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4867460 No.4867460[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Quick, pick up the nearest book

1.Tell us the book
2. Page 50 2nd sentence will describe your sex life for the next 10 years

1.De Profundis by Oscar Wilde
2. "I hated both."

>> No.4867470

"His thin red upper lip had a tendency to curl when he spoke"

The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea

>> No.4867498

1.Tanizaki the key
2. Yet I couldn't help feeling annoyed, and wondering if it might be possible to peel the tape off so skillfully that she would never detect it.

>> No.4867509

Wheel of time, book 1: The eye of the world.
"Egwene cut in angrily"
Plz no ;_;

>> No.4867510

The book my cousin bought me for Christmas; he's 30.

The year's best science fiction: twenty-eighth annual collection
-edited by Gardner Dozois

"What Jeff had described was a beast from Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars novels."

>> No.4867516

Anna Karenina
I have come back now ...

>> No.4867521
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>My acquaintance wasn't surprised that I had got up.

Kafka, Description of a struggle

>> No.4867529

Nicomachean ethics, Aristotle

Whether these can be seperated, like the parts of the body and all other things seperable, or if they are only two by definition, but inseperable by definition, like the convex and the concave in a circle, makes no difference here.

bretty gud I guess

>> No.4867533

Crime and Punishment

"He felt now that all liberty of action and free-will were gone and everything was irrevocably decide"

Did we just get fucking meta'd by Dostoevsky?

>> No.4867536

The Changing Light at Sandover
"Athens. This breathless August night."

Y-yeah, OK.

>> No.4867541

The Sound and the Fury
He went out.
>first sentence: "You'd better slip on your pants and run," he said.

>> No.4867552

Two books exactly equal distance so here's both

The Paris Wife by Paul McLain
"Nothing he'd ever done or said suggested any such thing could ever happen." oof lol

God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert
"Some, including Siona, were garbed in the green of machinery inspectors." So gonna bang a lot of mechanics. Time to start chilling at the local garage lol

>> No.4867559

sounds like you're easy

>> No.4867565


Plauti Pseudolus

"Iam sic sino; iratus sit: ego, ne quid noceat, cavero."

"I'll let it be: let her/him be angry: I will take care that he/she does me no harm."

>> No.4867568

In Cold Blood, Truman Capote
>The first show was called "The Man and the Challenge".

>> No.4867569

Great Expectations
For such reasons I was very glad when ten o’clock came and we started for Miss Havisham’s; though I was not at all at my ease regarding the manner in which I should acquit myself under that lady’s roof.

>> No.4867575

Molecular Biology of the Cell

"Some covalent bonds, however, involve the sharing of more than one pair of electrons."

So am I destined to become a swinger?

>> No.4867579

1. J R by Gaddis (Dalkey Archive edition)
>Yes well of course we ahm, in terms of the ongoing situation in order to correlate the ahm, correlations Dan you can ahm . . .


>> No.4867581

A Chopin Biography by Jürgen Lotz.

"Mother, sweet, waiting Mother, you survived your daughter, to see the Muscovite trample over her remains."

>> No.4868524

Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy.
"There was nothing exotic about Irina's presence in Hong Kong and no reason why Thesinger should have known of it, Tarr explained".

>> No.4868532

The USA Trilogy by John Dos Passos

"It was a warm day."

>> No.4868533

"The Shadow of the Torturer," by Gene Wolfe.

>It would gratify me now to say there was no fear in her face, yet it would not be true.

Looks like I'm doomed to become a rapist.

>> No.4868540

Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition

>Kings of the old kingdom found the more monumental ways to express that idea

I don't know what to think

>> No.4868541

1. Collins Pocket Dictionary & Thesaurus.
2, "Bastardize v debase or corrupt.

>> No.4868543

We can calculate the relevant probabilities exactly: The posterior predictive distributions for Ỹ_1 and Ỹ_2 are both negative binomial distributions and are plotted in the second panel of Figure 3.10.

I guess at least I got the word 'posterior' to work with...

>> No.4868549

Republic (Gruve translation)

"But insofar as we are able, we mustn't shrink from it."

>> No.4868552

That , should be a .
It's beginning already.

>> No.4868557

"The Man in the High Castle" by Phillip K. DIck

>You're as good with that flex cable machine as anybody on the Coast.

Is that good...?

>> No.4868562

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Dick.

"Half an hour."

Yep, sounds about right for how much action I've gotten.

>> No.4868565

>For an understanding of the sect's past as it developed within the larger framework of late Secont Temple Jewish history, we have to rely principally on Flavius and Josephus, the Palestinian Jew who became a Greek man of letters, and on other Jewish Hellenists, such as the authors of the Books of the Maccabees and Philo of Alexandria, all of whom inherited the Greek predilection for recording and interpreting the past and set out to depict the life of the Jews of Palestine in itself, and as part of the Graeco-Roman world, from the early century BCE to the first anti-Roman war in 66-70 CE.

The Dead Sea Scrolls (this part is talking about the history of it)

This wasn't fun at all :(

>> No.4868569

>"She put band-aids on the cuts"

After Dark hahaha

>> No.4868571

The French Lieutenant's Woman by John Fowles

"Having duly inscribed a label with the date and place of the finding, he once again hopscotched out of science--this time, into love."

>> No.4868576
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Biography of Aubrey Beardsley:

The Greeks (uh oh!) with their supreme sanity and unrivaled plastic sense, afford us no real examples, though their archaic art is often pressed into the category

>> No.4868577


The Way We Live Now
>'Don't be angry with me, Roger. What can I do to prevent it?'

>> No.4868587
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sounds like he's a gifted, profound love maker

>> No.4868591

Modern French Theater anthology
"Stupid creature, there's no way of getting rid of her." (from Ubu Roi)

>> No.4868592
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"The pagans, leaving Him(Allah), seek out female goddesses: And they only seek out only Satan, the persistent rebel!"
Sura 4. An-Nisa
>inb4 sandnigger
I was handed a Quran yesterday and left it by my bed.

