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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 143 KB, 678x719, tree of strife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4878271 No.4878271 [Reply] [Original]

since the last time!

i'll read your poetry and prose aloud and provide critiques if i can be bothered until i fall asleep. crashin' off dexies so i might wander off but hopefully my effort will be pretty sustained.

please, good meter poetry, come to me!

>> No.4878301

We went to the hospital
and met a man who
kept constellations in his eyes,
his mouth agape,
as though waiting
for the rest of the universe
to come crawling in like bugs.
His hands used to hold
all that’s left now are aftershocks.
The blackhole in his throat
made it difficult for them
to look at him for long.
The blackhole in his throat
made it difficult for me
to look away.

>> No.4878312


i like the earthquakes/aftershocks bit.

>> No.4878330

news from the houseplant

did anyone else see that flicker
I saw it peripherally
a flash
like an old camera bulb flashing.

then riddle me this:

does she exist
or do you make her up each day
to walk your way
dress your way
with specific quirks
so we know she’s alive
or is it all in you, my friend?

and you, over by the window -
he’s not coming
because he’s more lost than you
you’ll continue to cross paths
over jukebox offerings
and that may be enough
since that’s more than most get

you nod in fake understanding
I’m just a thinking plant
water me
give me some sun
talk to me once a week

>> No.4878333


Daniel Johnston?

>> No.4878341

The nights of drowning sorrows and pains are the best nights alone.
Now hectic and hellish they may be,
but we never stop to see the person we could be. After this tragedy,
yes you are broken, edited, and eroded but the better person is coming free. This true shell is setting free, so just let be.

>> No.4878347


Very nice.

>> No.4878351


no, sorry.


>> No.4878355

I don't want to post one you've already seen, did you read one about a week or two ago called "Bleeding Heart Blues"? Had three different subjects and a little repeating chorus for each of them?

If you have, I'll post something else. If you're NOT that guy, I'll post that one.

>> No.4878357

i'm a lady so i doubt it was me.

>> No.4878361

Thank you! :)

>> No.4878386

I just wrote this for you:

Fall In Love With Grace

Fall in love with grace;
Never aim lower
Than the stars stuck in space-
For what is love worth,
Without a grin on your face?

>> No.4878394

It's ok, I didn't even realize this was a vocaroo thread. Hopefully this poem works, if you don't want to you don't have to vocaroo this. I understand it might be difficult. I would like a critique. Also, sorry to any anon that's already read this (especially if you didn't like it). I realize this is a repeat, so I won't post it any more on /lit/ after this.

"Bleeding Heart Blues"
He was an old man
From Vietnam
Under the orders of Uncle Sam
He lost his legs, lost his eyes
He lost everything he ever did prize
But when he talked to me-
Oh golly gee-
Boy was his voice so heavenly!

He sang, oh-oh-oh-la-dee-doe
Old men, dead men
What's the difference? Man, nobody knows!
Singing, oh-oh-oh-la-dee-dee
I wake up every morning saying "What's wrong with me?"

He was my best friend
From neighborhood end
I got every letter that he would send
Well he lost his hair, lost his drive
He just sits at home satisfaction-deprived
But if I see him again-
Whoo golly gee-
I'll kick his ass into shape, guaranteed!

I'd sing, oh-oh-oh-la-dee-doe
How are you doing old friend?
Man, who the fuck knows?
If you can see the signs, please read them to me.

She was a foolish girl
From an old man's world
He gave her a necklace, made of pearls
She lost her looks and gained some thighs
Now she's looking like something you can't recognize
But when I see her-
Boy golly gee-
I think of our nights and how they used to be.

I sing, oh-oh-oh-la-dee-doe
Where is she getting her salvation now?
Nobody knows!
Singing, oh-oh-oh-la-dee-dee
I wake up every night screaming "What's wrong with me?"

