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4867152 No.4867152[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true, /lit/?

>> No.4867159

< "How can science be real if our eyes aren't real?"

>> No.4867167

- Abraham Lincoln

>> No.4867169
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>> No.4867173

>talking about prejudice

im laffing

>> No.4867177

Of course not, the world disappears whenever I close my eyes.

>> No.4867183

what are ears

>> No.4867194

As a scientist: Science and scientific results can't be really "true", as that would mean that you could compare your results with reality and get a 100% overlap. However, basic statistics tells us that we can't know anything with 100% certainty.

In fact, scientific results only go for a false positive rate of 5%, i.e., there is a 5% chance that the null hypothesis that the study says it disproves is actually true. That means that 5 out of 100 studies don't show what they say they show.

Then of course, there's the myriads of problems with statistic approaches, such as multiple testing problems: if you test a connection that doesn't exist 100 times, you'll see a connection 5 times.

tl;dr life is more complicated than a sentence

>> No.4867197

"the good thing about truth is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"


everything else is falsehood

>> No.4867217

Are you behind >>>/sci/6522007
as well?

>> No.4867223

listening to neil talk is so fucking boring and transparent, he's a fucking fring celebrity scientist like that cockio fuck ohh he's got an atheist special on the discovery channel and writes lame books nobody wants to read ebic!

we need more nigger scientits, maybe one of them can explain why their dumb fuck relatives are still beating rocks together and burning witches for putting period blood in the fucking bushmeat stew last night at our ritual circlejerk for the STICKGOD

>> No.4867225


>> No.4867228

pol pls

>> No.4867319
File: 8 KB, 242x208, it do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4867333

very zizekian

>> No.4867339

This is actually exactly what religious people believe.

>> No.4867348

I think we can all agree that peer reviewed experimentation and thought has a much greater likelihood of being true than eye-witness accounts written down thousands of years ago, during a time when people weren't big on fancy things like critical reasoning.

>> No.4867352

Of course not. The exact opposite is the case.

Science and math inherently falsify everything they touch because they isolate events from their surroundings, assume that there are identical things, assume that reality conforms to laws (an not vice versa), etc...

I'm not saying it isn't useful. I believe in science on a pragmatic level. All I mean to say is that when you really get down to it, science is just the creation of oversimplified views of reality that conform to the nature of the human mind.

>> No.4867353


They believe it is true BECAUSE they believe in it.
Not the same thing.

>> No.4867363

"No, because if I believe there's a giant ghost net covering the Earth that controls peoples' thoughts, then that means the giant ghost net is real, and all reality is subjective."
- Philosophy

>> No.4867365


>> No.4867367

Nice strawman you got there, shame if anything were to happen to it....

>> No.4867376

It's true, but science itself says reality is somewhat moldable, or at least that's what Irwin Schrodinger seemed to get out of it at some point, in the bit I've read

I think you should look at the universe as a bucket of water and people as little pebbles that can jump up and down inside it. We make ripples and shake the water, and the water itself can move as the bucket does, but it's still a bucket of water and we're still pebbles.

I say rejecting any science completely is silly, but so is thinking our current scientific understanding can tell us how to behave.
But I'm a history guy so science isn't really my dojo.

>> No.4867379

It's called the atmosphere, mang, it makes you need to breathe it. If it weren't there you could finally revert to your primordial slop

>> No.4867380

Just please, shut the fuck up pebble man.

>> No.4867383

YOU shut the fuck up

>> No.4867389

That post gave me kidney stones.

>> No.4867392

That's Deism

>> No.4867657

if you're the only one (that believes in it) ,it might as well be a lie. fuck truth, that's not a good thing at all.

>> No.4867691

>Proclaiming a system of disproving previously perceived truths as falsehoods as truth
>Laughing Laozi.jpg

>> No.4867699

m8, ur sense of humor is fuckin LAOZI
The above joke was a pun on the words "lousy" and "Laozi", and a play on your idea of using an image of him laughing, indicate of humor, and therefore your sense of it. Thanks for reading.

>> No.4867718

Science is like a box of chocolates. Some chocolates have pebbles inside them.

>> No.4867743

Why does every scientist emphasize how science changes its views to make himself super humble and then they promote their views to everyone
No, I'm not going to accept your shallow naturalistic materialism because you're excited about Darwinism

>> No.4867785

Science is pretty close to "truth" when it studies something simple like physical laws and such, but it fails when it has to study something much more complex, like as humans. Science can be rigorous in subjects like physics, chemistry and astronomy, because what they're studying acts very predictably.

>> No.4867786


>imblying you can be prejudiced against religious people


>> No.4867794


I think it's kind of a bad thing. I think it would be pretty fucking sweet if we could get cancer to not exist any more by persuading people it was an illusion, for instance.

>> No.4867797

I'm a legit polytheist, AMA

>> No.4867799


How did you discover that edgyism was the right religion for you?

>> No.4867805

I didn't, it chose me because whatever, man.
I'm also a scientismist, btw, and Nietzsche-positive, and nihilist, and I believe in reincarnation.
It's all uncertainty, multiverse theory, and the danged cat

>> No.4867809



Not sure if troll.

Which deities?

>> No.4867812

So you wanna combine as many views as possible to conform

>> No.4867815

All, but mostly Odin, Marx, and Mussolini right now.
A god is just a guy sitting in another universe, and different points in time are in themselves other universes, as are the different versions of today with historical alterations of important past events, like the war, or Christ's birth, the smashing of the Temple, and Genghis's death.

I do my best to understand the wisdom of everybody.

>> No.4867820

>look at me i'm so unique and special, such an edgy individualist!

>> No.4867827

I don't really conform. I fit in in most groups, but I generally try my best to take a leadership position and make sure I'm the guy that picks which bar to go to or whether to sit and play boardgames or watch the fights instead

>> No.4867854

>mfw sciencefags don't read

>> No.4867864

Hello, Gaston Bachelard.

>> No.4867866

"Science is true."

What the fuck does that even mean? "Science" is not a proposition, how can it hold a truth-value?

>> No.4867878


>if you aren't shoe-horning into your life as many du-jour philosophies as possible, you are en edgy individualist egotist-solipsist


>> No.4867901

truth is a good thing but you have no idea if what you believe is true, hence you belief does not affect it

>> No.4867907

That wasn't me and your way of describing my philosophy's kinda harsh, man.
I'm a polytheist who believes in relativity, multiverse theory, and uncertainty. That's not very many philosophies any more than polytheism itself is very many philosophies.

>> No.4867908

>Life is more complicated than a sentence

>> No.4867929


Just think, this is the retard they got to remake Sagan's Cosmos.

>hurr durr muh troof

>> No.4867964


>> No.4867970

Pretty much this

>> No.4867980
File: 627 KB, 1280x720, Average episode of Cosmos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le black scientist badass face

>> No.4867984

upboats to the left

>> No.4867997

Not enough people realize this.

>> No.4868002

Haha! Neil DeReddit Tyson is epic 4 the win!