>> No.4868594

Walden by Henry David Thoreau:

Certainly no nation that lived simply in all respects -- that is, no nation of philosophers -- would commit so great a blunder as to use the labour of animals.

I guess I will have to get myself a fedora.

>> No.4868604

1 - The Unbearable Lightness of Being
2 - He called her back to pay for the cognac

Oh yeah, girls pay for my alcohol after sex.

>> No.4868614

1. Why I am not a Christian by Bertrand Russell (I know)
2. The emotional value of a doctrine, as a comfort in adversity, appears to depend upon its prediction of the future.


>> No.4868615

1. Gideon's Bible (I'm in a hotel room)
2. Oh sir, we indeed came down the first time to buy food; but it happened, when we came in the encampment, that we opened our sacks, and there, each man's money was in the mouth of his sack, our money in full weight; so we have brought it back in our hand.


>> No.4868632

My copy (Panther Books, with my mother's maiden name and the year 1974 pencilled on the inside cover) gives "She had some sort of psychological equivalent of the experienced horse-dealer's skill---the ability to know almost at the first glance the good horse from the bad one; or, as if, jumping a century, she was born with a computer in her heart."

This book is doing ok on this front.

>> No.4868651

>I've been seduced by icebergs, and over the past few seasons, I've been working on them at every opportunity.

>> No.4868654

Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms

"There is nothing worse than war"

>> No.4868657

"Was cowering under the sofa. 'Just the cat' she told her"

Oh boy.

>> No.4868659

Neil Cross' Mr. In-Between

"Every surface was mirrored."

I like it, it sounds kinda kinky

>> No.4868666
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"Most fatty acids in nature have an even number of carbon atoms, with 16- and 18-carbon fatty acids being the most common."

I don't even know.

>> No.4868667

Alexandre Dumas - Queen Margot

>-- Oui, vous, reprit Henri de Navarre avec une bonhomie parfaite;
oui, vous êtes aimée du roi Charles; vous êtes aimée, il appuya
sur le mot, du duc d'Alençon; vous êtes aimée de la reine
Catherine; enfin, vous êtes aimée du duc de Guise.

"Yes, you,"—Henry of Navarre continued with perfectly feigned guilelessness, "yes, you are loved by King Charles; you are loved"—he put a stress on the word—"by the Duke of Alençon; you are loved by Queen Catherine; and finally you are loved by the Duke of Guise."

>> No.4868673
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That series was way too long. I tried to read it, got about 8 books in, and gave up.

>> No.4868681
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That depends, how do you feel about getting your cable flexed?

>> No.4868693


1. Theories of Personality Fourth Edition by Duane Schultz
2. "Freud stressed sex as our primary motivation."

>> No.4868742


>The Left Hand of Darkness
>He dared set no trap for him.

Am I gayrape

>> No.4868755

Note that the figure is in the anatomic position with the palms of the hands facing
outward and the fifth (little) finger in a medial position (closer to the center of the body).

>> No.4868772

How to Behave: Dating and Sex

If he continues to talk even after you've turned away, do not stop and look back--this may indicate to him that you're like to reconsider.

>> No.4868786
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>tfw I had to go up and walk over to the other side of the room to find a book in English
1. Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Walter Rudin
2. "This proves (a), the proof of (b) is trivial."
Worked surprisingly well.

>> No.4868790

Wise Blood
"I followed her."

>> No.4868795

> The Portable Gibbon: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
>"The sovereign of the Russian deserts commands a larger portion of the globe."

>> No.4868806


*tugs braid*

>> No.4868809

>China: A New History by John Fairbank
>Page 50 is a map of China

I will spend the next 10 years fucking all of China.

>> No.4868820
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>Page 50 is blank

>> No.4868830

'anatomy for the artist' by jeno barcsay

'it can be flexed, hyperextended, abducted, adducted, and rotated.'

>> No.4868833

The Bluest Eye
>Outside, Pecola feels the inexplicable shame ebb.

>> No.4868834
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since the map is not the territory, perhaps you must fuck it metaphorically.

>> No.4868838
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Frank Norris - McTeague

"Look out, now, here I come again."

>> No.4868841

1. "The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway"
2. "It was a puff, as of a wind that makes a candle flicker and the flame go tall."

>> No.4868853

Trees of North America: A Guide to Field Identification
>Only two species survive.

>> No.4868858

1. come on, this one should be easy The Hobbit
2. "The trolls had just decided to roast the dwarves now and eat them later--that was Bert's idea, and after a lot of argument they have all agreed to it."

welp, off to /d/ i go

>> No.4868861

The Misanthrope
>They are about to take the sword
>Over some verse with which Alceste was bored

>> No.4868865
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>> No.4868867

Into the Wild
>After a mile or so they arrived at a bizarre encampment, where some two hundred people had gathered to spend the winter living out of their vehicles.

>> No.4868870

Why is my Mother Getting a Tattoo?
>It's so humid today

>> No.4868873

`Atomic bomb explosion,' said Pnin sadly.


>> No.4868879

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
>She was helping somebody with paintbrushes, but I thought it wouldn't be rude to interrupt her.

>> No.4868891

Ballad of the Whiskey Robber
>Now, however, if they wanted to make a real buck, they had to find a second job.

>> No.4868895

Beyond Good and Evil

"The will to overcome an emotion, is ultimately only the will of another, or of several other, emotions."

well, fuck.

>> No.4868898
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1. For Whom the Bell Tolls
2.'One shall guard it at all times'.
u wot?

>> No.4868905

1. Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay
2. "When he looked at them, they gave up, toppling into laughter."

