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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 78 KB, 800x1138, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4866352 No.4866352 [Reply] [Original]

how many hours do you set aside a day to read, /lit/?

>> No.4866357


>> No.4866403

the alternative is not schedule and all and resent the lack of control over your life

>> No.4866435

Before work and during my lunch I get about an hour and a half each day. Sometimes more when resting after work. Probably do more of that when summer hits.

Weekends I try to do at least six hours a day or thereabouts.

>> No.4866436

Usually after lifting very heavy things off of the floor repetitively, preferably after having yelled "LIGHT WEIGHT BABY!" This is critical to my routine.

>> No.4866452


I'm surprised when I hear that many people actually read as their 'being lazy' activity. But these seem to be the people reading entertainment books like game of thrones.

I do set a certain amount of time to read everyday. But it's more about getting through a certain section than a specific amount of time. The books I read are certainly not entertainment, and my authors are often harsh masters. I really have to make an effort to stay focused.

>> No.4866458

Assigning control to a schedule is forfeiting control over my life.

>> No.4866473

Obedience to self-made laws is freedom.

>> No.4866479

Not any more than obedience to a self-made god is.

>> No.4866507

Do you sleep? :P

>> No.4866526

I set a daily goal rather than planning hours surgically

>> No.4866528

this is what the capital wants you to think!

>> No.4866530

Not much

>> No.4866535

Me neither.

>> No.4866542

I'm not regular like that. If I'm into a book, I'll read for 2+ hours a day, but if I'm not, I only do occasional reading daily.

>> No.4866553

i don't have a schedule, i read whenever i want to for however long i'd like to motherfucker

>> No.4866555
File: 221 KB, 752x1044, moondog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insomniac? Willfully or not?
I like the hours between 6 and 12, am or pm. Wish they were longer. A 48 hour day.

>i would bow down before just one-- one who bows before none. i should know who that one might be who could do that to me i am that one, and I bow down before me.

>> No.4866581

I just have a lot of energy. I don't get tired much, gotta task, gotta task. I'm currently reading paragraphs of the Argonautica in between posts here, and I'm going to break for writing soon.

>> No.4866597

God, I wish I had you in my life, you Prinslooian beauty.

>> No.4866599

Just whenever I feel like it.

>> No.4866621

1ish because I'm trying to forge new friendships. Weekends I try for 3 or so per day.

>> No.4866638

I'm curious about feminister, I've been meaning to ask. You seem better read than I am. How do you choose which books to read and what are you doing to allot time for them? Do you work or do you live the lit life?

>> No.4866646

Good questions dude, I too have been wondering such things

>> No.4866655


You're saying Rousseau came up with this idea because he was a capitalist?

>> No.4866670


I choose whichever book strikes my fancy, there's never a dearth in that department. Sometimes I will order several books from the library and then review them and find one that pulls me in.

I'm an author.

>> No.4866677

Oh wow

>> No.4866678

Do you write young adult fiction?

>> No.4866681

neato, what kind of stuff/genre do you write in? Have you been published and everything?

>> No.4866692

Gods aren't self made to everyone but the man who devised the god and wrote out his rules.

>> No.4866695

Funny. I am too. Seriously, email me.

>> No.4866700


So close to LMAO3PL8!! DL, got 295 today

>> No.4866710

I write postmodern shit, it can't really be put in a genre

I've had several works published, it's my bread

Oooooohhhh. I might. If I do, it will probably be through a temp email tho

>> No.4866718

Please, please post your "postmodern shit". I fucking love PoMo, am an olderfag than you, and fucking hate you. I will never call you a tranny again if you can pen decent PoMo. Ever. I'll fully leave you alone. Put your characters where your fingers are, tripfaggot.

>> No.4866724

Nah. You sound like an annoying shit.

>> No.4866725

Come talk with me already, Feminister <3

>> No.4866729

Post a temp email, I might oblige

>> No.4866732

You have my email, lol.

>> No.4866733

You are pathetic

>> No.4866735

No worries, I posted my junk email.

>> No.4866740

Yeah that's what I thought

>> No.4866742

You're that sad fawning Irish guy, huh

>> No.4866748

I'm your daddy in this thread, just you don't realise it.

>> No.4866749

Ridiculous amounts of samefagging and leftist language manipulation going on.

>Feminister is popular xD

>> No.4866761

he said helping himself to the recesses of his can do attitude that lets trannies post modern on my site for sore eyes that's bullshit it has a a dick

>> No.4866772

Was this supposed to be poetry? Jesus god, man. I meant post some actual verse, something you had worked on. This is clearly you relinquishing to the fact that you are a 'so randumb xP' retarded faggotlord. Forever a tranny ye shall be.

>> No.4866777

I'm not going to post an excerpt from a published work, if that's what you want.

There was nothing random in what I said

>> No.4866794
File: 96 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Post something you didn't shit out in ten seconds as a pathetic attempt ar saving face"

I'm seriously having a hard time breathing over here. You fuckin' suck. Totally.

>> No.4866796
File: 14 KB, 452x442, kim-pine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it all so mind-twisting?
>I gave Maurice Barres a spanking. We were three soldiers and one of us had a hole in the middle of his face.

>> No.4866800


>> No.4866802
File: 142 KB, 327x308, Kim Pine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go take a puff on your inhaler than. Get over it.

>> No.4866804
File: 20 KB, 200x284, flaneur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah well, you may think you're an author but I took a buzzfeed quiz once and it told me I should be an author.

I didn't choose the literary life, it chose me.

