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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 580x301, roggenbuck-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4871181 No.4871181 [Reply] [Original]

Steve Roggenbuck is the new Walt Whitman


>Along with Tao Lin, Roggenbuck is one of the bright stars of Alt Lit, an online writing community that emerged in 2011 and harnesses the casual affect and jagged stylistics of social media as the basis of their works—poems, stories, novels, tweets, and status updates. Its members have produced a body of distinctive literature marked by direct speech, expressions of aching desire, and wide-eyed sincerity.

>> No.4871183


>> No.4871187
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>> No.4871191


Why are you including this shit? It isn't needed to get to the link.

>> No.4871192


>> No.4871194

referral link so op can make facebook bucks to use in castlefarm

>> No.4871207

he's like
sooooo sincere.

>> No.4871471

Blogs can be written by anyone

>> No.4871494

>let's pretend this guy in his 20s is as good as a man who spent a lifetime writing one of the foundational books of American poetry

Truly we live in an evil age.

>> No.4871524
File: 205 KB, 500x500, CnEt333YaS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Truly we live in an evil age.
This is just the beginning of the ride for you.

>> No.4871525

>and harnesses the casual affect and jagged stylistics of social media as the basis of their works
>tweets, and status updates

Just another example of old media bending over backwards to suck off social media in a desperate bid to maintain relevance.

>> No.4871528

And how much of this 'poetry' will be relevant in even a decade?

>> No.4871574
File: 223 KB, 900x675, cancer going on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck.

>> No.4871580

college dropout: the movie: the book: the social media celebrity: the "poet"

>> No.4871591

Who knows.
The argument these people use, as seen in the New Yorker comment section, is that people also called Leaves of Grass weird, people hated Howl and so on.
This makes them seem ahead of the rest of us, forgetting the hundreds of poets and artists who has made absolute shit throughout time, who haven't been deified.

>> No.4871592

How much poetry from more than a decade ago is 'relevant' today?

>> No.4871593

Is /lit/ jealous?

>> No.4871595
File: 34 KB, 627x352, canada-eh-michael-cera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw his life will become a movie adaptation written by Shia LaBeouf and played by Michael Cera and directed by James Franco

>> No.4871602

I hated him at first but his poetry is pretty cool

It's gooey and sentimental and all that but you know he's self-aware enough to know he's putting himself out there making this shit

Also he's pretty well read

>> No.4871612

>my grandpas in the top 10 smallest cocks
>we're talking small
>ripley's believe it or not that is one small dick

>> No.4871613

>tfw you will never be among the pantheon of awkward white guys

>> No.4871616

wow this is awful
maybe it's because i'm not a poetry guy but this is pretty much the embodiment of 'lol so randumb xD'

>> No.4871623

He's the PewDiePie of literature

>> No.4871630

Sort of cheating with that emotional music, like adding Godspeed You! Black Emperor to a short film about concrete buildings.

it's clear that he is trying to be Whitman, with the enumerations and such - but it's so cheap, he makes some clever remarks, like 'your dog only lives once' and then tries to build on it, but it all falls short because he explains himself too much.

>> No.4871631

>implying the New Yorker being shit wasn't already established as fact prior to this

>> No.4871742


i don't want to be in the new yorker for bullshit like that. i'm pissed and disillusioned.

>> No.4871772

>work my ass off in uni
>finally, get internship at new yorker
>slave for 12 hours per day in the hope of getting a full time job
>after 2 years of non-paid bullshit, finally get a job (no insurance, no security)
>boss says that we're losing sales, have to come up with a way to gain more % of young market
>boss forwards me mail from his marketing guy with youtube videos of some autist "poet" shambling through the woods, tells me to write about him
>write the piece as much as possible to his liking
>die inside, this is the opposite of what I envisioned working for The New Yorker would be like

>> No.4871838

I actually just came on /lit/ to moan about all this godawful internet writing. And here it is, not even a minute in.
I love you guys, we need to stand in solidarity against this evil specter.

Honestly, call it what it is.
All of this is genre fiction. (poems, too)

>> No.4871858

>yfw he gets more prime pussy than you

>> No.4871929
File: 44 KB, 600x451, marinetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is how mad people got at the literary movements back in the day as well
>the people that now celebrate these movements are getting mad at new movements

"oh muh social decline and kids these days i surely cannae deal with this" - some old greek cunt 2700 years ago whining just like all the old cunts of now and forever

>> No.4871937

>we need to stand in solidarity against this evil specter.

Unfortunately we have nothing to offer as an alternative so our outrage can easily be written off.

>> No.4871941

but the people decrying all of the literary movements beyond 1910 were right

>> No.4871998

I met him, he doesn't.
He probably gets less pussy than the average lit guy despite his fame.
Also alt-lit bitches are ugly as sin.

>> No.4872005

anyone who reads literary magazines as if they are relevant in this day and age was deluding themselves from the start. Genuinely, I have no idea why people respect magazine institutions just because they put on a polished face and slap on some horseshit signifier of "quality" like the new yorker

go read a book

>> No.4872012
File: 55 KB, 300x377, tristan-tzara-dadaism1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, Hitler.

>> No.4872014

>He likes good art
>better call him Hitler

I guess this is how degenerate drug abusing hipsters justify urinals and Finnegan's Wake now eh?

>> No.4872026

You can smell the desperation coming off those magazines.

>> No.4872027
File: 41 KB, 600x900, old cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow how do you call this music? it's just noise, it all sounds the same!
>you call that a painting? a five year old could make that. it doesn't even really look like a person. this is not art!
>abstract? sounds like a fancy word for bullshit, why don't you paint a nice landscape?
>why is the sky green? somebody better git these hippies good

>> No.4872032

Also if you look up the dude that wrote that piece is a fucking college professor and what the fuck do they know about quality. over analyzing pricks.