>> No.4868931

>Disliken as he was to druriodrama, her wife Langley, the prophet, and the decentest dozendest short of a frusker whoever stuck his spickle through his spoke, disappeared, (in which toodooing he has taken all the French leaves unveilable out of Calomnequiller's Pravities) from the sourface of this earth, that austral plain he had transmaried himself to, so entirely spoorlessly (the mother of the book with a duskwhisk tabularasing his obliteration done upon her involcrum) as to tickle the speculative to all but opine (since the Levey who might have been Langley may have really been a redivivus of paganinism or a volunteer of Vousden) that the hobo (who possessed a large amount of the humoresque) had transtuled his funster's latitat to its finsterest interrimost.

Finnegans Wake

>> No.4868940

1. Donkey Punch by Ray Banks
2. "I got these at LAX."

I don't understand

>> No.4868948
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>mfw page 50 is blank

>> No.4868982

The Great Gatsby
>"His tanned skin was drawn attractively tight on his face and his short hair looked as though it were trimmed every day"
It's going to be an interesting decade.

>> No.4869016

>Epiphany of the Long Sun by Gene Wolfe
>Dace asked, "Can't you splice her?"

It's all so up in the air guys...Can't I?

>> No.4869038

>One of Constant's arms dangled in the pool itself.
looks like i'm getting an appendage wet, and that's all i can ask for.

>> No.4869055

The cook, his shoulders against the locker where he kept the fried pies (Dan was fond of fried pies), peeled potatoes, with one eye on the stove in event of too much water finding its way down the pipe; and the general smell and smother were beyond all description.

>Captain Courageous
>Rudyard Kipling

Seems right enough.

>> No.4869064

1. El túnel de Ernesto Sabato
2. "Me parece natural que después de un encuentro así uno no tenga ganas de comer, de pintar, ni aun de vivir."

>> No.4869118

>mythologies- barthes
>We are introduced, for example, to jacqueline Lenoir (two daughters one novel); Marina Grey (one son, one novel); Nicole Dutreil (two sons, four novels), etc.

sounds like I will be fucking lots of milfs and maybe their children too.

>> No.4869134

Book: Change Anything
Line: 'Every person adapts to the circumstances accordingly to their environment'

Was there anything sexual in there?
You guessed right. While all the rest of the world will furiously fuck like animals, I'll be shitposting for another 10 years or so.

>> No.4869158

house of leaves: The Remastered Full Color Edition
this came up:

f = c/2 [(n/L)^2 + (m/W)^2 + (p/H)^2]1/2 Hz

i'm optimistic.

>> No.4869179
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"People stirring in the dull yellow bulblight, stumbling into clothes and shoes."

Dirty orgies it is.

>> No.4869208

I have never known one of these self-administered reduction cures to work.

Off topic but do you understand what he's talking about when he says his wife is well endowed in some way. He says that she'd be popular as a prostitute because of it. Finished the book and still clueless.

>> No.4869249

Théâtre by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt
>I accept everything
Huh... That sounds desperate

>> No.4869260

>Under an invisible spell they always trace once more the identical orbit.

>> No.4869297

romance of the three kingdoms.

"the governor of hsuchow, t'ao ch'ien."

although thats part of a list, not really a sentence, otherwise:
"the prefect of peip'ing, kungsun tsan, while on his way with his force of a legion and a half, passed through p'ingyuan."


>> No.4869308

>"It is our French gold", whispered the director.

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

>> No.4869312

1. seamus heaney selected wordsworth

'And vital feelings of delight
Shall rear her form to stately height,
Her virgin bosom swell;
Such thoughts to Lucy I will give
While she and I together live
Here in this happy dell.'

>> No.4869339

He who knows the nature
of my task and my holy birth
is not reborn
when he leaves this body;
He comes to me

Huxley - The Perennial Philosophy

>> No.4869345

1. The Dream songs by John Berryman - page 50, song 46
2. "people are blowing and beating each other without mercy."

>> No.4869352

...I almost posted that as well. We must be soulmates.

>> No.4869353

- I know why, Cecil Thunder said. He is right and the other fellows are wrong because a flogging wears off after a bit but a fellow that has been expelled from college is known all his life on account of it. Besides, Gleeson won't flog him hard.

>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>Can't wait

>> No.4869369

1.Hoffmann - Das Fräulein von Scuderi
2. "Diese beiden Personen hörten, wie Cardillac nach seiner gewöhnlichen Weise an jenem Abend Punkt neun Uhr die Treppe hinab kam, die Thüre mit vielem Geräusch verschloß und verammelte, dann wieder hinauf stieg, den Abendsegen laut las und dann;[,] wie man es an dem Zuschlagen der Thüre vernhemen konnte, in sein Schlafzimmer ging."

>> No.4869375

The Call of Cthulu and other Weird Tales

"In the twilight I heard it pounding on the rocks"

Sounds promising

hey is that the room modes formula?

>> No.4869402


"Hearing him foolishly fumbling there, the Captain laughs lowly to himself, and mutters something about the doors of convicts' cells being never allowed to be locked within."

Not too good.

>> No.4869435
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1.Proust, The Way By Swann's

2. And as soon as i had recognised the taste of the piece of madeleine dipped in lime-blossom tea that my Aunt used to give me (though i did not yet know and had to put off to much later discovering why this memory made me so happy), immediately the old grey house on the street, where the bedroom was, came like a stage-set to attatch itself to the little wing opening onto the garden that had been built for my parents behind it (that truncated section which was all i had seen before then); and with the house the town, from morning to night in all weathers, the Square, where they sent me before lunch, the streets where i went to do errands, the paths we took if the weather was fine.

>> No.4869447

The Soft Machine

A Russian scientist has said: "We will travel not only in space but in time as well."


>> No.4869465

"The chief result obtained from them was that, in some circumstances, subjects heard and accent on certain notes that was not in fact there.'

Ray Monk's Witt bio

>> No.4869475


1.The Ballad of the Sad Cafe by Carson McCullers

2. "She would swallow an enormous dose and spend the following day walking thoughtfully back and forth from the cafe to the brick privy."


