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File: 186 KB, 504x336, where-the-fuck-is-godot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
487766 No.487766 [Reply] [Original]

I turn 18 in 1 hour and 7 minutes. Help me. I don't want to grow old. I don't want to die.

>They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more.

>> No.487770

suck dick

>> No.487769

18s not old.

>> No.487777
File: 68 KB, 351x500, LuckyStrikeDoctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start smoking cigarettes. That makes everything better.

>> No.487780

Spend the rest of your life desperately searching for a way to be 15 forever, completely forget to live, have a cautionary tale written about your life.

>> No.487781

Make sure u find ur direction in life. Any direction just go for something. Don't worry about age, nothing u can do about it. As for death well, try not to think about it lol
U know people flail around as their muscles contract in Cremation and they stomachs swell up and explode. Pretty rough but it'll spare your chest from ever so slowly caving in

>> No.487788

sell your young soul to the devil, quick, while you still have time...

>> No.487798

Christ you suck. Stop it man. Fuckkk

>> No.487802

oh and happy birthday

>> No.487825
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hey OP, me too

my plan is to get enough money to afford organ transplants and tranhumanism crapola 40 years down the road


>> No.487831

It's only 18. Jesus H. Christ.

>> No.487836

underage b&

>> No.487839

fuck you i turned 25 today.

>> No.487846


>> No.487864

Happy birthday.

>> No.487866
File: 71 KB, 480x360, midget_cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday!

>> No.487869

Happy birthday:


>> No.487882

Get off of 4chan. Meet a woman. Find something you enjoy and make money doing it. Try not to avoid new opportunities. Learn what you enjoy learning about. Die knowing that you've experienced all you want to.

>> No.487886


Enjoy your death when the corporations that give you your organs go bankrupted. If they don't screw you over first...

>> No.487889


Why would you meet a woman and fuck up all the rest of that awesome stuff?

>> No.487891

Go write a poem about the girl you follow and stare at but never talk to. Let the adults talk.

>> No.487893

they fucking stole that fucking movie

>> No.487910


The best way to be gain immortality, is how it has been done for eons. Write as much as you fucking can and hope that it will be remembered.

>> No.487912

Not all women are blood sucking bitches.
Meet someone who's company you actually enjoy, whether you're gay or straight.

Also, don't take life too seriously. Life is here to enjoy it, don't make it about how much money you don't have or other trivial things like that.

>> No.487917

It won't be.

>> No.487921

nah boi, the future is going to be a fucked up place.

either the organ dealers die off immediately, or the business becomes a multinational success for the rich and powerfull. some of the richest people on earth can live forever, that industry is not going to die off easily

>> No.487925

Or you could just wait a few decades until they have nanotech that can repair the cells in your body internally, and effectively eliminate aging.

>> No.487932

Get out of here dad.

>> No.487935


But what if I want to experience the sun go supper nova, attack ships on fire off the shoulder of orion, our galaxy and Andromeda fuse, etc? Within this short lifespan; all these things, all these hopes will be lost...

Like tears in the rain.

>> No.487940
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>> No.487945
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>> No.487955


There better be a open source version of transhumanism. Fuck you corporations!

>> No.487990

No fire in space, bro. Fire needs oxygen.
Wait until you're thirty or forty. Then go
for cryonics. Or maybe they'll have some age inhibitor by then. Who knows.

>> No.488004
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>> No.488006

leaking life support

>> No.488031

They've had cell-implantable processors delivered by retrovirus since 08, and something remarkably similiar to forcefields was proven to work in 06(plasma window). Transhumanism will undoubtedly be here soon. I'm assuming it'll be as popular in the developed world as computers are today. And if they work on making nanobots that can replicate up to a certain limit in the human body, it'll be cheap as hell. Only a few (or even one) would need to be manufactured for each person, probably to be taken in the form of a pill.

>> No.488033

Sounds boring and mundane.

>> No.488052
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Have you met my friend Dorian?

>> No.488066

Then go join the army or be a criminal if a normal life isn't right for you.

>> No.488089

There's a world of options if you can find them, my brother is a deckhand on 18th century sailing ships. Dropped out of uni to go career. Good life at sea sorted before he was 20

>> No.488100

>take sample of transhuman friend's hair
>erase version of windows written to only interact with his DNA
>upload custom Nanobot/linux build to the bots in his hair
>eat hair
Mission accomplished.
Alternately, use a molecular 3d printer and construct your own nanobots from an open source design.

>> No.488164

read some books

>> No.488163

Do you really want to live forever? Forever...and ever...

Forever young. I want to be forever young.

>> No.488172

Sell. Soul. Devil

>> No.488168

There is no such thing as forever!
Everything dies, even the universe. I just want to die as the universe does.

>> No.488176
File: 20 KB, 270x270, Yossarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up, bro?