>> No.4872033

>Finnegans Wake

>> No.4872043
File: 1.28 MB, 1137x795, 1362293450022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think you know who you're dealing with here, hipster-boy.

>> No.4872047

This image is what you get when you know nothing of art history. "art was better back then because it looks like a photo."

>> No.4872052
File: 582 KB, 800x732, 1385963500914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"art was better back then because it looks like a photo."
Nice try. Can't recreate ancient greece mythology in a "photo"

>> No.4872055
File: 24 KB, 500x375, bad contemporary art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow how do you call this music? it's just noise, it all sounds the same!
Merzbow is shit, and so is most of harsh noise get over it.

>you call that a painting? a five year old could make that. it doesn't even really look like a person. this is not art!
pic related

This anti-art era is worse than everything.
Everything has to be ironic and even the worst and less constructed thing has to have a pseudo-meaning.

Thus said, some contemporary art is awesome, some harsh noise too, and probably some alt lit. But this little prick in OP's link is just a guy with no sense of art and a camera.
And he is praised for being a turd.

>> No.4872057
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>> No.4872058
File: 677 KB, 1024x768, Hieronymus-Bosch-A-Violent-Forcing-Of-The-Frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff on the right looks a lot more interesting. Also top kek at using gaudy neo-classicist nazi sculptures as an example of art of merit.

Pic related, 'art then' and of actual merit instead of proto-photography.

>> No.4872061
File: 250 KB, 400x300, 1393461782577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is praised for being a turd
Just like in the haydays of the late-roman empire.

>> No.4872062
File: 72 KB, 660x435, troy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except you can.

>> No.4872066

Your tail is in between your legs, and now you're resorting to goal post moving.

You're rekt, deal with it.

>> No.4872068

>implying that is

Listen, you're just stupid--sorry I gotta be the one to tell you. You're just a stupid mentally ill degenerate (who probably 420s er'day).

>> No.4872076

>being this bourgeois

>> No.4872077

You didn't even make an argument. You just said that stuff after 1910 has no artistic merit. I'm still waiting for you to back that up.

>ur stupid
Great argument.

>> No.4872079
File: 92 KB, 500x335, Hipsteridiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this "ironic"

>> No.4872082

It's not even bourgeois, it's the worst kind of petit-bourgeois. That selection of 'good art' is like a 14 year olds conception of what cultured people like.

>> No.4872083

>Turning art into some kind of dichotomy

>Implying it's a matter of time.
Rodin is neo-classic, he's only a few years off (literally) from the modernist movement. Enjoy your muscle-y men and bosomy women though.

>> No.4872085
File: 189 KB, 714x714, 1334194353817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're rekt. Deal with it.

>> No.4872087

fuck off, you know nothing about art
you probably couldn't tell a Caravaggio from a Rembrandt and yet you still ramble smugly on as if you have the faintest idea what you're talking about

>> No.4872088

That Bouguereau is kitschy as fuck. Sterile and overposlihed.

>inb4 but muh skills

>> No.4872091

>appreciating a cultural legacy and the history of art is apparently bourgeois

>> No.4872095
File: 202 KB, 960x640, 1353355452001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these hipsters trying desperately to defend shit in a can, crucifix's in piss, messy beds, and paint splotches of nothing

>> No.4872102
File: 466 KB, 1600x932, Daybreak_by_Parrish_(1922).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, because that's all modern art is, right?

shut up

>> No.4872106
File: 1000 KB, 500x292, 1399531972129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cherry pick dere buddy.

Also, nice denial of pre-1910 styles of painting this painting obviously embodies.

>> No.4872107

It's telling when your only form of argument is mockery.

>> No.4872108

>solely appreciating that which can safely be appreciated
>not the domain of mercantile bores

>> No.4872109

No man I never said that I didn't appreciate modern art, I just said that appreciating older art isn't inherently bourgeois

>> No.4872111

What's where to argue against? I'm not the one pinpointing an arbitrary point in history and denouncing all culture after that. There's no arguing against purely sentimental "back in the day everything was better" whining.

>> No.4872113
File: 58 KB, 1212x760, 1313355344001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degenerate detected
>it's even apparent in your "taste" in art

>> No.4872115

The poster who posted that silly pic solely appreciates older art, that is what the other guy was reacting against.

>> No.4872117

It's not "arbitrary", there's a very obvious difference in the kind of art produced after a certain time period.

>> No.4872118
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>> No.4872119
File: 654 KB, 1600x1162, eine kleine nachtmusik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assumed that you were so utterly incapable of appreciating anything that isn't borderline photographic in its detail that it's the only kind of painting you'd understand as "art"
wouldn't even waste my time watching you deride Picasso or Ernst as if you weren't completely out of your depth

>> No.4872121

Define the difference and then explain why the latter period lacks artistic merit.

>> No.4872139
File: 2.14 MB, 1079x1080, Gustav_Klimt_016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon was in 1907
The Whistler vs. Ruskin case was in 1877
Artists started painting landscapes rather than religious figures at some point in the 15th century
but forget that it's got a history, art was perfect until suddenly people started to make bad art in 1910
"It's degenerate that portraiture became more abstract after photography became widespread, high quality and affordable! I have no idea why liberals pretend to like this hipster garbage! Ha ha ha!"

