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/lit/ - Literature

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4885937 No.4885937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what does a typical day of writing entail for you?

>wake up around 12:30, 1:00 in the afternoon
>morning exercise routine, 10-15 minutes
>check investments over breakfast
>shower and get dress
>leave the house between 2:30 and 3:30
>arrive at the galleria
>wander around for 45 minutes to an hour, outside if it's nice, inside if it's not; maybe do a little shopping if I'm in the mood
>get settled in and start writing around 4 o'clock
>work without interruption for 1-3 hours
>quick break, get something small to eat
>work another 1-3 hours
>finish writing anywhere between 7 and 11 o'clock
>eat dinner at one of the restaurants in or around the galleria
>leave and head over to my gym (it's nearby)
>lift weights or go swimming for between 45-90 minutes
>relax in the hot tub for 10 minutes
>shower up and go home
>get home between 11-12 o'clock
>shower and eat if I didn't already
>review investments again
>go downstairs and read or play videogames until I feel like going to bed (usually around 3)
>go to sleep

What about you guys?

>> No.4885962

Where did you get your money?
Also, when do you read?

>> No.4885964

>>check investments over breakfast
die capitalist scum

>> No.4885968

>people actually buy into the con of 'writing routines'

enjoy forcing out shitty hack writing

binge writing is the best option by far

>being this fucking tryhard

end yourself op

>> No.4885973

>get up
>don't write
>go to bed

>eventually die

>> No.4885974


lol I'm sure you buy something from a company I'm invested in


I usually read a little when I write, but most days it's all one or the other. I find they get in the way of each other (reading and writing)


I do plenty of binge writing. This isn't a day in day out thing. It's what a typical (!) day of writing is like for me. I might do this 3 times a week, max.

>> No.4885975

>wake up at 6pm
>go to my desk
>browse the internet for three hours
>go for a run with my housemate at 9:30pm
>have something to eat maybe
>go to my room
>browse the internet until 9am
>go to bed
>while lying in bed consider writing or reading
>fall asleep

>> No.4885982

I write when I'm inspired, unfortunately I still have an empty notebook.

Future me forces himself to write until a synaptic connection occurs, and something great pours out.

Near-death me realizes art was a waste of humanistic presence, life was better spent consuming and producing tangible substance.

>> No.4885993

give me tips to live this lifestyle. i work a shitty job ~12 hours a day, usually more actually. i write on the weekends and the night after work if i have the energy, minus periodic notes on my phone.

i used to live this life, op. but funds are tough.

>> No.4885999


>> No.4886008



>> No.4886014

>nigga thinks hes an aristocrat from the 18th century

>> No.4886033


Assuming you don't work 7 days a week, there's no reason you can't develop some form of structured routine for your days off. I wouldn't advise trying to squeeze your art in to whatever time is left over from work. Some things just don't mix well.

My first piece of advice would be to find somewhere you can go to write. I have a very hard time working at home, which is why I go out. Getting away from wherever you live, even going to a different area code altogether, helps you leave the unsavory parts of your life aside so you can write.

The place should be comfortable and secure. It should be indoors as well, though feel free to work outside when the weather is nice.

Everything you do before you sit down to write is important. That's why I exercise in the morning, eat well, then spend some time getting there and wandering around before I 'settle down' to write.

There's plenty to be said for frothing at the mouth inspiration binges where you work like a psychopath under any condition, but in reality that sort of effort is very hard to sustain repeatedly or for any extended period. It's also not a reliable way of working, especially when you employ some kind of substance (caffeine, amphetamines, etc.) to make it happen.

A measure of order helps you stay organized, and maximize the use of your fruitful hours. Figure out the time of day you feel the best, and make sure that period is available for writing.

And don't get discouraged when you go through all the motions and nothing comes out of it. The human mind is notoriously fickle about creative work. If you're adamant enough about what you're doing, and you stay healthy over time, you'll find a way to write what you want to write.

experto credite

>> No.4886035



>> No.4886036

cool trips but why waste your time doing this, silly?

>> No.4886038
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>> No.4886044

>Weekend nights: smoke weed, write.
>Weekdays: sneak editing and reading into day job, before sleep if not so tired/ finished workout early.

