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/lit/ - Literature

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4861624 No.4861624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Best native tongue for literature?

>> No.4861673


>> No.4861687

I don't really know but between Spanish,French and German which one would /lit/ recommend?

>> No.4861690

german is a pretty ugly language, spanish is too simplistic and french is just lame

>> No.4861691


>> No.4861692



Goethe > any Russian fuccboi you could even suggest.

>> No.4861698

For poetry I would recommend Farsi. Its a very poetic language

>> No.4861700


>For poetry I would recommend Farsi.

well isn't someone a super special hipster snowflake

>> No.4861701

He's right though.

>> No.4861705

Spanish simplistic? Not necessarily.

>> No.4861706


>german is a pretty ugly language, spanish is too simplistic and french is just lame

It's hilarious how shit your sensibilities are.

>> No.4861711


because there are two people in this thread that happen to speak fucking farsi

samehipster pls go

>> No.4861714

german is ugly and spanish is just latin-lite

I mean feel free to refute fact, and guise it under "MUH SENSIBILITIES"

>> No.4861718

i'm not that guy but you are way too subjective on this

>> No.4861737

Im not a hipster I'm persian

>> No.4861738
File: 9 KB, 174x149, 8dc3d5be-73f9-42a8-8de5-ece4b7f90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably English. It tends to be more complex than other languages, which allows for a wider range if tools. It also benefits from the fact that in its modern form it is Germanic and Latin based. Meaning it sort of gets the best of both worlds. It also isn't as rigidly structured as most of the other big ones. In English there are usually dozens of ways to say any sentence and you have a choice between the monosyllabic Olde English root or the Latin/Greek root which tenfs toward polysyllabics. Removal of gendered language frees up a writer too. Also English is spoke in more cirners of the globe than any other language which opens up a tremendous amount of colloquial and regionally vernacular language. English also has a relatively unique flexibility within literature. It's common for our authors to play with the language and form new words, portmanteaus, and new ways to employ words (Shakespeare, Faulkner, McCarthy are all great examples)

>> No.4861744
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Sorry about the typos, I'm on my phone. Tiny keyboard is worst keyboard.

>> No.4861745

> nobody has said English

England on its own has one of the finest literary traditions in the world and English also gets America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and... others. Not to mention English is the most spoken European language so more shit gets translated into English etc.

> people picking shit like Russian


>> No.4861759


> inb4 some absolute retard says America has no good literature

Whitman, pound, eliot, moore, dickinson, twain, frost, faulkner, auden, salinger (fuck off, he's good), melville, hawthorne off the top of my head in three fucking seconds.

America alone > Russia

>> No.4861762


Feel free to give subjective opinions, and guise it under "MUH FACTS".

>> No.4861766


>salinger (fuck off, he's good)

he's g-good. f-f-fuck off

>> No.4861767


>> No.4861769

and before anyone asks no I do not speak spanish or french or german, but I do know more about literature than all you faggots combined into one ultrafaggot

>> No.4861771


> because something is popular with young people I will dislike it to distance myself from people I feel superior too

He published four excellent novellas, one very good novel and a short story collection which hits and misses but usually hits. He was a good writer.

>> No.4861774

Definitely unseats Dostoevsky

>> No.4861781


Salinger? No. Faulkner is an equivalent though. And we're referring to the literature as a whole, not individual writers. There is no novelist better than Tolstoy, but Russian literature is a joke compared to German, French and English.

>> No.4861785


>wants to shoehorn that one writer he still feels adolescent nostalgia over into lists with literary giants like pound by claiming he actually belongs in the same league

no, faggot. no.

>> No.4861788

You're just spouting bullshit conjecture and acting as if it's indisputable

>Faulkner is an equivalent though
You're just a fucking pseud, man, don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise

>> No.4861795

>like pound

>> No.4861800


> implying salinger isn't a regularly included in university curricilums and does not have a wide fan base of adults

The only people who hate Salinger are people who grew up with his writing assigned to them in high school and want to distance themselves from that. Boomers and our grandparents love him and he's relevant. Stay a sheep.