>> No.4872140
File: 222 KB, 640x427, tumblr_n3dsn80UcX1tx19o8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stevie Roggenbuck aint got nothin on Joe Peaches, heres what I think of Stevie

Stevie get wet on these peaches

>> No.4872149
File: 194 KB, 768x432, tumblr_n3hrieZPzI1tx19o8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an this pussy ass bithc Jamie Dunmore can go fuk eachother up the arse


>> No.4872167
File: 108 KB, 979x611, tumblr_n34rykUxMb1tx19o8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I been in this alt-lit game fer yeers men. I've seen em all come and go, if I counted on my fingers how many noobs have called themselves Yeats I'd have two hands.

Joe Peaches. Respect the underground. Live life. Carry on. LoV3


>> No.4872171


Yeah, you aren't exactly making your point here and are closer to arguing mine. The fact that there were a few outliers that prefigured the degeneracy to come within the following few decades only makes sense, as there are always minor cases before an epidemic strikes.

Landscapes don't concern me, but there are examples of landscape paintings before the 15th century.

>> No.4872301

>all these ugly white boys being hyped up
at least have the decency of picking a pretty one

>> No.4872304

By your logic, the Scary Movie/Epic Movie/X Movie are the future of film. After all, most people hate them, so it must be good!
Sometimes, people call things shit because they are shit. roggenbuck is shit.

>> No.4872350
File: 14 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wide-eyed sincerity. (“language is so cool. i can type out these shapes and you can understand me,” or “Yay! Dolphins are beautiful creatures and will always have a wild spirit. I have been very lucky because I have had the awesome experience of swimming with dolphins twice.”)

Well played Roggenbuck. You've fooled those stupid boomers into thinking you don't beat your shit to facialabuse.com. You tricked them into believing that you don't derive intense pleasure from video games with realistic blood and tits. You've lead them to believe you aren't a hideous little creature spawned from a pool of ritalin, aspartame, and rancid hormones.

You have convinced them that they haven't messed up. You've mad ether think they've done the right thing. They will die without knowing it.

>> No.4872353

>He's PewDiePie

>> No.4872369

>There’s an intensity and an edge to his work, verging on violence, which is at once terrifying, hypnotic, and completely moving

In a world of war without borders, in a world of global warming, in a world of impending cybernetic and biogenetic advancements that could change the definition of what it means to be human, in a world where one economic crisis has barely started easing up before the next one descends, in a world of resurgent reactionary, nationalist and fundamentalist movements.
In this world, where we live now, there is someone who literally described Roggenbuck as "terrifying." That is the world he used. He said Roggenbuck's vlogs of running around in the woods and talking about Robin Williams' sex life are "terrifying."

Jesus fucking Christ.
And the whole article is the same way. Is the New Yorker really this desperate to pretend they're relevant?

>> No.4872382

Anyone else scared of buying into New Sincerity while its authors secretly laugh at you behind just another extra irony proxy?

>> No.4872432

So much anti modern art in this thread why did I go to sleep before it got good.

Modern art is most infamous for its relativism, which disqualifies much of it from serious consideration – if it does not believe in anything, what could it possibly need to express? This has been especially true since the end of WWII, with the majority of modern art of all categories possessing a very vague purpose of breaking social taboos, characterizing itself as degenerate art intended only to demoralize.

"Music has taken a bad turn; these young people have no idea how to write a melody, they just give us shavings, which they dress up to look like a lion’s mane and shake at us… It’s as if they avoid melodies, for fear of having perhaps stolen them from someone else.” – Richard Wagner

>> No.4872460

Well, Evolakid. That's a valid point. But keep in mind that during the Cold War, modern art was used by America to flaunt it's freedom in the face of Soviet censorship.

>> No.4872464

>But keep in mind that during the Cold War, modern art was used by America to flaunt it's freedom in the face of Soviet censorship.

Are you implying this is a good thing?

>> No.4872491

Are you implying freedom isn't a good thing?

>> No.4872493
File: 296 KB, 648x588, 1379629703401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you implying freedom isn't a good thing?

Freedom is not always a good thing

>> No.4872500

>gender identity disorder

That's not freedom.

>> No.4872502

The thing is: why would you buy into new sincerity. It's probably the stupidest idea that was ever considered.

>> No.4872503

>subscribing to relativism means having no beliefs
>a lack of belief implies a lack of need to expression

>> No.4872507
File: 92 KB, 1441x769, 1359301405307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would you buy into new sincerity.
Because you are so bitter and jaded everything you do must make fools out of everyone else

>> No.4872632

I think it's the great ill of American culture being so concerned about status and the self and image. The need to appear good and liked and accepted.

Irony is an obsession only of American culture because everyone cares only to be in on the joke and not how good the joke is.

Add to this the obsession with feeling good where anything is judged by how happy it makes you and you get a perfect recipe for stupidity.

>> No.4872669


lit shocks me sometimes, stuff like >>4872043 is a dead viewpoint even among old people

>> No.4872691
File: 133 KB, 1032x774, Pisschrist_Extendo_by_Erevis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people give pisschrist shit
>its actually really beautiful to look at

dat fucking lighting

>> No.4872739

Indeed. Didn't some crazy fundie try to destroy it a few months back?

>> No.4872764

In appears to me that ITT there is some debate about the merits of representational natural art vs. abstract impressionistic art.

What happened to the idea that every era gets the art it deserves?

>> No.4872769

People still call Leaves of Grass weird, people still hate Howl and so on.

This is a good thing

>> No.4872776

fucking golden. one of the better christs.

>> No.4872779

>defend Artist's Shit
the whole thing was made to mock critique tendencies of the time. If you don't understand this on your own you are stupid. There is literally nothing to defend.

>> No.4872783

Isn't this just "Language Poetry" again, this time in electrons? At least this round of crap will die with electricity.

>> No.4872803

when will electricity die?