>> No.4878396


oh no i stumbled. what's funny is i can't really say the word 'grace' even though it's my name

>> No.4878400

Man is perfect
Millenia of the rising wave
paves the way to his grave

He, or She.
Chooses the path less travelled,
but only one specific.

Nobility is lost
when a great deed dies unnessecary
and the issue lies therein.

A shameful crack hides amongst the group
filling inwards
instead of roaring out

A hammer cannot temper itself
Especially when left lying on the ground
But the perfect man has no need for the hammer

He is already tempered
Except of course, for his temper

Still working on an ending

>> No.4878408
File: 35 KB, 490x450, chucklebutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanity is like farts in the wind
we go through life and bend and bend
bend the jews and bend our poos
sometimes we even bend the news
i think we should kill moot
but don't tell ronald cus he is a kike lover
and sometimes when I'm hungry i suck the blubber
did any of you faggots ever see flubber
i went with this bitch and it made me lover her
also niggertits and shit
find revolution
-poodger cuntbucket

>> No.4878424


Where's a good place to start with Cuntbucket?

I've long wanted to get into him, but found him intimidating, since he makes every other poet pretty much look like amateurs.

>> No.4878439
File: 11 KB, 248x249, doublesguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally prefer his 1967 petty collection debut entitled "Niggercunts in The Salty Seas of Wonder." It will be recognized in due time as a sure fire classic.

>> No.4878442

please bear with my smoky-shit voice freak out cat
i could just not read this plainly sorry. i do think it works as a poem too but it's really good as lyrics. i don't have any real criticism

>> No.4878447


>> No.4878452

i think we all know that i do not do this wah wah wah.


>> No.4878457

no "petty" was pretty accurate.

>> No.4878463

There's something about hearing it aloud that really makes me despise my own work. Like watching a my own films

>> No.4878480
File: 1.03 MB, 272x198, ahnoooooooooo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck a butt grace

>> No.4878481

really? i think your poem read well.
and i love hearing my own words read aloud. it makes them seem hecka pretty. i might just make this thread into my reading all 100 of my schizoaffected poems.

>> No.4878488
File: 68 KB, 576x943, letmyjuststickthisknifeinyourneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it bitch or I'll to you house and cut of your clit and stuff a rag down your throat so we don't have to her your disgusting voice anymore

>> No.4878496

you know i won't leave until i get bored of you thankless cunts.

>> No.4878504

I'm like that with most of my work so I think it probably says something about me that I don't care (or want) to figure out.

Any critique on the poem?

>> No.4878511
File: 50 KB, 181x203, thetruthaboutop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your voice makes me want to murder puppies

>> No.4878515

That tree is balls. Whoever sketched that tree and then had the nerve to photograph it (like it's good!) should be sad, so sad.

Makes me sad too.

>> No.4878525

how i feel re: lit


>> No.4878534

I understand. I like the smoking voice, I like the idea of how you sang it (I don't sing, but I definitely designed it to be sung), I could tell you were struggling with fitting the words in sometimes. I'd attribute that to you trying to make a song with a poem you've only read out loud once, not your fault and it was a hard task to do.

I love your voice. There were some solid moments where everything worked with each other as well. Namely, the first half I'd say.

>> No.4878541
File: 1.78 MB, 300x242, suckmybingus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4878552

who cares, i'ma talk 'til i'm dead.

it's not about it being a good drawing dummy lol

thanks. i appreciate that you posted it for me to read. keep posting it around and hope for someone to give you a few tips on how to make it fit a bit better.

tie the stanzas together better (i have trouble with this sometimes), don't use "the path less traveled". the last two stanzas work the best. i hate to be all "show don't tell" but unless you have the right way to say something important it seems to become unimportant. it's just not a very intriguing piece of writing as is but it has potential.

