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4878707 No.4878707[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"I don't wanna go ta bed Grandpa Anon! Tell me a story first."

>> No.4878721
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>> No.4878722

she was decided gravely disabled by the grace of washington’s mental state by 21 years old. the meaning of this has been grossly debated. all we know is that she likes to pretend to have no hands, and with silver stake stashed, she begins a debrief of learning to die briefly. our job is to catch you up on current trends + events swimming ‘round your fishing hole. we’re only crashingly late in this time. for next time we aughta spring for a descent auto, but we resent that we re-sent that bill to the feds to be fed twice already, ya know. (i said.)

leuca set a pot upon the range and upped the neat heat. forgetting to beat the timer to the kitchen, she began false negotiations with the pan and to throw up wallowing olive oil words. the poultry set on fire and burnt rubber and smoke began whithering around. that stew would’a been dank, but instead we’re left to roll around in the cashed ashes. leuca danced about as they beep beep beeped their fire alarm songs, then she chewed on last week’s dine-out dinner but doesn’t get full up. cosmos snake slithers around her ankles and asks to crawl inside her. together they glowed off and licked each other’s spine. they have sandpaper tongues now; they need a bit of friction in order to heal the world. i always said she was the holy mother. “hi cosmos!” she would say back to me, “do you want to hear a story?”:

you had babies but you ate them. that one’s not true but it’s what you told the police one day when you were scared for your life. you thought the daddy was gonna dine in your womb warmth and you knew that was pretty bad so you took the excuse for yourself. they conspired together to put you in a crazy prism prison. you were there for three weeks while wild firs fun swayed with the staying breeze. who knows what could’a happened if you hadn’t been caught up in all this murder mess; it was 6 weeks before that he killed you. this is of battered cats with crooked tales, folks, please bear with me for a few methamoaned atonal groans.

>> No.4878723

in the basement is where she was kept
with naught but a pillow and rags for dress
it is true that she no longer wept
for years she saw nothing but darkness
she ate but scraps of what was left
from the feasts of her tormenter

>> No.4878727

he giveth her breads, and broths, and water
just enough to keep her living
why such a fate for the King's daughter?
it may be 'cuz of all the deceiving
the people are angry and the state doesn't bother
well, just ask her tormenter

>> No.4878730

after work is when he would pay her a visit
to unleash his passions and darkest desires
she trembled in fear for his intent was illicit
never was recognition what he sought to acquire
just to hurt as he hurt, and the joys that came with it
and, such was her tormenter

>> No.4878732

days turned to months, those months into years
and, so he planned for her end
he thought long and hard, over a smoke and a beer
mere torture no longer sufficed, he needed transcend
beyond even the deravity of man, that much was clear
enough for her tormenter