

I always found it sort of strange that feminism supports nihilism, but only as a weapon and not as a standpoint beyond deconstruction.

I cam never wrap my head around the whole "smash the patriarchy" and "remove power structures" ideas. How does this make any sense at all when it is used in a contradictory matter. You canmot make society "better" by deconstruction. You will only tear it to pieces in hopes that you may replace it quickly with another power structure.

Its straignt out of Notes from the Underground.

Speaking of such book, very relevant to this thread. The toothache segment comes to mind.