>> No.4878559
File: 32 KB, 280x210, wewooweewoooweeewoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your gonna talk till you cough up a hair ball and choke on it lol

>> No.4878574
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>> No.4878575


doop dee doop


>> No.4878577
File: 38 KB, 544x400, Ultimate+Spiderman+Thread+.+I+want+photos+of+Spiderman_de4b84_4301406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4878585


loop lee loop


>> No.4878586
File: 157 KB, 359x509, whatthehell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4878592
File: 8 KB, 250x250, askingtoberapedconstanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like swallow cum?

>> No.4878597

Prose entry:
My father never gave advice. Advice comes with wisdom and courage. My father didn't have much of either, but what he did have were lady troubles.

"There's nothing more common than a beautiful girl."

This was the only impression I've had of my father and now it's what I think to myself every moment of every day, when I start to feel a little lonely or jealous. When I walk along the street and a girl walks by wearing the skin of beauty and looking on ahead instead of at a little person like me, they used to knock the wind out of me. They still do, but the more I think about it the more I realize how often it happens. When my friends start crying about how the girl they like isn't treating them right or how the guy they're with says all the wrong things and will never say what's needed to be said. I used to think, "Wow dipshits, be thankful you have someone." or "You don't like him, you're only with him because you haven't been alone in years and you're scared." Now, I think of the mistakes people make in effort to impress somebody they barely know. The mistakes people make in effort to keep somebody that's not really special. If aliens were to take an exaggerated telescope and look into our lives, they would find it funny. They would find our entire existence funny.

I'm not any better I guess. I learned the lesson, but I don't put it into practice. What's the alternative here, being alone until your last breath? I mean, that might happen anyways, but I don't want to do that without a fight.

There's nothing more common than a beautiful girl, except perhaps a man willing to trip over himself for one.

>> No.4878598

that's obviously what i'm referring to.

>> No.4878601
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>> No.4878606
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>> No.4878609
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>> No.4878612

I popped a boner.

>> No.4878614
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>> No.4878618


>> No.4878620
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>> No.4878624
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>> No.4878629

no it's not really i can pick up where you left off. you made a nice effort bumping up my thread though.

>> No.4878644

You can't rebound all is death destruction and darkness...


>> No.4878649

Hi reves

>> No.4878652

i've rebounded from worse.


>> No.4878653
File: 1.98 MB, 164x275, whatweshoulddoto……..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...this thread....

>> No.4878654

I think it's really cool how you come on here and read poetry and also kinda funny, lol.

>> No.4878657

hi there, how are you doing today?

i think it is too and nice and i have fun but everyone is whiny about this nice deed i do.

>> No.4878662
File: 1.88 MB, 258x186, didhedied?.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doubt it

>> No.4878664

This anon digs it. Wish the quality of what you read was better, but this is /lit/.

How's the crash going?

>> No.4878666

I'm good, and you?
>not enough
They want that ass, reves.

>> No.4878667

i'm hecka tired, tbh. i will probably go to sleep soon but i'm looking over some poems i wrote while speedy and while they're pretty good they need a rewrite so i'm working on that.

how are you?

>> No.4878672

but last time i posted my butt they called it flat :(

i don't want to repeat myself so i'll just say i had a long day working with flowers and i smell pretty.
tomorrow i have off so i'm going to take like a billion mgs of xanax and have a long nap. too bad i don't have any opiates or i could have an overdose.

>> No.4878680

I think they said your butt was flat because they were lying to themselves, reves, and that your reading their poetry back to them is like teasing, same as posting your butt, and they get mad. I like it, though, just saying. (your poetry)

And don't overdose, not yet anyway I only just met you!! Never like xans, they make me forget stuff. Uhm.

>> No.4878683

You smile without thinking and
A camera appears

Sometimes you forget
Who you are and
Where you are and
Become your skin and
In a photo you cannot be seen.
You can never be—
No one can see beneath.