>> No.4872814


the heat death of the universe

>> No.4872819

Are you quite sure our little niche is the only place with electricity in the multiverse?

>> No.4872865


Very true, one can only hope it is the only one with a Steve Rogenbuck then at least.

>> No.4872879

>tfw living in the only world where Steve Rogenbuck exists

>> No.4872952

that's what they used to say about whale oil, but we still have Beowulf. This alt lit thing is old snake oil in new bottles. Name a language poet without looking it up.

>> No.4872988

>tfw there may be countless universes where steve rogenbuck exists with slightly different annoying qualities

>> No.4872994

Ben Dover.

>> No.4873021

Lil B has been doing for years what this Steve Roggenbuck pretends to do and in a way that's actually refreshing and not just painful to look at.

>> No.4873107

>lit shocks me sometimes
we don't really read around here in case you were wondering.

>> No.4873171

We do but then /pol/ and /sci/

>> No.4873186

Realism looks like a cartoon?

>> No.4873200

Is this a serious question?

>> No.4873292

I'm not sure which of these ideas is more depressing.

>> No.4873324

You're missing the most important difference, though.
Lil B is black, and Roggenbuck is white. A white guy doing things is more interesting, reportable and noble than a black guy doing things. This is how America works (see: Justin Bieber).

>> No.4873383

From the comments section:

>You can't separate Whitman's breathless enthusiasm for life from his masterful use of language and still call it poetry. Do you know who else seems have boundless, breathless enthusiasm? Tony Robbins—and just about every hack of a TED speaker. Roggenbuck seems to be to poetry as TED is to the traditional academy/exchange of ideas.

I think this sums up the way I feel pretty succinctly.

>> No.4873398

Well art fags are going to take the white male over the black male because of culture.

>> No.4873410

Of course the New Yorker is shit. It's for old people, that can't or don't know how to access culture. It also is like a Louis Vuitton purse for young people who would look down on said purses.

>> No.4873413


Yeah right art fags love niggers.

>> No.4873415



>> No.4873420


America is the only culture.

>> No.4873422


It is definitely a good thing.

>> No.4873437


This 26 year old reminds me of someone who has had a nervous breakdown.

Once me and my friends got high and happened upon the Al Anon North American Reunion at the Toronto convention centre, we went in and there were thousands of recovering alcoholics in there. They all were overly filled with a new zest for life, and a creepy positivism, it seemed artificial and insincere. This guy seems the same as all of those alcoholics.

>> No.4875487

This is what happens when you give kids trophies for participation. I have read poetry written by people with Downs Syndrome and it sounds eerily like Roggenbuck and his ilk. The only difference being that poetry written by people with Downs Syndrome is sincere and Steve's oeuvre is a snide and sarcastic joke. Steve is angrily lashing out at authority, such as the New Yorker. Behind their back him and Tao are giggling and putting firecrackers up frog's butts. He is testing them and seeing just what he can get away with - how stupid he can sound - before somebody calls bullshit. Like many creative movements, it's a backlash against the paradigms of the previous generation, only this time Steve is using the heartless cynicism of his time to pillory boomer sensibilities.

In all likelihood he knows how to write a poem, but he chooses not to because the prevailing subjectivity would mean that it would be equal and comparable to the work of a child or a mentally ill person. Steve Roggenbuck's act is a double middle finger to those who judge the merits of poetry. He's not attacking them by being what they hate, he's attacking them by being what they love. He is exploiting the idea that there is no "good" or "bad" in art for all that it's worth. The older generations are too blind to notice, they still see him as a child - their child in fact. Anyone who grew up during the same time knows what we went through, how we think. We can all remember the maudlin sentimentality and forced cheerfulness. Roggenbuck is throwing all this back in their faces, deceitfully. He is effectively saying; 'this is what happens when you have no standards' and 'this is the grave you chose.

There is nothing new or sincere about this. It's a gigantic charade. If you wanted "new sincerity" y'all'd be reading erotic Sonic fanfics, not this guy - a man obviously taking the piss. Not to risk sounding like a broken record, but fuck the boomers. Their evil will be stench upon the earth long after their bodies have rotted away.

>> No.4875519

As in, the Kanye album?

>> No.4875525

Maybe this guy is but Tao Lin is anything but sincere. Being aware of affectation does not negate it.

>> No.4875537

The problem with that image is that it gives the impression that realism is the base while any study of art history knows that realism is not the norm but is a later evolution of visual arts not dissimilar from expressionism or minimalism.

>> No.4875567

I bet you're also the kind of type that defends Hitler's mediocre art despite the fact that he could not into perspective at all. Look at Picasso's early work - he was perfectly capable of drawing the human form well yet he decided to venture into other styles. I'm not a fan of conceptualism or performance art as there is little in the way of skill and hard work involved yet to tar entire periods with the same brush is dumb.
Photography might be down your alley since to a degree it has assumed some of the old functions of art, such as realistic portraiture.

>> No.4875589

You are giving too much credit to roggenbuck.

He is a college educated person who went to get an mfa in poetry and got offended when people weren't praising his shitty poetry in class and were telling him that if he wants to be a serious poet he has to sweat it and it's going to be in pain.

So his reaction was "But I don't want to express the eternal wound of mankind, I want to write stupid jokes for my friends".

So he dropped out and moved back with his parents in rural maine, only to find out that all his hs friends have moved on and no one is living there anymore. He is a 20 something in the middle of nowhere, no way to make friends, no where to go so he starts making youtube videos and spending his days on spreecasts where he gains popularity because he is a 20 something wearing a pikachy hoody.