>> No.4869480


>> No.4869491
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Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

"The prettiest girls in the world are right here in this town"

>> No.4869503

Being and Time

This is one that must be treated *phenomenologically*.

>> No.4869513
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>The Zohar
>"This is the gate to YHVH"
not sure how i feel about that

>> No.4869559

Foundation's Edge - Isaac Asimov
"Our names will ring down the ages to the end of time"

Well all right I guess.

>> No.4869564
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>Les Fleurs du Mal

Montrant leurs seins pendants et leurs robes ouvertes,
Des femmes se tordaient sous le noir firmament,
Et, comme un grand troupeau de victimes offertes,
Derrière lui traînaient un long mugissement.

>> No.4869635
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>> No.4869665
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The Inland Sea

>If his legs had been longer, he would have towered over me.

>> No.4869708

the moon is a harsh mistress by Heinlein
>This is your favorite husband!

>> No.4869749

1.Don Quijote de la Mancha
2. "Mas que, en tanto que esto no hubiese, tuvieron los pasados caballeros por cosa acertada que sus escuderos fuesen proveídos de dineros y de otras cosas necesarias, como eran hilas y ungüentos para curarse; y, cuando sucedía que los tales caballeros no tenían escuderos, que eran pocas y raras veces, ellos mesmos lo llevaban todo en unas alforjas muy sutiles, que casi no se parecían, a las ancas del caballo, como que era otra cosa de más importancia; porque, no siendo por ocasión semejante, esto de llevar alforjas no fue muy admitido entre los caballeros andantes; y por esto le daba por consejo, pues aún se lo podía mandar como a su ahijado, que tan presto lo había de ser, que no caminase de allí adelante sin dineros y sin las prevenciones referidas, y que vería cuán bien se hallaba con ellas cuando menos se pensase."

well shit

>> No.4869752

The Girl in the Flammable Skirt - Aimee Bender.

"Grandpa Edwin had thick brown curls."

hmm... probably not good?

>> No.4869760

Did you finish that anon? I couldn't bear it once they got to earth and had their counsel or whatever. I heard Heinlein's earlier stuff is much better though.

>> No.4870217

"Like the lake they were warm, and the air was warm above them, so that as he climbed up and down the sides of the gullies he was continually changing temperatures."
Out of the Silent Planet

>> No.4870282

Don't Take Your Love To Town - Ruby Langford (an autobiography I have to read for uni).

"We saw the chooks and the cows and then a huge stuffed crocodile from Queensland, its jaws propped open with a stick."

Guess I'm going to be engaging in acts of bestiality. :/

>> No.4870292

The Ego and its Own (Spanish edition, I had to look for the same part in English).

If I cherish you because I hold you dear, because in you my heart finds nourishment, my need satisfaction, then it is not done for the sake of a higher essence, whose hallowed body you are, not on account of my beholding in you a ghost, i.e. an appearing spirit, but from egoistic pleasure; you yourself with your essence are valuable to me, for your essence is not a higher one, is not higher and more general than you, is unique[einzig] like you yourself, because it is you.


>> No.4870294

My manuscript.
"She honestly thinks that being pretty and popular makes her better than everyone else, doesn't she?"

>> No.4870317


>> No.4870334

1. News Reporting and Writing
2. It is your right to wear your hair however you wish, pierce your body and wear whatever clothes you want, but it is the source's prerogative to refuse to talk to you.

I can dig it. No rape.

>> No.4870337

A collection of stories by Lovecraft, the story is In the Vault.

>Horrible pains, as of savage wounds, shot through his calves; and in his mind was a materialism that suggested splinters, loose nails, or some other attribute of a breaking wooden box.
I'm okay with this.

>> No.4870343

It's a piece of dialogue, and the speaker is a 13 year old girl.

>> No.4870346

Blood Meridian
"Pray it up, some called, and kneeling he cried out among the thunder and the wind: Lord we are dried to jerk down here."

Pretty accurate

>> No.4870365

Why not "actually"? Same rhetorical force and correct usage.
But judging by the rest of the sentence, you aren't very concerned with rhetorical force.

>> No.4870368

1. The Things They Carried
2. "For a long while the old man squinted down at the tablecloth"

>> No.4870373

The Count of Monte Cristo:

"Well, you see, I did ask Dantès what he thought of you and if he would have any objection to my leaving you in your post; I don't know why, but I thought I had noticed some coldness between you."

Sounds like I'll be a fag for 10 years.

>> No.4870376


Indicatif Présent
Je sers
Tu sers
Il sert
Nous servons
Vous servez
Ils servent

>> No.4870387

In his chariot drawn by coal-black steeds he rose up through a chasm in the earth, and grasping the maiden by the wrist set her beside him.

Edith Hamilton's Mythology.

>> No.4870391

General Chemistry by Ralph H. Petrucci and William S. Harwood.

They are good conductors of heat and electricity and have a lustrous or shiny appearance.

Sounds promising.

>> No.4870410

1. The Portable Tolstoy (From Childhood)
2. Nicholas, our attendant, a clean little man, always serious, neat, respectful, and great friends with Karl Ivanych, came in.

Make of that what you will.

>> No.4870414
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1. Zeno's Conscience
2. "The desire to cry lurked always in my shaken nerves, but I succumbed to it helplessly, to display my tears and to make the doctor forgive the criticism I had dared express of his treatment"

Sounds kinky.

>> No.4870426

Wait, this includes non-fiction? Never mind.

"We in fact did this above when adding vectors."
Physics, Giancoli

>> No.4870476

1. The Moral Animal, Why we are the way we are: The new science of evolutionary psychology
2. "They wander in solitude, looking for females, who tend to be stationary, each in her own home range."

Huh, alright.

