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4865889 No.4865889 [Reply] [Original]

Can you pass a cancer stone? Can you make your heart open? So cold, so lifeless, so inanimate, but so full of worry and fear; What am I? What am I? In whose hands do I rest? Would God let this happen, would God care? Who cares? Who is another man in a grave, another robe in the halls, another drunk son with nowhere to go and nobody to see? Oh God, oh God, I've never prayed but for death; and for death is whom you care for; for if not me, take care of him, please put him somewhere where he'll be happy and belong; put him with his friends and family, and slaughter us all like soldiers, because that's not a world I can leave behind, that's not a world I can imagine, one without cigarettes and gum and vans and dogs; There's nothing left once he's gone, and I feel like a dead man; he's the dead man, what can a dead man dO? Why, oh God, oh God, oh God, why? Where do I go to get answers? A bottle, a gun? Where do I go to figure out, to scout, to reason: Is this place good enough for him? Can I rest, finally, can I give him something he's given me a hundred times over? How do I, How do I, How do I, oH God! Oh God! Why? And the answer has to be there somewhere, there has to be a solution; and the reason is probably mundane, something insignificant, something that he could overcome easily except he didn't, and he doesn't, and I'm not strong! I'm not strong! I can't wait for that, I can't prepare for that, I am SCARED and ALONE and there are no answers in a bottle, maybe there are in a gun. Maybe I'll just skip the line and go ahead and fuck them all, who cares? I care, I care, I care, who cares? He's going to be gone and I knew that, that's part of the human terms and conditions, and I knew that and I've known that, but now I KNOW that and now I can time it and set a date on it and I can expect it, how it's going to be, and I can't. I'm not. I can't. I'm not that person. I'm not strong. I was never good enoguh and I will never be good enough and I cjust. I cancer. I can't. I can't.

>> No.4865982

"Fuck this, I'm out"

>> No.4865988

So fucking bad, Jesus Christ.
Typical abstract edgy shit, I hope to whoever the fuck you want you commit suicide in the most painful way only for being such a stupid cunt.

Stop fucking writing, you're utter shit.

>> No.4865998

The idea of writing a suicide note is pretty interesting, like being able to attend your own funeral and you image it from every angle until you realize "Who gives a fuck about me? Who wants to read this shit?

>> No.4866000

my dad has cancer

it's still shit but it's not abstract

>> No.4866002

Anon i know you're feeling sad, but your writing isn't very good. It's what they call 'purple prose'. It's very tedious to read, and unclear. Something like this would be embarrassing to read post your death. Please rewrite this or rethink writing in general.

>> No.4866014

i wrote this a few years ago, my writing has gotten less purple since then

also i was drunk and crying

please don't hate me

>> No.4866019

Only time I ever tried to kill myself I didn't leave a note. It was a week after my fiance died (we were together for 7 years) and for some reason, even though I don't believe in spirits and such, I thought "well they always say ghosts hang out where they die" so I went to the place she got hit (car accident) and sat in my car and took a bottle of Klonopin and did the rest of the morphine I had (IV) on the side of the road and nodded out. Woke up a few hours later still alive and really confused, got out and walked to a phone, don't remember much more but I woke up in an emergency room with a catheter and crying friends. Next day I went to my older sisters birthday party and forgot about trying it ever again. It was weird.

>> No.4866021


It's fucking disgusting. Worst excuse for a deep note ever in the history of man. Emo kids in 7th grade could do better, and I'm not saying this to upset you. I have never felt so repulsed by someone's attempt to be cool and different and deep and wise in my life. I just wanted you to know this. Please, hang yourself.


Don't you get it? This idiot did it for the sake of being hurr mysterious and 2 deep 4 u normal ppl.

"Can I rest, finally, can I give him something he's given me a hundred times over? How do I, How do I, How do I, oH God! Oh God! Why?"

>> No.4866029

I never got as far as the note.

I did draw up a will, though.

>> No.4866031

you're so mean man, this guy is probably really depressed or something.

>> No.4866042

hate to break it to you but lying and being "nice" never helped NOBODY

that same guy who is frothing and shitting out his rant was probably in the same hell as the OP though he wont admit it

>yeah we're all the same but I want SO desperately to be different..because being different is gud lady gaga told me

>> No.4866051


I feel sorry for his father. I feel sorry for this guy's pain. I genuinely do. I wish I could comfort both.

But good fucking God, giving us THIS THREAD as an excuse for him to shove his edgy shit down our throats? He can go fuck himself with a mouldy congelated baguette.

Did you people even read his shit? It's like every other intensely mystical Tumblr story written by 15 year old American fans of My Chemical Romance.


>> No.4866062

I know it may seem sudden, but I must go. There is business elsewhere that needs attending to, and I must carry out my duty forthright. I leave you this, my vessel, and a song.

He gave it to a little boy with a dollar note.
He told the boy to take the cat up river on a boat.
The boat turned over and was never found,
And now they drag the river for the little boy who drowned...
But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was goner
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away.