There is no snark, cynicism or bs in Roggenbuck. There is only his terrible desire not to be alone and his narcissism and his dumbing himself down to not be intimidating to 16 year olds.

>> No.4875599

>Purposely aping the look of amateur videos strewn across YouTube, they are meticulously crafted infomercials for poetry

>Not Ideas About the Thing but the Thing Itself

>> No.4876033

>There is no snark, cynicism or bs in Roggenbuck

Impossible, those things have pervaded the popular consciousness. If this were true he would have to be Amish or something. If you've seen a movie, read a book, or above all, been on the internet these days you've experienced snark, cynicism or bs in massive quantities. It's a part of everything now. He's being abrasive and annoying out of hatred and rage. He's probably angry at his own inability to escape the meaninglessness and absurdity of the present, so he has given up.

>> No.4876076

That is one of the biggest lies conveyed about our culture today.
We are living in a culture of unabashed sentimentalism and twee.
With the exception of few niche groups (fashion + cocktail art world) everyone is painfully sincere.

These are people who will candidly discuss the merits of their favorite disney world, they will bring cupcakes and complain how characters in literary fiction are unlikable and how neil gaiman is awesome.

There is no snark, no irony, they are just nerds. They are the people that share the upworthy articles and get upset when a character in a story doesn't call a girl back because "she seemed nice".

They are the product of the process of infantilization of consumers, the eternal man-child, the placid consumer, the relentless conformist. All they want is to be liked, to not have any problems of the scary adulthood and be accepted.

>> No.4876082

M8, you can detox yourself from all of that by listening to Palestrina and praying to the Virgin Mary daily. Don't let yourself be deceived into thinking that you can't do these things because they go against "the times", "the modern age". Truth is truth, even when it's unfashionable.

>> No.4876088

>Truth is truth
What if the inherent absurdity of conscious existence means that snark is the closest thing to truth?

>> No.4876095

You are.defeating your point. You're cynically describing a supposedly post-cynical culture.

>> No.4876097

Snark is just ignorance masking itself as wisdom.

The spirit of wisdom is benevolent.

>> No.4876098

Probably because he thinks he's on the avant-garde of culture.

>> No.4876104

That seems like a laughably pre-modern way of thinking.

>> No.4876109

It is. But once you realize that the modern world is useless because it was built on vain ideals, you won't mind being laughable in the eyes of modernity.

>> No.4876111

I really have a hard time understanding the obsession with snark. As if people really can't take other people's criticism or hostility or as if the only reason why people think, write or work is because they are trying to obtain prestige.

A lot of hipsters and writers are snarky and will make fun of you without understanding what you are trying to say, so what?

The question of irony has any relevance only for those who don't see any value in their work other than public recognition.

>> No.4876122

>implying I don't keep a postmodern diary

>> No.4876131

Every era has been based on vain ideals.

>> No.4876140

No mostly because I don't think cynicism to be a problem nor I believe that sincerity is a merit.

I just don't think that cynicism is that big of a problem, I think it is the result of a lot of self-conscious middle class people thinking like soccer moms that all of society problems can be solved with manners.

Because the critique of cynicism is nothing but that, a criticism of manner, asking people to be more polite.

>> No.4876144

Do you really think he meant to say that cynicism can't exist in any form?

>> No.4876276

...and why do you suppose everything is as you say?

Why do you think they try to be as sugary as possible? Because it makes them feel good. Why do they have this constant need to be embraced in a hugbox of pablum? Because outside it is so hellish, bewildering, and ugly to them. It has all the obsessive devotional aspects and benefits of religion, only secularized with all the edges, implications, and duties filed off.

They are only trying to pretend that all-anal gangbangs, gore, and fluffy abuse don't exist. These memories are implanted in them, forcefully So they bandwagon charlatans like Roggenbuck. How can they be unable to face reality unless they havn't already faced reality and had their eyelids severely shocked.

>> No.4876334

There is multiple reasons.
But I also think that part of it is that they grew up in a very isolated way.
Most of them grew up in lonely suburbs and then moved out to college campuses.

They lived a sheltered life of alienated relationships, thus they have a very poor comprehension of human psychology outside the petri dish they were brought up in.

Also I think that media access can only illuminate this much. Even in the time of internet I meet 20 something kids, totally normal, not religious at all who think, for example, that casual sex is evil and that a character should be punished for having sex.

>> No.4876350

>Even in the time of internet I meet 20 something kids, totally normal, not religious at all who think, for example, that casual sex is evil and that a character should be punished for having sex.

The internet hasn't been around for that long. Do you really expect millennia of culture to be erased in less than a single generation?

>> No.4876368

Books can be written by anyone

>> No.4876454

I mean look at what new york is becomig:


>> No.4876460

being kind and wise is 'laughable'? jesus christ, you're what is wrong with the world

>> No.4876461

Regardless of this kid's motivations - whatever they may be - the point is that people adore his 'art' because it's easy to understand, right?

Hasn't that more or less always been the case with schlock? Serious literature/poetry hasn't been popular for a few decades now.

>> No.4876492


>> No.4876513

Serious literature has almost never been popular.

>> No.4876584

kek he even reached his /pol/ folder for this one

>> No.4876613
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>watch his videos
>comment section
>all these chicks praising him

>> No.4876700

Steve will never be taken seriously.

>> No.4876704

Ah, this old myth again. I'd suggest you do a little basic research before perpetuating it.

>> No.4876707

Ah, this old myth again. I'd suggest you do a little basic research before perpetuating it.

>> No.4876709
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>Having multiple folders for you image maymays


>> No.4876712

>trying to give me a taste of my own medicine

Two words for you: suck it.