We laugh loud enough to be heard and
Move apart.
We get our drinks and
Walk away.
Sometimes you break
Just for the moment
One lip pushes up
The other falls down
There is blood in your mouth
It trembles up from

Smile (You fuck)
She’s right
Don’t you want to smile?
You have such a nice smile
She will kiss you if you smile
She will seal it with her own and
Your mouth, shut, will
Open again half-closed and
In her arms

Where one day you would have stopped moving
As you will—
Trying to smile like an earthquake trying to fissure
The contours of a map

>> No.4878684

Oh wow, not yet anyway, I'm sick.....I think the whole drug thing is really pretty and I'm losing the run of myself, sorry..

>> No.4878686

Gonna need to see that butt for myself to judge.

If I don't see that, at least I got Spider-Man in this thread.

>> No.4878689

I wish I had a poem for you to read to me, reves, but I'm more a warpath kinda guy :(

>> No.4878698

probably. i make them all queasy with my feminine smiles. i bet you like my butt too.

i don't even know who you are except that you're the only one who calls me reves!! weren't you supposed to email me?


what are you even saying

post a poem for me to read.

it's ok i understand :(

>> No.4878704

I swear to god, if you post your butt I will make a poem about your butt. DO IT FOR THE ART

>> No.4878715
File: 62 KB, 711x733, %.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but not a mean poem. and my butt is bigger and nicer than when this was taken but i can't be bothered to take anything atm.

>> No.4878719

No I don't think I was supposed to email you, but I will email you. I do also bet I like your butt, I have mortality to conquer just like the next guy
>what are you even saying
It doesn't matter, I just wrote some stuff and I dunno, maybe I'm a bit manic but trying to be upbeat too because life is hard, lol

I started reading Faulkner yesterday and he's all like "I'm writing this because I lost my daughter and I want something beautiful" and I get it, I do, but I'm just a really mad guy, more militant lol. It's weird. And he tries to replace his daughter with a story too, that's even more weird, IMO. I think I'm never really going to be poetic, but blunt instead with an appreciation for the poetic, and then maybe overly upbeat in that appreciation in compensation, so forgive me lol

>> No.4878720

Oh wow, haha, nice butt reves

>> No.4878724

I mean Faulkner is fucking crazy lol... Jesus. Hey, maybe he had it right and I'm wrong.

>> No.4878725

I will honor my agreement, and girl: who the fuck writes a poem about a butt they don't like? Give me a bit of time though, but for now take a "nice".

>> No.4878729

well at the very least i like your anon voice.

i think faulkner is a bit of a wacko so i don't discuss him but i think it's okay not to be poetic. i'm really blunt in my poetry and really pretty in my prose. i want to read your words.

i'm pretty hypomanic. making bad decisions and having fun. blowing have of my paycheck on blow and weed w/e

and thanks for liking my butt!

>> No.4878733

half*, i must be tired and ready for bed.

post nudes and i'll write a poem about them.

>> No.4878735

So how do I email you, reves?

>> No.4878738

>this /lit/ thread is taking a weird turn
You made me stop writing the poem in reaction.

>> No.4878740

i'm gonna sleep now. have a nice evening!!

&weirdo butt-poem guy, email me the poem when you're finished if you get the chance

>> No.4878741

I've been off the drugs for quite a while now (~a year) but I did the math and I've smoked like 500 ounces of weed over my lifetime and I dunno how much blow I've done...a thousand grams at least surely lol. I'm doing well, I'm off it for good, but I guess I knew some pretty things back then

>> No.4878743

mean :(

>> No.4878745

kk, u too.
(not the butt-poem guy)

>> No.4878772

I think I will make well the world for those of mine who have departed for if they should ever think to reappear. There's more sanity in that for me.

>> No.4878777

Less god-complex, believe it or not.