>> No.4866070

i'm really not it was a pretty long time ago, these dudes are right i was a pretty big edgelord
>It's like every other intensely mystical Tumblr story written by 15 year old American fans of My Chemical Romance.
i'm pretty sure i wrote this when i was about sixteen, so that's pretty accurate
i know it's shit
'The night is still a hero, and a refuge for the blind: those unable or unwilling to take any kind of side wander the streets in a collective fugue, forgoing their individual minds for the collective unconscious of an unknown population... [there is] a yearning somewhat under the skin to be part of no person, to be made of no body, and to wind up through the whims of the wind on the eve of some great adventure befitting your low status. The night gives to us the thought that, perhaps, we can still be truly lost- and in doing so, creates for us the relief of returning to some sort of home.'
'i must go' seems like a dramatic way to go

>> No.4866093
File: 1.96 MB, 308x170, whatahapo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocks, cocks in my face. That is how I feel when I walk this Earth. Day to day, all day cocks. I cry jizz and it turns my thoughts. Pain rises but my cock does not. I think I am fucking gay. Goodbye cruel world.

>> No.4866103

>being "nice" never helped NOBODY

Fuck you're stupid

>> No.4866105

epik :^)

>> No.4866123

what is happening in that gif

>> No.4866126

Sorry I forgot the part where we just quote peoples posts, insult their intelligence yet make no attempt to prove them wrong or even let your angle be heard.

Perhaps /pol/ is more your speed.

>> No.4866132

the metal frame they were moving probably ran over a live wire

>> No.4866134

I honestly don't understand why everyone tries to be philosophical, memorable or iconic with their notes.

This is literally the only opportunity in your entire life that you'll ever have to be 100% honest and genuine about your feelings and your perspective on the world, and you're really gonna fucking waste it trying to be deep? But, I guess even that's better than edgy notes like "Fuck you all, I hate you, this is your fault" or "Sorry about the blood".

>> No.4866140
File: 2.86 MB, 340x260, fuckyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was going to agree with you but fuck your being an edgy prick and thats saying something coming from me

>> No.4866221

>I cancer
>5 questions
>Terribad run-on
>6 questions
>4 exclamations
>1 sentence
>2 questions
>another sentence
>I cjust
>I can't
>I can't

I see why you want to die. You cant write for shit.

On the other hand, cancer is a horrible way to go. Good luck, it's a cruel world.

>> No.4868219

"dear jen,

im sorry for all this. i never meant to get involved with anyone before because i knew it would be hurtful. we talked about all the reasons why i wanted this, and all the reasons i shouldnt. for your sake, i wish i could understand that part. i loved you and i know you love me. but its not enough to be in love. i dont have a will, but you can have whatever is in the apartment, but let my family go through my books and clothes. hide anything embarrassing ok? you knw, journals and drawings? tear this part off for my mom

i know i promised i wouldnt ever mom. I wasnt ever good at following through with much. i loved you. tell my sisters i love them too. tell them i made a mistake, and that they shouldnt be like me. tell chris im proud of him. that i always admired him. and tell dad i forgve him, and that i loved him too. its like a band aid. i wanted it to be done with. you have to get back to living too.
i loved and missed you all till the very end.

>> No.4868408

morphine - it just werks.

>> No.4868696

Goes to prove the ego these people have the moments they're ready to kill themselves. Its selfish for them, but they can't tell you that, so they go on to write some obscure bullshit on the hope that people will find their musings profound when in reality its a way to make sure that their ego is fulfilled before they die, guaranteed that someone will read it, but no one can ever give you critisism for this.

>> No.4868832

The honest part of the suicide note is the action itself (provided it succeeds). That proves the words in a way that whatever trappings of authenticity you're expecting to find do not.

>> No.4868875

I carry a printed out picture of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and in crayon it says "Twerk it out, i am not too sorry" inside of my wallet

>> No.4868911 [DELETED] 

My only regret is that I can't take the rest of the world with me

>> No.4868978

"If my body somehow ended up in a silly looking position please change it so I don't look like such a goof. Thanks."

>> No.4868984

"Tag. You're it."

>> No.4869008

that's so gay

>> No.4870559

I have a usb hard drive that I carry everywhere. It is a bootable drive for windows 95, and the password is the freeground anthem from spinward fringe. When it is acessed, there is only a single file on the desktop, labeled "my final words". The file is really an avi renamed to a jpg. Once she figures that out, the video is a ten hour static loop that contains 4 different transmissions overlayed on each other. Once the waves have been isolated, it is revealed that they are an encoded representation of rick astely's never gonna give you up in a 4bit track. I'm gonna get my girlfriend good with this one.