>> No.4876777

Ah nah, people think it is a myth because instead of public reaction and mainstream criticism they survey the reception of marginal intellectuals or the use that certain classes had.

So because Flaubert was appreciated by a core of fans they say he was appreciated while most of the reviews were constantly panning his works.

Or for example with Moliere people think that just because the king made him his personal playwright he was appreciated when he in fact was constantly panned and criticized.

Of course there are exceptions like Shakespeare and Goethe but they are the exception and not the rule. Also consider that in the case of Goethe his most complex works were regularly the least appreciated.

But there is literally so many examples of unrecognized geniuses that it's hard to claim that it is a myth.

Rather the myth is that it is a myth that serious literature was appreciated.

>> No.4876799

shakespeare is sort of the opposite... really popular but not taken nearly as seriously as he is now. people thought he was a great playwright but i think they would never have believed that he would be one of the centers of the western canon

>> No.4876816

>There is nothing new or sincere about this. It's a gigantic charade. If you wanted "new sincerity" y'all'd be reading erotic Sonic fanfics

Made me lol

Interesting points anon, it just seems he is not smart enough to contrive what you have described. It fits with the anon talking about the recovering alcoholics who have an artificial new zest for life. I think Roggenbuck is not aware that he is very cynical.

>> No.4876820


Picasso is shit.

>> No.4876822


I don't think we are living in a culture of any one thing. That is just your worldview.

>> No.4876827


>implying there is such a thing as "serious literature"

Stay pleb.

>> No.4876830


If you've heard of it, it's popular.

What are you reading, lost scrolls?

>> No.4876835


Wow, is it possible to sound like anymore of a cliche pedant?

pls be trolling

>> No.4876853

Unfortunately it's not my world view because my world view is very different then what the cultural industry constantly produces.

It's exactly because the cultural industry produces products that are in contrast to my worldview that I'm aware of it.

Clearly no trend encompasses the whole culture, there are always trends that are minoritarian or on the sides or waiting to emerge.

But there are some trends that are leading and dictate the rules of cultural production. And in the US kitsch sentimentalism is what is happening right now: from tech commercials with ukulele to George Saunders stories.

Thinking that snark and cynicism is the dominating cultural attitude in the us today it means being disconnected from what it's happening, being provincial and not seeing the trends.

>> No.4876856


>notice a trend in advertising - everything is kitsch sentmentalism

You don't what the fuck you talking about.

>> No.4876860

>Unfortunately it's not my world view because my world view is very different then what the cultural industry constantly produces.

You're so special. Stay edgy.

>> No.4876875

Just because it is known it does not mean that it is popular. You are doing the same mistake I was pointing out before: judging the popularity of an author by some niche that appreciates it and not by the mainstream reception.
Gaddis and Musil are very known and well considered authors in the academia but you will be hard pressed to claim that they are popular authors, they never received popular acclaimed neither in life nor after.

Now don't be so mad.

>> No.4876886

Well then explain me how things are.

I'm not special, I'm just a foreigner to US culture and I moved here in my 20s. So I grew up with other values, other references, other experiences and even a different school curriculum.

Also growing up in eastern europe in 90s with the heroin craze, corruption, mob wars, balkan war and mass inflation gave me a pretty different outlook on life than kids in the suburbs growing under the clinton administration.

>> No.4876942


God, have you ever used your brain for anything but regurgitating other peoples thoughts.

>> No.4876944

>I'm not special, I'm just a foreigner to US culture and I moved here in my 20s. So I grew up with other values, other references, other experiences and even a different school curriculum.

That explains your ignorance.

>> No.4876951


>Gaddis and Musil are very known and well considered authors in the academia.

Therefore irrelevant.
Only Europeans think "academia" means anything in 2014.

Stay pleb.

>> No.4876959
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so fucking what most people who are seen as /lit/ geniuses nowadays have been seen as hacks or crazies in their time. you guys are retarded in getting angry over something like this.

i mean fuck roggenbruck, but fuck you too for being such tools.

fuckidy fuck fucking fuck

>> No.4876969

Whose thoughts am I regurgitating? Or are you just assuming that I am?

Well I've been living and working in the US for 6 years now and I'm fairly familiar with cultural trends both in the publishing industry and in the media generally.

But please if I'm so wrong please explain it to me instead of insulting me.

Or are you just Roggenbuck being pissed off at this thread after finding it by googling his own name. Seeing your vehemence and lack of substance I wouldn't be surprised to find out that it is you.

>> No.4876981

Your point was that for me to know something it must be popular. I pointed out that it just needs to be popular on the fringes.

As for the question of relevance it's always a question of "relevant for who?" for me Gaddis and Musil are genius and extremely relevant.
Maybe they are not relevant for the public at large, but who cares about the public at large?

>> No.4877364

>Well I've been living and working in the US for 6 years now and I'm fairly familiar with cultural trends

Please, you are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.4877367

>But please if I'm so wrong please explain it to me instead of insulting me.

There is too much to explain, I would rather just put it succinctly and say you are an ignoramus.

>> No.4877374
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>Your point was that for me to know something it must be popular. I pointed out that it just needs to be popular on the fringes.

MFW you think you are on the fringe.
Stay edgy my friend.

>> No.4877434

Ok, cool.

That sentence says nothing about me. It just says that for the information of a work or a trend to propagate it doesn't have to be held by the mainstream but by a fringe group.

So I know who Minor Threat or Reagan Youth are even if I have never been into hardcore punk or part of that scene.

Thus the fact that I have read Albert Caraco works doesn't mean that I'm on the fringe nor it means that Caraco is mainstream.

>> No.4877542

every pic of sam hyde i find on the internet is like a little diamond

>> No.4877693

>So I know who Minor Threat or Reagan Youth are even if I have never been into hardcore punk or part of that scene.