>> No.4870479

1) The Life of the Ancient East, James Baikei

2) From beneath the sand of the plain excavation has recovered the poor remains of the palace, the temples, and the houses which gave for a short space a local habitation to the reformer's conceptions; on the surrounding cliffs, and scooped into their rocky walls, are the inscriptions in which he described the limits of his City of Dreams, and the splendid tombs which were prepared for his courtiers, but never occupied by them;and here, in a low brick chamber, was found, by a casual fella-woman, digging for bricks, the correspondence, which, more than any other discovery of our time, has enabled students of ancient history reconstruct the whole course of one of the turning-points in the story of the ancient easy.

I'm not really sure what that means for my sex life.

>> No.4870523
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Expect it.

Notes on the Cinematography, Robert Bresson

>> No.4870581

"I'm farting."

>> No.4870607

The last paragraph was difficult.

>> No.4870611

From "Cicero in 14 Days"

>> No.4870618

>There was a girl on either side of me.

(Ham on Rye)

>> No.4870689

>For the idea of anything caused depends upon a knowledge of the cause of which the thing caused is the effect.

>> No.4870761

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Arther agreed this was very sad.

>> No.4870796

I found an online version of this old text if anyone is interested.

>> No.4870807

The Mathematics of mulitiplicities and the Logic of worlds designate, were we to adopt Kant's terminology, our first two 'critiques'.

>> No.4870867

"The Trojans came on under their shields"

You should be able to fucking guess, I'm a little pessimistic about the outcome of this one anyway

>> No.4870893

The Collected Short Stories of JG Ballard

"Keep away from the windows and don't think about it," Dr. Neill told them.

>> No.4870901

the yiddish policeman's union by michael chabon
"pie" Landsman reads.

>> No.4870923

>A Light in August
>The others departed.

>> No.4870986

"These can be thought of as a basis spanning a sixteen-dimensional space of matrices."

'A First Book of QFT' - Lahiri & Pal

So that's good...

>> No.4870987


Sounds like you're gonna have a loose butthole to me.

>> No.4870990

We will both run short.

>> No.4871005

Nausea - Sartre

"I ought to fill this pipe."


>> No.4871032
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1. City of God - St. Augustine
2. It is more incredible because more wonderful.

>> No.4871069

That's not even a sentence..
It is more incredible because more wonderful? The fuck does that mean?

>> No.4871080

"The special interest?"
The Spy who Came In from the Cold

>> No.4871111

1. Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation
2. The anguish was drawn out over several weeks.


>> No.4871139

1. attentat by pistols drawn
2. "Intellectual pursuits are not the same things as exercises in imagination or open-mindedness."

So I will not be masturbating or doing kinky shit, but will challenge myself nonetheless. Neat?

>> No.4871151
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1. Frankenstein, or, the Modern Prometheus
2. “My mother's tender caresses and my father's smile of benevolent pleasure while regarding me are my first recollections.”


>> No.4871208

1. The God of Small Things
2.It was during those few months they spent in Vienna that Mammachi took her first lessons on the violin.

>> No.4871220

"Novelizations monetized a leftover piece of the filmmaking and gaming business, the screenplay, and were farmed out as piecework."

The Four Fingers of Death by Rick Moody

>> No.4871393

1. Let the Right One In
2. "Jocke and Lacke are talking about what kinds of fish can live in both fresh and salt water."

So either pound plenty of fish in the sea or have to deal with pussy that smells like tuna or carp.

>> No.4871409

I'm waiting for a friend to finish a paper, so its a textbook

History of the Theatre - ninth edition - Oscar Brockett and Franklin Hildy

"Unfortunately, none of his plays survives"

>> No.4871416

Gardens of the Moon.

"Tattersail's eyes followed them achingly"

Probably true.

>> No.4871418

Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith.

"He hadn't been listening"

>> No.4871420
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The Story of Civilization: The Reformation
Will Durant

"Having exhausted himself in achieving this ecstasy, Chaucer hurries over the bliss of lovers to the tragedy that rescues it from boredom."

>well, shit

>> No.4871454

Emergency War Surgery.
Fourth United States Revision 2013
>Well this is going to end poorly I can imagine.

"Penetrating eye injuries with intraocular air."
>yeah...kinda how I thought that would go.

>> No.4871463

...e-e-eye fucking?

>oh--oh-yes...almost there!!!
>"tender caresses and smile"

>> No.4871491

Gulliver's Travels
And this was the first time I started to conceive some imperfect idea about courts and ministers.

>> No.4871493


>> No.4871500

1996 duh
and its unabridged and shit

>> No.4871503

1. 'Death in the Haymarket: A Story of Chicago, the First Labor Movement, and the Bombing that Divided Gilded Age America', James Keen
2. The International's original stronghold in Paris had been destroyed along with the Commune, and in the aftermath Marx and Engels feared a takeover of anarchists loyal to their rival, the charismatic Russian insurrectionist Mikhail Bakunin.

>> No.4871519


'Nokolai Vsevolodovich grinned.'

>> No.4871552

Difficult Loves, Italo Calvino
'He emerged from the cloth.'

>> No.4871586

The Sorrow of War.

>Despite his conviction, his dedication, he also sometimes suspects his recall of certain events.

Yea, sounds about right.

>> No.4871851

Vile by J.D Holliday

"There is nothing new under the sun and emotion has remained unstable and current in every day life of man since holy conception - man is man is man, and man is beautiful. "

I think I'm okay with this, I'm not gay tho'

>> No.4871889
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juvenal's 16 satires

>with some final sulphurous remarks about abortions, aphrodisiacs, and parricide for profit, the satire grinds to a snarling but essentially unresolved halt.

>> No.4871891

1. A Good School by Richard Yates
2. "The paper had he aspect of something settled and solvent."

>> No.4871895

1. The Confidence Man by Herman Melville
2. I am and always have been, as I always will be, I trust, in the charity business, as you call it; but charity is not like a pin, one to make the head, and the other the point; charity is a work to which a good workman may be competent in all its branches.