Hey in what way does Salinger write poorly?

>> No.4861803

>Stay a sheep.

>> No.4861819


> just spouting bullshit conjecture

Lets play a game. For every author you can list who writes in Russian and is important to the western canon I will list TEN who write in English.

You already mentioned Dostoyevsky so...

Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton, Blake, Marlowe, Malory, Sir Thomas More, Edmund Spencer, Francis Bacon, John Donne, Thomas Hobbes

Keep em coming.

>> No.4861839

I agree.

>> No.4861847


>Stay a sheep.

cope with your situation you nostalgia goggles loser. trying to actually put salinger on the level of pound and melville? you do even see how sad that is? that is something a reddit kid would do

>Hey in what way does Salinger write poorly?

even you said that some of his work was hit and miss you total fucking dunce

but no salinger is definitely on the level of melville lol good call

reddit pls go

>> No.4861857
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>Stay a sheep.

>> No.4861887


Hell I won't wait for you

> Tolstoy
T.s eliot, ezra pound, william faulkner, emily dickinson, walt whitman, robert frost, john keats, lord byron, percy Shelley, W.b Yeats

> Pushkin
Robert burns, william wordsworth, james joyce, virginia woolf, thoreau, richard lovelace, andrew marvell, jonathon swift, daniel defoe, alexander pope

> Gogol
Jane austen, emily bromtw, anne bronte, charlotte bronte, jane austen, george eliot, ted hughes, dickens, orwell, huxley

> Chekhov
Walter scott, lewis carrol, c.s lewis, flann o brian, oscar wilde, emerson, hawthorne, capote, pynchon, alice munro

> Turgenev
Poe, henry james, thomas hardy, kipling, conrad, d.h lawrence, graham greene, william golding, dylan thomas, sylvia plath

> Bulgakov
William carlos williams, e.e cumminga, locke, tennyson, hemingway, steinbeck, westk, nabokov, salinger, williams


>> No.4861894

>moving the goalposts
It's like you don't even know you're an idiot

>> No.4861900


> even you said that some of his work was hit or miss

> War and Peace - Hit
> What is art - Miss

Great authors miss he mark too sometimes pal. Pound wrote a lot of bad poetry.

But hey, in your words, what makes Melville a better writer than Salinger? Not that I disagree I jist want to hear why you think it.

>> No.4861913


> I think russian is the best language when it comes to literature
> oh I think english is, england had way more authors than russia and also has all of the english speaking nations in he world

> do nothing but list English authora

> stop moving the goalposts retard

Good talk dad.

>> No.4861924


Anyway so far the score is 70-7 in english vs russian, call me back to the thread when you put down 63 more important Russian authors and I'll dump another fifty or so.

>> No.4861926

Are you really this obtuse?

I called you a pseud

>the whole of English literature is more important than Russian literature
>Hell, even American literature on its own is better than Russian
>Just look at all these great American authors e.g. Salinger
"Definitely unseats Dostoevsky"
>Well, no, but Faulkner is in par with Dosto
What does this even mean you fucking dunce? You think that because you can draw bullshit equivalencies between authors that thus far you have proven to a) know the name of and b) know their general reputation in their language's literature, that no one will notice how you have not actually said anything regarding the merits of either language's literature. And when I rightly call you a pseud for this you manage to miss the point entirely and instead begin listing English authors as if it proves something. You are autistic.

>> No.4861935

are you a samefag or just a commiserating retard?

>> No.4861943
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>salinger, the number one tool of the bilderberg group to create neurotic hedonists out of high school is now great literature

5 out of 5 thread on goodreads

>> No.4861952


Are you actually serious right now?

> the whole of English literature is more important than Russian literature
>Hell, even American literature on its own is better than Russian
>Just look at all these great American authors e.g. Salinger

You must realise that I was speaking to American literature as a whole and just happened to mention Salinger and wasn't directly pitting Salinger against whatever Russian champion you could come with.

You're right, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and Pushkin are all better than Salingee, I never said otherwise. Salinger though is part of a literary tradition which is better than Russias.

And what arguments have you made for Russian literature being better than English? Oh right, none.