>> No.488181


I just want the lifespan of a star. I am perfectly OK with only living a few billion years.

>> No.488184

...but you live much longer

>> No.488214


Then I will kill myself (assuming your talking about the ageless version of immortal) as the universe begins to die.

>> No.488227


Your welcome.

>> No.488240

It's gonna take billions of years to die. Have fun missing out.

>> No.488243

A mayfly would say the same about our lifespans
You still wouldn't be satisfied

>> No.488248

Oh hey guys, hate to spoil your plans

>> No.488258

damn, you might be right.


>> No.488261

Survival of the fittest, baby. Not everyone would be fucked.

>> No.488264


We will just to to other planets. Hurr durp

>> No.488274


This is when we go "Humanity Fuck ya(!)," and start overpopulating the universe.

>> No.488287

Survival of the fittest no longer applies. Fast fact; the Human population has ,for as long as far back as can be predicted, remained around the 2 billion mark. In the last 100 years this has tripled and by 2050 the human population will be require the resources of four Earths. Rise of miracle Healthcare has beaten Survival of the fittest. On a Eugenic note what we see as admirable features are in fact being bred out as "Ideal" successful parents only have an average of 2.5 children while lesser off parents have larger families. Most of the Asian.

Its like that old Doctor Who episode. Remembrance of the Daleks where loads of rich people get cryogenicly frozen so that when science catches up to their diseases they'll be brought back to life only... no one wants them.

Also look at employability and societal pressures, ur a burnt out hasbeen by 60

>> No.488295

Too drunk to type, sorry about the coherency there

>> No.488296

There will be restrictions in place. 2 children per couple, allowing more or less to keep the population consistent.

Or we could just go digital and live in an artificial society.

>> No.488304

When we all go apeshit insane over the lack of resources I assure you survival of the fittest will come back into play. Unless you are suggesting more than one Earth exists?

>> No.488316

No i'm not, it was just an indication of the resources needed.. its something that pisses me off. Ask your average Joe on the street if we should put time into expanding into space and they say No its a waste of money it should go to healthcare and the poor. In the long run that line of thought will doom us all

>> No.488315
File: 42 KB, 500x750, baboon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Big Space Fuck by Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.488321

Well yea, I agree with you there. The average Joe is a fucking invalid.

>> No.488335


Not only is the average Joe invalid, he also needs to die a very painful death!

>> No.489857

I'm 18. Inching ever closer to death.

>> No.490066

I'm 49, and it's going to be a good 20 years before you have the first idea what you're talking about. There's nothing factually incorrect about the idea you're putting forth, you're just a total stranger to it.

>> No.490072


I thought they called a catastrophe on that scale (which it inevitably would be) genetic drift. so natural selection is irrelevant, especially when your weakly looking, short, bald, virile next door neighbor has a gun.

>> No.490074

What if he get cancer

>> No.490081

>Some day the sun will go supernova and incinerate the earth, wiping away all signs that you ever lived.
You can go further than that. heat death of the universe

>> No.490079

Some day the sun will go supernova and incinerate the earth, wiping away all signs that you ever lived.

In the meantime, just do something you like that people will pay you for. Find a partner (male/female/who cares). If you want to create art, do that too. If not, promote what you like as well as you can. Nothing else matters.

>> No.490091

>Some day the sun will go supernova and incinerate the earth, wiping away all signs that you ever lived.

Actually, before that happens our galaxy is most likely going to be smashed into the Andromeda galaxy, and they'll consume one another. The survival of our solar system all depends on where we're going to be in relation to Andromeda when they collide. Worst case scenario, we're eaten by the supermassive black hole at the center of Andromeda, best case scenario, our solar system is flung into the space between galaxies.

>You can go further than that. heat death of the universe

The universe is continually expanding at an ever-increasing rate due to dark energy, heat death is an outdated concept now. We're not dealing with models of a closed universe anymore, but an expanding one.

>> No.490109

22 last month. It is the worst birthday. I celebrated it by paying my own cell phone bill.

>> No.490124

Then how will the universe end..

>> No.490132


We won't know until we fully understand the influence of dark matter and dark energy on the universe.

It would be a plus to genuinely figure out why gravity isn't anywhere near as strong a force as it should be.

>> No.490134

I jerked off and thought about my college roommates. It was great. I enjoyed it, and my rommmates did too.

>> No.490164

I can honestly say that that option never crossed my mind. Perhaps I was simply insufficiently creative to enjoy the event.

>> No.490183

18 is the peak of your youth. Everything else is downhill from there. 18 was the last birthday I looked forward to. I suggest you buy some beer and drink it OP.

>> No.490185

After 18 all goes to shit. And the years go quicker and quicker.

>We can't tare out a single page of our lives, but we can throw the whole book in the fire.