>> No.4878778
File: 81 KB, 466x700, 1395284031038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please excuse the free verse:

do people have a soul. i wonder. animals, the lot of them. teeth-bearing, sharp nailed animals. Beady eyes, black like

soot fallen after the burst of a boiling volcano. spewing, spweing their insecurities over me.

get away, off you whores!

you want, you want. dont you see it's better to end. end it all with the strikes of matches. I have what the old austrians

call the death drive. i am driving to death while i speed through life.

above all, i am sorry.

>> No.4878786

That ancient cavern, which none can find, save those so blessed-cursed.
Shroud of unnatural vines, a chthonian masque, veiled gaping maw,
hungry earth.
Listen to the wind, that chanting, silent zephyr,
muttering unknowable, unforgotten tongues.
Obscene secrets, speak to the soul,vague susurrations,
to make the mind sob.

Walk in bright-darkness, throat of the world,black fleshed land,
stinking of loam.
Loam and desecration, corruption and mud,blood of a billion dead, soaked in unwashably.
The draft a fetid breath, of the all consuming beast,fluttering flame, rhe only ward for madness.
The all consuming fear, that one is not alone,
adrift in the sea of thought.

Stalactites and their kin, alabaster balustrade, herding one, into the earth’s throat.
Down carven stairs, not made of man, but broad and deep, if uneven and rutted.
Striations in strata, a weird relief, showing not what fell, but what has lain.

Those misbegotten spawn, deep ones swim, slumbering Dagon, whose blood still runs.
Winding unnatural stair, through moss covered grotto, streaming cilia of the black earth, pointing ever down.
Past abnormal formations, guised in pallid bryophytes, seeking to undermine the tentative grasp.
Scuttling somethings, almost glimpsed, retreating from the aura, the radiance of man.
That almost warm, nearly reassuring, flame that tells, master of his domain.

But what before, man’s rising, claimed mastery of all, god-king and emperor.
Those star-spawned intellects, seeking ever outward, ever downward, shunning that found wholesome.
No light to see, blind grasping crawlers seeking the warmth, not of light.

Knowing the unknowable, searching for that, the mind-light of man, the soul-light of him.
Oozing betwixt wall and ceiling, seeking to reach, those protected, by the warmth of light.
Antediluvian nightmares, get of Shub-Niggutath, formless forms, Black-Goat-With-A-Thousand-Young.

Hidden from sight, they seep along, squirming crossways, seeking the dark.
They will not enter the light, enter not the dark, eyeless skulls and fleshless bones, give testament.
Dimness grows and waiting is, dawdle not this granite grove, some unknown troglodyte graven, stone topiary, abhorrent and profane.

Madness grows from their presence, hurry, hurry, there are years to go and miles to walk, 'fore this burden be laid down.
The path alone illuminated, the coronal warmth diminished through the eons, 'cross the incalculable distance.
The marching horde, come from beyond the bound of time, outside the realm of space, waiting are they once again.

Why-ever did they flee, leaving man and his kin alone, face unexplained the unknowable, things and more than things.
That which blinds the mind, consumes the reason, butchers soul and slakes thirst with blood.

>> No.4878787


Down, down, down, the congested earth consumes, the flame is gone, replaced by eldritch light from nowhere.
Run like the deer, like the gazelle, like the poor, hairless ape, seeking that which cannot be known, but is for those who bind.
Gnash the teeth, beat the breast, the mind unravels, disturbing gallery undisturbed since time out of mind.

Impossible angles of shadowed arch, consume more than light and sound, troughs for gutters, alter on the dais.
Entombed upon the block, rough-hewn and alien, the last paladin of that other race, made before man.
Swollen skull thrown back, knowing, maddened grin, gnawed bones unrestrained, held only by force of will.

>> No.4878793

i liked it

>> No.4878801

Not really a poetry related response, but I like the insight you offer into beliefs.

>> No.4878806

please be a girl

>> No.4878810

I am :3

>> No.4878811

i'm a trap?