>> No.4861957


Why am I a retard exactly? Because I think English literature is better tham Russian literaure and... provided examples.

>> No.4861974
File: 45 KB, 210x180, total_pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salinger though is part of a literary tradition which is better than Russias.

>> No.4861980


it's time to go back to reddit now

and take your manchild salinger nostalgia with you

>> No.4862003



> clearly one person carrying a conversation with you
> samefag

Yes... I am the same person, it's quite clear.

>> No.4862012


American literature is better than Russian. Salinger is a good author.


Because the only author I listed was Salinger right? I didn't list like 75 ohers as well. He's a good writer, I'm sorry you can't see that.

>> No.4862018

>Salinger is a good author.
No, he isn't. Retard. Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. He is literally the J K Rowling of the 20th century.

>> No.4862023


>hypes salinger to a ridiculous level while seriously calling someone a "sheep" in 2014

on this board you are reddit.

don't get mad now, you owe it to yourself to know what role you play here

>> No.4862034


> to a ridiculous level

You mean by saying he's a good writer?


Oh but saying he's bad over and over makes that true right?

>> No.4862038

I am not some Russophile who, crushed in light of your magnificent listing abilities, is wantonly shitposting. I am not calling you a pseud because my feeling are hurt, or because I disagree with you. I actually agree with you (well, not you exactly, because you don't seem to have an argument so much as you have a conviction and a list); as far as I'm concerned the supremacy of English literature has never been in contention. To get the impression that I was trying to argue that seems a pretty massive oversight on your part.

Your suggestion that American literature outclasses Russian I do disagree with, but that's beside the point. This sort of brashness and overextension is common in blind groping pseuds.

For some reason it seems to me you're willfully ignoring the actual upshot and intention of my posts and instead choosing to respond to what you want to me be saying, picking out a few phrases that could plausibly be misconstrued as an implication of the superiority of Russian literature, and pretending this is why I'm wasting all this time replying to you.

But no: I am relaying to you your essential mediocrity, your pseudo-bookishness, your ability to (with the help of a massive wealth of information and complete anonymity no less) meekly feign literary knowledge or insight. You have none. You are trash.

>> No.4862046

this is the worst list since schindler's list

>> No.4862048


You didn't make a single meaningful post in this thread. Please point one out to me.

>> No.4862049


>You mean by saying he's a good writer?

i mean by saying his work is on the level of the fucking cantos

just stop reddit pls

>> No.4862055

What does that mean exactly?

>> No.4862067


I never said that.


It means what it says. He didn't make a single post I could respond to with a real argument because he never presented any positions or points of view.

>> No.4862069


>> No.4862075


>I never said that.

fangirl pls

just stop posting for real you're terrible at it

>> No.4862085


Uh huh

Hey Harold Bloom put several of Salingers books into his list of essential works which make up he western canon and he wrote a book about Salingers writing recently. What a pleb. And those people who teach courses on hie writing at universities like Yale are even bigger plebs right?

You two random guys on 4chan with literally no argument except "he's bad" are the authority here.

>> No.4862086

as i've said before, anyone who says russian is someone who only reads novels or is russian

im not sure how to take this question. taking it as "what language allows you to write the best literature" my guess would be english around shakespeare's time... the language was extremely malleable which gave enormous freedom to the poets of the time. but i have no familiarity with stuff like chinese/japanese, so who knows.

taking the question as something like "what language has the best literature" i'd say english, french, or greek. i'd put my money on english, which is obviously biased, but the english didn't focus on novels as much as the french did (i think poems are superior to novels), and just have more material than the greek material that survives today. but it's kind of not worth arguing between those three, they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

>> No.4862090


> inb4


I can always appeal to absolutely nothing like you. It will be fun... you'll say 'he's bad pleb' and I will say 'no he's not' and we can go on forever.

>> No.4862091

Can I take this to mean you're the listing guy I called a pseud?

If so, please note: there is no such thing as a debate or even an argument on 4chan. To elevate what amounts to the complete breakdown of human communication via reaction images and buzzwords to the mantle of an "argument" is absurd.