MFW you think Minor Threat are a fringe group....

top laff

>> No.4877707

Who are they? Who cares and why should I?

>> No.4877796

It's not a competition about who knows the most fringe artist. It's about the principle that to have knowledge of x it is not necessary for x to be mainstream or for you to be part of the niche of x.

>> No.4877802

The New Yorker is probably the most widely read literary magazine in the world.

>> No.4877843

>tfw you could have been a known and respected poet if you had only yelled the first things that came to mind for five minutes and uploaded it to Youtube.

>> No.4877861

Not him, but the problem I have with modern art is how vain its themes are.
Old art tried to be universal, to have a sublime meaning that could reach everyone, to create an impression of the world/society and its hidden wonders and terrors. It was a way to denounce the reigning power, even.

Current art is mostly muh despair, muh life, muh irony or muh muh so clever right? and so on. Just vain shit without any relevance, an exercise in masturbation as productive as a date with your favorite anime girl.

>> No.4877862


It's as pleb as Time magazine.

>> No.4877878
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Yeah this is very true, just google Brad Troemel, Post-Internet, The Jogging etc. to see how bad it is.

What can you do? You don't want to be so pleb as to think pretty scenes are the only good art, but you don't want to be doing shit like filling an art gallery with copies of Art in The Age of Mechanical Reproduction shrink wrapped with a bitcoin.

>> No.4877888

Also, blacks are only allowed to whine about racism.
Anything else they can do will be called irrelevant.

>> No.4877917

I don't even like pretty scenes.

The reason why those old paintings of biblical and classical characters were so beautiful was that they showed us something decidedly human that otherwise we wouldn't see because life is just life, not because they look pretty.
And not even because they came from a patrician tradition such as that of catholicism or the greeks/romans.

Being pleb has jackshit to do with appreciating art when it is good art.

>> No.4878022
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>google Brad Troemel
>pic related
Jesus Christ. I give up.
Where do I have to sign in to win millions doing horrible shit like this?

Maybe I can use the money to complete my toy collection, my guitar collection and my cheese and jerky collection.
Then I can finish my backlog before offing myself in a painful manner.

>> No.4878044


Well if you read his artist statement/MFA thesis you'd get it.


>> No.4878059

How long is it?
Depending on this I could actually call him an artist. A con artist, but an artist regardless.

>> No.4878144


He has various blogs which can give a good idea of his ideas, sorry, I read the statement at a show.

>> No.4878189

>"I surely cannae deal with this" - some old greek cunt 2700 years ago
>Ancient Greek


>> No.4878398

The times doesn't have james wood which is probably the least pleb living lit crit.

>> No.4878407


James Wood is the most pleb living crit. The guy is embarrassing.

>> No.4878419

Not half as embarrassing as basically every other one (except maybe Kakutani, on a good day). Book reviewers are kind of terrible in general.

>> No.4878423

Yeah he is, he goes on comments sections of blogs to defend himself. He is the definition of pleb. His taste is so pedantic as well.

>> No.4878431


This is the article which turned me off of the New Yorker. I'm not a Young fanatic (or even a fan, honestly) but the idea that musician's output is artless because of a lack of poetic lyricism is one of the most asinine things that's ever been suggested to me.

>> No.4878443

I don't think you know what pedantic is

>> No.4878454

Kakutani is pretty terrible, she likes one thing and complains when she is not getting it. Also I tend to disagree with a lot of her tastes.

Wood besides being well read and sincerely enlightening on literature (his criticism works are pretty good, better than the reviews) has pretty good taste.

He made me discover Ismael Kadare and made me give a chance to Norman Rush (which if not to my taste it was surprisingly good).

I wish more people would share his attention and intelligence when talking and thinking about literature.

>> No.4878461

I wish I worked for a magazine where I could get paid lots of money to write about anything.

As for whoever this kid, I don't really care. He's a poet; he can't be making more than about eleven dollars a year off of his work anyway.

>> No.4878471

When I met him at a reading in bk two years ago he asked me if I knew of a job he could get.

>> No.4878476

>I wish this was true

>> No.4878483

Don't lump Tao in with this guy. Tao Lin is a literary giant, on par with Joyce, Dante, Shakespeare and Homer. And he's only 30. This guy is just a decent blogger.

One other thing, we all agree that blogging and writing novels are equally legitimate, valid, and artistically meritorious literary forms, right?

>> No.4878491

You lost me at his being a decent blogger.
David Auerbach is a decent blogger.

>> No.4878493

>jumpropes the Oxford comma rule in two sentences
Confirmed master troll

>> No.4878495

Oh, totally. Youtube vlogs are mainstream, tumblr is avant-garde, and posting comments on news articles is the underground.

>> No.4878497


m8 I don't think you do if you don't think James Wood is.

>> No.4878501


Is that you James? He is a charlatan, a failed writer that really has no right to be critiquing anyone's work.

>> No.4878502

People who look at blogging as a "lower" literary medium than print are the worst kinds of intellectual luddites.

>> No.4878505


I say, it is so vexing!

What a fucking ridiculous article.

>> No.4878508

I think you just read that word in a post from htmlgiant, I advise you to check a dictionary before using new words.

>> No.4878523


From that article:

"He could only talk about what he felt or had seen or thought."

Top laff

>> No.4878528


I suggest you use a dictionary before correcting people on words.

>> No.4878529

Why is he a charlatan? I don't think he swindles or abuses anyone's confidence.

Also it is a well known fact that not all critics are good novelists and not all good novelists are good critics.