>> No.4866807

I went to teen self help websites
I told them its not worth it
I said the voices become more real
I was quite convincing
So naive
6500 posts in 2 years
The lovely girls
I bought
All victims
Of the attentionwhores on 4chan
Ruin my board, remind me you exist?
I'll defile younger than you
I feed

>> No.4866813

*rams cock down your throat*

My favorite thing about women is that they are soooooo dumb. That's half of what makes you cute, like puppies or kittens

>Girls gets irrationally upset

"Don't worry princess, we wuv yooouuu, it's okay. I'm not arguing with logic or getting mad at your being dumb because I know you can't help it. Awww, it's okay bby, i didden mean it"

>> No.4866814


Hm, no, not for the most part. I don't have a unified style, nor do I normally write that way.

To explain what I said meant to me

>the recesses of his can do
A can of Mountain Dew
>that let's trannies post
He feels threatened by transpeople, they make him uncomfortable. The can do attitude, that they don't have to hide, concerns him. He combats this by directing it into visceral disgust; because I disgust him, he applies to term to me.

obviously, posting
Postmodern is some sort of special writing style that it takes great finesses to accomplish, when actually it's merely writing that does not conform to modern style.
>on my site
>site for sore eyes
Posters providing sexual attention to me disgusts him.
>That's bullshit
The attention
>It has a dick
His anger over the attention being bullshit is directed at me, so I myself become bullshit, a fake woman

>> No.4866816

Trips doing what they are best at, responding to another shit thread by shitposting and attention whoring.

>> No.4866826

uh lets be honest this one is better than Feministers... >>4866761 lel

>> No.4866827


>> No.4866833

Become a trip ironically and then shift back and forth between shitposting and posting productively in the oscillative fashion metamodernism dictates.

>> No.4866837
File: 66 KB, 305x479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got someone to shitpost /x/ for me by being a namefag who mocked tripfags. Just as intended ;3

They might still do it when Frater K posts idk

>> No.4866844

Only the dead will know peace from this post-irony. Day after another I feed my time to a luminescent vacuum, to be recomposed with defecation. An addiction to tedium, to be glutted with banality, fast.

>> No.4866848


>> No.4866851

This describes my life pretty accurately.

>> No.4866853

Precision, precision, indecision.

>> No.4866855

I actually masturbate to a detailed fantasy of myself utterly destroying you with say, a sledghammer or something. I hate you to a degree that I feel I'm actually creating a wonderland and tulpa of you, which I torture within my mind. I do this along with the aforementioned shitposting of teen help websites and hiring/humiliation of prostitutes. I in fact make them read you and butterfly's posts while I whip them, and have branded several with a combination of your tripcode and butterfly's symbol. Pics or GTFO? Well just ask faggots. I don't have any saved now.

But femninister, you want pics proof? Ask. I'll hire another one on your behalf and pay for the brand. Just ask.

>> No.4866859

What's your philosophy, kitty?

>> No.4866866

I knew a website with a girl
who made a cat man want to hurl.
Every time they would post
it made shit posting the most
fun it could be in the world!

>> No.4866867


I'm a deist/animist if you want to get real intimate ;^)

good job not falling for emotional bullshit. But, you've done fairly well at ignoring this for a while I suppose

>> No.4866873

You're an absurdist who believes there is an underlying metaphysical structure to reality?

>> No.4866884

Oh that was Sartre.
Your made some sense to me.

Stop reading us! Stopit stopit stopit!

>> No.4866885
File: 61 KB, 382x417, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes B)

Well put. I want you to know that I remember when you used to post a paragraph of sarcastic "burn" to me (anon obv) Man, that was funny. You'rs doing much better, now.

>> No.4866888


>> No.4866892

You should probably know that such antagonisation stems from quite the pathetic psychology

>> No.4866901

Cats! Cats! Quick, boys! – An ecstasy of fumbling,
Typing the clumsy rebuttles just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and posting,
And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime. . .
Dim, through the monitor glass and light blue squares,
As under a 4chan sea, I saw him drowning.

>> No.4866902
File: 31 KB, 255x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm a dickhead on 4chan for personal reasons. I know none of you will believe me but I am actually quite functional in my life. 4chan is a completely therapeutic thing. Sometimes I learn from you guys and sometimes you make me laugh or feel but you are all faggots whom I hate by default.

This along with marijuana and some booze have helped me avoid the pharmaceutical jew for over eight years!

>> No.4866908

lol ok bro

>> No.4866916

*takes out dick*

>> No.4866919

>Forgetting ur own pic

We're derailing such an innocent thread. We should do this more in more deserving threads.

>> No.4866920


>> No.4866923

>Forgetting the pic again

How many time before it's meta?

>> No.4866925

The forgotten pic needs to be about forgetting pics.

>> No.4866930
File: 79 KB, 600x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The unveiling is now.

>> No.4866933

I fail to understand, feminister. Since you're using a tripcode you obviously crave for attention (don't we all ?) yet you refuse to disclose your published work. Why is that ?

>> No.4866945

>pharmaceutical jew

I like you

>> No.4866949

Interesting choice.

>> No.4866959
File: 111 KB, 750x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it was meant to go with *takes out dick* bit I failed to post it twice. Boy I sure hope the mods nuke this whole threads and ban ever one of us. I mean, this is horrific. And OP didn't even deserve it.

>> No.4866963
File: 8 KB, 175x149, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm too drunk to spell. Mods, pls.

>> No.4866966

And yet just think, every event of our entire life has led us to this moment.