>> No.4878814


>> No.4878815
File: 35 KB, 480x360, 1395284429191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture of your thumb please

>> No.4878818

I'm a dude, you two carry on about your cohorting

>> No.4878819

reeks of tumblr faux-sentimentality for the most part (especially the "no?", my asshole literally tightened when i read that). last stanza is okay.

>> No.4878825 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 700x408, 1399794692792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the most aesthetically appealing thumb, but it should suffice...I hope.

>> No.4878836

All right I wrote a poem, I want the girls' attention too, lol:

the decent drowned in unholy sound
lost to delirium, painless dreariness
the world goes around, always the same old crowd
dark humour, we're a massive tumour
they sing god's praise, power and might, an abysmal sight
we're lost in completeness, replete mess, god yes
satan smiles

>> No.4878845

How dare you call this shit a poem? It's a single goddamn stanza that doesn't introduce or develop on any ideas, doesn't have a coherent structure, no voice, no point really, tries to be "deep" and original by pairing adjectives with adjectives ("painless dreariness" OooOoOoOOOoO) and quite frankly sounds like a song a high schooler would write on being dumped by his one twoo wuv. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.4878851

I'm kidding it's stylistically okay but I wouldn't call it a poem.

>> No.4878860

I wrote another one:
misery is my mistress, my distress
writing lines fit for a misfit, weeping clit
a gun follows my head to pillow, a promise
sleep, true sleep, a miracle
while the fat feed, and laugh that child's laugh, close to tears
two dozen years mad, my grandfather dies
no surprise, i'm cold and running,
mad at times that i'm here, glad to see her, injection to the brain
rain for the pain, refrain, insane
eighty years madness, i wonder. thanks

>> No.4878866

And okay don't call it a poem, lol. I was just expressing myself with bareness, the first things that popped into my head

>> No.4878877

I think I'm pretty good at this, lol

>> No.4878880

The content here is much better than the last one and your style shows through well, I can tell you're fond of rhyming in the same line which is something not many people pull off. The thing here is you're not taking advantage of the form of poetry - poems are supposed to look a certain way on the page and take advantage of their spatial and geometrical arrangement to affect and inform the way the poem "flows". I could go on and on about cadence and rhythm but for now understand that atm your poem's "flow" is a little staccato. It's fractured, like a piece that's meant to be read aloud instead of read (spoken word, rap, etc.)

I'll go ahead and rearrange your poem a little and you can see the difference yourself.

misery is my mistress, my distress writing lines fit for a misfit,
weeping clit
a gun follows
my head to pillow, a promise
true sleep,
a miracle while the fat feed, and laugh that child's laugh,
close to tears
two dozen years mad, my grandfather dies
no surprise, i'm cold and running,
mad at times that i'm here,
glad to see her,
injection to the brain
rain for the pain,
eighty years madness, i wonder. thanks

>> No.4878901

I prefer it my way :D

>> No.4878907

please return to tumblr

>> No.4878913

What's a tumblr?

>> No.4879012

Two drill-bits have found their way
onto my pitch-black cotton coat-tails,
and I remember the time my father died.
"Can you pass the salt?" Pops says,
as we dine on steaks and sides.
So I do. I guide the shaker to his hand
and embrace the fact that pepper has a friend
on almost every dinner table
from East to West.

>> No.4879019

The engine neighed like 500 horses
pulling a chariot of mortar with ease,
plucking in its existence
relics from the past
of arterial mechanics,
the workings of nudity unrested,
and whiskers not yet tickled.

>> No.4879924


sry i didn't realize the "thanks" was part of it for some reason.