>> No.4871898

1.HP 7
2. "What a memory..."

>> No.4871902

1.My Mind to Me a Kingdom Is" by Sir Edward Dyer
2."Though much I want which most would have, Yet still my mind forbids to crave."

No sex foe me.

>> No.4871928

To form the present subjunctive of the regular verbs the following tenses are added to the present stem:

First conjugation: -e, -es, -emos, -eis, -en.

>> No.4871931

gorgeous writing

>> No.4871932

1. 2666 by Roberto Bolano
2. "Are you serious, Dick? He asked me."

>> No.4871948

An anthology of Scottish ballads
"An' he's broken three of this one's ribs, likewise his collar bone"

I'm excited.

>> No.4871955

Tom Thompson in Purgatory

"She left some things around."

>> No.4871964

Tao Lin's "Taipei"

"Paul sat on a low chair. He thought "watermelon smoothie" while scratching at his pants"

>> No.4871971

One sentence, nigger.

>> No.4871981

1. C programming a modern approach
2. "Enter a date"

>> No.4871991

- Ooka The Wise
- Everybody would be happy.


>> No.4872644

Basic Reaction Kinetics and Mechanics, HE Avery
"Only molecules with sufficient energy to reach the top of the barrier and form the activated complex react."
I am a molecule with insufficient energy.

>> No.4872659

The Book of Five Rings - Miyamoto Musashi

"You will be able to hit him with such strength that he dies."

>> No.4872708

1. Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions by Walter B. Meigs, Charles E. Johnson, and Robert F. Meigs, 4th edition
2. "A brief explanation is also included for each transaction".

It sounds like I'll be real chatty in the bed if I ever get laid

>> No.4872725

>Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Jules Verne
>"On the 15th, our preparations were all made."


>> No.4872754

The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa

"But for me, and perhaps for other people like me, it seems that what's artificial has become natural, and what's natural is now strange."

>> No.4872793

catch-22 Joseph Heller

>We were a walking business boom, and we began to receive invitations from some of the best hotels just for the amount of business we would drag into town with us.

Maybe l'll become a really popular swinger?

>> No.4872798
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lol sexually disappointing faggot. good times

>> No.4872801

"He was a total abstainer and a non-smoker, had no recreations except a daily hour at the gymnasium, and had taken a vow of celibacy, believing marriage and the care of a family to be incompatible with a twenty-four-hour-a-day devotion to duty." ;_;

>> No.4872804

The Power of Sympathy by William Hill Brown.

"My melancholy meditations led me yesterday to the same place where I had seen the distracted Fidelia, and walking down the hill I again beheld her by the side of a beautiful spring--Before I could come up to the place, she was gone--she went hastily over the field--I followed her--after a few minutes walk, I overtook her, and we both went on together towards a small, neat, farm house."

I get married and we move into a house together?

>> No.4872815

It's a brazilian book, so here's a free translation:

1- "Technosciences and Humanities = New paradigms, old questions" by Luis Pinguelli Rosa
2- "although the greeks were "the first to submit knowledge to rational examination, to try and set causal relations.", empirical knowledge appeared in Egypt and Babylon: "unit and measure rules, simple arithmetic, calendars and astronomical periodicity"

>> No.4872825

Page 50 is a picture, but 2nd sentence on page 51 is
>they had room for many burials

>> No.4872827
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Jackpot lol:

>Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

"Schon sind deine Verse, brauner Samana, und wahrlich, ich verliere nichts, wenn ich dir einen Kuss für sie gebe."

(It's the scene where Kamala kisses Siddhartha for the first time after she hears one of his verses)

>> No.4872830

East of Eden

"I was testing you," he said grandly.

>> No.4872838

Well done Peer Gynt you'll get to the top

>> No.4872839

selimovic - death and the dervish

"Because that meant concern, a morbid interest, a lack of resolve in me."

eh, pretty true.

>> No.4872858

I'm fairly certain this means you're into hentai.

>> No.4872866

"If love kindles itself with this p[poison instead of expelling it, jealousy appears-alas, as the word itself says, it is zealousness for becoming sick, a sickness from zealousness."

Works of Love by Soren Kierkegaard

>> No.4872915
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Norton Antohlogy of Theory and Criticism

'And the more courageous and intelligent a mid is, the less likely it is that an external agent would disturb and alter it?'

>> No.4872938

"I get a goofy feeling"
Bop Lyrics

>> No.4872965



The Wasteland, Elliot.

>> No.4873004

For the rest, I believe I may be excused from a lengthy refutation of all these doctrines.

>> No.4873072

"The roads are thick with caravans"

>left hand of darkness
>mfw it wasnt anything sexual

>> No.4873081

Ham on Rye

'Sure enough, I began to hear sounds.'

>> No.4873093

Heart of Darkness
It makes me miserable and sick, like biting something rotten would do.

>> No.4873244

If you measure your lubber's length again, tarry; but away, go to. Have you wisdom? So.

(King Lear)

That's gay...

>> No.4873288

"'You'd better slip on your pants and run," he said.

The Sound and the Fury

Oh gosh I cant wait

>> No.4873298
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Nietzsche's Human, All too Human.

'Being able to wait is so hard that the greatest poets did not disdain to make the inability to wait the theme of their poetry.'

>> No.4873300

'They look splendid'

Nice I'll be fucking hot bitches for the next 50 years.

>> No.4873304

Oh and it is "An Artist in the Floating World" by Ishiguro

>> No.4873315
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"Inheritance" (The Inheritance Cycle)

The 2nd sentence of pg. 50 reads: "She shook her head."

>> No.4873377

The Remains of the Day
>If this is a painful memory, forgive me.