That said, as I said before, my "position" as it were is not what you thought it was. I agree with you about English literature. Not American, but that position is tangential.

No—my meaning, my cause célèbre in this thread, is nothing more than to accuse you of being a pseud. If this somehow occludes you from actually expounding on your fabulous lists, by actually making your convictions vulnerable to scrutiny and discussion, them please tell me and I will take it back.

But as it stands you're a P-S-E-U-D

>> No.4862102


>Hey Harold Bloom put several of Salingers books into his list of essential works

this coming from the anon who was seriously calling people "sheep" a few posts ago, lol i love it

reddit with another winning post

>> No.4862103


No you're a pseud.

>> No.4862106


Oh hey I called this already


Nothing it is then!

No Salinger is a good writer. You go back to reddit.

>> No.4862108

and this as well, this strikes me as particularly bold behavior for someone under fire for being a pseud. For some reason it's common on 4chan to announce your fallacy before someone else can, as if that makes it OK, as if the exchange were nothing more than an Easter egg hunt for niggling mistakes, whoever can find the most and declare them the loudest, even when they're his, can tell himself he's "won," but will keep replying anyway, and will come back tomorrow, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, to shitpost afresh

>> No.4862116
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 632734f7-68ff-4cbc-88d3-c3dc0a32f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is retarded. I come to /lit/ in the hopes thst the caliber of people will be higher than on other boards. But here you all are, making the most active thread on the board a shitposting rant and arguing a subjective stance about Russians and Salinger. Here is a real post on the matter, >>4861738 someone pretend you aren't functionally fucking retarded and address it instead of:

"Russia only has a few great authors and they were hit or miss. Somehow inexplicably proving English writers to be superior."


"I read Salinger and it was one of the few books I easily understood, also, it's widely read and how can I be pretentious about an extremely popular novel."

Fucking retards

>> No.4862129


So wait, I'm supposed to prove to someone that a work of art is good? But that's impossible. I jist wanted to explain to him that very educated people enjoy Salinger and it's unfair to say he's just some pleb nostalgia author.

But hey saying absolutely nothing is better right?

You guys are like characters out of alice in wonderland.

>> No.4862139


> somehow inexplicably

I... I listed so many English authors and I never said Russian authors were hit or miss... you can't even read.

>> No.4862145

Farsi sounds amazing.

>> No.4862147


I never said he was in that league, you made that assumption, I was seriously just listingnthenfirst american authors who came to mind, and then stopped when I felt I had enough.

You're an idiot.

>> No.4862149

This was a troll thread from the get-go, son. That's how it works on /lit/: They cycle a few pet topics until the very mention of them (eg Rand, Antinatalism) becomes an all-clear for shitposting.

We're not to blame for your jejune expectations and board illiteracy. Lurk more, faggot

>> No.4862153

literal autism

>> No.4862155



and read >>4862108 again and try not to get too distracted because it seems you're having a hard time with not being a pseud

>> No.4862181


But I think you are the pseud.

>> No.4862185

Well, I am on /lit/. I admit I haven't proved my authentic mettle with CHAUCER SHAKESPEARE MILTON DRYDEN DONNE SKELTON BROWNING BYRON SHELLEY

>> No.4862201


Yeh imagine listing the most well known authors in the canon to supply evidence for that language. You said absolutely nothing though... so you're the biggest pseud.

>> No.4862212

So have we come full circle then? Is your memory that bad?

>> No.4862219


>> No.4862222


No. You still haven't said a thing. It's really really weird that you're doing this on an anonymous website.

>> No.4862228

By which I mean if you weren't so careless you'd realize I've already thoroughly been over why your list makes you a pseud and how I've forgone any other function in this thread to focus on chiding you for being a pseud

>> No.4862234

>Haven't said a thing


can you even read or are you just guessing?

>> No.4862235


>> No.4862245

I don't think you guys have come full circle until each of you posts links to what you said, just to make it exactly clear who is who.
We'll call you: "granddad" and "fancypants".

>> No.4862253

easy-to-learn =! simplistic.

>> No.4862296


Yes but that's very stupid of you.