>> No.4870562

The only reason I have not killed myself yet isn't I'm afraid of dying or what, if anything, comes after, but it is I am afraid of what my family and friends would think of me when they find out about who I really was and the hassle it would be to deal with my being dead.
I want to kill myself because I feel I am nothing but a hopeless inconvenience to every person I have ever interacted with, but I am caught in this outrageous paradox about how much trouble it would cause.

I don't think I will leave a note; how pretentious is it to think your lack of existence is worth trying to force a thought on anyone. If I did end up leaving anything it will just say "I'm sorry and this is no one's fault. I am in no way ungrateful to anyone or anything in my life; I just don't like being alive."

>> No.4870585

"Peace out, bitches."

>> No.4870597

haha suck shit u gay nerd

i bet he was sucking too many dicks lol haha nerd

>> No.4870641


I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that — everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer.

I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been."

Wrote this right before I got stoned and went swimming.

>> No.4870657


Kill yourself, and when you're a ghost haunt your dearest and make them go crazy to the point they follow suit. You can both live forever as ghosts having all sorts of awesome ghost adventures.

>> No.4870661

Why would you even leave a note? Are you guys attention whores or something? I bet you're killing yourselves to get noticed, how pathetic.

>> No.4870716

ITT: tryhard fags

>> No.4870740

It's virginia woolf's letter to her husband before she killed herself by filling her jacket with stones and jumping in a river

>> No.4870967

you're all a bunch of down syndrome retard babies what the FUCK

>> No.4871189

I tried to kill myself about two weeks ago.

The only time I wrote a note I wrote:

'I wanted to see what was on the other side'
Even now I realize it has an apologetic tone, which is part of the emotional issue I have that drew me to that point.
Nah, I just did it because I'm going insane and I feel really bad about the things I've done. It's sort've a 'sorry I felt I had to do this, don't be mad or blame yourself'

>> No.4871237


>> No.4871295
File: 48 KB, 624x216, 5185388231_32716e2081_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harmony Korine(writer of the movie "Kids," Writer/Director of "Gummo" and more recently "Spring Breakers") has a few suicide notes in his book "A Crackup at the Race Riots"

>> No.4871299

Jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge on a lot of drugs. Survived, dunno how.

Left a note to my parents.

It said:

"To cleanse the dorsal fin perception, many dolphins must be slain."


>> No.4871300

Why would your dad have cancer be reason to commit suicide?

Why the fuck would you do that to someone who has cancer?

I'm glad you're still with us btw.

>> No.4871322


hi mom

fuck you
fuck the jews
and fuck your shitty family

see you in hell

t. your son

note: I'd kill myself in the middle of the 405 at rush hour with a shotgun for maximum asshurt

>> No.4871346

Just let it all go, man. You'll be dead, it's not your problem. Your family and friends will hate it, but you know what? They'll move the fuck on. They'll go on living, or maybe not, I don't know their life and shit. But they're going to die too. And their feelings toward your death will die with them. It's how this shit works. Just let it go. Just let everything go.

>> No.4871371

Well, goodbye everyone

I could probably write a kickass note now when I'm not actually suicidal, oh well, I'm not planning on dying anytime soon

>> No.4871423

That's.. Not helping..

>> No.4871424

that's what you think

>> No.4871426

Its for the best.

>> No.4871432

>hurr g-go to /pol/

moral of this thread:
if you're thinking about writing a suicide note---don't.

>> No.4871437

I use to be one of those guys who was to scared to kill himself, but as time goes on i get less and less scared.
Ive read that like 99% of suicides dont leave notes, they just do it.
The only thing i cant decide on is how im going to do it.
Im thinking of running away, maybe heading towards the beach, go on some final adventure before i drown myself.
Maybe live in the Forrest like some sort of hobbit for a few weeks.

I always think about this one nirvana song when i want to Kurt Cobain myself.


>> No.4871461

>go on some final adventure before i drown myself.
>Maybe live in the Forrest like some sort of hobbit for a few weeks.

what a fucking drama queen.
the disappointing thing is that a faggot like you won't succeed. so everyone will be forced to deal with your insufferable personality.

>> No.4871478

I'm behind you

>> No.4871480
File: 1.95 MB, 300x227, Awkward-Arnold-Schwarzenegger-Smile-In-Terminator-2-Gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be back.

>> No.4871531

I could not longer live with my weed addiction

>> No.4871547


>> No.4871560

Ehh, it was all too much of a hassle.

>> No.4871561

One of my favorite things in life was sleeping, don't feel bad for me. Eternal sleep is more enjoyable than my current state.

>> No.4871568

>weed addiction


>> No.4871570

>here we go

>> No.4871572

I'll be back

>> No.4871576

There are worse things in life than dying.

>> No.4872549
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>> No.4873785
File: 1.00 MB, 184x141, terrrific.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine would be this gif.

>> No.4873812
File: 519 B, 113x34, suicide note.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4873825


>> No.4873827

Think I'm dead? Look again.

Haha made ya look!

>> No.4874718

"If they say it was suicide, DO NOT BELIEVE THEM"