Eric Auerbach was an excellent critic but never wrote a novel. Tolstoy was an excellent writer but not the best literary critic.

>> No.4878532

>or thought
Top wut. The first two I understand; solipsistic art is no fun. But how can go beyond his own thoughts? If he talks about it he thinks about it.

>> No.4878535


We should be targeting the true lowest form of writing life on earth.


>> No.4878540


He definitely does. His greatest hoax is getting people to believe that he is a legitimate critic.

>> No.4878543


to be fair his autobiography was fucking awful

>> No.4878545

>The first two I understand; solipsistic art is no fun.

He was referring to when talking to him, which is even more ridiculous.

>> No.4878549

>Also it is a well known fact that not all critics are good novelists

That's bullshit, something a critic would say. If they so much about what makes something good, they should do it themselves.

As Dylan says "critics are fucking pussies."

>> No.4878550

Why is he not legitimate?
I read his books, I read books he reviewed and he seemed an insightful intelligent person.
Why was I duped.

>> No.4878553

i wonder what he'd shout into the camera if he stumbled upon his dad sucking another guys dick

>> No.4878554

you might not be pedantic but you are certainly banausic

>> No.4878558


"He apparently had no examples of language carrying complicated thoughts or feelings, the way they are carried in the poems of writers such as Philip Levine or William Butler Yeats or the prose of a writer such as Isak Dinesen. The words Young writes fit his songs, often aptly and forcefully, but they are nothing like as elegant as his melodies.He apparently had no examples of language carrying complicated thoughts or feelings, the way they are carried in the poems of writers such as Philip Levine or William Butler Yeats or the prose of a writer such as Isak Dinesen. The words Young writes fit his songs, often aptly and forcefully, but they are nothing like as elegant as his melodies."

They criticise his lyrics.

It's stupid, writing lyrics is entirely different thing, it's about how words sounds, rhythm, melody. I can't believe this writer doesn't get that.
"YA YA YA" can be a good lyric.

Plebtier article.

>> No.4878560

I may sit down and know everything about what it takes to be a good boxer and I might be able to judge a good boxer but that does not mean that I will be a good boxer.

>> No.4878566


Because, you found him intelligent and insightful.

>> No.4878573


I advise you to check a dictionary before using new words.

>> No.4878576


If you trained hard their is no reason you shouldn't be, unless you are too pussy to get in the ring.

>> No.4878587

And why shouldn't I find him intelligent and insightful?

>> No.4878588

So you're a critic then.

>> No.4878594

Studying literary theory and criticism is like watching fights on tv and reading books about them.

You can judge a fighter's quality if you study a lot, but you can't learn to fight just by watching fights on tv.

>> No.4878596


I'm not going to change your mind. You like what you like.

>> No.4878602

What is the point of not liking everything?

>> No.4878605


But you really don't know shit, because you have never been in the ring.

>> No.4878608


I really like this analogy btw.

>> No.4878615


>I'm not going to change your mind. You like what you like.
>You're still an uneducated swine brainwashed by the lamestream liberal Jewish media who is completely incapable of appreciating the arts even if you also enjoy things I like in addition to the one thing I don't like

>> No.4878623
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>> No.4878633

Who knows, maybe you will. I'm open to the possibility.
Everyone is so certain that to change anyone's mind is impossible that I can never get a second opinion on anything.

The only people I read commenting substantially on woods are the guys at N+1 and even them at the end got to the same old "but james you mostly like white dead man!" as they do with harold bloom.

So another perspective would be useful. Maybe next time I read him I'll agree with you and see the cracks on the wall.

>> No.4878639


>you like what you like because you have shitty taste

>> No.4878642


But what if hard determinism is true?

>> No.4878647


Well criticism is not a question of a taste. It's a question of how the information compares in regard a certain object.

There is good criticism on shitty books and there is bad criticism on good books.

Only if you like the shitty books or you dislike the good books you have bad taste.

>> No.4878651



>> No.4878656

>Well criticism is not a question of a taste.

C'mon m8 as much as we would all like to believe it, that's not entirely true.

>> No.4878663


James Wood starts commenting, highly embarrassing for him.

>> No.4878665


What if I enjoy Twilight and In Search of Lost Time (or whatever you consider good) at the same time?

>> No.4878668


That's allowed. It's 2014, only publications like the New Yorker think there is still a distinction between high and low brow.

>> No.4878699

Daniel Mendelssohn is better.

>> No.4878702


But this is a positive comment on wood.

>> No.4878711

Not enough Flaubert and Blanchot.
I admit I'm partial to woods because those two are probably my favorite writers with celine.

>> No.4880354

Someone tells me you haven't hung around the art crowd. It's white as fuck, and anything produced by someone of color that isn't a commentary on race throws them way the fuck off.

>> No.4880400

>that isn't a commentary on race
so it's actually white people's fault that black people only talk about that?
what a novel concept

>> No.4880692


Wood isn't really a pleb but his tastes run a little too conservative for me. Kakutani is just awful.

>> No.4880729

What about the Paris Review?

>> No.4880738


Wow, this guy is honestly brilliant. Really well-executed and creative stuff.

>> No.4880766

yeah, but why?

He doesn't even care enough about his work to check his spelling and grammer, why should I?

>> No.4880774

i actually like piss christ

>> No.4880778

>associating high-tier poets with contemporary trash
>welcome to the American Literature Landscape
>no tact and reserve
>no dignity and standards

>> No.4880909

>tfw no dada-art nouveau

>> No.4881629

I literally forget the fiction in any issue of the Paris Review the day after I read it.

Paris Review's interviews are still solid.

>> No.4881669

The two copies of electric literature I've read were pretty solid. Same goes for the stuff in black warrior