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4865009 No.4865009 [Reply] [Original]

Why do patricians bad mouth Stephen King?

I'm reading The Dark Tower ™ series and it feels similar to Blood Meridian but with a better story.

His prose is very adequate and his stories are obviously top tier.

>> No.4865018
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>Why do patricians bad mouth Stephen King?

>> No.4865021

>very adequate

>> No.4865024

>vomit jpg
I know I feel the same when ppl bad mouth great writers

>> No.4865037


Have u read king?
Green mile and Shawshank redemption are better than any modern lit

>> No.4865116

We all do, but that is unrelated to the topic at hand

>> No.4865139

Overall, he's fine. The problem is that he's written so many damn books that if you pick a new one up, it's got a roughly fifty-fifty chance of being crap. The man cannot tell his good ideas from his bad ones.

>> No.4865389

This is bullshit and u know it

>> No.4865782

The problem arises when just having his name on a book will make it sell, so publishers don't bother with rigorous editing.

What ends up happening is the author just prints an unfiltered pile of shit and no one benefits enough to try to make it stop.

>> No.4865802

Well that's the machine, they keep throwing more and more money at him, make him write more when he should have quit.

>> No.4865817

Reading The Stand right now. Yeesh. When he's good he's great, but what a plodding mess sometimes.

>> No.4865818

Green Mile is pretty corny dude. It tried so hard to be meaningful while remaining accessible I felt like I was reading the novelization of a Lifetime movie.

Okay, it's not that bad. But the last third of the book was really unremarkable, everything came together in an unsatisfying way, and the ending was corny and didn't seem to resolve anything. The entire book seems to set up for some kind of thematic resolution that's abandoned in place of some average, heavily cinematic conclusion.

>> No.4865856


>it feels similar to Blood Meridian but with a better story

Ugh. These clueless plotplebs really need to leave this board and never come back.

Go and try Reddit. You'll fit in great there.

>> No.4865951

Explain how king 's prose isn't as good as McCarthy's

>> No.4866122

you're making the claim, you should provide the evidence, basic shit

>> No.4866156

le mad patrician is mad xd

>> No.4866168

The only real problem with his work is the endings; they're always mediocre shit that makes otherwise great novels fizzle out in a puff of disappointment. I know he's super hostile towards outlines, but I really think he'd benefit from them, if only to give his books a sense of direction and purpose.

>> No.4866180

go to bed prose retard

>> No.4866189

you know that he never made the claim that kings prose is as good as mccarthys
and if you're taking the position that mccarthys prose is better than kings you are also making a claim and need to back it up

>> No.4866199
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>you're taking the position that mccarthys prose is better than kings you are also making a claim and need to back it up

>> No.4866922

Stephen, is that you?
I mean, I like some of your books, but I'm not going to like all of them. We all make shit once in awhile, style doesn't stay with us like a clingy gold digger, no, she's more of an off again on again bitch.

Just know, you won't always write great novels, just do your best. I know it's hard to be original in a world where everything's already been done by the simpsons, but you have to at least try man, and give it some effort.

>> No.4866935

>already been done by the simpsons

Low blow faggot.

>> No.4866937

>Why do patricians bad mouth Stephen King?
While I don't think I'm a "patrician" because 4chan value judgements are fucking dumb, I think Stephen King is a top notch pop author. And if I remember correctly, Harold Bloom said that DFW made Stephen King look "like Cervantes".
>I'm reading The Dark Tower ™ series and it feels similar to Blood Meridian but with a better story.
Okay well that's just ridiculous. Other than having western settings that seem other-worldy, they're not even remotely similar.
>His prose is very adequate
Prose that's adequate doesn't make someone "patrician". I like King but his writing isn't Faulkner or Hawthorne or Proust or anything.
>and his stories are obviously top tier.
Some of them are, others are really fucking boring. But that's the risk you run when you keep getting money for books and someone will publish you no matter what you write.

>> No.4866954

Stephen, Stephen, don't get so mad my man, you know it's true, that cartoon has sucked all the creativity out of the world and even itself, like a vacuum of despair.

I haven't read many of your stories, I had a horror anthology though with some of your short stories, like the night flier, and thought they were interesting, but some of your stories are hit or miss my man.

You just have to keep working at it, I'm sure one day you'll give birth to your magnum opus.