>> No.4873411


top kek

>> No.4873421

>pick up book
>go to page 50
>second sentence isn't that appropriate or funny
>go get another book
>another fucking washout
>go to bookshelf in other room
>go through books one at a time, going to page 50 in hope of comic gold
>everyone one disappoints you
>all the good ones have been posted

>> No.4873737
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Devil's Guard
>"He was a tall dark man maybe in his late twenties but his bushy mustache and beard prevented me from guessing his age exactly"

>> No.4873779

1. The manual of harmonics by Nichomacus the Pythagorean.

2. What Nichomacus is in fact suggesting in this chapter is, therefore, that the intrinsic symmetry manifest in the heavens must be echoed in the imperceptible, but harmonically propertied voices of the heavenly spheres.


>> No.4873790

1. The Road less traveled
2. "It is a problem between parents and children, husbands and wives, employers and employees, between friends, between groups, and even between nations"

Shit, sorry my cock is so much trouble.

>> No.4873792
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1. Tsure-zure Gusa
2. After a little, when the music was over, he tried to pull it off, but found that he could not manage it.

>> No.4873809

1) London, The Novel

2) "She found she was taking a huge pleasure even in the game"

That sounds pretty good I think.

>> No.4873822

yes I did, it was superb.

>> No.4874287

Kafka, The Trial

"If you like, I can take you to the sick room," and turning to the man in the doorway said, "please help me."

>> No.4874318

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

Yossarian was the best man in the group at evasive action, but had no idea why.

>> No.4874321

Asian Philosophies by John Koller (textbook for a class).

"It means knowing the time and place for which certain talk is appropriate, implying that sometimes one should maintain 'noble silence.'" (section on part of the noble eight fold path in Buddhism).

Guess I gotta know when to talk and when not to?

>> No.4874343

1. Dracula
2.What can I do?

>> No.4874347

"I could summon witnesses, if tha'd like...?"

-Mason & Dixon (or rather, just Dixon)

>> No.4874366

The Vampire In 19th Century Literature

"He roused himself, he could not believe it possible -- the dead rise again!"

>> No.4874367

1. Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, by Manly P. Hall
2. "It may well be said, therefore, that no man hath seen the Father, for the transcendency of Being is concealed behind a flaming ring which blinds all who gaze upon it."


>> No.4874546
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Alice wears ripped jeans and drippy black eye makeup, but her hair is long and gold.

A Visit From the Goon Squad - Jennifer Egan.
A shit book I read for uni, as an Australian man I was expecting cask wine.

>> No.4874725

"Weeping like a woman or a lost soul", said the butler.
From Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde

>> No.4874729

Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy

"Just a few drops for some old boys out here on the prairie and a long way from home"

>> No.4874749

From my great uncle's self published auto-biography;

We were sited alongside a small stream, just off the road in the scrub.

>> No.4874760

1. The Western Canon
2. A freedom from doctrine and the simplistic morality is certainly one element in that spirit's ease of transference, though the freedom made Dr. Johnson nervous and Tolstoy indignant.

>> No.4874763

>The Bluest Eye describes your sex life
This should have been /thread/. Honestly, there's practically nothing that can beat that.

>> No.4874769

>"Are you serious, Dick?" he asked me.

>> No.4874784
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Oh boy!

>> No.4874816
File: 30 KB, 230x346, 51GJjDhz1UL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>"In the family daguerrotype, the only one that ever existed, Aureliano appeared dressed in black velvet between Amaranta and Rebeca."


>> No.4874824

Depressed and Anxious by Thomas Marra, PhD.

"Below, try to identify a situation in your life where you struggled with feeling both depressed and hopeful at the same time."

>> No.4874828

"I felt, at one point, that he wasn't quite human."
-Count Zero

Fuck you, OP.

>> No.4874836

"Advise me, Jeeves."

>> No.4874839

"Mr Lovelace, you may believe, very ill brooked this; but nevertheless contented himself to complain of it to me, in high terms, however, telling me that but for my sake my brother's treatment of him was not to be borne."

Oh rape me Lovelace!

>> No.4874840

1.Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
2."That abrupt transition is as close as i can come to describing the feeling i experienced, but falls woefully short."

>> No.4874848

Dalkavuklar Gecesi
"Telaş ve teessüf göstererek muayyen bir hareket yaptılar."
>With fuss and regret, they made a certain move.
Well, not so bad I believe.
The nice thing is this is actually the most recent paragraph I read.

>> No.4874856
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>1. La Casa de Cartón
>2. Su rostro, de muñeca de solterona, tenia los colores demasiado vivos./ Her face, of a spinster's doll, had its colors too vivid.

>> No.4874859

The Reconquest of Spain, D.W. Lomax

"By 1016 Andalusia was ruled by Berbers and the east coast by Slavs, and Sulayman was protected only by the Cordoban militia, which was useless against professional Berber regiments.

>> No.4874861
File: 46 KB, 482x750, may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Murakami
>2. "I was always the outsider, though, the uninvited guest."
>mfw cuckold tier

>> No.4874863
File: 48 KB, 333x286, 2chivalrous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The Bible: New American translation
2. "These were the sons of Bilhah, whom Laban had given to his daughter Rachel: these she bore to Jacob- seven persons in all." (Genesis 46:24)

This sounds horrible.

>> No.4874897

Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particle by Eisberg and Resnick

Because these processes have probabilities with different dependences on atomic number, the energy ranges in which they dominate are quite different for atoms of low atomic number.

Aw yis

>> No.4874900

Shen laughed again, and several of other boys who were not close to Bernard's group got out of their desks and looked.

>> No.4874913

1. Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat
2. "Nothing I do is my fault."

>> No.4874916

1. The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa
2. "He didn't fuck her."

>> No.4874918

1. American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
2. "Van Patten shrugs, pussywhipped."

>> No.4874923

The Story of Prehistoric Civilizations

"Substitutes in skin water-bottles and wooden cups and bowls"

>> No.4874943

"Seleucus and Antigenes and Tauron Alexander commanded to lead the infantry phalanx; but they were not to take part in the action till they observed the enemy's main body of infantry and the cavalry thrown into confusion by his own cavalry force."