"pitch black cotton coat-tails" is a fun phrase to say


>> No.4880084

> Butthurt about emoticons
Please return to /v/

>> No.4880086


>> No.4880118


Now the night is coming soon
Careful, careful, listen up
Do not make a sound, my dear
Since if the quiet you interrupt
Arisen will have been the fear
And will set just with the moon

Slowly, slowly it will creep
On the floor when light's been choked
And in darkness it is cloaked
Crawling gently past your toes
And so swiftly at them grows
From the carpet, moist and deep

If you do but lie alone
On your chest the creature lies
Sucks your lips and strokes your legs
Bite for bite for more it cries
Stroke for stroke for you it begs
On your loin the beast will moan

And then with remorse you give in
To its words as young skin silky
And its skin in moonlight milky
Kisses yours with teeth just once
Before into the night it runs
For not just you have velvet skin

And in the next darkest of nights
When your chest lies cold and dry
You break the quiet with slinky hum
And later with your lusty cry
And the beast will never come
And that is when you see: love bites.

>> No.4880134

the frequency of myself was

the beating of eyewater
against it's container

how molasses drags along
the jar. but molasses
can't want to escape:

i'll never hear a pulsation against glass
when i walk into the kitchen
as much as i'll hear it when
i walk inside myself

the sine wave doesn't go up anymore
it just sinks itself into the ground

it keeps everyone at a
longitudinal speed

but i never feel anyone
rushing back

only the
contents of a container evacuating
as it diffuses with the linoleum

>> No.4880246

As we coalesce like two King Cobras
a blanket of lanterns lights the ceiling
and the weights upon my chest lift
as if thrown off by some joyful giant.
My nerves bind to yours
and your breath becomes mine.
In circadian beauty we merge
like a split water molecule reforming
after a bout of fusion
that could only form
under the dense heat
of a neutron star.

>> No.4880255

Miniature men run on a tiny treadmill
and Jesus laughs begrudgingly.
"Why laugh Jesus?" The pipsqueaks squeak.
And so Christ grabs a shot of tequila
and pours it on the miniscule masculinists

>> No.4880263

The world we live in
Is cursed like a brick
A brick of lies, death and clay
Just floating through the weary days

I'm not pessimistic, quite the opposite
But I'm frustrated: the world, which should belong to me
It just won't listen
Animals, plants, humans, all the living things that see and comprehend
They just won't listen. The answer isn't here.

And here I am, walking alone
Floating through the weary days
These thoughts, they make me suffer
But I know that there are no other ways
To bear the chaos of existence

>> No.4880637


bricks don't float, and they aren't generally cursed, or made of clay. Also plants don't see nor comprehend, and most animals don't comprehend either. The world also shouldn't belong to you, nor are your days as weary as you want them to be. Overall, horrible metaphors and imagery. And you sound like an unlikeable child.

>> No.4880677

If your intellectual level is too low to understand simplest metaphors you should really refrain from posting

>> No.4880678

Read more>>4880255
you are not clever.

>> No.4880680

Your girlfriend is a shit.

>> No.4880702

Ya but it is still a shit metaphor.

>> No.4880720

waking soundless vertigoes
traveling into the future and
raping your 18-year-old daughter
hesperian suns
emanating from
malt liquor catches
dope slabs of
cat nip feeding me cold

\\bitch\\ got nothing but
shit yey and
shit to say
shindig loud and cream
livid gray based





{ ENUM { VAL = 1}}





HOPE $ Go to sleep Go to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleepGo to sleep


curtains close

>> No.4880730

your c++ (if this was attempt to make one) really sucks

>> No.4880733

How come? If someone can't get the idea of a poem how come I'm not clever?

>> No.4880739

sorry, my internet went down



i really liked this one. sorry if my reading doesn't show my appreciation i am ill http://vocaroo.com/i/s1ioZyzxTbhF

>> No.4880743

it's not that we don't get it. it's that it doesn't read well or have any interesting imagery or sounds or shapes or words in general

>> No.4880744


do you even know anything about templates, fagtron?

every time code is posted in an atmosphere not relevant to coding, some super fag comes out of the woodworks spewing tiresome shit.

do you know what that was even supposed to do you sarcoma?