>> No.4863048


>> No.4863057

Anything European that isn't English or Scandinavian.

>> No.4863072

Bedecke deinen Himmel, Zeus,
mit Wolkendunst,
und übe, dem Knaben gleich,
der Disteln köpft,
an Eichen dich und Bergeshöhn!

Good German writing rolls like nothing in the world...

>> No.4863092

No just no. Russia doesn't only have a much wider range of words and grammar, it also sounds much better and is one of the most developed languages out there thanks to all the European additions.

German is just nasty, on every fucking level.

I'd just roll with English, it's almost as "good" as Russian, sounds nice and every faggot can use it, which lowers the effort to make wordplay and puns work globally.

Japanese seems cool too but I can't rate it.

Not same Anon, and only learning it for two years but shit, it seems simplistic as fuck. Such a peasant language galore. Plus catholic crap.

>and is important to the western canon
dat criteria

and thinking that more writers means the language is better. Oh boy.

>> No.4863096

Pretty nice but rather poetry than literature.

>> No.4863122

Do you mean "prose" by "literature"? Poetry is a part of literature.

>> No.4863153

Bitte um Verzeihung.

>> No.4863196

That's because you`re a pleb and never heard poetry or folk music in low german.

>> No.4863223
File: 163 KB, 500x375, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia doesn't only have a much wider range of words
When it comes to swearing maybe, russian being such a rich language is quite a myth.

>> No.4863383


>> No.4863403

German or russian. English is an important language, yeah, but it's so easy to pick up that I spoke it perfectly before my 18th birthday, despite it not being my native language.

Also, english morphology is pretty weak. In german, creating new words is both easy and fun, especially since most more complex german verbs are just metaphors made out of less complex verbs.
So for poetry I'd definately say german.

Latin is up there, aswell, but really only as a basis for other languages. And I doubt anyone today has latin as a native language.

>> No.4863419

English, of course. It's the lingua franca.

If you wanted to learn something else, then French; the tradition runs well in literature, poetry, and philosophy so its a good investment just on that basis. German afterwards for similar reasons.

BTW, these are the three most spoken languages in the EU, so it's a good way to inundate yourself with the region at large. US-Canada is a lock, because even the rising Latino contingent won't take to your Spanish prose if you aren't Hispanic.

>> No.4863425

English or Spanish, idk about german.
French lacks the word variety and lingustic creativity to be a great literary language

>> No.4863455

He's right though. I mean linguistically German is pretty interesting, but as a spoken language it isn't very pretty. Latin and Greek have similar complexities while managing not to sound like shit.
French doesn't have the "flow" (not sure what this is called exactly, but french doesn't have any rhythem to its words like English and Spanish) to be considered a truly great language, although its literary traditions are impressive (even Quebec, which is the hillbilly scotland of the french speaking world is the least pleb area in north america).
Spanish is nice, but it doesn't strike me as being hugely different that English, in terms of variety, wordplay, flow, ect. I think they could really be considered the same language.
I've never met a portuguese speaker who wasn't a plebus maximus, and even if I was given the chance to learn it I wouldn't due to association.
Like >>4863403 said German morphology is pretty beautiful, but we can find the same thing in Greek (and latin? not completely sure) which sounds more beautiful (if we did a rating just on how it sounds, I think classical greek would be up there for the most beautiful language).
Chinese, Vietnamese, ect. are also very beautiful to speak because of their tonal systems, but the chinese alphabet is fucked. Vietnamese is pretty fun just from how complex the family relationships can get (there are different words depending if its your uncle on the mothers side or the fathers side, cousins are called differently depending on factors like age and family place, ect, pretty cool language), I don't know if other Asiatic languages have the same thing.

>> No.4863456

Define "literature"

>> No.4863458

why do germans always feel the need to defend their literature like their life depends on it?