What does this mean?

>> No.4874944

Arrian's History of Alexander

"...not to take part in the action"... fffffffuck me.

>> No.4874971

How're you finding that book? I thought the fundamental particle/particle physics bit wasn't fantastic.

>> No.4874986

1. Odysseen, fortalt af Bent Haller - English: The Odyssey, told by Bent Haller

2. I et helt år havde en vagt spejdet efter kong Agamemnon - For a whole year a guard had been on a lookout for king Agamemnon

My sex life will be a tad boring

>> No.4874992

Swedish Diplomats at Cromwell's Court

"He began to regret his precipitancy; and to cover it alleged that he had received new instructions"

>> No.4874995

Slan - A.E. Van Vogt

"There aren't any safe ways."

>> No.4874999

1. Pandora's Star by Peter F. Hamilton
2. I'll do that.

Does this mean I'm going to have sex someday?

>> No.4875005
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>> No.4875054

1. fuck you, i dont feel look looking at the title.

2. "As it turned out Napoleon arrived in Corsica after the election, his only solatium being a crumb thrown to Joseph by Paoli who appointed him to the island directorate in Corte.

>> No.4875081

The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien

'Women I have no interest at all,' I said smiling

>> No.4875104

I like it, particularly when they introduce the Zeeman effect, which helps to tie up the loose ends. However the prose is just awful

>> No.4875135

I actually have four books on my desk at the moment but i'll pick up Journey to the End of the Night since i'm reading it at the moment.

"The young fellow's an anarchist, they'll shoot him, the sooner the".

Sounds leftist.

>> No.4875169

A Farewell to Arms
"She held a forceps with some gauze at the end"


>> No.4875170

a pdf of Irvine Welsh's "If you liked school, you'll love work"
"Ratting sounds fill the bedroom"

Bonus round, tried Filth
"Bet you’ve got hairs on your fanny like the branches of a tree"

>> No.4875179

a true wordsmith

>> No.4875229

J.S Mill, On Liberty
"bounds of diversity of opinion is necessary in both senses of the term"

Fucking philosophers not making sense.

>> No.4875269

He was a total abstainer and non-smoker, had no recreations except a daily hour in the gymnasium, and had taken a vow of celibacy, believing marriage and the care of a family to be incompatible with a 24 hour a day devotion to duty.

Sounds about right

>> No.4875295

"Carter came across as a scolding headmaster; Reagan appeared winsome."

The Twilight War by David Crist

>> No.4875306

>Off topic but do you understand what he's talking about when he says his wife is well endowed in some way. He says that she'd be popular as a prostitute because of it. Finished the book and still clueless.
big tits??

>> No.4875312


AP Latin Vergil & Literature REA Prep book

"For more on literal translation, see below and Chapter 4."

>> No.4875390

Wild Food Plants of Australia- Time Low

"Sedges may grow in vast colonies and their tubers, though small, can be gathered in large numbers"

>I think it's saying I have a small penis

>> No.4875655
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Atlas shrugged.

"a difficult undertaking, with so many dangers and complications and so much at stake . . ."

>> No.4876706

The Player of Games.
"Distant mountain tops shone pink and naked."

>Confirmed for wizardhood

>> No.4876718
File: 34 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This painting shows Mercury, the God of profit as well as the messenger of the Gods.

>> No.4876791

1.Thinking fast and slow
2. You experienced some unpleasant images and memories

>> No.4876980

1. Love and Garbage by Ivan Klima
2. "Yet simultaneously they had prophesied the advent of ruin."

>> No.4876993

Robert Plant: A Life by Paul Rees

"In any event, this latest act of rebellion left his father despairing that his son was throwing his life away"

>> No.4877007

John Berger - G.
It lines the mouth with its thin covering: the surface of the covering non-absorbent and shiny like that of mica which they use for lantern slides.

>> No.4877183

1. The practice of statistics
2. Figure 1.20 displays the data of Example 1.14 as points above the number line, with their mean marked by an asterisk (*).

>> No.4877310

1. New Thinking About Propositions
2. The relation is this: ___ is the semantic value of a lexical item e of some language L and ___ is the semantic value of a lexical item e' of L such that e occurs at the left terminal node of the sentential relation R that in L encodes ascription and e' occurs at R's right terminal node.

>> No.4878217

Carefully tighten the adjuster screw until you feel a slight drag when withdrawing the feeler gauge.

>> No.4878479

This is unfortunate. Why did I just pick up this book?


1. Bobos in Paradise
2. "Professors who are good-looking enough to have become newscasters but chose not to are admired and envied more than professors who had no alternative but to go into the academy."

Yeah. Rocking sex life there.

>> No.4878484

Ellison, Invisible Man

"I feel like the whole side of my face is smashed clear off."


>> No.4879164

>Condom will break

>> No.4879178

1. Love in the Time of Cholera (translated by Edith Grossman)
2. "Fermina," he said, "I have waited for this opportunity for more than half a century, to repeat to you once again my vow of eternal fidelity and everlasting love."

>> No.4879185

1. The Poetic Edda

2. "Odin uses cunning to give his protege an unfair advantage, and then precipitates a matrimonial quarrel by pointing out the different fates which have overtaken their proteges."

I... what.

>> No.4879189

1. Chronicles of The Black Company
2. "We looked at the village."

>> No.4879198

>A History of the Vikings by Gwyn Jones
>"Yet detail is almost completely lacking."

Sounds about right.

>> No.4879317
File: 188 KB, 1920x1440, fatbeen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Finnegans Wake
2. "Han var."

>> No.4879347

1. The Crying of Lot 49
2. Desperate, he assembles those flunkies and pretty girls who are left, ritually locks all his exits, has wine brought it, and begins an orgy.

Not bad.