>> No.4880757



using namespace std;

template<class T>
struct is_const {

enum{value = 1};


template<class T>
struct is_const<const T>{

enum{value = 0};


int main()

cout << is_const<int>::value << endl;

return 0;


>> No.4880765

Just wrote this today:

Can blood fill my lungs
If only infantile lungs they are?
My parents - whom I should worship,
If society is indeed correct -
Are cunts;
Assholes of the highest degree.
Is death the only escape from this Hell?

>> No.4880787

So what did you get for your cunt mother?

>> No.4880835


>> No.4880866

Mothers' Day is in March here.

>> No.4880902

Good day everyone :) I'm pretty new at this but I'll give it a try:

A man is at his weakest:
Though life balances on a needle,
And soul has shattered into pieces,
The bones, as fragile as a stick,
Turns into dust with just one click,
His will remains the same as ever -
Deprives the pain from his fruitless endeavor
Of trying to see through the face of the Devil.

The truth has been banished,
And death's imminent
But human has time to become permanent.

>> No.4880932


Because if people like Yeats and Frost can get across a point both intelligibly and intelligently to the exact same audience your'e sharing with right now, then it probably doesn't have to do with the people reading your poem as much as it does the poem itself.

>> No.4880934


not a fun one to read, sorry.

>> No.4880940


Don't have one.

>> No.4880949

Illiterate men write on cave walls
to tell their descendants of what had been.

Peculiar it is, that such barbaric beasts
should care for their future's stock
and its knowledge of the past,
for one might assume that
they only had the present.

>> No.4880960


>> No.4880980

Gracious grief my pulse tapers so!
Tick tock, drip drop, I wish the tracks ran
perpendicular to how they do.
I hope for the reins to be loosened
between mourning and morning
so that neither precedes the other.
I'd relinquish my whole world
for one frame of time longer.
Then maybe I could turn my lips
upside down, away from forlorn frowns
and have my eyes glisten with not gloom
but a glint of relief
and maybe momentum.

>> No.4881080

Oh delicious songs beyond the hills
stop flooding my ears
and drowning them in honey.
My diet of dust and sun
can not sustain such sport
of swimming against the tide
during monsoon season,
for soon I'll sink, or worse,
soon I'll sip the honey.

>> No.4881088

Coons thieve in a shadowless night,
like spooky silhouettes projected on
a curtain of bankrupt fibers.
Moon-cricketing, ghost-less,
a gator's bait in the jig of a boo.
A bayou-boat peels black and blue:
Tom's Uncle cracks his lead whip,
and the ducks line up in rows,
quacking their fat lipped beaks,
hurrying in a ruckus.
After the smoky fog settles,
a rapping sound is heard,
down a lightless street,
and bunnies hop in a jungle,
composed of concrete and crime.
And the pastry pigs go oink:

>> No.4881120


now she want a photo
you already know though
you only live once
that's the motto

>> No.4881164

Whoa, where the fuck do you live? Mother's Day is, for the most part, all on the same day everywhere.

>> No.4881184


We hope,
hoping the time will come
when we all fall apart
so we won't hope anymore.

>> No.4881285

they deleted my Sad Look as Grace as David Foster Wallace thread for no good treason so i am taking this thread here and going to do my own thing. no longer reading mediocre poetry for people who don't say thanks.

>> No.4881298

People said thanks.

>> No.4881301

not in good graces

>> No.4881303

>for no good reason
This is not your blog.

>> No.4881314

i said treason you dummy i'm the queen and you're about to be beheaded.

>> No.4881327

lol im so funny im a girl i take dexedrine i type idiosyncraticly i read DFW pls lavish me with attention

>> No.4881361

Could you read any of my poems? They're only six words each.


>> No.4881368

i don't even like dfw and i get dexies prescribed because i have adhd and you lot have all given me hella attention since i got here. if you didn't i wouldn't still be posting here however many months later.

it's your own fault.

no, i don't like reading things that are too short to really do anything with not that i do anything with other people's poetry anyway. super sorry, though. :(