>> No.4863469

>and latin? not completely sure
As the guy you responded to, yes, latin can do the same thing just as greek. Though I don't think greek is as beautiful as latin, but I never cared much for the sound of a language. Maybe german is ugly, I never considered it that. I considered it an efficient tool with lots of possibilities. English may sound more beautiful (except if it tries to pronounce latin/greek names, then it gets nasty), but it just lacks the complexity of german - both in grammar and in morphology. That's why I personally consider it an ugly language, efficient, yes, but only efficient for everyday talk. It is not beautiful in the same sense german, latin and greek are beautiful.

>> No.4863475

Writing that is not directly necessary. (A cooking book, for example, is written, but has a purpose besides the writing. It is necessary to teach someone how to cook.)

That's a starting point for a definition, atleast.

>> No.4863487

Because whenever people talk about anything related to germany, it immediately ends with nazi jokes and the actual topic isn't taken serious anymore. We did other things besides trying to take over the world.

>> No.4863514

Yes, the killing the jooce thing and getting #2 in football.

>> No.4863537

Let's hope for you that you're not english.

>> No.4863666

I am not, neither care about national teams much. It's just such a delicate topic for Germans.

>> No.4863687

In no order whatsoever:

>> No.4864387

>It tends to be more complex than other languages
>In English there are usually dozens of ways to say any sentence

Lol, do you even speak any other language?
For starters, English is actually quite strict when talking about word order.
In many languages, you can arbitrary reorder the words, in order to change emphasis or subtly change the tone or meaning, something that you cannot do easily in English.

Or if you are just talking about choice of synonyms to construct a phrase, you're a retard, other languages also them.

Do you want to know what English has complex?
The answer is phonetics, it is a clusterfuck of sounds compared to most other languages.
And guess what, a written text it not affected by it.

>> No.4864432

What difference can you point between French and Spanish as languages?
They are quite similar languages with similar constructs, but with a different vocabullary

>> No.4864446

let me guess you're italian?

this is so childish you're native language is not the best language in the world

>> No.4864452

>We did other things besides trying to take over the world.
no you didn't

>> No.4864453


This coming from a Russian speaker. My bias resides in German philosophy, however, not Russian lit.

>> No.4864456

"plebus maximus" here, fuck you man.
How can Spanish and English can be considered the same language, when they are worlds apart, what the fuck are you smoking?

Also to educate you, Portuguese and Spanish are almost the same language in terms of grammar, and with a nearly identical vocabulary. The main difference is in phonetics, Portuguese has a much more complex sound in terms of vowels and diphthongs.
Due to this facts, a Portuguese speaker can understand Spanish, but a Spanish speaker will struggle to understand spoken Portuguese since it can't recognize some sounds.

Also "chinese" having an alphabet, what the fuck man?
Chinese is a pictorial language, there is no such concept as alphabet, unless you are talking about pinyin.
I guess you are the plebus maximus, but at least I will not imply that all speakers of your language are the same as you.

>> No.4864624

>Brazilian/Portuguese speaker talking shit about anything
Don't you have a floor to clean or something? Complex doesn't equal good, and it doesn't change the fact that Portuguese countries are shitholes. You guys are almost as bad as slavs. And for your information most spanish speakers can understand you, they just choose to ignore you.
Obviously I'm talking about alphabet in the most general sense of the term. Languages don't have to be stirctly phonetic.

To change the subject, anyone here speak Finish? I love the accent and apperently they don't even have the "his/hers" gender cases of English. Seems like an interesting language.

>> No.4864760

For Poetry, anything but English

>> No.4864772

Holy shit is this guy wrong
>It also isn't as rigidly structured as most of the other big ones.
You probs think all other languages are rigid due to only being taught basic sentence structures
>t also benefits from the fact that in its modern form it is Germanic and Latin based.
Someone forgot that the mixture of etymology of english vocabulary results in extreme difficulty in poetic rhyming due to different word endings

>> No.4864775

russian and then english

>> No.4864783

i wish posters like you would leave this board,please fuck off to /int/

>> No.4864819


>> No.4864915

Russian and Japanese.

They are just both extremely beautiful languages.

tfw having swedish as native tongue

>> No.4864933

>(not sure what this is called exactly, but french doesn't have any rhythem to its words like English and Spanish)

>> No.4865549

So is Nabokov considered Russian or American?