The shit I put up with.

>> No.4886051
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So basically, you're an effete twenty-something with a trust fund and a penchant for showing off your "literary lifestyle"?

>> No.4886059


>smoke weed

found your problem

captcha: homie youqueer

>> No.4886064


you do realize not all rich kids are trust-fund babbies, right?

I do some investment stuff on the side for spending money

>> No.4886079
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Of course you do.

>> No.4886081

>I do some investment stuff on the side for spending money

what sort of investments?

How much is spending money, 20bucks a week?

>> No.4886092
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lol this is the internet, believe what you want


common stock portfolios. I help people set them up and maintain them. They are mostly my age. College age/fresh out of college age are an untapped investment demographic, especially with respect to retirement plans

I spend anywhere from 100 to 500 dollars a week, most of it on food and shopping. My vitamins alone are 80 dollars a month. Gym is over 100.

>> No.4886096


As a so called "poet" (not that I would dare call myself one, as I view it as more of an honorable title than some self-label).

>Wake up early in the morning, few hours of sleep from drinking the night before
>drink a beer, smoke a cigarette, try and shove something into my stomach
>drive to a park or empty parking lot and play my guitar/walk around and look at things
>after however many hours go to work
>get home, maybe eat something, get drunk as fast as possible
>maybe find a line or a few words, write them down, pass out

>> No.4886104


cut back on the alcohol

you'll either start writing better, or realize what you write is terrible and find something else to do

>> No.4886117

>as I view it as more of an honorable title than some self-label).

then you are nothing of the sort

>> No.4886125


another quality post, courtesy of /lit/

>> No.4886141

I'm about to graduate University and looking to start investing. Any tips?

>> No.4886145

this fucken ozzy

>> No.4886149


do you have any money?

do you have a reliable stream of income?

you need one or the other before you can get started

>> No.4886150

I have about £8000 in savings. Not currently employed, but soon will be.

>> No.4886173


8000 is good to start

are you interested in something simple and reliable, or more risk oriented?

hint: the answer should depend on how much time you want to devote to investing

>> No.4886191


/lit/ -- investment advice and retirement accounts

>> No.4886211

I suppose I want to start seriously expanding my assets at around 30-35. I imagine then that simple and reliable is what I want.

>> No.4886215


Start now, retire at 50. Buying an IRA or something is pretty idiot-proof.

>> No.4886217

>My vitamins alone are 80 dollars a month

are you a hypochondriac or just uninformed? that's a huge waste of money.

>> No.4886219


So all you need to do is set up a dollar cost averaging program through a total index fund.


I'm a picky eater, so there are nutrition gaps in my diet. Nothing outlandish, but Amway's stuff is somewhat pricey.

Can't argue with results though. Finally cured myself of that awful depression that's been lingering since freshman year of high school.

>> No.4886221

H-how would I do that?

>> No.4886259


1. set up a portfolio with a legitimate brokerage (etrade, scottrade, etc)

2. transfer savings into brokerage account

3. look up a vanguard fund you like (VTSMX is best)


4. note the security symbol and minimum investment amount

5. either call your broker and tell them you want to buy x dollars of that fund or just do it yourself online

6. out of every paycheck you earn, set aside a fixed amount for investing, and on the last day of each month, buy more shares in the fund with the money you set aside

7. it should be the same amount of money every month, no more, no less

8. when you start making more, you can set aside more, but do not change your strategy because of what the market is doing. investor psychology is not your friend

9. continue investing until you're old and secure

10. pull money out

11. retire 20 years before everyone else

12. congratulations

>> No.4886264


also consider opting out of employer provided retirement plans, even if they match your contribution. 401K is shit and is only getting more outdated every year. put money aside in your own account where the government can't hold it hostage until you're so old it won't do you any good

>> No.4886285
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>tfw you will never live a vagabond's existence while revolutionizing the field of poetry

>> No.4886290

wake up whenever
eat breakfast and browse 4chan for 30 mins
read with short pauses for next 6-7 hours
watch a movie or two

>> No.4886295


>you said there would be writing

>where is the writing Eggman?

>> No.4886299

rimbaud didnt revolutionize anything

baudelaire did

>> No.4886327

Thank God for you

Also, check that shit

>> No.4886381

>wake up quick
>at about noon
just thought that I had to be in compton soon
I gotta get drunk
before the day begings
before my mother starts bitchin'
about my friends
about to go and damn near went blind
young niggas on the path throwin' up gang signs
i went the house to get the clip
with my mac-10 on the side of my hip
I bailed outside and I pointed my weapon
and just as I thought, the fools kept steppin'
I jumped the 4 hit the juice on my ride
I got front and back, side-to-side
Cruisin' down the street in my Six Fo', jockin' the bitches, slappin' the hoes.
Went to the park to get he scoop
Knuckleheads out there cold shootin' some hoop
Car pulls up who can it be?
With a fresh El Camino rollin' kilo-g
He rolls down the window and he starts to say
It's all about makin' that G T A
Cuz the boys in the hood are always hard, knowin' nothin' in life but to be legit. Don't quote me, boy, I ain't said shit.

>> No.4886387


I know how it feel to wake up fucked up
Pockets broke as hell, another rock to sell

>> No.4886391

now that's some writing. i betcha OP's writing is absolute shit.

He would be writing about how he is financially comfortable coz of his investments. And he'll be givin out his investment hints like they aint nuthin. But despite his investments he's gonna go get a good job pretty soon - and he will have to give away his fag romantic imaginings of behaving like some 19th century writer.

And he won't mind that much coz he couldn't write for shit anyhows.

>> No.4886397


I don’t wanna write no more
Sometimes I hear Fritz knocking at my front door
I’m living every day like a scuffle
Another page to double
Another day, another struggle

>> No.4886466


>> No.4886636

Hey friend, why not turn that eventually into a soon?

>> No.4886661

Listen OP no one here believes you. I must say great post though, it's been fun.

Anyways, this has made me realise how important my miserable wage slave existence is to my writing. No one living off of investments could write something which communicates to the vast bulk of people.

Thanks Wal-Mart for the few thousand copies I've sold of my ebooks (only about $1 a book, still though).

>> No.4887520

What is the deal with poodles?

I know Schopenhauer had a succession of them, but what makes them special?

>> No.4887524


Why would you want to write something that speaks to the crowd? Isn't that the definition of vulgarity?

>> No.4887546

>OP not immediately accused of being Tao Lin

/lit/ what the fuck

>> No.4887568

Jane Pountney is 50 next year cloned into me with my help she is a whore, home wrecker slut.

>> No.4887580



>> No.4887652


the fuck are you on about m8

>> No.4887670

>wake up in the late afternoon
>ask myself the following questions: Is the girl I'm in love with being awful to me again? Did I need to take prescription sleeping pills to clock out last night? Did I get a little too drunk before taking said pills? Am I experiencing deep existential anxiety about my current station in life? Do I have any obligations today that I can't shirk or flake on?
>If the answer to two or more of those questions is yes I don't bother showering or changing out of my sweatpants for the day
>sit around drinking NesCafe and eating vitamins and caffeine pills until the sleeping pill haze is reduced
>eat some fried eggs or oatmeal and try to keep them down
>sit down with a cup of green tea and try writing something
>keep dicking for hours around writing awful poetry and snippets of self-pitying internal monologue taking breaks to surf the web or torture myself through social media
>take a break to go for a walk and chain smoke
>come back and go through all the trash I've written
>incorporate what I can into a page of prose in my epistolary novel
>start drinking and reading poetry or just watch some seinfeld
>rinse and repeat

>> No.4887674

i wake up every day and i have either my netbook or a pen&paper i write on when i get a good idea or inspiration for a short story/book/character.

i've yet to start writing..
i agree, writing isn't exercise like the gym or something, do it when you feel like it.
weakminded sperg

>> No.4887677


says the clown that hasn't even started writing yet

come back when you've had a worthwhile thought

>> No.4887680

>wake up at 9 or 10
>make coffee
>while water is boiling, check how much money i made with my amazon affiliate blogs the day before
>drink coffee
>maybe smoke weed

here things can go a couple different ways, depending on what i'm writing.

if i'm writing for myself (novel, short stories):
>open Scrivener
>write for an hour or two
>go about my day

if i have copywriting to do:
>smoke more weed
>play online
>don't work on my own stuff, because i don't want to creatively exhaust myself or tire out my hands/wrists
>jack off
>generally put things off
>mid-afternoon, open google docs
>write until i'm finished
>this could take an hour or i might be working until evening
>take a ton of breaks to smoke weed, jack off, and play online

>> No.4887684


>smoke weed

and this is why your writing never goes anywhere

>> No.4887687

whatever you say, bud, i make my living as a copywriter.

>> No.4887689

> wake up
> pop morning crazy pill
> go to university/lab
> dick around the house
> exercise
> pop evening crazy pill
> go to restless sleep

you are trying way too hard OP. one day you will burn, just like I, and any other perfectionist did.

>> No.4887692



so basically you write things that are meant to be forgotten in 5 seconds?

cool story

>> No.4887702

>wake up at 6am
>go to work at 8am
>finish work at 5pm
>home at 5:45pm traffic permitting
>read until 9pm
>write until 11pm
>read until 1
>write until 1:45
>go to bed
>rinse, repeat

But I don't plan on ever publishing anything or letting anyone actually read what I write.

>> No.4887713
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yeah, i churn out tons of crap. it's easy, i'm paid well, and it leaves me with plenty of time to work on stuff i truly enjoy. you can call me a pleb or say my writing "never goes anywhere", but i'm happy with where writing has taken me, even if it doesn't impress you.

>> No.4887717


smoke less weed and it will take you even further

>> No.4887728
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forgot my image

>> No.4887810

how to get luxurious aristocratic writer lifestyle??

>> No.4887855

Pretend you're happy.

>> No.4888208

A few might be saved, while many will buy just to feel smart and it all lines my pockets. Being read is an accomplishment when done with the right stuff

>> No.4888226

Lie about it on 4chan enough that you eventually believe it. 99% of /biz/does this and they seem happy

>> No.4888735

what a faggot response. 'binge writing' under xanax or opiates is highly productive and about as easily sustainable as working out in the morning.

>> No.4888743


Get autism money.

>> No.4889040


maybe if you're 19 years old and enforce absolutely no quality controls on your work

>> No.4889278
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>there are people on /lit/ who still want to actually pursue a career as a writer
I thought we had it settled this was all just one big joke

>> No.4889328

OP is Adrian Veldt.

>> No.4889599

>implying productivity equals quality
>implying everything I write isn't gods gift to earth

your choice

>> No.4889607
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>> No.4889612

Stop mimicking my life, fucking poser.

>> No.4889627


I want your life, OP. Relaxing yet productive. How do I start?

>> No.4889636

You do realize that some people write the books we read and enjoy, right?
It's the professional sport player kind of absurd amount of training that a lot of people ignore and then complain about it being just a silly dream.

>> No.4889713


everything you write is shit

>> No.4889814

Oh man, how am I going to do this after my parents stop bankrolling my life?

(I am in fact talking about myself.)

>> No.4889852
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>sit at my computer 24/7 masturbating playing video games reading 4chan
>occasionally write something

>> No.4889908

>am I feeling particularly inspired right now?
don't write

What is structure?

>> No.4891076

Are you this guy?

>> No.4891266


>writing only when inspired

>> No.4891289

Cool meme dude.

>> No.4891333

i wonder if by the end of my miserable life i will have put together enough material for it to be published

>> No.4891575


If you died tomorrow, what would they print?

>> No.4891678

you will never become a real writer

>> No.4891691

Neither will you :)

>> No.4893385

my chances are better because i write all the time.

>> No.4893392

My chances are better cause I have swag.

>> No.4893406
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I create when I am inspired, on 'off-days' I organize, edit, & read. As a novelist, that's the purest answer I could give.

As for the structure of the writing process, it closer resembles the experience of a surfer out at sea. You are at the mercy of greater forces, all you can do is be prepared for your wave to come.

>> No.4893496
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you only have part time swag. i've got swag in overtime.

>> No.4893511
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